Current time based DC Motor Control

This project uses DC motor, H-bridge (Pololu MD01B), ethernet breakout module, uLCD-144-G2 128 by 128 Smart Color LCD, 4 push buttons and external power supply of 6 V along with mbed LPC 1768 for current time based DC motor control.

Connections for DC motor : /media/uploads/nturakhia/hbridge_dc_motor.png /media/uploads/nturakhia/dc_motor_connections.png

Connections for the ethernet breakout module: /media/uploads/nturakhia/ethernet_connections.png

Connections for uLCD: /media/uploads/nturakhia/ulcd_connections.png

Push button connections : Push_button_up (P13), Push_button_down (P14), Push_button_menu (P15), Push_button_enter (P16)

Initially, current time is fetched from NTP server (if internet is connected, normally displayed messages: Get IP addr , Reading time, Time set). Thereafter, current time, default motor run time (The start and end times at which the motor will run everyday with default set speed) and default speed are displayed. To change the start and end times at which motor should run everyday or to change speed of the motor, use menu button. It will give various options for changing start time hour, start time minute, end time hour, end time minute and motor speed using up and down buttons. Once you choose a particular time or speed, press enter to go to the next available option. Once all the options are set, the motor will start running at the chosen times and speed everyday. Current status of motor (running or stopped) is also displayed on the LCD.


Import programCurrent_time_based_motor_control

DC Motor control using current time

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