Black Jack game using speaker sound, sd images, and joystick

Dependencies:   4DGL-uLCD-SE mbed

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API Documentation at this revision

Mon Mar 14 18:24:16 2016 +0000
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Changed in this revision

PinDetect.h Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
SDFileSystem.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
wave_player.lib Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/PinDetect.h	Wed Mar 09 06:34:54 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,501 +0,0 @@
-    Copyright (c) 2010 Andy Kirkham
-    Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
-    of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
-    in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
-    to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-    copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
-    furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
-    The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
-    all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
-#ifndef MBED_H
-#include "mbed.h"
-namespace AjK {
-/** PinDetect adds mechanical switch debouncing to DigitialIn and interrupt callbacks.
- *
- * This is done by sampling the specified pin at regular intervals and detecting any
- * change of state ( 0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0 ). When a state change is detected the attached
- * callback handler is called. Additionally, if the pin stays in the same state after
- * a state change for a defined period of time, an extra callback is made allowing a
- * program to detect when a "key is pressed and held down" rather than a momentary
- * key/switch press.
- *
- * All parameters are customisable which include:-
- *  <ul>
- *  <li> The sampling frequency. </li>
- *  <li> The number of continuous samples until a state change is detected. </li> 
- *  <li> The number of continuous samples until a key is assumed held after a state change. </li>
- *  <li> The logic level which is assumed to be asserted (0volts or +volts). </li>
- *  </ul>
- *
- * Only callbacks that have been attached will be called by the library.
- *
- * Example:
- * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
- * #include "PinDetect.h"
- *
- * PinDetect  pin( p30 );
- * DigitialOut led1( LED1 );
- * DigitialOut led2( LED2 );
- * DigitialOut led3( LED3 );
- * DigitialOut led4( LED4 );
- *
- * void keyPressed( void ) {
- *     led2 = 1;
- *     led3 = 0;
- *     led4 = 0;
- * }
- *
- * void keyReleased( void ) {
- *     led2 = 0;
- *     led3 = 0;
- *     led4 = 0;
- * }
- *
- * void keyPressedHeld( void ) {
- *     led3 = 1;
- * }
- *
- * void keyReleasedHeld( void ) {
- *     led4 = 1;
- * }
- *
- * int main() {
- *
- *     pin.mode( PullDown );
- *     pin.attach_asserted( &keyPressed );
- *     pin.attach_deasserted( &keyReleased );
- *     pin.attach_asserted_held( &keyPressedHeld );
- *     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &keyReleasedHeld );
- *
- *     // Sampling does not begin until you set a frequency.
- *     // The default is 20ms. If you want a different frequency
- *     // then pass the period in microseconds for example, for 10ms :-
- *     //     pin.setSampleFrequency( 10000 );
- *     //
- *     pin.setSampleFrequency(); // Defaults to 20ms.
- *
- *     while( 1 ) {
- *         led1 = !led1;
- *         wait( 0.2 );
- *     }
- * }
- * @endcode
- *
- * This example will flash led1 in a similar to a standard starting program.
- *
- * Applying a "1" (switch on) to pin 30 will switch on led2, removing the "1" to "0"
- * (switch off) led2 goes out. Holding the "switch" at one for one second will switch
- * on led3. An unasserted P30 (switched off) will, after one second illuminate led4
- * when the deasserted calledback is called.
- *
- * The above is a very basic introduction. For more details:-
- * @see example.h
- */
-class PinDetect {
-    DigitalIn   *_in;
-    Ticker      *_ticker;
-    int         _prevState;
-    int         _currentStateCounter;
-    int         _sampleTime;
-    int         _assertValue;
-    int         _samplesTillAssertReload;
-    int         _samplesTillAssert;
-    int         _samplesTillHeldReload;
-    int         _samplesTillHeld;
-    FunctionPointer _callbackAsserted;
-    FunctionPointer _callbackDeasserted;
-    FunctionPointer _callbackAssertedHeld;
-    FunctionPointer _callbackDeassertedHeld;
-    /** initialise class
-     *
-     * @param PinName p is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
-     * @param PinMode m The mode the DigitalIn should use.
