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00001 /******************** (C) COPYRIGHT 2014 STMicroelectronics ********************
00002 * File Name          : bluenrg_gap_aci.h
00003 * Author             : AMS - AAS
00004 * Version            : V1.0.0
00005 * Date               : 26-Jun-2014
00006 * Description        : Header file with GAP commands for BlueNRG FW6.3.
00007 ********************************************************************************
00014 *******************************************************************************/
00016 #ifndef __BLUENRG_GAP_ACI_H__
00017 #define __BLUENRG_GAP_ACI_H__
00019 /**
00020  *@addtogroup GAP GAP
00021  *@brief GAP layer.
00022  *@{
00023  */
00025 /**
00026  *@defgroup GAP_Functions GAP functions
00027  *@brief API for GAP layer.
00028  *@{
00029  */
00031 /**
00032   * @brief  Initialize the GAP layer.
00033   * @note   Register the GAP service with the GATT. 
00034   *         All the standard GAP characteristics will also be added:
00035   *         @li Device Name
00036   *         @li Appearance
00037   *         @li Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (peripheral role only)
00038   *         @code
00040               tBleStatus ret;
00041               uint16_t service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, appearance_char_handle;
00043               ret = aci_gap_init_IDB05A1(1, 0, 0x07, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle);
00044               if(ret){
00045                 PRINTF("GAP_Init failed.\n");
00046                 reboot();    
00047               }  
00048               const char *name = "BlueNRG";  
00049               ret = aci_gatt_update_char_value(service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, 0, strlen(name), (uint8_t *)name);        
00050               if(ret){
00051                 PRINTF("aci_gatt_update_char_value failed.\n");
00052               }  
00053   *         @endcode
00054   * @param       role     Bitmap of allowed roles: see @ref gap_roles "GAP roles".
00055   * @param       privacy_enabled     Enable (1) or disable (0) privacy.
00056   * @param       device_name_char_len Length of the device name characteristic
00057   * @param[out]  service_handle  Handle of the GAP service.
00058   * @param[out]  dev_name_char_handle  Device Name Characteristic handle
00059   * @param[out]  appearance_char_handle Appearance Characteristic handle
00060   * @retval tBleStatus Value indicating success or error code.
00061   */
00062 tBleStatus aci_gap_init_IDB05A1(uint8_t role, uint8_t privacy_enabled,
00063                         uint8_t device_name_char_len,
00064                         uint16_t* service_handle,
00065                         uint16_t* dev_name_char_handle,
00066                         uint16_t* appearance_char_handle);
00067 /**
00068   * @brief  Initialize the GAP layer.
00069   * @note   Register the GAP service with the GATT.
00070   *         All the standard GAP characteristics will also be added:
00071   *         @li Device Name
00072   *         @li Appearance
00073   *         @li Peripheral Privacy Flag (peripheral role only)
00074   *         @li Reconnection Address (peripheral role only)
00075   *         @li Peripheral Preferred Connection Parameters (peripheral role only)
00076   *         @code
00078               tBleStatus ret;
00079               uint16_t service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, appearance_char_handle;
00081               ret = aci_gap_init_IDB04A1(1, &service_handle, &dev_name_char_handle, &appearance_char_handle);
00082               if(ret){
00083                 PRINTF("GAP_Init failed.\n");
00084                 reboot();    
00085               }  
00086               const char *name = "BlueNRG";  
00087               ret = aci_gatt_update_char_value(service_handle, dev_name_char_handle, 0, strlen(name), (uint8_t *)name);        
00088               if(ret){
00089                 PRINTF("aci_gatt_update_char_value failed.\n");
00090               }  
00091   *         @endcode
00092   * @param       role     One of the allowed roles: @ref GAP_PERIPHERAL_ROLE or @ref GAP_CENTRAL_ROLE. See @ref gap_roles "GAP roles".
00093   * @param[out]  service_handle  Handle of the GAP service.
00094   * @param[out]  dev_name_char_handle  Device Name Characteristic handle
00095   * @param[out]  appearance_char_handle Appearance Characteristic handle
00096   * @retval tBleStatus Value indicating success or error code.
00097   */
00098 tBleStatus aci_gap_init_IDB04A1(uint8_t role,
00099                  uint16_t* service_handle,
00100                  uint16_t* dev_name_char_handle,
00101                  uint16_t* appearance_char_handle);
00103 /**
00104   * @brief   Set the Device in non-discoverable mode.
00105   * @note    This command will disable the LL advertising.
00106   * @retval  tBleStatus Value indicating success or error code.
00107   */
00108 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_non_discoverable(void);
00110 /**
00111  * @brief  Put the device in limited discoverable mode
00112  *         (as defined in GAP specification volume 3, section 9.2.3).
00113  * @note    The device will be discoverable for TGAP (lim_adv_timeout) = 180 seconds.
00114  *          The advertising can be disabled at any time by issuing
00115  *          aci_gap_set_non_discoverable() command.
00116  *          The AdvIntervMin and AdvIntervMax parameters are optional. If both
00117  *          are set to 0, the GAP will use default values (250 ms and 500 ms respectively).
