Small Internet Protocol Stack using a standard serial port.

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00001 /// ppp-blinky.h
00003 #include "mbed.h"
00005 void initializePpp();
00006 int connectedPpp();
00007 void waitForPcConnectString();
00008 void waitForPppFrame();
00009 void determinePacketType();
00010 void sendUdpData();
00012 /// PPP header
00013 typedef struct { // [ff 03 00 21]
00014     unsigned int address : 8;  // always 0xff
00015     unsigned int control : 8;  // always 03
00016     unsigned int protocolR : 16; // byte reversed, 0x0021 for ip
00017 } pppHeaderType;
00019 /// LCP and IPCP header
00020 typedef struct {
00021     // ppp part
00022     unsigned int address : 8;  // always 0xff
00023     unsigned int control : 8;  // always 03
00024     unsigned int protocolR : 16; // byte reversed, 0x0021 for ip
00026     // ipcp and lcp part
00027     unsigned int code : 8; // IPCP and LCP contain a code field which identifies the requested action or response
00028     unsigned int identifier : 8 ;
00029     unsigned int lengthR : 16;
00030     char request [0];
00031 } ipcpHeaderType;
00033 /// IP header
00034 typedef struct {
00035     unsigned int headerLength   :  4;  // ip headerlength / 4
00036     unsigned int version        :  4;  // ip version number
00037     unsigned int ect            :  1;  // ecn capable transport
00038     unsigned int ce             :  1;  // ecn-ce
00039     unsigned int dscp           :  6;  // differentiated services
00040     unsigned int lengthR        : 16;  // ip packet length (byte-reversed)
00042     unsigned int identR         : 16;  // ident, byte reversed
00043     unsigned int fragmentOffsHi :  5;
00044     unsigned int lastFragment   :  1;
00045     unsigned int dontFragment   :  1;
00046     unsigned int reservedIP     :  1;
00047     unsigned int fragmentOffsLo :  8;
00049     unsigned int ttl            :  8;
00050     unsigned int protocol       :  8;  // next protocol
00051     unsigned int checksumR      : 16;  // ip checksum, byte reversed
00052     union {
00053         unsigned int srcAdrR; // source IP address
00054         char srcAdrPtr [0]; // so we also have a char * to srcAdrR
00055     };
00056     union {
00057         unsigned int dstAdrR; // destination IP address
00058         char dstAdrPtr [0];  // so we also have a char * to dstAdrR
00059     };
00060 } ipHeaderType;
00062 /// IP pseudoheader. Used in TCP/UDP checksum calculations.
00063 typedef struct {
00064     union {
00065         char start [0]; // a char * to avoid type conversions
00066         unsigned int srcAdrR; // source IP address
00067     };
00068     unsigned int dstAdrR; // destination IP address
00069     unsigned int zero     :  8;
00070     unsigned int protocol :  8;
00071     unsigned int lengthR  : 16; // byte reversed
00072 } pseudoIpHeaderType;
00074 /// TCP header
00075 typedef struct {
00076     unsigned int    srcPortR : 16; // byte reversed
00077     unsigned int    dstPortR : 16; // byte reversed
00078     unsigned int    seqTcpR;      // byte reversed
00079     unsigned int    ackTcpR;      // byte reversed
00080     unsigned int resvd1  : 4;  // reserved
00081     unsigned int offset  : 4; // tcp header length [5..15]
00082     union {
00083         unsigned char All;  // all 8 flag bits
00084         struct {            // individual flag bits
00085             unsigned char fin:  1, // fin
00086                      syn    :  1, // syn
00087                      rst    :  1, // rst
00088                      psh    :  1, // psh
00089                      ack    :  1, // ack
00090                      urg    :  1, // urg
00091                      ece    :  1, // ece
00092                      cwr    :  1; // cwr
00093         };
00094     } flag;
00095     unsigned int windowR : 16; // byte reversed
00096     unsigned int    checksumR : 16; // byte reversed
00097     unsigned int    urgentPointerR : 16; // byte reversed;
00098     unsigned int    tcpOptions[10]; // up to 10 words of options possible
00099 } tcpHeaderType;
00101 /// UDP header.
