SDFileSystem, slightly modified for the ExoController

Dependencies:   SDFileSystem

Dependents:   Data-Management-Honka

Fork of SDFileSystem_HelloWorld by Bradley Perry

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #include "SDFileSystem.h"
00003 #include "SDFile.h"
00004 #include "errno.h"
00005 #include "initDatabed.h"
00008 SDFile::SDFile(string path, string filename, bool readOnly)
00009 {
00010     //Creates the necessary directory
00011     printf("Creating SDFile object\r\n");
00012     char *a = new char[path.size()+1];
00013     a[path.size()] = 0;
00014     memcpy(a,path.c_str(),path.size());
00015     //Calculates the full filename, then creates the file
00016     std::string fullname = path + filename;
00018     char *b = new char[fullname.size()+1];
00019     b[fullname.size()] = 0;
00020     memcpy(b,fullname.c_str(),fullname.size());
00021     if (readOnly) {
00022         //printf("Opening readonly file\r\n");
00023         //_fp = fopen((const char*)b, "r");
00024     } else {
00025         printf("Opening writable file %s\r\n", b);
00026         _fp = fopen((const char*)b, "w+");
00027         if (_fp == NULL) {
00028             //boardLed3 = 1;
00029             newFile = true;
00030             printf("file %s not found\r\n", b);
00031             _fp = fopen((const char*)b, "w+");
00032         } else {
00033             newFile = false;
00034             printf("file %s found\r\n", b);
00035         }
00036     }
00037     //printf("fp is %d\r\n", _fp);       
00038 }
00040 /**
00041 * This function reads bytes from the SDFile object.
00042 * @author Michael Ling
00043 * @param length    The number of bytes to read
00044 * @param array    The int array the bytes are copied to
00045 * @date 2/2/2015
00046 */
00047 int* SDFile::read(int length, int *array)
00048 {
00050     //shift to the end of the file and go back accounting for the commas, spaces, \n, and \r (6 places per data)
00051     fseek(_fp, -6*length, SEEK_END);
00053     //pc.printf("reading to array at %d\r\n", &array[0]);
00054     //cycle through the length of the vector and read the values.
00055     for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
00056         //pc.printf("File %d, array %d\r\n", _fp, &array[i]);
00057         fscanf(_fp, "%x, ", &array[i]);
00058       //  pc.printf("HHHHH\r\n", s);
00059         //pc.printf("read %x now at %ld\r\n", array[i], ftell(_fp));
00060     }
00062     return array;
00063 }
00065 int* SDFile::read_from_start(int length, int *array) {
00066     fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
00067     for(int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
00068         fscanf(_fp, "%x, ", &array[i]);
00069     }
00071     return array;
00072 }
00074 //Debug only--prints file contents, 6 chars to a line for up to 23 lines
00075 void SDFile::debug_print() {
00076     fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
00077     char c;
00078     for (int i = 0; i < 23; i++) {
00079         for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
00080            fscanf(_fp, "%c", &c);
00081            pc.printf("%c", c);
00082         }
00083         pc.printf("\r\n");
00084     }
00085 }
00087 /** 
00088 * This function writes from an array to the file pointed to by fp
00089 * @param length    length of data to write
00090 * @param array    array to draw written data from
00091 * @author Michael Ling
00092 * @date 2/2/2015
00093 */
00094 void SDFile::write(int length, int *array)
00095 {
00096     //printf("Seeking START...\r\n");
00097     fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_SET);
00098 //    printf("Writing %d\r\n", array[0]);
00099     //printf("Starting to write\r\n");
00100 //    int w;
00101     for(int i = 0; i < length-1; i++) {
00102         /* This line fails when run on testFile, reason unknown...*/
00103         //printf("%d\r\n", fprintf(_fp, "%04x, ", array[i]));
00104         //pc.printf("Writing at %ld\r\n", ftell(_fp));
00105         fprintf(_fp, "%04x, ", array[i]);
00106         //pc.printf("Wrote %x, now at %ld\r\n", array[i], ftell(_fp));
00107     }
00108     //printf("%d\r\n", fprintf(_fp, "%04x\r\n", array[length-1]));
00109     fprintf(_fp, "%04x\r\n", array[length-1]);
00110     //fflush(_fp);
00111 }
00113 /** This function writes to a single position in the file
00114 * @param index  write to this index of the file, or at offset index*6 from the start
00115 * @param value  the new value to be written to that position
00116 * @author Michael Ling
00117 * @date 4/24/2015
00118 */
00119 void SDFile::write_to_index(int index, int value)
00120 {
00121      fseek(_fp, 6*index, SEEK_SET);
00122     //pc.printf("Index %d, position %ld\r\n", 6*index, ftell(_fp));
00123     //fscanf(_fp, "%x, ", &val);
00124     //pc.printf("Val is %x\r\n", val);
00125     //pc.printf("%d, %d\r\n", sizeof value, sizeof 0xdead);
00126     //pc.printf("%04x, ", value);
00127     //The &0xffff forces the float to write only 4 characters--without it floats become 8 chars long, for some reason
00128     int w = fprintf(_fp, "%04x, ", value & 0xffff); 
00129     //pc.printf("Wrote %d, now at %ld\r\n", w, ftell(_fp));
00130     fflush(_fp);
00131 }
00133 void SDFile::append(int length, int *array) {
00134     fseek(_fp, 0, SEEK_END);
00135     for(int i = 0; i < length-1; i++) {
00137         fprintf(_fp, "%04x, ", array[i]);
00138     }
00139     fprintf(_fp, "%04x\r\n", array[length-1]);
00140 }
00141 /*
00142 void SDFile::changeAccess(string path, string filename) {
00143     fclose(_fp);
00144     char *a = new char[path.size()+1];
00145     a[path.size()] = 0;
00146     memcpy(a,path.c_str(),path.size());
00147     //Calculates the full filename, then creates the file
00148     std::string fullname = path + filename;
00150     char *b = new char[fullname.size()+1];
00152     b[fullname.size()] = 0;
00153     memcpy(b,fullname.c_str(),fullname.size());
00154     printf("Using name %s\r\n", b);
00155     _fp = fopen((const char *)b, "r+");
00156     printf("new FP is %d\r\n", _fp);
00157 }*/
00159 void SDFile::open_for_read(string path, string filename) {
00160      //Creates the necessary directory
00161     //printf("Trying to open for read\r\n");
00162     char *a = new char[path.size()+1];
00163     a[path.size()] = 0;
00164     memcpy(a,path.c_str(),path.size());
00165     //Calculates the full filename, then creates the file
00166     std::string fullname = path + filename;
00168     char *b = new char[fullname.size()+1];
00169     b[fullname.size()] = 0;
00170     memcpy(b,fullname.c_str(),fullname.size());
00171     _fp = fopen((const char*)b, "r");
00173     //printf("fp is %d\r\n", _fp);  
00174 }
00176 void SDFile::open_for_write(string path, string filename) {
00178     //Creates the necessary directory
00180     char *a = new char[path.size()+1];
00181     a[path.size()] = 0;
00182     memcpy(a,path.c_str(),path.size());
00183     //Calculates the full filename, then creates the file
00184     std::string fullname = path + filename;
00186     char *b = new char[fullname.size()+1];
00187     b[fullname.size()] = 0;
00188     memcpy(b,fullname.c_str(),fullname.size());
00189             _fp = fopen((const char*)b, "w+");
00191     //printf("fp is %d\r\n", _fp); 
00192 }
00194 void SDFile::close() {
00195     fclose(_fp);
00196 }