User interface library for databed on HEL medical exo.

Fork of UI by Michael Ling

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "MODSERIAL.h"
00003 #include "initDatabed.h"
00004 #include "UserInterface.h"
00005 #include "common.h"
00007 // UI button variables
00008 //int buttonA = 1; // state of remote button
00009 //int buttonA_prev = 1;
00011 // push hold vars
00012 //float tHold = .6;  // hold time for sit/stand
00013 //float tIdle = 2; // time out to confirm sit or stance (s)
00014 //int SSconfirm = 0; // sit/stand variable for confirmation process
00015 //float tRelease = .3; // time since last transmission to determine button release
00018 // various timers
00019 //Timer time_StateChange;
00020 //Timer time_pressA;
00021 //Timer time_pressB;
00023 //int buttonB = 1; // state of remote button
00024 //int buttonB_prev = 1;
00025 //char __xbeeBuffer[250];
00026 //int _dataCnt=0;
00027 UI_t UI = BUTTON_NONE;
00029 //float _time_sinceA, _time_sinceB; //time since the button was first pressed
00031 UserInterface::UserInterface(void): _buttonA(1), _buttonA_prev(1), _tHold(.6), _tIdle(2), _SSconfirm(0), _tRelease(.3), _buttonB(1), _buttonB_prev(1), _dataCnt(0) {
00032 }
00034 void UserInterface::readBuffer()
00035 {
00036     while (xbeeUI.readable() && _dataCnt<250) {
00037         _xbeeBuffer[_dataCnt] = xbeeUI.getc();
00038         _dataCnt++;
00039     }
00040 }
00042 /**
00043 * This function returns an array of information about the received characters. count[0] is # of data bytes, count[1] is expected length of the message, given the data length bytes and presence
00044 * of escape characters. count[2] is position of the first data byte.
00045 * @param idx    char array containing received data, beginning with the start byte 0x7e
00046 * @param count    array that will contain the returned values
00047 * @author Michael Ling
00048 * @date 2/2/2015
00049 */
00050 void UserInterface::find_length(char *idx, int *count)
00051 {
00052     int pos = 0;
00053     short length;
00054     //This segment reads the length bytes (bytes 2-3 of the message)
00055     if (*(idx+1) == 0x7d) {
00056         length = (*(idx+2) ^ 0x20) << 8;
00057         pos = 3;
00058     } else {
00059         length = *(idx+1) << 8;
00060         pos = 2;
00061     }
00062     if (*(idx+pos) == 0x7d) {
00063         length = length | (*(idx+pos+1)^0x20);
00064         pos += 2;
00065     } else {
00066         length = length | *(idx+pos);
00067         pos += 1;
00068     }
00069     count[0] = (int)length;
00070     //Length incremented by 1--we treat the checksum as a data byte, since it can also be escaped
00071     length += 1;
00072     //Checks for escape characters--for every escape char found, the data section gets 1 byte longer
00073     for (short i = 0; i < length; i += 1) {
00074         if (*(idx+i) == 0x7d) {
00075             length += 1;
00076         }
00077     }
00078     count[1] = (int) length + 3;
00079     count[2] = pos;
00080 }
00082 /**
00083 * This function returns true if calculated checksum matches the checksum at the end of the message.
00084 * @param idx    char array containing received data, starting with start byte 0x7e
00085 * @param length    number of data bytes in the message
00086 * @author Michael Ling
00087 * @date 2/2/2015
00088 */
00089 bool UserInterface::checksum_check(char *idx, int length)
00090 {
00091     int pos = 0;
00092     int sum = 0;
00093     for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
00094         //In case of an escape character, the true value of the byte is the following byte XOR with 0x20
00095         if (*(idx+pos) == 0x7d) {
00096             sum += (*(idx+pos+1) ^ 0x20);
00097             pos += 2;
00098         } else {
00099             sum += *(idx+pos);
00100             pos += 1;
00101         }
00102     }
00103     //XBEE checksum: sum all data bytes, truncate the sum to the rightmost 8 bytes, and subtract that from 0xff
00104     sum = sum & 0x0ff;
00105     char calcsum = (char)(0xff - sum);
00106     char checksum;
00107     if (*(idx+pos) == 0x7d) {
00108         checksum = *(idx+pos)^0x20;
00109     } else {
00110         checksum = *(idx+pos);
00111     }
00112     if (checksum != calcsum) {
00113         return false;
00114     }
00115     return true;   
00116 }
00118 void UserInterface::checkUI_XBee()
00119 {
00120     int sum = 0;
00121     _buttonA_prev = _buttonA;
00122     _buttonB_prev = _buttonB;
00123     char * idx = strchr(_xbeeBuffer,0x7e);
00124     if (idx != NULL) {
00125         int size[3];
00126         find_length(idx, size);
00127         printf("Size: %d, Datacount: %d\r\n", size[1], _dataCnt);
00128         if(_dataCnt >= size[1]) {
00130             _buttonA = (_xbeeBuffer[idx-_xbeeBuffer+21]>>1) & 1;  // on DIO1
00131             _buttonB = (_xbeeBuffer[idx-_xbeeBuffer+21]>>2) & 1;  // on DIO2