00118  *          Host can set the Local Name, a Service UUID list and the Slave Connection
00119  *          Minimum and Maximum. If provided, these data will be inserted into the
00120  *          advertising packet payload as AD data. These parameters are optional
00121  *          in this command. These values can be also set using aci_gap_update_adv_data()
00122  *          separately.
00123  *          The total size of data in advertising packet cannot exceed 31 bytes.
00124  *          With this command, the BLE Stack will also add automatically the following
00125  *          standard AD types:
00126  *          @li AD Flags
00127  *          @li TX Power Level
00128  *
00129  *          When advertising timeout happens (i.e. limited discovery period has elapsed), controller generates
00130  *          @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE event.
00131  *
00132  *          Example:
00133  * @code
00134  *
00135  *              #define  ADV_INTERVAL_MIN_MS  100
00136  *              #define  ADV_INTERVAL_MAX_MS  200
00137  *
00138  *              tBleStatus ret;
00139  *
00140  *              const char local_name[] = {AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME,'B','l','u','e','N','R','G'};
00141  *              const uint8_t serviceUUIDList[] = {AD_TYPE_16_BIT_SERV_UUID,0x34,0x12};
00142  *
00143  *              ret = aci_gap_set_limited_discoverable(ADV_IND, (ADV_INTERVAL_MIN_MS*1000)/0.625,
00144  *                                                     (ADV_INTERVAL_MAX_MS*1000)/0.625,
00145  *                                                     STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR, NO_WHITE_LIST_USE,
00146  *                                                    sizeof(local_name), local_name,
00147  *                                                     sizeof(serviceUUIDList), serviceUUIDList,
00148  *                                                     0, 0);
00149  * @endcode
00150  *
00151  * @param       AdvType     One of the advertising types:
00152  *               @arg @ref ADV_IND Connectable undirected advertising
00153  *               @arg @ref ADV_SCAN_IND Scannable undirected advertising
00154  *               @arg @ref ADV_NONCONN_IND Non connectable undirected advertising
00155  * @param       AdvIntervMin    Minimum advertising interval.
00156  *                               Range: 0x0020 to 0x4000
00157  *                               Default: 250 ms
00158  *                               Time = N * 0.625 msec
00159  *                               Time Range: 20 ms to 10.24 sec (minimum 100 ms for ADV_SCAN_IND or ADV_NONCONN_IND).
00160  * @param       AdvIntervMax    Maximum advertising interval.
00161  *                              Range: 0x0020 to 0x4000
00162  *                              Default: 500 ms
00163  *                              Time = N * 0.625 msec
00164  *                              Time Range: 20 ms to 10.24 sec  (minimum 100 ms for ADV_SCAN_IND or ADV_NONCONN_IND).
00165  * @param       OwnAddrType     Type of our address used during advertising
00166  *                              (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR,@ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00167  * @param       AdvFilterPolicy  Filter policy:
00168  *                               @arg NO_WHITE_LIST_USE
00169  *                               @arg WHITE_LIST_FOR_ONLY_SCAN
00170  *                               @arg WHITE_LIST_FOR_ONLY_CONN
00171  *                               @arg WHITE_LIST_FOR_ALL
00172  * @param  LocalNameLen  Length of LocalName array.
00173  * @param  LocalName  Array containing the Local Name AD data. First byte is the AD type:
00174  *                       @ref AD_TYPE_SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME or @ref AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME.
00175  * @param  ServiceUUIDLen Length of ServiceUUIDList array.
00176  * @param  ServiceUUIDList  This is the list of the UUIDs AD Types as defined in Volume 3,
00177  *                              Section 11.1.1 of GAP Specification. First byte is the AD Type.
00178  *                              @arg @ref AD_TYPE_16_BIT_SERV_UUID
00179  *                              @arg @ref AD_TYPE_16_BIT_SERV_UUID_CMPLT_LIST
00180  *                              @arg @ref AD_TYPE_128_BIT_SERV_UUID
00181  *                              @arg @ref AD_TYPE_128_BIT_SERV_UUID_CMPLT_LIST
00182  * @param  SlaveConnIntervMin Slave connection interval minimum value suggested by Peripheral.
00183  *                           If SlaveConnIntervMin and SlaveConnIntervMax are not 0x0000,
00184  *                           Slave Connection Interval Range AD structure will be added in advertising
00185  *                           data.
00186  *                           Connection interval is defined in the following manner:
00187  *                           connIntervalmin = Slave_Conn_Interval_Min x 1.25ms
00188  *                           Slave_Conn_Interval_Min range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
00189  *                           Value of 0xFFFF indicates no specific minimum.
00190  * @param  SlaveConnIntervMax Slave connection interval maximum value suggested by Peripheral.
00191  *                           If SlaveConnIntervMin and SlaveConnIntervMax are not 0x0000,
00192  *                           Slave Connection Interval Range AD structure will be added in advertising
00193  *                           data.
