mbed I/F binding for mruby

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00001 #include <ctype.h>
00002 #include <string.h>
00003 #include "mruby.h"
00004 #include "mruby/array.h"
00005 #include "mruby/class.h"
00006 #include "mruby/string.h"
00008 static mrb_value
00009 mrb_str_getbyte(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str)
00010 {
00011   mrb_int pos;
00012   mrb_get_args(mrb, "i", &pos);
00014   if (pos < 0)
00015     pos += RSTRING_LEN(str);
00016   if (pos < 0 ||  RSTRING_LEN(str) <= pos)
00017     return mrb_nil_value();
00019   return mrb_fixnum_value((unsigned char)RSTRING_PTR(str)[pos]);
00020 }
00022 /*
00023  *  call-seq:
00024  *     str.swapcase!   -> str or nil
00025  *
00026  *  Equivalent to <code>String#swapcase</code>, but modifies the receiver in
00027  *  place, returning <i>str</i>, or <code>nil</code> if no changes were made.
00028  *  Note: case conversion is effective only in ASCII region.
00029  */
00030 static mrb_value
00031 mrb_str_swapcase_bang(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value str)
00032 {
00033   char *p, *pend;
00034   int modify = 0;
00035   struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(str);
00037   mrb_str_modify(mrb, s);
00038   p = RSTRING_PTR(str);
00039   pend = p + RSTRING_LEN(str);
00040   while (p < pend) {
00041     if (ISUPPER(*p)) {
00042       *p = TOLOWER(*p);
00043       modify = 1;
00044     }
00045     else if (ISLOWER(*p)) {
00046       *p = TOUPPER(*p);
00047       modify = 1;
00048     }
00049     p++;
00050   }
00052   if (modify) return str;
00053   return mrb_nil_value();
00054 }
00056 /*
00057  *  call-seq:
00058  *     str.swapcase   -> new_str
00059  *
00060  *  Returns a copy of <i>str</i> with uppercase alphabetic characters converted
00061  *  to lowercase and lowercase characters converted to uppercase.
00062  *  Note: case conversion is effective only in ASCII region.
00063  *
00064  *     "Hello".swapcase          #=> "hELLO"
00065  *     "cYbEr_PuNk11".swapcase   #=> "CyBeR_pUnK11"
00066  */
00067 static mrb_value
00068 mrb_str_swapcase(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00069 {
00070   mrb_value str;
00072   str = mrb_str_dup(mrb, self);
00073   mrb_str_swapcase_bang(mrb, str);
00074   return str;
00075 }
00077 /*
00078  *  call-seq:
00079  *     str << integer       -> str
00080  *     str.concat(integer)  -> str
00081  *     str << obj           -> str
00082  *     str.concat(obj)      -> str
00083  *
00084  *  Append---Concatenates the given object to <i>str</i>. If the object is a
00085  *  <code>Integer</code>, it is considered as a codepoint, and is converted
00086  *  to a character before concatenation.
00087  *
00088  *     a = "hello "
00089  *     a << "world"   #=> "hello world"
00090  *     a.concat(33)   #=> "hello world!"
00091  */
00092 static mrb_value
00093 mrb_str_concat2(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00094 {
00095   mrb_value str;
00096   mrb_get_args(mrb, "S", &str);
00097   mrb_str_concat(mrb, self, str);
00098   return self;
00099 }
00101 /*
00102  *  call-seq:
00103  *     str.start_with?([prefixes]+)   -> true or false
00104  *
00105  *  Returns true if +str+ starts with one of the +prefixes+ given.
00106  *
00107  *    "hello".start_with?("hell")               #=> true
00108  *
00109  *    # returns true if one of the prefixes matches.
