SW0, SW1 button int test.

Dependencies:   mbed-src

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Thu Jan 08 01:18:02 2015 +0000
Commit message:
Changed to use the cmsis GIC API in priority setting.

Changed in this revision

main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/main.cpp	Wed Jan 07 17:58:43 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Thu Jan 08 01:18:02 2015 +0000
@@ -24,66 +24,15 @@
     bled = 1;
-int32_t R_INTC_SetPriority(uint16_t int_id, uint8_t priority);
 int main() {
     rled = 1;
     bled = 1;
-    R_INTC_SetPriority(BTN0_IRQ, 1);
+    GIC_SetPriority(BTN1_IRQ, 10);      // Pri 10 に落とす
     while(1) {
- * http://japan.renesas.com/req/sample_code.do?event=searchProducts&%20expandedProductsId=1&productsId=186374
- */
-#include "r_typedefs.h"
-#include "dev_drv.h"                /* Device Driver common header */
-//#include "devdrv_intc.h"            /* INTC Driver Header */
-#include "iodefine.h"
-#define INTC_ID_TOTAL           (587)
-* Function Name: R_INTC_SetPriority
-* Description  : Sets the priority level of the ID specified by the int_id to 
-*              : the priority level specified by the priority.
-* Arguments    : uint16_t int_id   : Interrupt ID
-*              : uint8_t  priority : Interrupt priority level (0 to 31)
-* Return Value : DEVDRV_SUCCESS    : Success of INTC interrupt priority level setting
-*              : DEVDRV_ERROR      : Failure of INTC interrupt priority level setting
-int32_t R_INTC_SetPriority(uint16_t int_id, uint8_t priority)
-    uint32_t icdipr;
-    uint32_t mask;
-    volatile uint32_t * addr;
-    /* ==== Argument check ==== */
-    if ((int_id >= INTC_ID_TOTAL) || priority >= 32)
-    {
-        return DEVDRV_ERROR;        /* Argument error */
-    }
-    priority = priority << 3;       /* Priority[7:3] of ICDIPRn is valid bit */
-    /* ICDIPRn has 4 sources in the 32 bits                 */
-    /* The n can be calculated by int_id / 4                */
-    /* The bit field width is 8 bits                        */
-    /* The target bit can be calculated by (int_id % 4) * 8 */
-    addr = (volatile uint32_t *)&INTC.ICDIPR0;
-    icdipr = *(addr + (int_id / 4));    /* Read ICDIPRn */
-    mask = (uint32_t)0x000000FFuL;      /* ---- Mask ----      */
-    mask = mask << ((int_id % 4) * 8);  /* Shift to target bit */
-    icdipr &= ~mask;                    /* Clear priority      */
-    mask = (uint32_t)priority;          /* ---- Priority ----  */
-    mask = mask << ((int_id % 4) * 8);  /* Shift to target bit */
-    icdipr |= mask;                     /* Set priority        */
-    *(addr + (int_id / 4)) = icdipr;    /* Write ICDIPRn */
-    return DEVDRV_SUCCESS;