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TLSSocket Class Reference

TLSSocket a wrapper around TCPSocket for interacting with TLS servers. More...

#include <tls_socket.h>

Public Member Functions

void set_debug (bool debug)
 Set the debug flag.

Static Protected Member Functions

static void print_mbedtls_error (const char *name, int err)
 Helper for pretty-printing mbed TLS error codes.
static void my_debug (void *ctx, int level, const char *file, int line, const char *str)
 Debug callback for mbed TLS Just prints on the USB serial port.
static int my_verify (void *data, mbedtls_x509_crt *crt, int depth, uint32_t *flags)
 Certificate verification callback for mbed TLS Here we only use it to display information on each cert in the chain.
static int ssl_recv (void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
 Receive callback for mbed TLS.
static int ssl_send (void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len)
 Send callback for mbed TLS.

Detailed Description

TLSSocket a wrapper around TCPSocket for interacting with TLS servers.

Definition at line 46 of file tls_socket.h.

Member Function Documentation

static void my_debug ( void *  ctx,
int  level,
const char *  file,
int  line,
const char *  str 
) [static, protected]

Debug callback for mbed TLS Just prints on the USB serial port.

Definition at line 224 of file tls_socket.h.

static int my_verify ( void *  data,
mbedtls_x509_crt *  crt,
int  depth,
uint32_t *  flags 
) [static, protected]

Certificate verification callback for mbed TLS Here we only use it to display information on each cert in the chain.

Definition at line 246 of file tls_socket.h.

static void print_mbedtls_error ( const char *  name,
int  err 
) [static, protected]

Helper for pretty-printing mbed TLS error codes.

Definition at line 213 of file tls_socket.h.

void set_debug ( bool  debug )

Set the debug flag.

If this flag is set, debug information from mbed TLS will be logged to stdout.

Definition at line 205 of file tls_socket.h.

static int ssl_recv ( void *  ctx,
unsigned char *  buf,
size_t  len 
) [static, protected]

Receive callback for mbed TLS.

Definition at line 272 of file tls_socket.h.

static int ssl_send ( void *  ctx,
const unsigned char *  buf,
size_t  len 
) [static, protected]

Send callback for mbed TLS.

Definition at line 291 of file tls_socket.h.