00194  *                           ConnIntervalmax = Slave_Conn_Interval_Max x 1.25ms
00195  *                           Slave_Conn_Interval_Max range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
00196  *                           Slave_ Conn_Interval_Max shall be equal to or greater than the Slave_Conn_Interval_Min.
00197  *                           Value of 0xFFFF indicates no specific maximum.
00198  *
00199  * @retval tBleStatus Value indicating success or error code.
00200  */
00201 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_limited_discoverable(uint8_t AdvType, uint16_t AdvIntervMin, uint16_t AdvIntervMax,
00202                         uint8_t OwnAddrType, uint8_t AdvFilterPolicy, uint8_t LocalNameLen,
00203                         const char *LocalName, uint8_t ServiceUUIDLen, uint8_t* ServiceUUIDList,
00204                         uint16_t SlaveConnIntervMin, uint16_t SlaveConnIntervMax);
00205 /**
00206  * @brief Put the Device in general discoverable mode (as defined in GAP specification volume 3, section 9.2.4).
00207  * @note  The device will be discoverable until the Host issue Bluehci_Gap_Set_Non_Discoverable command.
00208  *        The Adv_Interval_Min and Adv_Interval_Max parameters are optional. If both are set to 0, the GAP uses
00209  *        the default values for advertising intervals (1.28 s and 2.56 s respectively).
00210  *        Host can set the Local Name, a Service UUID list and the Slave Connection Interval Range. If provided,
00211  *        these data will be inserted into the advertising packet payload as AD data. These parameters are optional
00212  *        in this command. These values can be also set using aci_gap_update_adv_data() separately.
00213  *        The total size of data in advertising packet cannot exceed 31 bytes.
00214  *        With this command, the BLE Stack will also add automatically the following standard AD types:
00215  *        @li AD Flags
00216  *        @li TX Power Level
00217  *
00218  *        Usage example:
00219  *
00220  *        @code
00221  *
00222  *              #define  ADV_INTERVAL_MIN_MS  800
00223  *              #define  ADV_INTERVAL_MAX_MS  900
00224  *              #define  CONN_INTERVAL_MIN_MS 100
00225  *              #define  CONN_INTERVAL_MAX_MS 300
00226  *
00227  *              tBleStatus ret;
00228  *
00229  *              const char local_name[] = {AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME,'B','l','u','e','N','R','G'};
00230  *              const uint8_t serviceUUIDList[] = {AD_TYPE_16_BIT_SERV_UUID,0x34,0x12};
00231  *
00232  *              ret = aci_gap_set_discoverable(ADV_IND, (ADV_INTERVAL_MIN_MS*1000)/0.625,
00233  *                                                     (ADV_INTERVAL_MAX_MS*1000)/0.625,
00234  *                                                     STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR, NO_WHITE_LIST_USE,
00235  *                                                     sizeof(local_name), local_name,
00236  *                                                     0, NULL,
00237  *                                                     (CONN_INTERVAL_MIN_MS*1000)/1250,
00238  *                                                     (CONN_INTERVAL_MAX_MS*1000)/1250);
00239  *          @endcode
00240  *
00241  * @param AdvType One of the advertising types:
00242  *                @arg @ref ADV_IND Connectable undirected advertising
00243  *                @arg @ref ADV_SCAN_IND Scannable undirected advertising
00244  *                @arg @ref ADV_NONCONN_IND Non connectable undirected advertising
00245  * @param       AdvIntervMin    Minimum advertising interval.
00246  *                               Range: 0x0020 to 0x4000
00247  *                               Default: 1.28 s
00248  *                               Time = N * 0.625 msec
00249  *                               Time Range: 20 ms to 10.24 sec (minimum 100 ms for ADV_SCAN_IND or ADV_NONCONN_IND).
00250  * @param       AdvIntervMax    Maximum advertising interval.
00251  *                              Range: 0x0020 to 0x4000
00252  *                              Default: 2.56 s
00253  *                              Time = N * 0.625 msec
00254  *                              Time Range: 20 ms to 10.24 sec  (minimum 100 ms for ADV_SCAN_IND or ADV_NONCONN_IND).
00255  * @param       OwnAddrType     Type of our address used during advertising
00256  *                              (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR,@ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00257  * @param       AdvFilterPolicy  Filter policy:
00258  *                               @arg @ref NO_WHITE_LIST_USE
00259  *                               @arg @ref WHITE_LIST_FOR_ONLY_SCAN
00260  *                               @arg @ref WHITE_LIST_FOR_ONLY_CONN
00261  *                               @arg @ref WHITE_LIST_FOR_ALL
00262  * @param  LocalNameLen  Length of LocalName array.
00263  * @param  LocalName  Array containing the Local Name AD data. First byte is the AD type:
00264  *                       @ref AD_TYPE_SHORTENED_LOCAL_NAME or @ref AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME.
00265  * @param  ServiceUUIDLen Length of ServiceUUIDList array.
00266  * @param  ServiceUUIDList  This is the list of the UUIDs AD Types as defined in Volume 3,
00267  *                              Section 11.1.1 of GAP Specification. First byte is the AD Type.