-     */
-    void init(PinName p, PinMode m) {
-        _sampleTime              = PINDETECT_SAMPLE_PERIOD;
-        _samplesTillAssert       = PINDETECT_ASSERT_COUNT;
-        _samplesTillHeld         = 0;
-        _samplesTillAssertReload = PINDETECT_ASSERT_COUNT;
-        _samplesTillHeldReload   = PINDETECT_HOLD_COUNT;
-        _assertValue             = PINDETECT_PIN_ASSTERED;
-        _in = new DigitalIn( p );
-        _in->mode( m );        
-        _prevState = _in->read();        
-        _ticker = new Ticker;
-    }
-    friend class Ticker;
-    PinDetect() { error("You must supply a PinName"); }
-    /** PinDetect constructor
-     *
-     * By default the PinMode is set to PullDown.
-     *
-     * @see
-     * @param p PinName is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
-     */    
-    PinDetect(PinName p) {
-        init( p, PullDown );
-    }
-    /** PinDetect constructor
-     *
-     * @see
-     * @param PinName p is a valid pin that supports DigitalIn
-     * @param PinMode m The mode the DigitalIn should use.
-     */    
-    PinDetect(PinName p, PinMode m) {
-        init( p, m );
-    }
-    /** PinDetect destructor
-     */    
-    ~PinDetect() {
-        if ( _ticker )  delete( _ticker );
-        if ( _in )      delete( _in );
-    }
-    /** Set the sampling time in microseconds.
-     *
-     * @param int The time between pin samples in microseconds.
-     */
-    void setSampleFrequency(int i = PINDETECT_SAMPLE_PERIOD) { 
-        _sampleTime = i; 
-        _prevState  = _in->read();        
-        _ticker->attach_us( this, &PinDetect::isr, _sampleTime );
-    }
-    /** Set the value used as assert.
-     *
-     * Defaults to 1 (ie if pin == 1 then pin asserted).
-     *
-     * @param int New assert value (1 or 0)
-     */
-    void setAssertValue (int i = PINDETECT_PIN_ASSTERED) { _assertValue = i & 1; }
-    /** Set the number of continuous samples until assert assumed.
-     *
-     * Defaults to 1 (1 * sample frequency).
-     *
-     * @param int The number of continuous samples until assert assumed.
-     */    
-    void setSamplesTillAssert(int i) { _samplesTillAssertReload = i; }
-    /** Set the number of continuous samples until held assumed.
-     *
-     * Defaults to 50 * sample frequency.
-     *
-     * @param int The number of continuous samples until held assumed.
-     */    
-    void setSamplesTillHeld(int i) { _samplesTillHeldReload = i; }
-    /** Set the pin mode.
-     *
-     * @see
-     * @param PinMode m The mode to pass on to the DigitalIn
-     */
-    void mode(PinMode m) { _in->mode( m ); }
-    /** Attach a callback function 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     *
-     * void myCallback( void ) {
-     *   led1 = 1;
-     * };
-     * 
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_asserted( &myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is asserted.
-     * @param function A C function pointer
-     */
-    void attach_asserted(void (*function)(void)) {
-        _callbackAsserted.attach( function );
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback object/method 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * class Bar {
-     *   public:
-     *     void myCallback( void ) { led1 = 1; }
-     * };
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     * Bar bar;
-     *
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_asserted( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is asserted.
-     * @param object An object that conatins the callback method.
-     * @param method The method within the object to call.
-     */
-    template<typename T>
-    void attach_asserted(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
-        _callbackAsserted.attach( object, member );        
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback function 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     *
-     * void myCallback( void ) {
-     *   led1 = 0;
-     * };
-     *
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_deasserted( &myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is deasserted.
-     * @param function A C function pointer
-     */
-    void attach_deasserted(void (*function)(void)) {
-        _callbackDeasserted.attach( function );
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback object/method
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * class Bar {
-     *   public:
-     *     void myCallback( void ) { led1 = 0; }
-     * };
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led1( LED1 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     * Bar bar;
-     * 
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_deasserted( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is deasserted.
-     * @param object An object that conatins the callback method.
-     * @param method The method within the object to call.
-     */
-    template<typename T>
-    void attach_deasserted(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
-        _callbackDeasserted.attach( object, member );        
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback function 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led2( LED2 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     *
-     * void myCallback( void ) {
-     *   led2 = 1;
-     * };
-     *
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_asserted_held( &myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is asserted and held.
