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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2017 u-blox
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #include "mbed.h"
00018 #include "ATCmdParser.h"
00019 #include "FileHandle.h"
00020 #include "onboard_modem_api.h"
00022 /* Definitions */
00023 #define OUTPUT_ENTER_KEY  "\r"
00024 #define AT_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE   256
00025 #define AT_PARSER_TIMEOUT       8*1000 // Milliseconds
00027 /* The example program for the u-blox C030 boards. It sets up the Cellular Module then read out the IMSI of the eUICC/SIM.  
00028  * The Uer LEDs (RGB) and User Button are utilised to show the activity on the board.
00029  * When GNSS has a location fix, the Red Timepulse LED, next to the User LEDs, blinks every 1 second.  
00030  */
00032 /* File handler */
00033 FileHandle *fh;
00035 /* AT Command  Parser handle */
00036 ATCmdParser *at;
00038 // User LEDs
00039 DigitalOut ledRed(LED1, 1);
00040 DigitalOut ledGreen(LED2, 1);
00041 DigitalOut ledBlue(LED3, 1);
00043 // Ethernet socket LED 
00044 DigitalOut ledYellow(LED4,1);
00046 // User Button
00047 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
00048     // No user button on C027
00049     InterruptIn userButton(NC);
00050 #else
00051     InterruptIn userButton(SW0);
00052 #endif
00054 // Delay between LED changes in second
00055 volatile float delay = 0.5;
00057 // To check if the user pressed the User Button or not
00058 void threadBodyUserButtonCheck(void const *args){
00059     float delayToggle = delay;
00060     while (1){
00061         if (userButton.read() == 1 ) {
00062         // User Button is pressed 
00063             delay = 0.1;
00064             // Indicate with the Yellow LED on Ethernet socket 
00065             ledYellow = 0;
00066         }
00067         else { 
00068         // User button is released
00069             delay = 0.5;
00070             // Turn off the Yellow LED on Ethernet socket
00071             ledYellow = 1;
00072         }
00073     }
00074 }
00076 // Setup the modem
00077 bool setup_modem(){
00079     bool success = false;
00081     /* Initialize GPIO lines */
00082     onboard_modem_init();
00084     /* Give modem a little time to settle down */
00085     wait_ms(250);
00087     printf("Powering up the modem\r\n");
00088     onboard_modem_power_up();
00089 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_N211
00090     wait_ms(5000);
00091 #else
00092     wait_ms(500);
00093 #endif
00095     // Set AT parser timeout to 1sec for AT OK check
00096     at->set_timeout(1000);
00098     printf("Checking for AT response from the modem\r\n");
00099     for (int retry_count = 0; !success && (retry_count < 20); retry_count++) {
00100         printf("...wait\r\n");
00101         // The modem tends to sends out some garbage during power up.
00102         at->flush();
00104         // AT OK talk to the modem
00105         if (at->send("AT")) {
00106             wait_ms(100);
00107             if (at->recv("OK")) {
00108                 success = true;
00109             }
00110         }
00111     }
00113     // Increase the parser time to 8 sec
00114     at->set_timeout(8000);
00116     if (success) {
00117         printf("Configuring the modem\r\n");
00119 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_N211
00120         // Turn off modem echoing and turn on verbose responses
00121         success = at->send("AT+CMEE=1");
00122 #else
00123         // Set the final baud rate
00124         if (at->send("AT+IPR=%d", 115200) && at->recv("OK")) {
00125             // Need to wait for things to be sorted out on the modem side
00126             wait_ms(100);
00127             ((UARTSerial *)fh)->set_baud(115200);
00128         }
00130         // Turn off modem echoing and turn on verbose responses
00131         success = at->send("ATE0;+CMEE=2") && at->recv("OK") &&
00132                   // The following commands are best sent separately
00133                   // Turn off RTC/CTS handshaking
00134                   at->send("AT&K0") && at->recv("OK") &&
00135                   // Set DCD circuit(109), changes in accordance with 
00136                   // the carrier detect status
00137                   at->send("AT&C1") && at->recv("OK") &&
00138                   // Set DTR circuit, we ignore the state change of DTR 
00139                   at->send("AT&D0") && at->recv("OK"); 
00140 #endif                  
00141     }
00143     return success;
00144 }
00145 /*
00146 ** Reading the modem IMEI and eUICC/SIM IMSI
00147 ** 
00148 */
00150 int main()
00151 {
00152     bool success = false;
00154     printf("\n\r\n\ru-blox C030 reading the modem IMEI and eUICC/SIM IMSI\n\r");
00155     printf("Initialising UART for modem communication");
00156     fh = new UARTSerial(MDMTXD, MDMRXD, 9600);
00157     printf("...DONE\r\n");
00159     // NOTE: if you are experiencing problems with the AT command
00160     // exchange, change the "false" below to "true" to get debug output
00161     // from the AT command parser
00162     printf("Initialising the modem AT command parser");
00163     at = new ATCmdParser(fh, OUTPUT_ENTER_KEY, AT_PARSER_BUFFER_SIZE,
00164             AT_PARSER_TIMEOUT, false);
00165     printf("...DONE\r\n");
00167     printf("Initializing the modem\r\n");
00168     if (setup_modem()) {
00169         printf("...DONE\r\nThe modem powered up\r\n");
00170         char imei[25+1];
00171         char imsi[15+1];
00172         printf("Reading IMEI and IMSI\r\n");
00174 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C030_N211
00175         if (at->send("AT+CGSN=1") && at->recv("\nOK\n%25[^\n]\nOK\n", imei)){
00176             printf("IMEI: %s\r\n",imei + 6); // Avoid the "+CGSN:" prefix
00177         }
00178 #else
00179         if (at->send("AT+CGSN") && at->recv("%15[^\n]\nOK\n", imei)){
00180             printf("IMEI: %s\r\n",imei);
00181         }
00182 #endif
00183         // Sometimes it takes a little while for the SIM to be initialised,
00184         // so retry this until done
00185         at->set_timeout(1000);
00186         for (int retry_count = 0; !success && (retry_count < 10); retry_count++) {
00187             if (at->send("AT+CIMI") && at->recv("%15[^\n]\nOK\n", imsi)){
00188                 printf("IMSI: %s\r\n",imsi);
00189                 success = true;
00190             }
00191         }        
00192         if (!success) {
00193             printf("Unable to read IMSI: has a SIM been inserted?\r\n");
00194         }
00195     } else {
00196         printf("Unable to intialize modem\r\n");
00197     }
00199     printf("FINISHED...\r\n");
00201     // Create threadUserButtonCheck thread
00202     Thread threadUserButtonCheck(threadBodyUserButtonCheck);
00204     // Set the LED states
00205     ledRed = 0;
00206     ledGreen = 1;
00207     ledBlue = 1;
00209     // Main loop
00210     while(1) {
00211         wait(delay);
00212         // Shift the LED states
00213         int carry = ledBlue;
00214         ledBlue = ledRed;
00215         ledRed = ledGreen;
00216         ledGreen = carry;
00217     }
00218 }
00220 // End Of File