00268  *                              @arg @ref AD_TYPE_16_BIT_SERV_UUID
00269  *                              @arg @ref AD_TYPE_16_BIT_SERV_UUID_CMPLT_LIST
00270  *                              @arg @ref AD_TYPE_128_BIT_SERV_UUID
00271  *                              @arg @ref AD_TYPE_128_BIT_SERV_UUID_CMPLT_LIST
00272  * @param  SlaveConnIntervMin Slave connection interval minimum value suggested by Peripheral.
00273  *                           If SlaveConnIntervMin and SlaveConnIntervMax are not 0x0000,
00274  *                           Slave Connection Interval Range AD structure will be added in advertising
00275  *                           data.
00276  *                           Connection interval is defined in the following manner:
00277  *                           connIntervalmin = Slave_Conn_Interval_Min x 1.25ms
00278  *                           Slave_Conn_Interval_Min range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
00279  *                           Value of 0xFFFF indicates no specific minimum.
00280  * @param  SlaveConnIntervMax Slave connection interval maximum value suggested by Peripheral.
00281  *                           If SlaveConnIntervMin and SlaveConnIntervMax are not 0x0000,
00282  *                           Slave Connection Interval Range AD structure will be added in advertising
00283  *                           data.
00284  *                           ConnIntervalmax = Slave_Conn_Interval_Max x 1.25ms
00285  *                           Slave_Conn_Interval_Max range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80
00286  *                           Slave_ Conn_Interval_Max shall be equal to or greater than the Slave_Conn_Interval_Min.
00287  *                           Value of 0xFFFF indicates no specific maximum.
00288  *
00289  * @retval tBleStatus Value indicating success or error code.
00290  */
00291 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_discoverable(uint8_t AdvType, uint16_t AdvIntervMin, uint16_t AdvIntervMax,
00292                              uint8_t OwnAddrType, uint8_t AdvFilterPolicy, uint8_t LocalNameLen,
00293                              const char *LocalName, uint8_t ServiceUUIDLen, uint8_t* ServiceUUIDList,
00294                              uint16_t SlaveConnIntervMin, uint16_t SlaveConnIntervMax);
00296 /**
00297  * @brief Set the Device in direct connectable mode (as defined in GAP specification Volume 3, Section 9.3.3).
00298  * @note  If the privacy is enabled, the reconnection address is used for advertising, otherwise the address
00299  *        of the type specified in OwnAddrType is used. The device will be in directed connectable mode only
00300  *        for 1.28 seconds. If no connection is established within this duration, the device enters non
00301  *        discoverable mode and advertising will have to be again enabled explicitly.
00302  *        The controller generates a @ref EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE event with the status set to @ref HCI_DIRECTED_ADV_TIMEOUT
00303  *        if the connection was not established and 0x00 if the connection was successfully established.
00304  *
00305  *        Usage example:
00306  *        @code
00307  *
00308  *        tBleStatus ret;
00309  *
00310  *        const uint8_t central_address[] = {0x43,0x27,0x84,0xE1,0x80,0x02};
00311  *        ret = aci_gap_set_direct_connectable_IDB05A1(PUBLIC_ADDR, HIGH_DUTY_CYCLE_DIRECTED_ADV, PUBLIC_ADDR, central_address);
00312  *        @endcode
00313  *
00314  *
00315  *
00316  * @param OwnAddrType  Type of our address used during advertising (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR,@ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00317  * @param directed_adv_type  Type of directed advertising (@ref HIGH_DUTY_CYCLE_DIRECTED_ADV, @ref LOW_DUTY_CYCLE_DIRECTED_ADV).
00318  * @param InitiatorAddrType Type of peer address (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR,@ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00319  * @param InitiatorAddr     Initiator's address (Little Endian).
00320  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00321  */
00322 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_direct_connectable_IDB05A1(uint8_t own_addr_type, uint8_t directed_adv_type, uint8_t initiator_addr_type, const uint8_t *initiator_addr);
00323 /**
00324  * @brief Set the Device in direct connectable mode (as defined in GAP specification Volume 3, Section 9.3.3).
00325  * @note  If the privacy is enabled, the reconnection address is used for advertising, otherwise the address
00326  *        of the type specified in OwnAddrType is used. The device will be in directed connectable mode only
00327  *        for 1.28 seconds. If no connection is established within this duration, the device enters non
00328  *        discoverable mode and advertising will have to be again enabled explicitly.
00329  *        The controller generates a @ref EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE event with the status set to @ref HCI_DIRECTED_ADV_TIMEOUT
00330  *        if the connection was not established and 0x00 if the connection was successfully established.
00331  *
00332  *        Usage example:
00333  *        @code
00334  *
00335  *        tBleStatus ret;
00336  *
00337  *        const uint8_t central_address = {0x43,0x27,0x84,0xE1,0x80,0x02};
00338  *        ret = aci_gap_set_direct_connectable_IDB04A1(PUBLIC_ADDR, PUBLIC_ADDR, central_address);
00339  *        @endcode
00340  *
00341  *
00342  *
00343  * @param OwnAddrType  Type of our address used during advertising (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR,@ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00344  * @param InitiatorAddrType Type of peer address (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR,@ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00345  * @param InitiatorAddr     Initiator's address (Little Endian).
