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SMTPClient Class Reference

A simple SMTP Client. More...

#include <SMTPClient.h>

Inherits NetService.

Public Member Functions

 SMTPClient ()
 Instantiates the SMTP client.
virtual ~SMTPClient ()
 Destructor for the SMTP client.
 SMTPClient (const Host &host, const char *heloDomain, const char *user, const char *password, SMTPAuth auth)
 Full constructor for the SMTP client.
void setServer (const Host &host)
 Set server host.
void setAuth (const char *user, const char *password)
 Provides a plain authentication feature (Base64 encoded username and password)
void clearAuth ()
 Turns off authentication.
void setHeloDomain (const char *heloDomain)
 Set HELO domain (defaults to localhost if not set)
SMTPResult send (EmailMessage *pMessage)
 Sends the message (blocking)
SMTPResult send (EmailMessage *pMessage, void(*pMethod)(SMTPResult))
 Sends the message (non blocking)
template<class T >
SMTPResult send (EmailMessage *pMessage, T *pItem, void(T::*pMethod)(SMTPResult))
 Sends the message (non blocking)
void doSend (EmailMessage *pMessage)
 Sends the message (non blocking)
void setOnResult (void(*pMethod)(SMTPResult))
 Setup the result callback.
void setTimeout (int ms)
 Setup timeout.
string & getLastResponse ()
 Gets the last response from the server.
virtual void poll ()
 This method can be inherited so that it is called on each Net::poll() call.

Protected Member Functions

void close ()
 This flags the service as to be destructed if owned by the pool.

Detailed Description

A simple SMTP Client.

The SMTPClient is composed of:

Definition at line 62 of file SMTPClient.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

SMTPClient (  )

Instantiates the SMTP client.

Definition at line 36 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

~SMTPClient (  ) [virtual]

Destructor for the SMTP client.

Definition at line 56 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

SMTPClient ( const Host host,
const char *  heloDomain,
const char *  user,
const char *  password,
SMTPAuth  auth 

Full constructor for the SMTP client.

host: SMTP server host
heloDomain: domain name of client
user: username
password: password
auth: authentication type

Definition at line 46 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void clearAuth (  )

Turns off authentication.

Definition at line 66 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

void close (  ) [protected]

This flags the service as to be destructed if owned by the pool.

Reimplemented from NetService.

Definition at line 136 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

void doSend ( EmailMessage pMessage )

Sends the message (non blocking)

pMessage: pointer to a message

The function returns immediately and calls the previously set callback on completion or error

Definition at line 98 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

string & getLastResponse (  )

Gets the last response from the server.

Definition at line 451 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

void poll (  ) [virtual]

This method can be inherited so that it is called on each Net::poll() call.

Reimplemented from NetService.

Definition at line 112 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

SMTPResult send ( EmailMessage pMessage )

Sends the message (blocking)

pMessage: pointer to a message

Blocks until completion

Definition at line 87 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

SMTPResult send ( EmailMessage pMessage,
T *  pItem,
void(T::*)(SMTPResult pMethod 

Sends the message (non blocking)

pMessage: pointer to a message
pItem: instance of class on which to execute the callback method
pMethod: callback method

The function returns immediately and calls the callback on completion or error

Definition at line 129 of file SMTPClient.h.

SMTPResult send ( EmailMessage pMessage,
void(*)(SMTPResult pMethod 

Sends the message (non blocking)

pMessage: pointer to a message
pMethod: callback function

The function returns immediately and calls the callback on completion or error

Definition at line 92 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

void setAuth ( const char *  user,
const char *  password 

Provides a plain authentication feature (Base64 encoded username and password)

user: username
password: password

Definition at line 60 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

void setHeloDomain ( const char *  heloDomain )

Set HELO domain (defaults to localhost if not set)

heloDomain: domain name of client (strictly should be fully qualified domain name)

Definition at line 83 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

void setOnResult ( void(*)(SMTPResult pMethod )

Setup the result callback.

pMethod: callback function

Definition at line 102 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

void setServer ( const Host host )

Set server host.

host: SMTP server host

Definition at line 154 of file SMTPClient.cpp.

void setTimeout ( int  ms )

Setup timeout.

ms: time of connection inactivity in ms after which the request should timeout

Definition at line 108 of file SMTPClient.cpp.