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Show/hide line numbers 15x16fontsLib.cpp Source File


00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "displayCom.h"
00003 #include "15x16fontsLib.h"
00005 SPI FontROM(p11, p12, p13); // mosi, miso, sclk
00006 DigitalOut FontROM_CS(p14);
00008 static unsigned char matrixdata[32];
00010 static void read_font(unsigned short code) {
00011     unsigned char  c1, c2, MSB,LSB;
00012     uint32_t Address, seq;
00014     // SJIS to kuten code conversion
00015     c1 = (code>>8);
00016     c2 = (code & 0xFF);
00017     seq = (c1<=159 ? c1-129 : c1-193)*188 + (c2<=126 ? c2-64 : c2-65);
00018     MSB = seq / 94 + 1;
00019     LSB = seq % 94 + 1;
00020     Address = 0;
00022     if(     MSB >=  1 && MSB <= 15 && LSB >= 1 && LSB <= 94)
00023         Address =( (MSB -  1) * 94 + (LSB - 1))*32;
00024     else if(MSB >= 16 && MSB <= 47 && LSB >= 1 && LSB <= 94)
00025         Address =( (MSB - 16) * 94 + (LSB - 1))*32 + 0x0AA40L;
00026     else if(MSB >= 48 && MSB <= 84 && LSB >= 1 && LSB <= 94)
00027         Address = ((MSB - 48) * 94 + (LSB - 1))*32 + 0x21CDFL;
00028     else if(MSB == 85 &&                LSB >= 1 && LSB <= 94)
00029         Address = ((MSB - 85) * 94 + (LSB - 1))*32 + 0x3C4A0L;
00030     else if(MSB >= 88 && MSB <= 89 && LSB >= 1 && LSB <= 94)
00031         Address = ((MSB - 88) * 94 + (LSB - 1))*32 + 0x3D060L;
00033     // if ASCII code
00034     int font_width;
00035     if(code >= 0x20 && code <= 0x7F) {
00036         Address = (code - 0x20)*16 + 255968;
00037         font_width = 8;
00038     }
00039     else {
00040         font_width = 16;
00041     }
00043     // Deselect the device
00044     FontROM_CS = 1;
00046     // Setup the spi for 8 bit data, high steady state clock
00047     FontROM.format(8,3);
00048     FontROM.frequency(1000000); 
00050     // Select the device by seting chip select low
00051     FontROM_CS = 0;
00052     FontROM.write(0x03);    // Read data byte
00053     FontROM.write(Address>>16 & 0xff);
00054     FontROM.write(Address>>8 & 0xff);
00055     FontROM.write(Address & 0xff);
00057     // Send a dummy byte to receive the contents of the WHOAMI register
00058     for(int i=0; i<(font_width*2); i++)
00059     {
00060         matrixdata[i]=FontROM.write(0x00);
00061     }
00063     // Deselect the device
00064     FontROM_CS = 1;
00065 }
00067 static void draw_kanji_15x16(int pos_x, int font_width)
00068 {
00069     for(int i=0; i<font_width; i++)
00070     {
00071         if( ((signed int)(15-i+pos_x) >= 0) && ((15-i+pos_x) <= (DISPLAY_XSIZE-1)) )
00072         {
00073             ImageBuf[15-i+pos_x] =  matrixdata[i];
00074             ImageBuf[15-i+pos_x] |= matrixdata[i+font_width]<<8;
00075         }
00076     }
00077 }
00079 void drawStr15x16(char *str ,unsigned int pos_x)
00080 {
00081     unsigned char   f_SJISChar = 0;
00082     unsigned char   c = 0;
00083     unsigned int    SJISChar = 0;
00084     unsigned int    CountChar = 0;
00086     c = *str;
00087     while(c != '\0')
00088     {
00089         //2バイト文字の判定
00090         if( ((0x81 <= c && c <= 0x9f) || (0xe0 <= c && c <= 0xfc)) && f_SJISChar != 1 )
00091         {
00092             SJISChar = c;
00093             f_SJISChar = 1;
00094         }
00095         else if(f_SJISChar == 1)
00096         {
00097             SJISChar = (SJISChar<<8) | c;
00098             f_SJISChar = 0;
00099             read_font(SJISChar);
00100             draw_kanji_15x16(pos_x-CountChar*8,16);
00101             CountChar+=2;
00102         }
00103         else  //ASCII文字
00104         {
00105             SJISChar = c;
00106             f_SJISChar = 0;
00107             read_font(SJISChar);
00108             draw_kanji_15x16(pos_x-CountChar*8, 8);
00109             CountChar++;
00110         }
00111         str++;
00112         c = *str;
00113     }
00114 }