-     * @param function A C function pointer
-     */
-    void attach_asserted_held(void (*function)(void)) {
-        _callbackAssertedHeld.attach( function );
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback object/method
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * class Bar {
-     *   public:
-     *     void myCallback( void ) { led2 = 0; }
-     * };
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led2( LED2 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     * Bar bar;
-     * 
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_asserted_held( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is asserted and held.
-     * @param object An object that conatins the callback method.
-     * @param method The method within the object to call.
-     */
-    template<typename T>
-    void attach_asserted_held(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
-        _callbackAssertedHeld.attach( object, member );        
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback function 
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led3( LED3 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     *
-     * void myCallback( void ) {
-     *   led3 = 1;
-     * };
-     *
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is deasserted and held.
-     * @param function A C function pointer
-     */
-    void attach_deasserted_held(void (*function)(void)) {
-        _callbackDeassertedHeld.attach( function );
-    }
-    /** Attach a callback object/method
-     *
-     * @code
-     *
-     * class Bar {
-     *   public:
-     *     void myCallback( void ) { led3 = 0; }
-     * };
-     *
-     * DigitalOut led3( LED3 );
-     * PinDetect pin( p30 );
-     * Bar bar;
-     * 
-     * main() {
-     *     pin.attach_deasserted_held( &bar, &Bar::myCallback );
-     * }
-     *
-     * @endcode
-     *
-     * Call this function when a pin is deasserted and held.
-     * @param object An object that conatins the callback method.
-     * @param method The method within the object to call.
-     */
-    template<typename T>
-    void attach_deasserted_held(T *object, void (T::*member)(void)) {
-        _callbackDeassertedHeld.attach( object, member );        
-    }
-    /** operator int()
-     *
-     * Read the value of the pin being sampled.
-     */
-    operator int() { return _in->read(); }
-    /** The Ticker periodic callback function
-     */
-    void isr(void) {
-        int currentState = _in->read();
-        if ( currentState != _prevState ) {
-            if ( _samplesTillAssert == 0 ) {
-                _prevState = currentState;
-                _samplesTillHeld = _samplesTillHeldReload;
-                if ( currentState == _assertValue ) 
-          ;
-                else                              
-          ;
-            }
-            else {
-                _samplesTillAssert--;
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            _samplesTillAssert = _samplesTillAssertReload;
-        }
-        if ( _samplesTillHeld ) {
-            if ( _prevState == currentState ) {
-                _samplesTillHeld--;
-                if ( _samplesTillHeld == 0 ) {
-                    if ( currentState == _assertValue ) 
-              ;
-                    else                              
-              ;
-                }
-            }
-            else {
-                _samplesTillHeld = 0;
-            }
-        }
-    }
-}; // namespace AjK ends.
-using namespace AjK;
--- a/SDFileSystem.lib	Wed Mar 09 06:34:54 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Mar 09 06:34:54 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Mar 14 18:24:16 2016 +0000
@@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "Speaker.h"
-#include "wave_player.h"
-#include "SDFileSystem.h"
 #include "uLCD_4DGL.h"
-//SDFileSystem sd(p5, p6, p7, p8, "sd");
-AnalogIn keep_playing(p15);
+//Mbed I/O
 DigitalIn player_hit(p10); // up direction, determine if the player wants another card from the navigation switch
 DigitalIn player_stay(p11); // down direction, determine if the player wants to stay with the current cards he has.
+PwmOut speaker(p21); //play short sound when card placed on table
+uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p28, p27, p30); //uLCD connection
+//global variables
 int money = 5; // picked 5 dollars to start with. each bet/round is only 1 dollar automatically taken out as long as player decides to keep playing.