00346  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00347  */
00348 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_direct_connectable_IDB04A1(uint8_t own_addr_type, uint8_t initiator_addr_type, const uint8_t *initiator_addr);
00350 /**
00351  * @brief Set the IO capabilities of the device.
00352  * @note This command has to be given only when the device is not in a connected state.
00353  * @param io_capability One of the allowed codes for IO Capability:
00354  *        @arg @ref IO_CAP_DISPLAY_ONLY
00355  *        @arg @ref IO_CAP_DISPLAY_YES_NO
00356  *        @arg @ref IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_ONLY
00357  *        @arg @ref IO_CAP_NO_INPUT_NO_OUTPUT
00358  *        @arg @ref IO_CAP_KEYBOARD_DISPLAY
00359  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00360  */
00361 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_io_capability(uint8_t io_capability);
00363 /**
00364  * @brief Set the authentication requirements for the device.
00365  * @note  If the oob_enable is set to 0, oob_data will be ignored.
00366  *        This command has to be given only when the device is not in a connected state.
00367  * @param mitm_mode MITM mode:
00368  *                  @arg @ref MITM_PROTECTION_NOT_REQUIRED
00369  *                  @arg @ref MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED
00370  * @param oob_enable If OOB data are present or not:
00371  *                   @arg @ref OOB_AUTH_DATA_ABSENT
00372  *                   @arg @ref OOB_AUTH_DATA_PRESENT
00373  * @param oob_data   Out-Of-Band data
00374  * @param min_encryption_key_size Minimum size of the encryption key to be used during the pairing process
00375  * @param max_encryption_key_size Maximum size of the encryption key to be used during the pairing process
00376  * @param use_fixed_pin If application wants to use a fixed pin or not:
00377  *                      @arg @ref USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING
00378  *                      @arg @ref DONOT_USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING
00379  *                      If a fixed pin is not used, it has to be provided by the application with
00380  *                      aci_gap_pass_key_response() after @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PASS_KEY_REQUEST event.
00381  * @param fixed_pin If use_fixed_pin is USE_FIXED_PIN_FOR_PAIRING, this is the value of the pin that will
00382  *                  be used during pairing if MIMT protection is enabled. Any value between 0 to 999999 is
00383  *                  accepted.
00384  * @param bonding_mode One of the bonding modes:
00385  *                     @arg @ref BONDING
00386  *                     @arg @ref NO_BONDING
00387  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00388  */
00389 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_auth_requirement(uint8_t mitm_mode,
00390                                         uint8_t oob_enable,
00391                                         uint8_t oob_data[16],
00392                                         uint8_t min_encryption_key_size,
00393                                         uint8_t max_encryption_key_size,
00394                                         uint8_t use_fixed_pin,
00395                                         uint32_t fixed_pin,
00396                                         uint8_t bonding_mode);
00397  /**
00398   * @brief Set the authorization requirements of the device.
00399   * @note This command has to be given only when the device is not in a connected state.
00400   * @param conn_handle Handle of the connection in case BlueNRG is configured as a master (otherwise it can be also 0).
00401   * @param authorization_enable @arg @ref AUTHORIZATION_NOT_REQUIRED : Authorization not required
00402   *                             @arg @ref AUTHORIZATION_REQUIRED : Authorization required. This enables
00403   *                             the authorization requirement in the device and when a remote device
00404   *                             tries to connect to GATT server, @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST event
00405   *                             will be sent to the Host.
00406   *
00407   * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00408   */
00409 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_author_requirement(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t authorization_enable);
00411 /**
00412  * @brief Provide the pass key that will be used during pairing.
00413  * @note This command should be sent by the Host in response to @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PASS_KEY_REQUEST event.
00414  * @param conn_handle Connection handle
00415  * @param passkey     Pass key that will be used during the pairing process. Must be a number between
00416  *                    0 and 999999.
00417  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00418  */
00419 tBleStatus aci_gap_pass_key_response(uint16_t conn_handle, uint32_t passkey);
00421 /**
00422  * @brief Authorize a device to access attributes.
00423  * @note Application should send this command after it has received a @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST.
00424  *
00425  * @param conn_handle Connection handle
00426  * @param authorize   @arg @ref CONNECTION_AUTHORIZED : Authorize (accept connection)
00427  *                    @arg @ref CONNECTION_REJECTED : Reject (reject connection)
00428  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00429  */
00430 tBleStatus aci_gap_authorization_response(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t authorize);
00432 /**
00433  * @brief Put the device into non-connectable mode.
00434  * @param adv_type One of the allowed advertising types:
00435  *                 @arg @ref ADV_SCAN_IND : Scannable undirected advertising
00436  *                 @arg @ref ADV_NONCONN_IND : Non-connectable undirected advertising
00437  * @param own_address_type If Privacy is disabled, then the peripheral address can be
00438  *                         @arg @ref PUBLIC_ADDR.
