This is a port from the library for Arduino provided by Sparkfun with their breakout board of the LSM9DS0. The original library can be found here: It is also provided an AHRS example based on Madgwick, also a port from an Arduino example. All of this was tested on a Nucleo F411RE and a Sparkfun breakout board.

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00001 /*
00002 Code by @OlimexSmart - Luca Olivieri
00003 This is a port from the Sparkfun library provided
00004 with the breakout board of the LSM9DS0.
00005 Visit their github for full comments:
00007 */
00009 #ifndef _LSM9DS0_H__
00010 #define _LSM9DS0_H__
00012 #include "mbed.h"
00014 ////////////////////////////
00015 // LSM9DS0 Gyro Registers //
00016 ////////////////////////////
00017 #define WHO_AM_I_G          0x0F
00018 #define CTRL_REG1_G         0x20
00019 #define CTRL_REG2_G         0x21
00020 #define CTRL_REG3_G         0x22
00021 #define CTRL_REG4_G         0x23
00022 #define CTRL_REG5_G         0x24
00023 #define REFERENCE_G         0x25
00024 #define STATUS_REG_G        0x27
00025 #define OUT_X_L_G           0x28
00026 #define OUT_X_H_G           0x29
00027 #define OUT_Y_L_G           0x2A
00028 #define OUT_Y_H_G           0x2B
00029 #define OUT_Z_L_G           0x2C
00030 #define OUT_Z_H_G           0x2D
00031 #define FIFO_CTRL_REG_G     0x2E
00032 #define FIFO_SRC_REG_G      0x2F
00033 #define INT1_CFG_G          0x30
00034 #define INT1_SRC_G          0x31
00035 #define INT1_THS_XH_G       0x32
00036 #define INT1_THS_XL_G       0x33
00037 #define INT1_THS_YH_G       0x34
00038 #define INT1_THS_YL_G       0x35
00039 #define INT1_THS_ZH_G       0x36
00040 #define INT1_THS_ZL_G       0x37
00041 #define INT1_DURATION_G     0x38
00043 //////////////////////////////////////////
00044 // LSM9DS0 Accel/Magneto (XM) Registers //
00045 //////////////////////////////////////////
00046 #define OUT_TEMP_L_XM       0x05
00047 #define OUT_TEMP_H_XM       0x06
00048 #define STATUS_REG_M        0x07
00049 #define OUT_X_L_M           0x08
00050 #define OUT_X_H_M           0x09
00051 #define OUT_Y_L_M           0x0A
00052 #define OUT_Y_H_M           0x0B
00053 #define OUT_Z_L_M           0x0C
00054 #define OUT_Z_H_M           0x0D
00055 #define WHO_AM_I_XM         0x0F
00056 #define INT_CTRL_REG_M      0x12
00057 #define INT_SRC_REG_M       0x13
00058 #define INT_THS_L_M         0x14
00059 #define INT_THS_H_M         0x15
00060 #define OFFSET_X_L_M        0x16
00061 #define OFFSET_X_H_M        0x17
00062 #define OFFSET_Y_L_M        0x18
00063 #define OFFSET_Y_H_M        0x19
00064 #define OFFSET_Z_L_M        0x1A
00065 #define OFFSET_Z_H_M        0x1B
00066 #define REFERENCE_X         0x1C
00067 #define REFERENCE_Y         0x1D
00068 #define REFERENCE_Z         0x1E
00069 #define CTRL_REG0_XM        0x1F
00070 #define CTRL_REG1_XM        0x20
00071 #define CTRL_REG2_XM        0x21
00072 #define CTRL_REG3_XM        0x22
00073 #define CTRL_REG4_XM        0x23
00074 #define CTRL_REG5_XM        0x24
00075 #define CTRL_REG6_XM        0x25
00076 #define CTRL_REG7_XM        0x26
00077 #define STATUS_REG_A        0x27
00078 #define OUT_X_L_A           0x28
00079 #define OUT_X_H_A           0x29
00080 #define OUT_Y_L_A           0x2A
00081 #define OUT_Y_H_A           0x2B
00082 #define OUT_Z_L_A           0x2C
00083 #define OUT_Z_H_A           0x2D
00084 #define FIFO_CTRL_REG       0x2E
00085 #define FIFO_SRC_REG        0x2F
00086 #define INT_GEN_1_REG       0x30