 int dealer_hand[2]; // array of two to hold the dealers cards
 int player_hand[2]; // array of two to hold the players cards
@@ -15,185 +17,295 @@
 int player_card; // random card value to be assigned to player
 int player_total; // deterines the total value of the players hand
 int dealer_total; // determines the total value of the dealers hand
-bool y = true;
-int x1;
-int x2;
-int hi, lo;
-int num,num2;
-int card[13]= {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11};
+bool y = true; //determines when to be in a while loop in functions below
+int hi, lo; //determines card picture address on sd card in uLCD device
+int k,j; //determines the card position of player and dealer
+int flip1, flip2; //store hi and lo value of dealer's second card to flip later
+int num,num2; //determines the card face for player and dealer
+int ace1=0; //keeps track of player's aces
+int ace2=0; //keeps track of dealer's aces
+int card[13]= {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11}; //used to choose a random value
-//Speaker mySpeaker(p21);
-uLCD_4DGL uLCD(p28, p27, p30);
-void addr(int, int);
-int place_cards(int);
+void addr(int, int); //glocalize the function to find the card address for other function use
+int place_cards(int); //globalize the funtion to determine the card position for other function use
-void deal_hand(int num, int num2)
+//deals out 2 cards faced up to player and one card faced up and one card faced down to the dealer
+void deal_hand(void)
-int j,k; 
-int suit;
+    ace1=0;
+    ace2=0;
+    int m;
+    int mat[4]= {10,11,12,13}; //case values of cards with value 10 (10, J, Q, K)
+    int suit; //card suit
     srand (time(NULL));
-    // First while loop will control the game. Continue to play until player runs out of money or does not wish to play anymore
-    //while (money > 0 || keep_playing ==1) {
-    // Second while loop controls the cards the dealer and player is dealt. Totally random with every reset of the mbed.
     while (x<=1) {
-        player_card= rand() % (12 + 1 - 0) + 0;
-        player_card=card[player_card];
-        suit= rand() % 4 + 1;
-        addr(player_card, suit);
-        uLCD.set_sector_address(hi, lo);
-        j=place_cards(num);
-        uLCD.display_image(j,80);
+        player_card= rand() % (12 + 1 - 0) + 0; //random index value 0-12
+        player_card=card[player_card]; //use random index to find value in array
+        if(player_card==10) {
+            m= rand() % (3 + 1 - 0) + 0; //use random card with value 10 in case statement
+            m=mat[m];
+        } else if (player_card==11) { //ace is 1 in case statement
+            m=1;
+            ace1++;
+        } else {
+            m=player_card;  //other numbers match case statement
+        }
+        suit= rand() % 4 + 1; //random suit
+        addr(m, suit); //find card address
+        uLCD.media_init();
+        uLCD.set_sector_address(hi, lo); //use card address from sd
+        j=place_cards(num); //determine next card placement
+        uLCD.display_image(4,j); //display card
+        speaker.period(1.0/500.0); // 500hz period
+        speaker =0.5; //50% duty cycle - max volume
+        wait(.1);
+        speaker=0.0; // turn off audio
+        wait(2);
-        dealer_card= rand() % (12 + 1 - 0) +0;
-        dealer_card=card[dealer_card];
-        suit= rand() % 4 + 1;
-        addr(dealer_card, suit);
-        uLCD.set_sector_address(hi, lo);
-        k=place_cards(num2);
-        uLCD.display_image(k,40);
+        dealer_card= rand() % (12 + 1 - 0) +0; //random index value 0-12
+        dealer_card=card[dealer_card]; //use random index value to find value
+        if(dealer_card==10) {
+            m= rand() % (3 + 1 - 0) + 0; //use random card with value 10 in case statement
+            m=mat[m];
+        } else if (dealer_card==11) { //ace is 1 in case statement
+            m=1;
+            ace2++;
+        } else {
+            m=dealer_card; //other numbers match case statement
+        }
+        suit= rand() % 4 + 1; //use a random suit
+        addr(m, suit); //find address
+        k=place_cards(num2); //determine next card placement
+        //store the dealer's second card image address
+        if (num2==1) {
+            flip1=hi;
+            flip2=lo;
+            hi=0x0040;
+            lo=0x0001;
+        }
+        uLCD.media_init();
+        uLCD.set_sector_address(hi, lo); //use card address from sd
+        uLCD.display_image(70,k); //diplay card
+        //play beep
+        speaker.period(1.0/500.0); // 500hz period
+        speaker =0.5; //50% duty cycle - max volume
+        wait(.1);
+        speaker=0.0; // turn off audio
+        wait(2);
-        //printf ("%i\n ",r);
-        dealer_hand[x]= dealer_card;
-        player_hand[x]= player_card;
-        uLCD.printf("dealerc %d\n\r ",dealer_hand[x]);
-        uLCD.printf("playerc %d\n\r ",player_hand[x]);
-        x= x+1;
+        dealer_hand[x]= dealer_card; //put dealer card value in array
+        player_hand[x]= player_card; //put player card value in array
+        x= x+1; //next array index slot
     player_total= player_hand[0] + player_hand[1]; // determines the players total from his two original cards
