Same as LPC, but with correct Address

Dependencies:   C12832 mbed DataCommLPC2

Dependents:   DataCommLPC2

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri May 08 14:31:44 2015 +0000
Commit message:

Changed in this revision

DataCommLPC2.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r c907be24e49e -r f26deacef98d DataCommLPC2.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/DataCommLPC2.lib	Fri May 08 14:31:44 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r c907be24e49e -r f26deacef98d main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Wed May 06 05:24:41 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri May 08 14:31:44 2015 +0000
@@ -1,158 +1,138 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "stdio.h"
+#include "math.h"
 #include "C12832.h"
+//To Do:
+//Fix crc_passed logic
+//Increase bandwidth by reducing wasted nibbles from CRC
+//unsigned chars moved
+//removed nibble
+//added CRC
+//multicast using 4bit address / 4 bit network. network = 4 msb, address = 4 lsb. broadcast = all 0's. multicast = network id & address of 0's.
 #define MAX 100 //set the size of the character data storage array
 #define BYTE 8
-#define NIBBLE 4 //used to set size of data read
 #define PREAMBLE 0x7E //preamble of 01111110
 #define POSTAMBLE 0x81 //postamble of 10000001
 #define ADDRESS 0x11 //address of 00010010 - network of 1, id of 2.
-#define NETWORK 0x10 //network portion of the address
-#define ID 0x02 //id portion of the address
 #define BROADCAST 0x00 //address of 00000000
-//multicast using 4bit address / 4 bit network. network = 4 msb, address = 4 lsb. broadcast = all 0's. multicast = network id & address of 0's.
 #define CRC 0x13 //crc of 10011 or x^4+x+1 or crc-5
+Timer t; //timer for pausing after data RXed before displaying data
+DigitalOut myled(LED1); // red led on board
 C12832 lcd(p5, p7, p6, p8, p11); //LCD structure
-DigitalOut myled(LED1), myled2(LED2), myled3(LED3), myled4(LED4); //variables to access the four blue leds
-DigitalIn clock_pin(p21), serial_in(p22); //clock pulse input and data input pins
-Timer t; //timer for pausing after postamble received before displaying data
-unsigned char temp, data[MAX], crc_calc=0; //temp byte storage, storage array, transmitted crc value
-char c[1];//temp_data moved from unsigned char
+int msecs, sksecs; //clock time needed for data transfer and skew time
+DigitalIn clock_pin(p21); //clock pulse input and data input pins
+DigitalInOut serial_in(p22);//Recieve, send for ACK
+unsigned char temp, crc_calc; //temp byte storage, storage array, transmitted crc value
+char c[1];//Used for troubleshooting to send a char to LCD
+char data[MAX];//data array
 unsigned char preamble, address, i, j, k, temp_data,FCS; //increment variables
-unsigned char data_flag, rflag, d_flag, done; //data flags
-int crc_passed = 0; //crc flag
-int temp_crc = 0; //stores values for crc check.
+unsigned char data_flag, rflag, done_flag1, done_flag2; //data flags
+int crc_passed = 0, temp_crc = 0; //CRC Flag, stores values for crc check.
 //funtion prototypes
-void check_byte(int value); //stays inside the function until the received byte matches the value passed into the function (PREAMBLE)
-int check_abyte();//after preamble received checks the next byte for address. Returns 1 if address received matches ADDRESS, BROADCAST, or multicast; 0 if not.
-int read_byte(int size); //reads received data and returns it a byte at a time.
-int get_crc(int temp_crc);
-//if crc correct display correct crc
-//if crc correct send ACK(1) to Master
-//if crc wrong, display incorrect crc
-//if crc wrong, send NoACK(0) to Master
-//if crc wrong adjust for retransmit
+void check_byte(int value); //stays inside the function until the RXed byte matches the value passed into the function (PREAMBLE)
+int check_abyte();//after preamble RXed checks the next byte for address. Returns 1 if address RXed matches ADDRESS, BROADCAST, or multicast; 0 if not.
+int read_byte(int size); //reads RXed data and returns it a byte at a time.
+int get_crc(int temp_crc);//Get CRC value on data temp_crc
+void Ms_Delay(int msec);
+void lcdClear(void);
+void print(char str[]);
+void send_ACK(int ACK);
 int main()
-    //turn off leds
-    myled = 1;
-    //initialize variables
-    i = 0;
-    d_flag = 0;
-    done = 0;
-    crc_passed=0;
+    clock_pin.mode(PullUp);//Enable PullUp Resistors
+    serial_in.mode(PullUp);//Enable PullUp Resistors
+    myled=0;//Turn LED On
     //clear lcd screen, print current build message