00087 #define INT_GEN_1_SRC       0x31
00088 #define INT_GEN_1_THS       0x32
00089 #define INT_GEN_1_DURATION  0x33
00090 #define INT_GEN_2_REG       0x34
00091 #define INT_GEN_2_SRC       0x35
00092 #define INT_GEN_2_THS       0x36
00093 #define INT_GEN_2_DURATION  0x37
00094 #define CLICK_CFG           0x38
00095 #define CLICK_SRC           0x39
00096 #define CLICK_THS           0x3A
00097 #define TIME_LIMIT          0x3B
00098 #define TIME_LATENCY        0x3C
00099 #define TIME_WINDOW         0x3D
00100 #define ACT_THS             0x3E
00101 #define ACT_DUR             0x3F
00104 class LSM9DS0
00105 {
00106 public:
00107     // gyro_scale defines the possible full-scale ranges of the gyroscope:
00108     enum gyro_scale {
00109         G_SCALE_245DPS,     // 00: +/- 245 degrees per second
00110         G_SCALE_500DPS,     // 01: +/- 500 dps
00111         G_SCALE_2000DPS,    // 10: +/- 2000 dps
00112     };
00114     // accel_scale defines all possible FSR's of the accelerometer:
00115     enum accel_scale {
00116         A_SCALE_2G, // 000: +/- 2g
00117         A_SCALE_4G, // 001: +/- 4g
00118         A_SCALE_6G, // 010: +/- 6g
00119         A_SCALE_8G, // 011: +/- 8g
00120         A_SCALE_16G // 100: +/- 16g
00121     };
00123     // mag_scale defines all possible FSR's of the magnetometer:
00124     enum mag_scale {
00125         M_SCALE_2GS,    // 00: +/- 2Gs
00126         M_SCALE_4GS,    // 01: +/- 4Gs
00127         M_SCALE_8GS,    // 10: +/- 8Gs
00128         M_SCALE_12GS,   // 11: +/- 12Gs
00129     };
00131     // gyro_odr defines all possible data rate/bandwidth combos of the gyro:
00132     enum gyro_odr {
00133         // ODR (Hz) --- Cutoff
00134         G_ODR_95_BW_125  = 0x0, //   95         12.5
00135         G_ODR_95_BW_25   = 0x1, //   95          25
00136         // 0x2 and 0x3 define the same data rate and bandwidth
00137         G_ODR_190_BW_125 = 0x4, //   190        12.5
00138         G_ODR_190_BW_25  = 0x5, //   190         25
00139         G_ODR_190_BW_50  = 0x6, //   190         50
00140         G_ODR_190_BW_70  = 0x7, //   190         70
00141         G_ODR_380_BW_20  = 0x8, //   380         20
00142         G_ODR_380_BW_25  = 0x9, //   380         25
00143         G_ODR_380_BW_50  = 0xA, //   380         50
00144         G_ODR_380_BW_100 = 0xB, //   380         100
00145         G_ODR_760_BW_30  = 0xC, //   760         30
00146         G_ODR_760_BW_35  = 0xD, //   760         35
00147         G_ODR_760_BW_50  = 0xE, //   760         50
00148         G_ODR_760_BW_100 = 0xF, //   760         100
00149     };
00151     // accel_oder defines all possible output data rates of the accelerometer:
00152     enum accel_odr {
00153         A_POWER_DOWN,   // Power-down mode (0x0)
00154         A_ODR_3125,     // 3.125 Hz (0x1)
00155         A_ODR_625,      // 6.25 Hz (0x2)
00156         A_ODR_125,      // 12.5 Hz (0x3)
00157         A_ODR_25,       // 25 Hz (0x4)
00158         A_ODR_50,       // 50 Hz (0x5)
00159         A_ODR_100,      // 100 Hz (0x6)
00160         A_ODR_200,      // 200 Hz (0x7)
00161         A_ODR_400,      // 400 Hz (0x8)
00162         A_ODR_800,      // 800 Hz (9)
00163         A_ODR_1600      // 1600 Hz (0xA)
00164     };
00166     // accel_abw defines all possible anti-aliasing filter rates of the accelerometer:
00167     enum accel_abw {
00168         A_ABW_773,      // 773 Hz (0x0)
00169         A_ABW_194,      // 194 Hz (0x1)
00170         A_ABW_362,      // 362 Hz (0x2)