00110  *    "hello".start_with?("heaven", "hell")     #=> true
00111  *    "hello".start_with?("heaven", "paradise") #=> false
00112  *    "h".start_with?("heaven", "hell")         #=> false
00113  */
00114 static mrb_value
00115 mrb_str_start_with(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00116 {
00117   mrb_value *argv, sub;
00118   mrb_int argc, i;
00119   mrb_get_args(mrb, "*", &argv, &argc);
00121   for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
00122     size_t len_l, len_r;
00123     int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
00124     sub = mrb_string_type(mrb, argv[i]);
00125     mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);
00126     len_l = RSTRING_LEN(self);
00127     len_r = RSTRING_LEN(sub);
00128     if (len_l >= len_r) {
00129       if (memcmp(RSTRING_PTR(self), RSTRING_PTR(sub), len_r) == 0) {
00130         return mrb_true_value();
00131       }
00132     }
00133   }
00134   return mrb_false_value();
00135 }
00137 /*
00138  *  call-seq:
00139  *     str.end_with?([suffixes]+)   -> true or false
00140  *
00141  *  Returns true if +str+ ends with one of the +suffixes+ given.
00142  */
00143 static mrb_value
00144 mrb_str_end_with(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00145 {
00146   mrb_value *argv, sub;
00147   mrb_int argc, i;
00148   mrb_get_args(mrb, "*", &argv, &argc);
00150   for (i = 0; i < argc; i++) {
00151     size_t len_l, len_r;
00152     int ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
00153     sub = mrb_string_type(mrb, argv[i]);
00154     mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);
00155     len_l = RSTRING_LEN(self);
00156     len_r = RSTRING_LEN(sub);
00157     if (len_l >= len_r) {
00158       if (memcmp(RSTRING_PTR(self) + (len_l - len_r),
00159                  RSTRING_PTR(sub),
00160                  len_r) == 0) {
00161         return mrb_true_value();
00162       }
00163     }
00164   }
00165   return mrb_false_value();
00166 }
00168 static mrb_value
00169 mrb_str_hex(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00170 {
00171   return mrb_str_to_inum(mrb, self, 16, FALSE);
00172 }
00174 static mrb_value
00175 mrb_str_oct(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00176 {
00177   return mrb_str_to_inum(mrb, self, 8, FALSE);
00178 }
00180 /*
00181  *  call-seq:
00182  *     string.chr    ->  string
00183  *
00184  *  Returns a one-character string at the beginning of the string.
00185  *
00186  *     a = "abcde"
00187  *     a.chr    #=> "a"
00188  */
00189 static mrb_value
00190 mrb_str_chr(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00191 {
00192   return mrb_str_substr(mrb, self, 0, 1);
00193 }
00195 /*
00196  *  call-seq:
00197  *     string.lines    ->  array of string
00198  *
00199  *  Returns strings per line;
00200  *
00201  *     a = "abc\ndef"
00202  *     a.lines    #=> ["abc\n", "def"]
00203  */
00204 static mrb_value
00205 mrb_str_lines(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00206 {
00207   mrb_value result;
00208   mrb_value blk;
00209   int ai;
00210   mrb_int len;
00211   mrb_value arg;
00212   char *p = RSTRING_PTR(self), *t;
00213   char *e = p + RSTRING_LEN(self);
00215   mrb_get_args(mrb, "&", &blk);
00217   result = mrb_ary_new(mrb);
00219   if (!mrb_nil_p(blk)) {
00220     while (p < e) {
00221       t = p;
00222       while (p < e && *p != '\n') p++;
00223       if (*p == '\n') p++;
00224       len = (mrb_int) (p - t);
00225       arg = mrb_str_new(mrb, t, len);
00226       mrb_yield_argv(mrb, blk, 1, &arg);
00227     }
00228     return self;
00229   }
00230   while (p < e) {
00231     ai = mrb_gc_arena_save(mrb);
00232     t = p;
00233     while (p < e && *p != '\n') p++;
00234     if (*p == '\n') p++;
00235     len = (mrb_int) (p - t);
00236     mrb_ary_push(mrb, result, mrb_str_new(mrb, t, len));
00237     mrb_gc_arena_restore(mrb, ai);
00238   }
00239   return result;
00240 }
00242 /*
00243  *  call-seq:
00244  *     string.succ    ->  string
00245  *
00246  *  Returns next sequence of the string;
00247  *
00248  *     a = "abc"
00249  *     a.succ    #=> "abd"
00250  */
00251 static mrb_value
00252 mrb_str_succ_bang(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00253 {
00254   mrb_value result;
00255   unsigned char *p, *e, *b, *t;
00256   char *prepend;
00257   struct RString *s = mrb_str_ptr(self);
00258   size_t l;