00439  *                         @arg @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR.
00440  *                         If Privacy is enabled, then the peripheral address can be 
00441  *                         @arg @ref RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR
00442  *                         @arg @ref NON_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR
00443  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00444  */
00445 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_non_connectable_IDB05A1(uint8_t adv_type, uint8_t own_address_type);
00446 /**
00447  * @brief Put the device into non-connectable mode.
00448  * @param adv_type One of the allowed advertising types:
00449  *                 @arg @ref ADV_SCAN_IND : Scannable undirected advertising
00450  *                 @arg @ref ADV_NONCONN_IND : Non-connectable undirected advertising
00451  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00452  */
00453 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_non_connectable_IDB04A1(uint8_t adv_type);
00455 /**
00456  * @brief Put the device into undirected connectable mode.
00457  * @note  If privacy is enabled in the device, a resolvable private address is generated and used
00458  *        as the advertiser's address. If not, the address of the type specified in own_addr_type
00459  *        is used for advertising.
00460  * @param own_addr_type Type of our address used during advertising:
00461  *                      if BLUENRG (IDB04A1)
00462  *                      @arg @ref PUBLIC_ADDR.
00463  *                      @arg @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR.
00464  *                      else if BLUENRG_MS (IDB05A1)
00465  *                      If Privacy is disabled:
00466  *                      @arg @ref PUBLIC_ADDR.
00467  *                      @arg @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR.
00468  *                      If Privacy is enabled:
00469  *                      @arg @ref RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR
00470  *                      @arg @ref NON_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR
00471  * @param adv_filter_policy  Filter policy:
00472  *                         @arg @ref NO_WHITE_LIST_USE
00473  *                         @arg @ref WHITE_LIST_FOR_ALL
00474  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00475  */
00476 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_undirected_connectable(uint8_t own_addr_type, uint8_t adv_filter_policy);
00478 /**
00479  * @brief Send a slave security request to the master.
00480  * @note This command has to be issued to notify the master of the security requirements of the slave.
00481  *       The master may encrypt the link, initiate the pairing procedure, or reject the request.
00482  * @param conn_handle Connection handle
00483  * @param bonding      One of the bonding modes:
00484  *                     @arg @ref BONDING
00485  *                     @arg @ref NO_BONDING
00486  * @param mitm_protection  If MITM protection is required or not:
00487  *                         @arg @ref MITM_PROTECTION_NOT_REQUIRED
00488  *                         @arg @ref MITM_PROTECTION_REQUIRED
00489  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00490  */
00491 tBleStatus aci_gap_slave_security_request(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t bonding, uint8_t mitm_protection);
00493 /**
00494  * @brief Update advertising data.
00495  * @note This command can be used to update the advertising data for a particular AD type.
00496  *       If the AD type specified does not exist, then it is added to the advertising data.
00497  *       If the overall advertising data length is more than 31 octets after the update, then
00498  *       the command is rejected and the old data is retained.
00499  * @param AdvLen Length of AdvData array
00500  * @param AdvData Advertisement Data,  formatted as specified in Bluetooth specification
00501  *        (Volume 3, Part C, 11), including data length. It can contain more than one AD type.
00502  *        Example
00503  * @code
00504  *  tBleStatus ret;
00505  *  const char local_name[] = {AD_TYPE_COMPLETE_LOCAL_NAME,'B','l','u','e','N','R','G'};
00506  *  const uint8_t serviceUUIDList[] = {AD_TYPE_16_BIT_SERV_UUID,0x34,0x12};
00507  *  const uint8_t manuf_data[] = {4, AD_TYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA, 0x05, 0x02, 0x01};
00508  *
00509  *  ret = aci_gap_set_discoverable(ADV_IND, 0, 0, STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR, NO_WHITE_LIST_USE,
00510  *                                 8, local_name, 3, serviceUUIDList, 0, 0);
00511  *  ret = aci_gap_update_adv_data(5, manuf_data);
00512  * @endcode
00513  *
00514  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00515  */
00516 tBleStatus aci_gap_update_adv_data(uint8_t AdvLen, const uint8_t *AdvData);
00518 /**
00519  * @brief Delete an AD Type
00520  * @note This command can be used to delete the specified AD type from the advertisement data if
00521  *       present.
00522  * @param ad_type One of the allowed AD types (see @ref AD_Types)
00523  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00524  */
00525 tBleStatus aci_gap_delete_ad_type(uint8_t ad_type);
00527 /**
00528  * @brief Get the current security settings
00529  * @note This command can be used to get the current security settings of the device.
00530  * @param mitm_protection   @arg 0: Not required
00531  *                          @arg 1: Required
00532  * @param bonding           @arg 0: No bonding mode
00533  *                          @arg 1: Bonding mode
00534  * @param oob_data          @arg 0: Data absent
00535  *                          @arg 1: Data present
00536  * @param passkey_required  @arg 0: Not required
00537  *                          @arg 1: Fixed pin is present which is being used
00538  *                          @arg 2: Passkey required for pairing. An event will be generated
00539  *                          when required.