-    lcd.cls();
-    lcd.locate(0,3);
-    lcd.printf("Serial Communication Device Started");
-    while(!d_flag) {
-        //read input clock pulse and data checking for preamble.
-        //preamble while loop
-        check_byte(PREAMBLE);
-        //clear lcd screen, print current build message
-        lcd.cls();
-        lcd.locate(0,3);
-        lcd.printf("Preamble Received");
-        //preamble received check address (next byte), returns to preamble check if not addressed to station
-        if(check_abyte())
-            d_flag = 1;
-        else {
-            //pause after incorrect address - so message is visible, then display waiting for preamble
-            t.start();
-            //wait until the timer has reached the set time.
-            while(t.read_ms() < 500) {
-            }
-            //stop and reset the timer
-            t.stop();
-            t.reset();
-            //clear lcd screen, print current build message
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.locate(0,3);
-            lcd.printf("Waiting for preamble");
-        }
-    }
+    lcdClear();
+    print("Comm Started");
+    Ms_Delay(500);//Wait 500mS
+    while(true) {
+        //initialize variables
+        i = 0;
+        done_flag1 = 0;
+        done_flag2 = 0;
+        crc_passed=0;
-    while(!done) {
-        //store data into character array if crc checks.
-        temp_data = read_byte(BYTE); //store successfully transmitted data
+        while(!done_flag1) {
+            //read input clock pulse and data checking for preamble.
+            //preamble while loop
+            check_byte(PREAMBLE);
+            myled=0;//Turn LED On
+            //clear lcd screen, print current build message
+            lcdClear();
+            print("Pre RXed");
-        //check for postamble
-        if(temp_data == POSTAMBLE) {
-            //break out of while loop - data finished sending
-            done = 1;
-            //clear lcd screen, print postamble message
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.locate(0,3);
-            lcd.printf("Postamble Received");
-        }
-        //store data in character array if not postamble - check crc when appropriate
-        else {//recieves hh instead of h 0x06
-            //byte1, crc1, byte2, crc2
-            data[i]=0;
-            data[i] = temp_data;
-            temp_crc=temp_data<<4;
-            //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////doesnt seem to be reading in fast enough
-            FCS = read_byte(BYTE); //store successfully transmitted data
-            c[0]=(FCS & 0x0F)+0x30;
-            lcd.cls();
-            lcd.locate(0,3);
-            lcd.printf(c);
-//            t.start();
-////wait until the timer has reached the set time.
-//            while(t.read_ms() < 1000) {
-//            }
-////stop and reset the timer
-//            t.stop();
-//            t.reset();
-            temp_crc=temp_crc+(FCS & 0x0F);//grab the last 4 bits from crc value byte
-            if(get_crc(temp_crc)==0) {
-                crc_passed=1;
-                lcd.cls();
-                lcd.locate(0,3);
-                lcd.printf("Data passes CRC verification.");
-            } else {
-                crc_passed=crc_passed & 0;
-                lcd.cls();
-                lcd.locate(0,3);
-                lcd.printf("Data fails CRC verification, Int Data: %x, CRC Byte %x.", temp_crc, crc_calc);
+            //preamble RXed check address (next byte), returns to preamble check if not addressed to station
+            if(check_abyte())
+                done_flag1 = 1;
+            else {
+                //clear lcd screen, print current build message
+                lcdClear();
+                print("Wait for pre");
-        i++; //increment array position
-        //zero out crc temp variables
-        temp_crc = 0;
-    }
-//pause after displaying postamble received and then display data.
-    t.start();
-//wait until the timer has reached the set time.
-    while(t.read_ms() < 1000) {
+        while(!done_flag2) {
+            //store data into character array if crc checks.
+            temp_data = read_byte(BYTE); //store successfully transmitted data
+            //check for postamble
+            if(temp_data == POSTAMBLE) {
+                //break out of while loop - data finished sending
+                done_flag2 = 1;
+                //clear lcd screen, print current build message
+                lcdClear();
+                print("Post RXed");