-    uLCD.locate(80,100);
-    uLCD.printf ("playert %d\n\r ",player_total);
     dealer_total= dealer_hand[0] + dealer_hand[1]; // determines the dealers total from his two original cards
-    uLCD.locate(80,7);
-    uLCD.printf ("dealert %d\n\r ",dealer_total);
-    // display player wins
-    //return back to the beginning for new game
-    x= 0;
+    x= 0; //reset index to 0
-void player_decision(int num)
+//player decides to hit or stay
+void player_decision(void)
     int suit;
-    int j;
-    printf ("Do you want to hit or stay\n\r");
+    uLCD.locate(0,14);
+    uLCD.printf ("Hit (UP) or stay(DOWN)?"); //print user
     y= true;
+    int mat[4]= {10,11,12,13}; //case values of cards with value 10 (10, J, Q, K)
+    int m;
     while (y) {
-        if (player_hit ==0) {
+        if (player_hit ==0) { //player hits
             srand (time(NULL));
-            player_card= rand() % (12 + 1 - 0) + 0;
-            player_card=card[player_card];
+            player_card= rand() % (12 + 1 - 0) + 0; //random index 0-12
+            player_card=card[player_card]; //use index to find value
             // Can display the extra card they recieve
-            suit= rand() % 4 + 1;
-        addr(player_card, suit);
-        uLCD.set_sector_address(hi, lo);
-        j=place_cards(num);
-        uLCD.display_image(j,80);
-        num++;
-            printf ("playerhit %d\n\r ", player_card);
-            player_total= player_total + player_card;
-            printf ("playertotal %d\n\r ", player_total);
+            if(player_card==10) {
+                m= rand() % (3 + 1 - 0) + 0; //use random card with value 10 in case statement
+                m=mat[m];
+            } else if (player_card==11) { //ace is 1 in case statement
+                m=1;
+                ace1++;
+            } else {
+                m=player_card; //other card values match case statement values
+            }
+            suit= rand() % 4 + 1; //random suit
+            addr(m, suit); //find address of card image
+            uLCD.media_init(); //
+            uLCD.set_sector_address(hi, lo); //use address
+            j=place_cards(num); //find where to place card
+            uLCD.display_image(4,j); //display card
+            //play beep
+            speaker.period(1.0/500.0); // 500hz period
+            speaker =0.5; //50% duty cycle - max volume
+            wait(.1);
+            speaker=0.0; // turn off audio
+            wait(1);
+            num++;
+            player_total= player_total + player_card; //find total
-            if (player_total >21 && player_card == 11) {
+            if (player_total >21 && ace1>=1) { //change ace to 1
                 player_total= player_total-10;
-                uLCD.locate(80,100);
-                uLCD.printf ("playertotal %d\n\r ", player_total);
-                player_decision(num);
+                ace1--;
+                player_decision(); //call this function
             } else if (player_total>21) {
                 // print to the screen that the player bust
-                uLCD.locate(80,100);
-                uLCD.printf ("BUST!\n\r ");
+                uLCD.locate(1,7);
+                uLCD.printf ("You BUSTED!\n\r ");
+                wait(2);
+                uLCD.cls();
                 y= false;
-            } else if (player_total<21) {
-                //printf ("Do you want to hit or stay");
-                player_decision(num);
+            } else if (player_total<21) { //continue prompt
+                uLCD.locate(0,14);
+                uLCD.printf ("Hit (UP) or stay(DOWN)?");
+                player_decision();
         else if (player_stay ==0) {
-            y= false;
+            //get rid of prompt question
+            uLCD.textbackground_color(0x006600);
+            uLCD.color(0x006600);
+            uLCD.locate(0,14);
+            uLCD.printf ("Hit (UP) or stay(DOWN)?");
+            uLCD.textbackground_color(BLACK);
+            uLCD.color(RED);
+            y= false; //get out of while loop
+            wait(.5);
-void dealer_decision(int num2)
+void dealer_decision(void)
     int suit;
-    int k;
-    while (dealer_total <17) {
+    int m;
+    int mat[4]= {10,11,12,13}; //case values of cards with value 10 (10, J, Q, K)
+    while (dealer_total <17) { //dealer will hit if it's total is under 17
         srand (time(NULL));
-        dealer_card= rand() % (12 + 1 - 0) + 0;
-        dealer_card=card[dealer_card];
-          suit= rand() % 4 + 1;
-        addr(player_card, suit);
-        uLCD.set_sector_address(hi, lo);
-        k=place_cards(num2);
-        uLCD.display_image(k,40);
-        num++;
-        // Can display the extra card they recieve
-        printf ("dealerhit %d\n\r ", dealer_card);
-        dealer_total= dealer_total + dealer_card;
-        uLCD.locate(80, 7);
-        uLCD.printf ("dealertotal %d\n\r ", dealer_total);
+        dealer_card= rand() % (12 + 1 - 0) + 0; //find random index 0-12
+        dealer_card=card[dealer_card]; //use index to find value in array
+        if(dealer_card==10) { //cards with 10 value in switch are 10, 11, 12, 13
+            m= rand() % (3 + 1 - 0) + 0;
+            m=mat[m];
+        } else if (dealer_card==11) { //ace value in switch is 1