00540  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00541  */
00542 tBleStatus aci_gap_get_security_level(uint8_t* mitm_protection, uint8_t* bonding,
00543                                       uint8_t* oob_data, uint8_t* passkey_required);
00545 /**
00546  * @brief Add addresses of bonded devices into the controller's whitelist.
00547  * @note  The command will return an error if there are no devices in the database or if it was unable
00548  *        to add the device into the whitelist.
00549  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00550  */
00551 tBleStatus aci_gap_configure_whitelist(void);
00553 /**
00554  * @brief Terminate a connection.
00555  * @note  A @ref EVT_DISCONN_COMPLETE event will be generated when the link is disconnected.
00556  * @param conn_handle Connection handle
00557  * @param reason  Reason for requesting disconnection. The error code can be any of ones as specified
00558  *                for the disconnected command in the HCI specification (See @ref HCI_Error_codes).
00559  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00560  */
00561 tBleStatus aci_gap_terminate(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t reason);
00563 /**
00564  * @brief Clear the security database.
00565  * @note  All the devices in the security database will be removed.
00566  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00567  */
00568 tBleStatus aci_gap_clear_security_database(void);
00570 /**
00571  * @brief Allows the security manager to complete the pairing procedure and re-bond with the master.
00572  * @note This command can be issued by the application if a @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_BOND_LOST event is generated.
00573  * @param conn_handle 
00574  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00575  */
00576 tBleStatus aci_gap_allow_rebond_IDB05A1(uint16_t conn_handle);
00577 /**
00578  * @brief Allows the security manager to complete the pairing procedure and re-bond with the master.
00579  * @note This command can be issued by the application if a @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_BOND_LOST event is generated.
00580  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00581  */
00582 tBleStatus aci_gap_allow_rebond_IDB04A1(void);
00584 /**
00585  * @brief Start the limited discovery procedure.
00586  * @note  The controller is commanded to start active scanning. When this procedure is started,
00587  *        only the devices in limited discoverable mode are returned to the upper layers.
00588  *        The procedure is terminated when either the upper layers issue a command to terminate the
00589  *        procedure by issuing the command aci_gap_terminate_gap_procedure() with the procedure code
00590  *        set to @ref GAP_LIMITED_DISCOVERY_PROC or a timeout happens. When the procedure is terminated
00591  *        due to any of the above  reasons, @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE event is returned with
00592  *        the procedure code set to @ref GAP_LIMITED_DISCOVERY_PROC.
00593  *        The device found when the procedure is ongoing is returned to the upper layers through the
00594  *        event @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND.
00595  * @param scanInterval Time interval from when the Controller started its last LE scan until it begins
00596  *                     the subsequent LE scan. The scan interval should be a number in the range
00597  *                     0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00598  *                     For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00599  * @param scanWindow Amount of time for the duration of the LE scan. Scan_Window shall be less than
00600  *                   or equal to Scan_Interval. The scan window should be a number in the range
00601  *                   0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00602  *                   For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00603  * @param own_address_type Type of our address used during advertising (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR, @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00604  * @param filterDuplicates Duplicate filtering enabled or not.
00605  *                         @arg 0x00: Do not filter the duplicates
00606  *                         @arg 0x01: Filter duplicates
00607  *
00608  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00609  */
00610 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_limited_discovery_proc(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow,
00611                         uint8_t own_address_type, uint8_t filterDuplicates);
00613 /**
00614  * @brief Start the general discovery procedure.
00615  * @note  The controller is commanded to start active scanning. The procedure is terminated when
00616  *        either the upper layers issue a command to terminate the procedure by issuing the command
00617  *        aci_gap_terminate_gap_procedure() with the procedure code set to GAP_GENERAL_DISCOVERY_PROC
00618  *        or a timeout happens. When the procedure is terminated due to any of the above reasons,
00619  *        @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE event is returned with the procedure code set to
00620  *        @ref GAP_GENERAL_DISCOVERY_PROC. The device found when the procedure is ongoing is returned to
00621  *        the upper layers through the event @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND.
00622  * @param scanInterval Time interval from when the Controller started its last LE scan until it begins
00623  *                     the subsequent LE scan. The scan interval should be a number in the range
00624  *                     0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00625  *                     For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00626  * @param scanWindow Amount of time for the duration of the LE scan. Scan_Window shall be less than
00627  *                   or equal to Scan_Interval. The scan window should be a number in the range
00628  *                   0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00629  *                   For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00630  * @param own_address_type Type of our address used during advertising (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR, @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00631  * @param filterDuplicates Duplicate filtering enabled or not.
00632  *                         @arg 0x00: Do not filter the duplicates
00633  *                         @arg 0x01: Filter duplicates
00634  *
00635  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00636  */
00637 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_general_discovery_proc(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow,
00638                         uint8_t own_address_type, uint8_t filterDuplicates);
00640 /**
00641  * @brief Start the name discovery procedure.
