Replaced depreciated wait_ms with ThisThread::sleep_for
2020-01-06, by mudassar0121 [Mon, 06 Jan 2020 14:49:22 +0500] rev 15
Replaced depreciated wait_ms with ThisThread::sleep_for
Pure virtual method overrider added to remove build errors with updated mbed-os
2019-02-13, by fahim.alavi@u-blox.com [Wed, 13 Feb 2019 10:48:13 +0500] rev 14
Pure virtual method overrider added to remove build errors with updated mbed-os
Added free(tmpBuf) as it wasn't freeing up the memory on each receive!
2018-05-15, by philware [Tue, 15 May 2018 10:23:16 +0100] rev 13
Added free(tmpBuf) as it wasn't freeing up the memory on each receive!
Don't quit the loop by breaking out of it, set the size = 0 or success to false.
2017-12-12, by philware [Tue, 12 Dec 2017 15:51:45 +0000] rev 12
Don't quit the loop by breaking out of it, set the size = 0 or success to false.
Changed default baud rate to use the N2xx #define MBED_CONF_UBLOX_CELL_N2XX_BAUD_RATE
2017-09-28, by philware [Thu, 28 Sep 2017 15:30:22 +0100] rev 11
Changed default baud rate to use the N2xx #define MBED_CONF_UBLOX_CELL_N2XX_BAUD_RATE
2017-09-28, by philware [Thu, 28 Sep 2017 15:19:21 +0100] rev 10
Changed a few AT Commands to now use quotes, which were added to U06.57 A01.02 firmware
2017-09-28, by philware [Thu, 28 Sep 2017 15:18:00 +0100] rev 9
Changed a few AT Commands to now use quotes, which were added to U06.57 A01.02 firmware
Updated test main.cpp
uint becomes uint32_t (ARM tools do not have uint).
2017-09-14, by rob.meades@u-blox.com [Thu, 14 Sep 2017 11:00:41 +0100] rev 8
uint becomes uint32_t (ARM tools do not have uint).
Rename MAX_XXXX_SIZE macros to have N2XX on the end in order to avoid naming clash with non-N2xx flavour driver.
2017-09-14, by rob.meades@u-blox.com [Thu, 14 Sep 2017 10:29:22 +0100] rev 7
Rename MAX_XXXX_SIZE macros to have N2XX on the end in order to avoid naming clash with non-N2xx flavour driver.
Changed static char[50] to a malloc
2017-09-13, by philware [Wed, 13 Sep 2017 15:57:06 +0100] rev 6
Changed static char[50] to a malloc