+            }
+            //store data in character array if not postamble - check crc when appropriate
+            else {
+                //byte1, crc1, byte2, crc2
+                data[i]=0;
+                data[i] = temp_data;
+                temp_crc=temp_data<<4;
+                FCS = read_byte(BYTE); //store successfully transmitted data
+                temp_crc=temp_crc+(FCS & 0x0F);//grab the last 4 bits from crc value byte
+                if(get_crc(temp_crc)==0) {
+                    crc_passed=1;
+                    lcdClear();
+                    print("pass CRC");
+                } else {
+                    crc_passed=crc_passed & 0;//needs to be fixed
+                    lcdClear();
+                    print("fail CRC");
+                }
+            }
+            i++; //increment array position
+            temp_crc = 0;//zero out crc temp variables
+        }
+        //pause after displaying postamble RXed and then display data.
+        //Ms_Delay(1000);//Display Postamble Message
+        if(crc_passed) { //if crc passes display data, send ACK
+            //clear debugging messages - and reset lcd to original position before printing data.
+            //send ACK
+            lcdClear();
+            print("RXed: ");
+            print(data);
+            send_ACK(0x1);
+//        for(k=0; k<=i; k++)
+//            print("%c", data[k]);
+        } else { //if crc fails, send NOACK
+            send_ACK(0x0);
+        }
+        myled=1;
+        //Ms_Delay(1000);
-//stop and reset the timer
-    t.stop();
-    t.reset();
-//if(crc_passed){//if crc passes display data, send ACK
-//clear debugging messages - and reset lcd to original position before printing data.
-//send ACK
-    lcd.cls();
-    lcd.locate(0,3);
-    lcd.printf("Received: ");
-    for(k=0; k<=i; k++)
-        lcd.printf("%c", data[k]);
 void check_byte(int value)
@@ -200,21 +180,25 @@
     //clear lcd screen, print current build message
-    lcd.cls();
-    lcd.locate(0,3);
+    lcdClear();
     if(temp == ADDRESS) {
         rflag = 1;
-        lcd.printf("Address Received");
+        print("Addrss RXed");
     } else if(temp == BROADCAST) {
         rflag = 1;
-        lcd.printf("Broadcast received");
-    } else if(((temp & 0xF0) == NETWORK) && ((temp & 0x0F) == 0)) {
+        print("Brdcst RXed");
+    } else if(((temp & 0xF0) == (ADDRESS & 0xF0)) && ((temp & 0x0F) == 0)) {
+        rflag = 1;
+        print("Multicst1 RXed");
+    } else if(((temp & 0xF0) == 0) && ((temp & 0x0F) == (ADDRESS & 0x0F))) {
         rflag = 1;
-        lcd.printf("Multicast received");
-    }//can add if Network==0 and address==x send to x in every network
-    else
-        lcd.printf("Wrong address received");
+        print("Multicst2 RXed");
+        //can add if Network==0 and address==x send to x in every network
+    } else {
+        print("Wrng addrss RXed");
+    }
+    Ms_Delay(1000);
     return rflag;
@@ -231,7 +215,7 @@
             //each new data bit is moved into the least significant bit afater the rest of the bits are shifted to the left
             //data must be sent from the other microcontroller shifted out from the most significant bit to the least significant bit.
             temp = (temp << 1) + serial_in;
-            //increment j (tracks bits received) - turn off data_flag until clock changes.
+            //increment j (tracks bits RXed) - turn off data_flag until clock changes.
             data_flag = 0;
@@ -242,6 +226,7 @@
     return temp;
 int get_crc(int temp_crc)
     int j = 11, b = 0, z = 0, Y = 0, C0 = 0, C1 = 0, C2 = 0, C3 = 0;
@@ -259,4 +244,38 @@
     return z;
+void Ms_Delay(int msec)//mS Delay
+    t.start();
+    //wait until the timer has reached the set time.
+    while(t.read_ms() < msec) {
+    }
+    //stop and reset the timer
+    t.stop();
+    t.reset();
+void lcdClear() //Clear LCD, for LPC,     lcd.cls();,     lcd.locate(0,3);
+    lcd.cls();
+    lcd.locate(0,3);
+void print(char str[])// print String to LCD Display, for LPC,     printf(str);
+    lcd.printf(str);
+void send_ACK(int ACK)
+    serial_in = ACK;
+    Ms_Delay(1500);///////////////can reduce time when Arduino Postamble delay is reduced
+//        if(clock_pin) {
+//            //if(!clock_pin && skew_flag && t.read_ms() > sksecs) {//output data before clock high
+//            serial_in = (byte / j) % 2;
+//            j /= 2; //decrement j to get to next bit location
+//        }
+    //reset skew flag
\ No newline at end of file