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00001 /* USBMouse.h */
00002 /* USB device example: relative mouse */
00003 /* Copyright (c) 2011 ARM Limited. All rights reserved. */
00005 #ifndef USBMOUSE_H
00006 #define USBMOUSE_H
00008 #include "USBHID.h"
00010 #define REPORT_ID_MOUSE   2
00012 /* Common usage */
00014 enum MOUSE_BUTTON
00015 {
00016     MOUSE_LEFT = 1,
00017     MOUSE_RIGHT = 2,
00018     MOUSE_MIDDLE = 4,
00019 };
00021 /* X and Y limits */
00022 /* These values do not directly map to screen pixels */
00023 /* Zero may be interpreted as meaning 'no movement' */
00024 #define X_MIN_ABS    (1)        /*!< Minimum value on x-axis */  
00025 #define Y_MIN_ABS    (1)        /*!< Minimum value on y-axis */
00026 #define X_MAX_ABS    (0x7fff)   /*!< Maximum value on x-axis */
00027 #define Y_MAX_ABS    (0x7fff)   /*!< Maximum value on y-axis */
00029 #define X_MIN_REL    (-127)     /*!< The maximum value that we can move to the left on the x-axis */
00030 #define Y_MIN_REL    (-127)     /*!< The maximum value that we can move up on the y-axis */
00031 #define X_MAX_REL    (127)      /*!< The maximum value that we can move to the right on the x-axis */
00032 #define Y_MAX_REL    (127)      /*!< The maximum value that we can move down on the y-axis */
00034 enum MOUSE_TYPE
00035 {
00036     ABS_MOUSE,
00037     REL_MOUSE,
00038 };
00040 /**
00041  *
00042  * USBMouse example
00043  * @code
00044  * #include "mbed.h"
00045  * #include "USBMouse.h"
00046  *
00047  * USBMouse mouse;
00048  *
00049  * int main(void)
00050  * {
00051  *   while (1)
00052  *   {
00053  *      mouse.move(20, 0);
00054  *      wait(0.5);
00055  *   }
00056  * }
00057  *
00058  * @endcode
00059  *
00060  *
00061  * @code
00062  * #include "mbed.h"
00063  * #include "USBMouse.h"
00064  * #include <math.h>
00065  *
00066  * USBMouse mouse(ABS_MOUSE);
00067  *
00068  * int main(void)
00069  * {
00070  *   uint16_t x_center = (X_MAX_ABS - X_MIN_ABS)/2;
00071  *   uint16_t y_center = (Y_MAX_ABS - Y_MIN_ABS)/2;
00072  *   uint16_t x_screen = 0;
00073  *   uint16_t y_screen = 0;
00074  *   
00075  *   uint32_t x_origin = x_center;
00076  *   uint32_t y_origin = y_center;
00077  *   uint32_t radius = 5000;
00078  *   uint32_t angle = 0;
00079  *
00080  *   while (1)
00081  *   {
00082  *       x_screen = x_origin + cos((double)angle*3.14/180.0)*radius;
00083  *       y_screen = y_origin + sin((double)angle*3.14/180.0)*radius;
00084  *       
00085  *       mouse.move(x_screen, y_screen);
00086  *       angle += 3;
00087  *       wait(0.01);
00088  *   }
00089  * }
00090  *
00091  * @endcode
00092  */
00093 class USBMouse: public USBHID
00094 {
00095     public:
00097         /**
00098         *   Constructor
00099         *
00100         * @param mouse_type Mouse type: ABS_MOUSE (absolute mouse) or REL_MOUSE (relative mouse) (default: REL_MOUSE)
00101         * @param vendor_id Your vendor_id (default: 0x1234)
00102         * @param product_id Your product_id (default: 0x0001)
00103         * @param product_release Your preoduct_release (default: 0x0001)
00104         *
00105         */
00106         USBMouse(MOUSE_TYPE mouse_type = REL_MOUSE, uint16_t vendor_id = 0x1234, uint16_t product_id = 0x0001, uint16_t product_release = 0x0001): 
00107             USBHID(0, 0, vendor_id, product_id, product_release)
00108             { 
00109                 button = 0;
00110                 this->mouse_type = mouse_type;
00111             };
00113         /**
00114         * Write a state of the mouse
00115         *
00116         * @param x x-axis position
00117         * @param y y-axis position
00118         * @param buttons buttons state (first bit represents MOUSE_LEFT, second bit MOUSE_RIGHT and third bit MOUSE_MIDDLE)
00119         * @param z wheel state (>0 to scroll down, <0 to scroll up)
00120         * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
00121         */
00122         bool update(int16_t x, int16_t y, uint8_t buttons, int8_t z);
00125         /**
00126         * Move the cursor to (x, y)
00127         *
00128         * @param x-axis position
00129         * @param y-axis position
00130         * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
00131         */
00132         bool move(int16_t x, int16_t y);
00134         /**
00135         * Press one or several buttons
00136         *
00137         * @param button button state (ex: press(MOUSE_LEFT))
00138         * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
00139         */
00140         bool press(uint8_t button);
00142         /**
00143         * Release one or several buttons
00144         *
00145         * @param button button state (ex: release(MOUSE_LEFT))
00146         * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
00147         */
00148         bool release(uint8_t button);
00150         /**
00151         * Double click (MOUSE_LEFT)
00152         *
00153         * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
00154         */
00155         bool doubleClick();
00157         /**
00158         * Click
00159         *
00160         * @param button state of the buttons ( ex: clic(MOUSE_LEFT))
00161         * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
00162         */
00163         bool click(uint8_t button); 
00165         /**
00166         * Scrolling
00167         *
00168         * @param z value of the wheel (>0 to go down, <0 to go up)
00169         * @returns true if there is no error, false otherwise
00170         */
00171         bool scroll(int8_t z);
00173         /*
00174         * To define the report descriptor. Warning: this method has to store the length of the report descriptor in reportLength.
00175         *
00176         * @returns pointer to the report descriptor
00177         */
00178         virtual uint8_t * reportDesc();
00180     private:
00181         MOUSE_TYPE mouse_type;
00182         uint8_t button;
00183         bool mouseSend(int8_t x, int8_t y, uint8_t buttons, int8_t z);
00184 };
00186 #endif