RPC Tutorial

Tutorial for working with the RPC modules.

Introduction to RPC

What is RPC

Remote Procedure Call (RPC) allows a computer program to execute subroutines on another computer. It’s generally used in networks of computing devices. In the case of mbed, you can manipulate variables and execute subroutines on the mbed by simply calling the name of the variable or function on the host computer through a terminal or a browser.

The RPC paradigm also allows for programs written in other languages to communicate with the mbed. For instance, you can use the libraries in languages such as Python, Java, Matlab, etc. which enables a GUI based way of executing commands on the mbed.

How to Interface RPC

RPC interfaces the mbed with a computer. To interface with the mbed using a terminal, follow the terminal application setup here: https://developer.mbed.org/handbook/Terminals.


Set your terminal to: transmit CR+LF, 9600 baud, 8 bit data, no parity, 1 bit stop. Also set your terminal to Local Echo.

RPC is also able to interface with popular languages based of libraries created by the mbed team. These libraries allow direct communication to the mbed through RPC without transport setup or formatting of RPC commands. Libraries are available for MATLAB, LabVIEW, Python, Java, and .NET.

RPC Command Format

Interfacing using RPC follows the following command formats: Assuming the commands are inputed to:

RPC::call(buf, outbuf);
CommandResultExample Output
EnterLists all available RPC objects/media/uploads/nambvarun/36a3934d2a40620dca795a062b6cb361.png
"/<object> RPC"Lists all available methods that can be used on the object/media/uploads/nambvarun/bdec1a8f681f347001125fd89856a805.png
"<Object name>/<Method name> <Arguments separated by spaces>"Executes the method with the inputted arguments/media/uploads/nambvarun/227660da39c8812a941ab112c0f0e3d9.png


Commands are only accepted with null arguments if a space is entered after the method. "RPCobject/read " works. "RPCobject/read" does not.


Commands that are edited in TeraTerm using backspace before completion do not work.

Here is an example of the RPC commands to turn LED4 on the mbed on. Given the mbed is running code with the line:

RpcDigitalOut   myled(LED4,"mbedled");

The RPC command to turn the led on:

/mbedled/write 1

What is in the RPC Library

RPC Wrapper Classes (included in RpcClasses.h of mbed-rpc library)

Wrapper ClassConstructorAvailable Functions
Digital Out* RpcDigitalOut(PinName a0, const char *name=NULL)#void write(int a0) #int read(void)
Digital In* RpcDigitalIn(PinName a0, const char *name=NULL)#int read(void)
Digital In Out* RpcDigitalInOut(PinName a0, const char *name=NULL)#int read(void) #void write(int a0) #void input(void) #void output(void)
Analog In* RpcAnalogIn(PinName a0, const char *name=NULL)#float read(void) #unsigned short read_u16(void)
Analog Out* RpcAnalogOut(PinName a0, const char *name=NULL)#float read(void) #void write(float a0) #void write_u16(unsigned short a0)
PWM Out* RpcPwmOut(PinName a0, const char *name=NULL)#float read(void) #void write(float a0) #void period(float a0) #void period_ms(int a0) #void pulsewidth(float a0) #void pulsewidth_ms(int a0)
SPI* RpcSPI(PinName a0, PinName a1, PinName a2, const char *name=NULL)#void format(int a0, int a1) #void frequency(int a0) #int write(int a0)
Serial* RpcSerial(PinName a0, PinName a1, const char *name=NULL)#void baud(int a0) #int readable(void) #int writeable(void) #int putc(int a0) #int getc(void) #int puts(const char * a0)
Timer* RpcTimer(const char *name=NULL) : RPC(name)#void start(void) #void stop(void) #void reset(void) #float read(void) #int read_ms(void) #int read_us(void)

This is an example program implementing the RPC wrapper classes for Digital In, Digital Out, and PWM Out. The program runs over the mini-usb serial interface of the mbed for RPC commands from terminal. Here is the example pinout for the program. http://imgur.com/e0enKfz

Import programRPC_DigitalInDigitalOutPWMOutoverSerial

A RPC example usage program.

Here are some RPC commands for use with this example program:

RPC CommandFunction
EnterLists "pwmled switch mbedled RPC"
/pwmled RPC/Lists "read write period period_ms pulsewidth pulsewidth_ms delete"
/mbedled/write 1Turn on mbed LED4
/mbedled/write 0Turn off mbed LED4
/switch/readRead in the value of p8 switch
/pwmled/write 1Turns on the LED plugged into PWM port 21
/pwmled/readReads in the current value of PWM port 21

RPC Function

RPC Functions are objects that wrap functions that can be executed on the mbed through RPC.

RPC Variable

RPC Variables are objects that wrap basic type variables. These variables can be set and read through RPC.



