Tiltmeter program (designed for course ENGO 333 at UofC)

Dependencies:   C12832 mbed

Fork of tilt_angles by Mark Petovello



File content as of revision 2:03af85477e12:

 * File : ENGO333_MPU9150.h
 * Created by : Chandra Tjhai
 * Created on : September 19, 2016
 * Description :
 * This library is created for ENGO 333 class. The inertial sensor needs to be 
 * mounted on the mbed Application Board. The I2C connection is automatically 
 * set to p28 (SDA) and p27 (SCL).
#ifndef ENGO333_MPU9150_H
#define ENGO333_MPU9150_H

#include "ENGO333_I2C.h"
#include "Tiltmeter.h"

 * Define Macros: Device I2C slave addresses (R/W)
#define MPU9150_ADDRESS         (0x68 << 1)

 * Define Macros: Configuration Registers
#define MPU9150_CONFIG_REG              0x1A
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_CONFIG_REG        0x1C
#define MPU9150_INT_STATUS_REG          0x3A
#define MPU9150_INT_PIN_CFG_REG         0x37
#define MPU9150_PWR_MGMT_1_REG          0x6B
#define MPU9150_WHO_AM_I_REG            0x75

 * Define Macros: Measurement Data Registers
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_XOUT_H_REG        0x3B
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_YOUT_H_REG        0x3D
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_ZOUT_H_REG        0x3F

 * Define Macros: IMU Definitions
#define MPU9150_SLEEP_BIT               6
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_RANGE_2G          0
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_RANGE_4G          1
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_RANGE_8G          2
#define MPU9150_ACCEL_RANGE_16G         3
#define MPU9150_I_AM                    0x68
#define MPU9150_I2C_FAST_MODE           400000
#define MPU9150_I2C_STD_MODE            100000

 * Class
 *  A class to handle MPU-9150 9-DOF sensor
class ENGO333_MPU9150
    ENGO333_I2C i2c;
    float measAccel[3];  // Measured acceleration values in units of m/s/s

     * Default Constructor
     *  Once called, triggering device initialization and set data variables to 
     *  zero. Accelerometer is set to +-2G by default.
     * Function :
     *  Enable/disable device sleep mode
     * Argument :
     *  state = TRUE/FALSE
     * Return :
     *  NONE
    void setSleepMode(bool state);
     * Function :
     *  Test device's accelerometer connection
     * Argument :
     *  NONE
     * Return :
     *  Return TRUE if connection is good, otherwise FALSSE
    virtual bool TestConnection();
     * Function :
     *  Set accelerometer full scale range, see MPU9150_ACCEL_RANGE_XG
     * Argument :
     *  range = values of MPU9150_ACCEL_RANGE_XG
     * Return :
     *  NONE
    void setAccelRange(char range);
     * Function :
     *  Read raw accelerometer data, 3 axes
     * Argument :
     *  NONE
     * Return :
     *  NONE
    virtual void ReadAccelerometers();
     * Function :
     *  Get raw X-axis acceleration
     * Argument :
     *  NONE
     * Return :
     *  Raw X-axis acceleration
    virtual float GetAccelX() const;
     * Function :
     *  Get raw Y-axis acceleration
     * Argument :
     *  NONE
     * Return :
     *  Raw Y-axis acceleration
    virtual float GetAccelY() const;
     * Function :
     *  Get raw Z-axis acceleration
     * Argument :
     *  NONE
     * Return :
     *  Raw Z-axis acceleration
    virtual float GetAccelZ() const;