00171         A_ABW_50,       //  50 Hz (0x3)
00172     };
00174     // accel_oder defines all possible output data rates of the magnetometer:
00175     enum mag_odr {
00176         M_ODR_3125, // 3.125 Hz (0x00)
00177         M_ODR_625,  // 6.25 Hz (0x01)
00178         M_ODR_125,  // 12.5 Hz (0x02)
00179         M_ODR_25,   // 25 Hz (0x03)
00180         M_ODR_50,   // 50 (0x04)
00181         M_ODR_100,  // 100 Hz (0x05)
00182     };
00184     // We'll store the gyro, accel, and magnetometer readings in a series of
00185     // public class variables. Each sensor gets three variables -- one for each
00186     // axis. Call readGyro(), readAccel(), and readMag() first, before using
00187     // these variables!
00188     // These values are the RAW signed 16-bit readings from the sensors.
00189     int16_t gx, gy, gz; // x, y, and z axis readings of the gyroscope
00190     int16_t ax, ay, az; // x, y, and z axis readings of the accelerometer
00191     int16_t mx, my, mz; // x, y, and z axis readings of the magnetometer
00192     int16_t temperature;
00193     float abias[3];
00194     float gbias[3];
00197     // LSM9DS0 -- LSM9DS0 class constructor
00198     // The constructor will set up a handful of private variables, and set the
00199     // communication mode as well.
00200     // Input:
00201     //  - interface = Either MODE_SPI or MODE_I2C, whichever you're using
00202     //              to talk to the IC.
00203     //  - gAddr = If MODE_I2C, this is the I2C address of the gyroscope.
00204     //              If MODE_SPI, this is the chip select pin of the gyro (CSG)
00205     //  - xmAddr = If MODE_I2C, this is the I2C address of the accel/mag.
00206     //              If MODE_SPI, this is the cs pin of the accel/mag (CSXM)
00207     LSM9DS0(PinName sda, PinName scl, uint8_t gAddr, uint8_t xmAddr);
00209     // begin() -- Initialize the gyro, accelerometer, and magnetometer.
00210     // This will set up the scale and output rate of each sensor. It'll also
00211     // "turn on" every sensor and every axis of every sensor.
00212     // Input:
00213     //  - gScl = The scale of the gyroscope. This should be a gyro_scale value.
00214     //  - aScl = The scale of the accelerometer. Should be a accel_scale value.
00215     //  - mScl = The scale of the magnetometer. Should be a mag_scale value.
00216     //  - gODR = Output data rate of the gyroscope. gyro_odr value.
00217     //  - aODR = Output data rate of the accelerometer. accel_odr value.
00218     //  - mODR = Output data rate of the magnetometer. mag_odr value.
00219     // Output: The function will return an unsigned 16-bit value. The most-sig
00220     //      bytes of the output are the WHO_AM_I reading of the accel. The
00221     //      least significant two bytes are the WHO_AM_I reading of the gyro.
00222     // All parameters have a defaulted value, so you can call just "begin()".
00223     // Default values are FSR's of: +/- 245DPS, 2g, 2Gs; ODRs of 95 Hz for
00224     // gyro, 100 Hz for accelerometer, 100 Hz for magnetometer.
00225     // Use the return value of this function to verify communication.
00226     uint16_t begin(gyro_scale gScl = G_SCALE_245DPS,
00227                    accel_scale aScl = A_SCALE_2G, mag_scale mScl = M_SCALE_2GS,
00228                    gyro_odr gODR = G_ODR_95_BW_125, accel_odr aODR = A_ODR_50,
00229                    mag_odr mODR = M_ODR_50);
00231     // readGyro() -- Read the gyroscope output registers.