RPCFunction objects behave as containers for the compiler to know which commands can be executed from the Terminal. RPCFunctions take in two parameters, a function address and a string. The function passed into the object is the function that gets called and should have input and output char pointers as parameters. The string that is assigned to the object is how the function is called and represented when you use RPC. In order to decode the data inputted through RPC, specify the template type for the Arguments object. To return an output, set the Reply.putData() parameter to a string. The below example shows a simple example of how to setup a RPCFunction object. In order to run the function over RPC, call the run method on the object.


void moveTo(Arguments *in, Reply *out);
RPCFunction rpcMove(&moveTo, "moveTo");
void moveTo (Arguments *in, Reply *out)   {
    bool success = true;
    xLoc = in->getArg<double>();
    yLoc = in->getArg<double>();
    // Move robot to location (xLoc, yLoc)
    char buffer[200];
    sprintf(buffer, "Successfully moved to location (%f, %f)", xLoc, yLoc);
    if (success) {
    } else {
        out->putData("Failed to move to location.");

Import programRPC_Function_Example

Tutorial Code for working with RPC Functions

RPC CommandFunction
EnterLists "moveTo RPC"
/moveTo RPC/Lists "run delete"
/moveTo/run 1 1Moves the robot to 1,1 and returns a success message



Similar to RPCFunction objects, RPCVariables objects allow basic datatype variables to be accessed through RPC. The two parameters to pass into the object are an address to the variable and a string that will be printed on the device interfaced to the MBED over RPC.


int wheelsOn;
char lcdBannerMessage;
float speed;

RPCVariable<int> rpcLights(&wheelsOn, "wheels");
RPCVariable<char> rpcBanner(&lcdBannerMessage, "banner");
RPCVariable<float> rpcSpeed(&speed, "speed");

Import programRPC_Variables_Example

Working with RPC Variables

RPC CommandFunction
EnterLists "speed banner wheels RPC"
/speed RPC/Lists "read write delete"
/speed/write 15Sets the variable "speed" to a value of 15
/speed/write 1Reads in the current value of "speed" to be 15

Object Creation over RPC


RPC allows for the creation of objects over the RPC interface. By adding the following line of code, RPC is able to create objects of the RpcDigitalOut wrapper class.


This creation of objects over RPC only works for RPC wrapper classes.

To instatiate the object over RPC:

/<RPCObjectWrapperClass>/new <mbed pin number> <object name>


Import programRPC_ObjectInstantiation

A demonstration of RPC object instantiation.

Here are some RPC commands for use with this example program:

RPC CommandFunction
/DigitalOut/new LED2 myledCreates the myled object and returns the name of the object "myled"
/myled/write 1Turns on mbed LED2


As with other RPC commands, the "/DigitalOut/new LED2 myled " command requires a space at the end. "/DigitalOut/new LED2 myled" does not work


As of 2016.03.15, the mbed_rpc library only adds objects created over RPC to the RPC list (the list printed by pressing enter) after the substantiation of a second object.

RPC Serial


The Serial RPC Interface library is an addition to the mbed-RPC library that allows for serial RPC communication to occur while programs are running on the mbed. Given RPC functions, wrapper classes, or variables, a program can run on the mbed while any RPC command given through the serial port causes an interrupt. The additional library sets up RPC by registering all base classes and the serial port whenever an RPC command is sent.


Simply add the following constructor to your program (along with any RPC functions, variables, or wrapper classes):

SerialRPCInterface SerialInterface(USBTX, USBRX);

Also import the larger SerialRPCInterface library:

Import library

Public Member Functions

SerialRPCInterface (PinName tx, PinName rx, int baud=9600)
void Disable (void)
Disable the RPC.
void Enable (void)
Enable the RPC.


The SerialRPCInterface library includes the new mbed_RPC library but may require an update. Update the library by importing, selecting RPCInterface > mbed-rpc then selecting update.



This HTTP Server has an RPC handler. By using the HTTP server example program on your mbed you will be able to use RPC over HTTP. The RPC commands are sent by adding them to the URL of the mbed in a browser.


RPC commands over HTTP follow format: http://<url of mbed>/rpc/<Object name>/<Method name> <Arguments seperate by spaces>

The mbed will pass the URL it is assigned over the USB serial. You will need to wait to see what IP address is assigned to your mbed to properly connect with it in the client. You can view the address by starting the program and viewing print information in a serial terminal set to 9600 baud. The terminal will also allow you to view the information being recieved/sent over HTTP.

The important line of code for RPC is to add the RPC handler.


It is also important to add the RPC classes you are using. For instance, the following line of code is important if you intend to use RPC on a DigitalOut object.



Import programRPC_HTTP

RPC over HTTP example.

Software Libraries

You now have a program running on mbed which handles the RPC commands. To make a complete application your software needs to set up the transport mechanism on its end and format the commands into strings. To make this easier we've created libraries that not only give you simple access to the RPC from several programming languages but also include classes for much of the mbed API. The software libraries also include classes for the RPC Interface Library to help extend RPC into your own code.

They all use a consistent interface which is a close as possible to the interface for programming on mbed. They've been designed so that is easy to switch between transport mechanisms and so that an application can control multiple mbeds. MATLAB LabVIEW Python Java .NET


HTTP, Serial Interrupt and Software Libraries

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