/joystickAppBoard class //Written by Napoleon Leoni; February 2014 //Simple class object to handle joystick state for the mbed application board //5 way Joystick ALPS SKRHADE010 //Down:p12; Left:p13 Centre:p14 Up:p15 Right:p16 #include "joystickAppBoard.h" // Joystick state definitions //#define JOYSTICKDOWN 0x01 //0b00001 d1 //#define JOYSTICKLEFT 0x02 //0b00010 d2 //#define JOYSTICKCENTER 0x04 //0b00100 d4 //#define JOYSTICKUP 0x08 //0b01000 d8 //#define JOYSTICKRIGHT 0x10 //0b10000 d16
/joystickAppBoard class; //Written by Napoleon Leoni; February 2014; //Simple class object to handle joystick state for the mbed application board; //5 way Joystick ALPS SKRHADE010; //Down:p12; Left:p13 Centre:p14 Up:p15 Right:p16;
2014-02-13, by nleoni [Thu, 13 Feb 2014 08:03:28 +0000] rev 0
/joystickAppBoard class; //Written by Napoleon Leoni; February 2014; //Simple class object to handle joystick state for the mbed application board; //5 way Joystick ALPS SKRHADE010; //Down:p12; Left:p13 Centre:p14 Up:p15 Right:p16;