00232     // This function will read all six gyroscope output registers.
00233     // The readings are stored in the class' gx, gy, and gz variables. Read
00234     // those _after_ calling readGyro().
00235     void readGyro();
00237     // readAccel() -- Read the accelerometer output registers.
00238     // This function will read all six accelerometer output registers.
00239     // The readings are stored in the class' ax, ay, and az variables. Read
00240     // those _after_ calling readAccel().
00241     void readAccel();
00243     // readMag() -- Read the magnetometer output registers.
00244     // This function will read all six magnetometer output registers.
00245     // The readings are stored in the class' mx, my, and mz variables. Read
00246     // those _after_ calling readMag().
00247     void readMag();
00249     // readTemp() -- Read the temperature output register.
00250     // This function will read two temperature output registers.
00251     // The combined readings are stored in the class' temperature variables. Read
00252     // those _after_ calling readTemp().
00253     void readTemp();
00255     // calcGyro() -- Convert from RAW signed 16-bit value to degrees per second
00256     // This function reads in a signed 16-bit value and returns the scaled
00257     // DPS. This function relies on gScale and gRes being correct.
00258     // Input:
00259     //  - gyro = A signed 16-bit raw reading from the gyroscope.
00260     float calcGyro(int16_t gyro);
00262     // calcAccel() -- Convert from RAW signed 16-bit value to gravity (g's).
00263     // This function reads in a signed 16-bit value and returns the scaled
00264     // g's. This function relies on aScale and aRes being correct.
00265     // Input:
00266     //  - accel = A signed 16-bit raw reading from the accelerometer.
00267     float calcAccel(int16_t accel);
00269     // calcMag() -- Convert from RAW signed 16-bit value to Gauss (Gs)
00270     // This function reads in a signed 16-bit value and returns the scaled
00271     // Gs. This function relies on mScale and mRes being correct.
00272     // Input:
00273     //  - mag = A signed 16-bit raw reading from the magnetometer.
00274     float calcMag(int16_t mag);
00276     // setGyroScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the gyroscope.
00277     // This function can be called to set the scale of the gyroscope to
00278     // 245, 500, or 200 degrees per second.
00279     // Input:
00280     //  - gScl = The desired gyroscope scale. Must be one of three possible
00281     //      values from the gyro_scale enum.
00282     void setGyroScale(gyro_scale gScl);
00284     // setAccelScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the accelerometer.
00285     // This function can be called to set the scale of the accelerometer to
00286     // 2, 4, 6, 8, or 16 g's.
00287     // Input:
00288     //  - aScl = The desired accelerometer scale. Must be one of five possible
00289     //      values from the accel_scale enum.
00290     void setAccelScale(accel_scale aScl);
00292     // setMagScale() -- Set the full-scale range of the magnetometer.
00293     // This function can be called to set the scale of the magnetometer to
00294     // 2, 4, 8, or 12 Gs.
00295     // Input:
00296     //  - mScl = The desired magnetometer scale. Must be one of four possible
00297     //      values from the mag_scale enum.
00298     void setMagScale(mag_scale mScl);
00300     // setGyroODR() -- Set the output data rate and bandwidth of the gyroscope
00301     // Input:
00302     //  - gRate = The desired output rate and cutoff frequency of the gyro.
00303     //      Must be a value from the gyro_odr enum (check above, there're 14).
00304     void setGyroODR(gyro_odr gRate);
00306     // setAccelODR() -- Set the output data rate of the accelerometer
00307     // Input:
00308     //  - aRate = The desired output rate of the accel.
00309     //      Must be a value from the accel_odr enum (check above, there're 11).
00310     void setAccelODR(accel_odr aRate);
00312     // setMagODR() -- Set the output data rate of the magnetometer
00313     // Input:
00314     //  - mRate = The desired output rate of the mag.
00315     //      Must be a value from the mag_odr enum (check above, there're 6).
00316     void setMagODR(mag_odr mRate);
00318     // setAccelABW() -- Set the anti-aliasing filter rate of the accelerometer
00319     // Input:
00320     //  - abwRate = The desired anti-aliasing filter rate of the accel.