00102 typedef struct {
00103     unsigned int srcPortR  : 16; // byte reversed
00104     unsigned int dstPortR  : 16; // byte reversed
00105     unsigned int lengthR   : 16; // byte reversed
00106     unsigned int checksumR : 16; // byte reversed
00107     char data [0]; // data area
00108 } udpHeaderType;
00110 /// ICMP header.
00111 typedef struct {
00112     unsigned int type : 8;
00113     unsigned int code : 8;
00114     unsigned int checkSumR : 16; // byte reversed
00115     unsigned int idR : 16; // byte reversed
00116     unsigned int sequenceR : 16; // byte reversed
00117     char data [0]; // data area
00118 } icmpHeaderType;
00120 /// Structure to manage all ppp variables.
00121 typedef struct pppType {
00122     union {
00123         pppHeaderType * ppp; // pointer to ppp structure
00124         ipcpHeaderType * ipcp; // pointer to ipcp structure
00125         ipcpHeaderType * lcp; // pointer to lcp structure (same as ipcp)
00126     };
00127     union {
00128         ipHeaderType * ip; // pointer to ip header struct
00129         char * ipStart; // char pointer to ip header struct (need a char pointer for byte offset calculations)
00130     };
00131     union { // a union for the packet type contained in the IP packet
00132         tcpHeaderType  * tcp;  // pointer to tcp header struct
00133         udpHeaderType  * udp;  // pointer to udp header struct
00134         icmpHeaderType * icmp; // pointer to udp header struct
00135         char * tcpStart;  // char pointer to tcp header struct  (need a char pointer for byte offset calculations)
00136         char * udpStart;  // char pointer to udp header struct  (need a char pointer for byte offset calculations)
00137         char * icmpStart; // char pointer to icmp header struct (need a char pointer for byte offset calculations)
00138     };
00139     char * tcpData; // char pointer to where tcp data starts
00140     volatile int online; // we hunt for a PPP connection if this is zero
00141     int hostIP; // ip address of host
00142     int fcs; // PPP "frame check sequence" - a 16-bit HDLC-like checksum used in all PPP frames
00143     int ledState; // state of LED1
00144     int responseCounter;
00145     unsigned int pppCount; // counts how many ppp packets we receive
00146     int firstFrame; // cleared after first frame
00147     unsigned int sum; // a checksum used in headers
00148     struct {
00149 #define RXBUFLEN 4000
00150         // the serial port receive buffer and packet buffer, size is RXBUFLEN
00151         // TODO - not sure why this buffer has to be this big
00152         volatile char buf[RXBUFLEN+1];
00153         volatile int head; // declared volatile so user code knows this variable changes in the interrupt handler
00154         volatile int tail;
00155         volatile int rtail;
00156         volatile int buflevel; // how full the buffer is
00157         volatile int maxbuflevel; // maximum value that buflevel ever got to
00158         volatile int bufferfull; // flag when buffer is full
00159     } rx; // serial port objects
00160     struct {
00161         int len; // number of bytes in buffer
00162         int crc; // PPP CRC (frame check)
00163 #define PPP_max_size 1600
00164         // we are assuming 100 bytes more than MTU size of 1500
00165         char buf[PPP_max_size]; // send and receive buffer large enough for largest IP packet
00166     } pkt; // ppp buffer objects
00167     struct {
00168         int frameStartIndex; // frame start marker
00169         int frameEndIndex; // frame end marker
00170     } hdlc; // hdlc frame objects
00171     struct {
00172         unsigned int ident; // our IP ident value (outgoing frame count)
00173     } ipData; // ip related object
00174 } pppVariables;
00176 /*
00177    SHA-1 in C
00178    By Steve Reid <>
00179    100% Public Domain
00180  */
00182 typedef struct {
00183     uint32_t state[5];
00184     uint32_t count[2];
00185     unsigned char buffer[64];
00186 } SHA1_CTX;
00188 void SHA1Transform(
00189     uint32_t state[5],
00190     const unsigned char buffer[64]
00191 );
00193 void SHA1Init(
00194     SHA1_CTX * context
00195 );
00197 void SHA1Update(
00198     SHA1_CTX * context,
00199     const unsigned char *data,
00200     uint32_t len
00201 );
00203 void SHA1Final(
00204     unsigned char digest[20],
00205     SHA1_CTX * context
00206 );
00208 void sha1(
00209     char *hash_out,
00210     const char *str,
00211     int len);