00260   if (RSTRING_LEN(self) == 0)
00261     return self;
00263   mrb_str_modify(mrb, s);
00264   l = RSTRING_LEN(self);
00265   b = p = (unsigned char*) RSTRING_PTR(self);
00266   t = e = p + l;
00267   *(e--) = 0;
00269   // find trailing ascii/number
00270   while (e >= b) {
00271     if (ISALNUM(*e))
00272       break;
00273     e--;
00274   }
00275   if (e < b) {
00276     e = p + l - 1;
00277     result = mrb_str_new_lit(mrb, "");
00278   } else {
00279     // find leading letter of the ascii/number
00280     b = e;
00281     while (b > p) {
00282       if (!ISALNUM(*b) || (ISALNUM(*b) && *b != '9' && *b != 'z' && *b != 'Z'))
00283         break;
00284       b--;
00285     }
00286     if (!ISALNUM(*b))
00287       b++;
00288     result = mrb_str_new(mrb, (char*) p, b - p);
00289   }
00291   while (e >= b) {
00292     if (!ISALNUM(*e)) {
00293       if (*e == 0xff) {
00294         mrb_str_cat_lit(mrb, result, "\x01");
00295         (*e) = 0;
00296       } else
00297         (*e)++;
00298       break;
00299     }
00300     prepend = NULL;
00301     if (*e == '9') {
00302       if (e == b) prepend = "1";
00303       *e = '0';
00304     } else if (*e == 'z') {
00305       if (e == b) prepend = "a";
00306       *e = 'a';
00307     } else if (*e == 'Z') {
00308       if (e == b) prepend = "A";
00309       *e = 'A';
00310     } else {
00311       (*e)++;
00312       break;
00313     }
00314     if (prepend) mrb_str_cat_cstr(mrb, result, prepend);
00315     e--;
00316   }
00317   result = mrb_str_cat(mrb, result, (char*) b, t - b);
00318   l = RSTRING_LEN(result);
00319   mrb_str_resize(mrb, self, l);
00320   memcpy(RSTRING_PTR(self), RSTRING_PTR(result), l);
00321   return self;
00322 }
00324 static mrb_value
00325 mrb_str_succ(mrb_state *mrb, mrb_value self)
00326 {
00327   mrb_value str;
00329   str = mrb_str_dup(mrb, self);
00330   mrb_str_succ_bang(mrb, str);
00331   return str;
00332 }
00334 void
00335 mrb_mruby_string_ext_gem_init(mrb_state* mrb)
00336 {
00337   struct RClass * s = mrb->string_class;
00339   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "dump",            mrb_str_dump,            MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00340   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "getbyte",         mrb_str_getbyte,         MRB_ARGS_REQ(1));
00341   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "swapcase!",       mrb_str_swapcase_bang,   MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00342   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "swapcase",        mrb_str_swapcase,        MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00343   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "concat",          mrb_str_concat2,         MRB_ARGS_REQ(1));
00344   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "<<",              mrb_str_concat2,         MRB_ARGS_REQ(1));
00345   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "start_with?",     mrb_str_start_with,      MRB_ARGS_REST());
00346   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "end_with?",       mrb_str_end_with,        MRB_ARGS_REST());
00347   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "hex",             mrb_str_hex,             MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00348   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "oct",             mrb_str_oct,             MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00349   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "chr",             mrb_str_chr,             MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00350   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "lines",           mrb_str_lines,           MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00351   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "succ",            mrb_str_succ,            MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00352   mrb_define_method(mrb, s, "succ!",           mrb_str_succ_bang,       MRB_ARGS_NONE());
00353   mrb_alias_method(mrb, s, mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "next"), mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "succ"));
00354   mrb_alias_method(mrb, s, mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "next!"), mrb_intern_lit(mrb, "succ!"));
00355 }
00357 void
00358 mrb_mruby_string_ext_gem_final(mrb_state* mrb)
00359 {
00360 }