00321     //      Must be a value from the accel_abw enum (check above, there're 4).
00322     void setAccelABW(accel_abw abwRate);
00325     // configGyroInt() -- Configure the gyro interrupt output.
00326     // Triggers can be set to either rising above or falling below a specified
00327     // threshold. This function helps setup the interrupt configuration and
00328     // threshold values for all axes.
00329     // Input:
00330     //  - int1Cfg = A 8-bit value that is sent directly to the INT1_CFG_G
00331     //      register. This sets AND/OR and high/low interrupt gen for each axis
00332     //  - int1ThsX = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for x-axis
00333     //  - int1ThsY = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for y-axis
00334     //  - int1ThsZ = 16-bit interrupt threshold value for z-axis
00335     //  - duration = Duration an interrupt holds after triggered. This value
00336     //      is copied directly into the INT1_DURATION_G register.
00337     // Before using this function, read about the INT1_CFG_G register and
00338     // the related INT1* registers in the LMS9DS0 datasheet.
00339     void configGyroInt(uint8_t int1Cfg, uint16_t int1ThsX = 0,
00340                        uint16_t int1ThsY = 0, uint16_t int1ThsZ = 0,
00341                        uint8_t duration = 0);
00343     void calLSM9DS0(float gbias[3], float abias[3]);
00346 private:
00347     // xmAddress and gAddress store the I2C address
00348     // for each sensor.
00349     uint8_t xmAddress, gAddress;
00351     // gScale, aScale, and mScale store the current scale range for each
00352     // sensor. Should be updated whenever that value changes.
00353     gyro_scale gScale;
00354     accel_scale aScale;
00355     mag_scale mScale;
00357     // gRes, aRes, and mRes store the current resolution for each sensor.
00358     // Units of these values would be DPS (or g's or Gs's) per ADC tick.
00359     // This value is calculated as (sensor scale) / (2^15).
00360     float gRes, aRes, mRes;
00362     // initGyro() -- Sets up the gyroscope to begin reading.
00363     // This function steps through all five gyroscope control registers.
00364     // Upon exit, the following parameters will be set:
00365     //  - CTRL_REG1_G = 0x0F: Normal operation mode, all axes enabled.
00366     //      95 Hz ODR, 12.5 Hz cutoff frequency.
00367     //  - CTRL_REG2_G = 0x00: HPF set to normal mode, cutoff frequency
00368     //      set to 7.2 Hz (depends on ODR).
00369     //  - CTRL_REG3_G = 0x88: Interrupt enabled on INT_G (set to push-pull and
00370     //      active high). Data-ready output enabled on DRDY_G.
00371     //  - CTRL_REG4_G = 0x00: Continuous update mode. Data LSB stored in lower
00372     //      address. Scale set to 245 DPS. SPI mode set to 4-wire.
00373     //  - CTRL_REG5_G = 0x00: FIFO disabled. HPF disabled.
00374     void initGyro();
00376     // initAccel() -- Sets up the accelerometer to begin reading.
00377     // This function steps through all accelerometer related control registers.
00378     // Upon exit these registers will be set as:
00379     //  - CTRL_REG0_XM = 0x00: FIFO disabled. HPF bypassed. Normal mode.
00380     //  - CTRL_REG1_XM = 0x57: 100 Hz data rate. Continuous update.
00381     //      all axes enabled.
00382     //  - CTRL_REG2_XM = 0x00: +/- 2g scale. 773 Hz anti-alias filter BW.
00383     //  - CTRL_REG3_XM = 0x04: Accel data ready signal on INT1_XM pin.
00384     void initAccel();
00386     // initMag() -- Sets up the magnetometer to begin reading.
00387     // This function steps through all magnetometer-related control registers.
00388     // Upon exit these registers will be set as:
00389     //  - CTRL_REG4_XM = 0x04: Mag data ready signal on INT2_XM pin.
00390     //  - CTRL_REG5_XM = 0x14: 100 Hz update rate. Low resolution. Interrupt
00391     //      requests don't latch. Temperature sensor disabled.
00392     //  - CTRL_REG6_XM = 0x00: +/- 2 Gs scale.