+            m=1;
+            ace2++;
+        } else {
+            m=dealer_card; //other card values match switch case value
+        }
+        suit= rand() % 4 + 1;
+        addr(m, suit); //find card address
+        uLCD.media_init();
+        uLCD.set_sector_address(hi, lo); //use card address found
+        k=place_cards(num2); //find card loaction
+        uLCD.display_image(70,k); //display card
+        //play beep
+        speaker.period(1.0/500.0); // 500hz period
+        speaker =0.5; //50% duty cycle - max volume
+        wait(.1);
+        speaker=0.0; // turn off audio
+        wait(.5);
+        num2++; //next card
+        dealer_total= dealer_total + dealer_card; //total
-        if (dealer_total> 21 && dealer_card== 11) {
+        if (dealer_total> 21 && ace2>=1) { //change ace to 1
             dealer_total= dealer_total-10;
-            uLCD.locate(80,7);
-            uLCD.printf ("dealertotal %d\n\r ", dealer_total);
-            dealer_decision(num2);
+            ace2--;
+            dealer_decision();
         } else if (dealer_total>21) {
-            // print to the screen that the player bust
-            uLCD.locate(80,7);
-            uLCD.printf ("Dealer BUSTED!\n\r ");
-            y= false;
+            // print to the screen that the dealer bust
+            uLCD.locate(4, 7);
+            uLCD.printf ("Dealer BUSTED!");
+            wait(3);
+            uLCD.cls();
+            y= false; //leave while loop
+        wait(2);
+    }
+    //if dealer doesn't bust and has higher value than player
+    if(dealer_total>player_total && dealer_total<=21) {
+        uLCD.locate(2,7);
+        uLCD.printf("Dealer Wins!");
+        wait(3);
+        uLCD.cls();
+    }
+    //if player and dealer totals are equal it's a tie
+    else if(dealer_total==player_total && dealer_total<=21) {
+        uLCD.locate(5,5);
+        uLCD.printf("It's a Tie!");
+        wait(3);
+        uLCD.cls();
+    }
+    //if player's total is greater than dealers
+    else if(dealer_total<player_total && dealer_total<=21) {
+        uLCD.locate(2,7);
+        uLCD.printf("You Win!");
+        wait(3);
+        uLCD.cls();
-//AnalogOut DACout(p18);
-//int suit;
+//find address of card using switch
 void addr(int num, int suit)
     switch(num) {
         case 1: //Ace
-            if(suit==1) {
+            if(suit==1) { //clubs
-            } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
-            } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
-            } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                // break;
+            } else if(suit==2) { //diamond
+                hi=0x003F;
+                lo=0xFFD1;
+                //   break;
+            } else if(suit==3) { //hearts
+                hi=0x003F;
+                lo=0xFFE1;
+            } else if(suit==4) { //spades
+                hi=0x003F;
+                lo=0xFFF1;
         case 2:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //   x=0x003F;
-                //    y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x02CB;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x02DB;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x02EB;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x02FB;
@@ -201,213 +313,271 @@
         case 3:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //   x=0x003F;
-                //   y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x028B;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x029B;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x02AB;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x02BB;
         case 4:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //   x=0x003F;
-                //   y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0090;
+                // break;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x009F;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x00AF;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x00BF;
         case 5:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //   x=0x003F;
-                //   y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0050;
+                //break;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0060;
+                // break;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0070;
+                // break;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0080;
         case 6:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //    x=0x003F;
-                //   y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x020D;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x021D;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x022D;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x023D;
         case 7:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //   x=0x003F;
-                //   y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x01CE;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x01DD;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x01ED;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x01FD;
         case 8:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //  x=0x003F;