00133             if (checksum_check(idx+size[2], size[0])) {
00134                 printf("Checksums match\r\n");
00135             } else {
00136                 printf("Checksums don't match\r\n");
00137             }
00138             _dataCnt = 0;
00139         }
00140         if(sum == 0x79c) {
00141             if (_buttonA == 0 && _buttonA_prev == 1) {//buton was just pressed
00142                 _time_pressA.reset();
00143                 _time_pressA.start();
00144                 _time_sinceA = 0;
00145             }
00147             else if(_buttonA == 0) {
00148                 _time_sinceA = _time_pressA; //button is still pressed
00149             }
00151             if (_buttonB == 0 && _buttonB_prev == 1) {//button was just pressed
00152                 _time_pressB.reset();
00153                 _time_pressB.start();
00154                 _time_sinceB = 0;
00155             } else if(_buttonB == 0) {
00156                 _time_sinceB = _time_pressB; //button is still pressed
00157             }
00158         }
00160         if((_time_pressA-_time_sinceA) >= _tRelease) { //button was released
00161             if(_time_pressA-_tRelease >= _tHold) { //if the button was held before released
00162                 UI = BUTTON_A_HOLD; //UI command is a held A button
00163             } else {
00164                 UI = BUTTON_A_PRESS; //UI command is a pressed A button
00165             }
00166             _buttonA = 1; //button A is released
00167             _time_pressA.stop(); //reset the button A timer
00168             _time_pressA.reset();
00169         }
00170         if(_time_pressB-_time_sinceB >= _tRelease) { //button was released
00171             if(_time_pressB-_tRelease >= _tHold) { //if the button was held before released
00172                 UI = BUTTON_B_HOLD; //UI command is a held B button
00173             } else {
00174                 UI = BUTTON_B_PRESS; //UI command is a pressed B button
00175             }
00176             _buttonB = 1; //button B is released
00177             _time_pressB.stop(); //reset the button B timer
00178             _time_pressB.reset();
00179         }
00180     }
00181     memset(_xbeeBuffer,0xFF,250);
00182     _dataCnt = 0;
00183 }
00185 /*void checkUI_XBee()
00186 {
00188     _buttonA_prev = _buttonA;
00189     buttonB_prev = buttonB;
00190     while (xbeeUI.readable() && _dataCnt<250) {
00191         __xbeeBuffer[_dataCnt] = xbeeUI.getc();
00192         _dataCnt++;
00193         if (__xbeeBuffer[_dataCnt]==0x7e) {
00194             for(int i=0; i<22; i++) {
00195                 if(xbeeUI.readable() {
00196                 __xbeeBuffer[_dataCnt] = xbeeUI.getc();
00197                     _dataCnt++;
00198                 }
00199             }
00200         }
00201         char * idx=strchr(__xbeeBuffer,0x7e);
00202         _buttonA = (_xbeeBuffer[idx-_xbeeBuffer+21]>>1) & 1;  // on DIO1
00203         buttonB = (_xbeeBuffer[idx-_xbeeBuffer+21]>>2) & 1;  // on DIO2
00204         pc.printf("%x\r\n", *(idx+2));
00205         _dataCnt=0;
00206         if (buttonA == 0 && buttonA_prev==1) {//buton was just pressed
00207             time_pressA.reset();
00208             time_pressA.start();
00209             _time_sinceA=0;
00210         }
00212         else if(buttonA==0) {
00213             _time_sinceA=time_pressA; //button is still pressed
00214         }
00216         if (buttonB == 0 && buttonB_prev==1) {//button was just pressed
00217             time_pressB.reset();
00218             time_pressB.start();
00219             _time_sinceB=0;
00220         } else if(buttonB==0) {
00221             _time_sinceB=time_pressB; //button is still pressed
00222         }
00223     }
00224     if((time_pressA-_time_sinceA)>=tRelease) { //button was released
00225         if(time_pressA-tRelease>=tHold) { //if the button was held before released
00226             UI=BUTTON_A_HOLD; //UI command is a held A button
00227         } else {
00228             UI=BUTTON_A_PRESS; //UI command is a pressed A button
00229         }
00230         buttonA=1; //button A is released
00231         time_pressA.stop(); //reset the button A timer
00232         time_pressA.reset();
00233     }
00234     if(time_pressB-_time_sinceB>=tRelease) { //button was released
00235         if(time_pressB-tRelease>=tHold) { //if the button was held before released
00236             UI=BUTTON_B_HOLD; //UI command is a held B button
00237         } else {
00238             UI=BUTTON_B_PRESS; //UI command is a pressed B button
00239         }
00240         buttonB=1; //button B is released
00241         time_pressB.stop(); //reset the button B timer
00242         time_pressB.reset();
00243     }
00245     _dataCnt=0;
00246     memset(__xbeeBuffer,0xF,250);
00247 }*/
00249 void UserInterface::initializeUI()
00250 {
00251     xbeeUI.baud(115200);
00252     mainPower = 0;
00254 }