00393     //  - CTRL_REG7_XM = 0x00: Continuous conversion mode. Normal HPF mode.
00394     //  - INT_CTRL_REG_M = 0x09: Interrupt active-high. Enable interrupts.
00395     void initMag();
00397     // gReadByte() -- Reads a byte from a specified gyroscope register.
00398     // Input:
00399     //  - subAddress = Register to be read from.
00400     // Output:
00401     //  - An 8-bit value read from the requested address.
00402     uint8_t gReadByte(uint8_t subAddress);
00404     // gReadBytes() -- Reads a number of bytes -- beginning at an address
00405     // and incrementing from there -- from the gyroscope.
00406     // Input:
00407     //  - subAddress = Register to be read from.
00408     //  - * dest = A pointer to an array of uint8_t's. Values read will be
00409     //      stored in here on return.
00410     //  - count = The number of bytes to be read.
00411     // Output: No value is returned, but the `dest` array will store
00412     //  the data read upon exit.
00413     void gReadBytes(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count);
00415     // gWriteByte() -- Write a byte to a register in the gyroscope.
00416     // Input:
00417     //  - subAddress = Register to be written to.
00418     //  - data = data to be written to the register.
00419     void gWriteByte(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data);
00421     // xmReadByte() -- Read a byte from a register in the accel/mag sensor
00422     // Input:
00423     //  - subAddress = Register to be read from.
00424     // Output:
00425     //  - An 8-bit value read from the requested register.
00426     uint8_t xmReadByte(uint8_t subAddress);
00428     // xmReadBytes() -- Reads a number of bytes -- beginning at an address
00429     // and incrementing from there -- from the accelerometer/magnetometer.
00430     // Input:
00431     //  - subAddress = Register to be read from.
00432     //  - * dest = A pointer to an array of uint8_t's. Values read will be
00433     //      stored in here on return.
00434     //  - count = The number of bytes to be read.
00435     // Output: No value is returned, but the `dest` array will store
00436     //  the data read upon exit.
00437     void xmReadBytes(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count);
00439     // xmWriteByte() -- Write a byte to a register in the accel/mag sensor.
00440     // Input:
00441     //  - subAddress = Register to be written to.
00442     //  - data = data to be written to the register.
00443     void xmWriteByte(uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data);
00445     // calcgRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the gyroscope.
00446     // This function will set the value of the gRes variable. gScale must
00447     // be set prior to calling this function.
00448     void calcgRes();
00450     // calcmRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the magnetometer.
00451     // This function will set the value of the mRes variable. mScale must
00452     // be set prior to calling this function.
00453     void calcmRes();
00455     // calcaRes() -- Calculate the resolution of the accelerometer.
00456     // This function will set the value of the aRes variable. aScale must
00457     // be set prior to calling this function.
00458     void calcaRes();
00461     ///////////////////
00462     // I2C Functions //
00463     ///////////////////
00464     I2C* i2c_;
00467     // I2CwriteByte() -- Write a byte out of I2C to a register in the device
00468     // Input:
00469     //  - address = The 7-bit I2C address of the slave device.
00470     //  - subAddress = The register to be written to.
00471     //  - data = Byte to be written to the register.
00472     void I2CwriteByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t data);
00474     // I2CreadByte() -- Read a single byte from a register over I2C.
00475     // Input:
00476     //  - address = The 7-bit I2C address of the slave device.
00477     //  - subAddress = The register to be read from.
00478     // Output:
00479     //  - The byte read from the requested address.
00480     uint8_t I2CreadByte(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress);
00482     // I2CreadBytes() -- Read a series of bytes, starting at a register via SPI
00483     // Input:
00484     //  - address = The 7-bit I2C address of the slave device.
00485     //  - subAddress = The register to begin reading.
00486     //  - * dest = Pointer to an array where we'll store the readings.
00487     //  - count = Number of registers to be read.
00488     // Output: No value is returned by the function, but the registers read are
00489     //      all stored in the *dest array given.
00490     void I2CreadBytes(uint8_t address, uint8_t subAddress, uint8_t * dest, uint8_t count);
00491 };
00493 #endif // _LSM9DS0_H //