-                //  y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0010;
+                //  break;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0020;
+                //  break;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0030;
+                //  break;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x0040;
         case 9:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //  x=0x003F;
-                //  y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x014F;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x015F;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x016F;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x017F;
         case 10:
             if(suit==1) {
-                //  x=0x003F;
-                //  y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x024C;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x025B;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x026B;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x027B;
         case 11: //Jack
             if(suit==1) {
-                //   x=0x003F;
-                //   y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x00CF;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x00DF;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x00EF;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x00FF;
         case 12: //Queen
             if(suit==1) {
-                //  x=0x003F;
-                //  y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x018F;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x019E;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x01AE;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x01BE;
         case 13: //King
             if(suit==1) {
-                // x=0x003F;
-                // y=0xFFC1;
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x010F;
             } else if(suit==2) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x011F;
             } else if(suit==3) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x012F;
             } else if(suit==4) {
-                //addr
+                hi=0x0040;
+                lo=0x013F;
-    // return x, y;
-//wave_player waver(&DACout);
+//displace cards down screen
 int place_cards(int num)
-    int j=4*num+4;
+    int j=14*num+9;
 int main()
-    uLCD.media_init();
-    uLCD.color(RED);
-    uLCD.background_color(GREEN);
+    uLCD.background_color(0x006600);
     while (money > 0) {
-        int num=0;
-    int num2=0;
+        uLCD.cls();
+        uLCD.color(RED);
+        uLCD.set_font(FONT_7X8);
+        uLCD.locate(1,0);
+        uLCD.printf("Player"); //print Player
+        uLCD.locate(11,0);
+        uLCD.printf("Dealer"); //print Dealer
+        num=0;
+        num2=0;
         srand (time(NULL));
-        deal_hand(num,num2);
-        player_decision(num);
-        dealer_decision(num2);
+        //start with 2 cards for player and dealer
+        deal_hand();
+        //prompt player
+        player_decision();
+        //go to dealer and flip 2nd card over
+        if(player_total<=21) {
+            uLCD.media_init();
+            uLCD.set_sector_address(flip1, flip2); //use saved address
+            uLCD.display_image(70,k); //display card
+            speaker.period(1.0/500.0); // 500hz period
+            speaker =0.5; //50% duty cycle - max volume
+            wait(.1);
+            speaker=0.0; // turn off audio
+            wait(2);
+            //if dealer is under 17 in total the dealer will hit
+            dealer_decision();
+        }
+        //1 money point awarded for a win
+        //1 money point taken away for a loss
         if (player_total== dealer_total) {
             uLCD.locate(2, 2);
-            uLCD.printf ("money %d\n\r ", money);
+            uLCD.printf ("money= %d", money);
         } else if (player_total > 21) {
             money= money -1;
             uLCD.locate(2, 2);
-            uLCD.printf ("money %d\n\r ", money);
+            uLCD.printf ("money= %d", money);
         } else if (dealer_total >21) {
             money= money+1;
             uLCD.locate(2, 2);
-            uLCD.printf ("money %d\n\r ", money);
+            uLCD.printf ("money= %d", money);
         } else if ((player_total > dealer_total)) {
             money = money+1;
             uLCD.locate(2, 2);
-            uLCD.printf ("money %d\n\r ", money);
+            uLCD.printf ("money= %d", money);
             // Display that its a tie
             //return back to the beginning for new game
         } else if ((player_total < dealer_total)) {
             money= money-1;
             uLCD.locate(2, 2);
-            uLCD.printf ("money %d\n\r ", money);
+            uLCD.printf ("money= %d", money);
             // display dealer wins
             //return back to the beginning for new game
-        wait(1);
-    }
-    wait(1);
-//FILE *mp4_file=fopen("/sd/mdir/clip.mp4-SD","r");
+        wait(3);
-    //uLCD.display_video(0,0);
+    }
+//Game Over
+    wait(1);
+    uLCD.cls();
+    uLCD.locate(4,5);
+    uLCD.printf("Game Over!");
+    wait(4);
-    //  uLCD.printf(mp
--- a/wave_player.lib	Wed Mar 09 06:34:54 2016 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,1 +0,0 @@