00642  * @note  A LE_Create_Connection call will be made to the controller by GAP with the initiator filter
00643  *        policy set to “ignore whitelist and process connectable advertising packets only for the
00644  *        specified device”. Once a connection is established, GATT procedure is started to read the
00645  *        device name characteristic. When the read is completed (successfully or unsuccessfully),
00646  *        a @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE event is given to the upper layer. The event also
00647  *        contains the name of the device if the device name was read successfully.
00648  * @param scanInterval Time interval from when the Controller started its last LE scan until it begins
00649  *                     the subsequent LE scan. The scan interval should be a number in the range
00650  *                     0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00651  *                     For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00652  * @param scanWindow Amount of time for the duration of the LE scan. Scan_Window shall be less than
00653  *                   or equal to Scan_Interval. The scan window should be a number in the range
00654  *                   0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00655  *                   For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00656  * @param peer_bdaddr_type Type of the peer address (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR, @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00657  * @param peer_bdaddr Address of the peer device with which a connection has to be established.
00658  * @param own_bdaddr_type Type of our address used during advertising (PUBLIC_ADDR,STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00659  * @param conn_min_interval Minimum value for the connection event interval. This shall be less than or
00660  *                          equal to Conn_Interval_Max.\n
00661  *                          Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80\n
00662  *                          Time = N x 1.25 msec\n
00663  *                          Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds
00664  * @param conn_max_interval Maximum value for the connection event interval. This shall be greater than or
00665  *                          equal to Conn_Interval_Min.\n
00666  *                          Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80\n
00667  *                          Time = N x 1.25 msec\n
00668  *                          Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds
00669  * @param conn_latency Slave latency for the connection in number of connection events.\n
00670  *                       Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F4
00671  * @param supervision_timeout Supervision timeout for the LE Link.\n
00672  *                            Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80\n
00673  *                            Time = N x 10 msec\n
00674  *                            Time Range: 100 msec to 32 seconds
00675  * @param min_conn_length Minimum length of connection needed for the LE connection.\n
00676  *                        Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF\n
00677  *                        Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00678  * @param max_conn_length Maximum length of connection needed for the LE connection.\n
00679  *                        Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF\n
00680  *                        Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00681  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00682  */
00683 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_name_discovery_proc(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow,
00684                      uint8_t peer_bdaddr_type, tBDAddr peer_bdaddr, 
00685                      uint8_t own_bdaddr_type, uint16_t conn_min_interval,   
00686                      uint16_t conn_max_interval, uint16_t conn_latency, 
00687                      uint16_t supervision_timeout, uint16_t min_conn_length, 
00688                      uint16_t max_conn_length);
00690 /**
00691  * @brief Start the auto connection establishment procedure.
00692  * @note The devices specified are added to the white list of the controller and a LE_Create_Connection
00693  *       call will be made to the controller by GAP with the initiator filter policy set to
00694  *       “use whitelist to determine which advertiser to connect to”. When a command is issued to
00695  *       terminate the procedure by upper layer, a LE_Create_Connection_Cancel call will be made to the
00696  *       controller by GAP.
00697  *       The procedure is terminated when either a connection is successfully established with one of
00698  *       the specified devices in the white list or the procedure is explicitly terminated by issuing
00699  *       the command aci_gap_terminate_gap_procedure() with the procedure code set to
00701  *       the procedure code set to @ref GAP_AUTO_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_PROC.
00702  * @param scanInterval Time interval from when the Controller started its last LE scan until it begins
00703  *                     the subsequent LE scan. The scan interval should be a number in the range
00704  *                     0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00705  *                     For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00706  * @param scanWindow Amount of time for the duration of the LE scan. Scan_Window shall be less than
00707  *                   or equal to Scan_Interval. The scan window should be a number in the range
00708  *                   0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00709  *                   For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00710  * @param own_bdaddr_type Type of our address used during advertising (PUBLIC_ADDR,STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00711  * @param conn_min_interval Minimum value for the connection event interval. This shall be less than or
00712  *                          equal to Conn_Interval_Max.\n
00713  *                          Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80\n
00714  *                          Time = N x 1.25 msec\n
00715  *                          Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds
00716  * @param conn_max_interval Maximum value for the connection event interval. This shall be greater than or
00717  *                          equal to Conn_Interval_Min.\n
00718  *                          Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80\n
00719  *                          Time = N x 1.25 msec\n
00720  *                          Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds
00721  * @param conn_latency Slave latency for the connection in number of connection events.\n
00722  *                       Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F4
00723  * @param supervision_timeout Supervision timeout for the LE Link.\n
00724  *                            Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80\n
00725  *                            Time = N x 10 msec\n
00726  *                            Time Range: 100 msec to 32 seconds
00727  * @param min_conn_length Minimum length of connection needed for the LE connection.\n
00728  *                        Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF\n
00729  *                        Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00730  * @param max_conn_length Maximum length of connection needed for the LE connection.\n
00731  *                        Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF\n
00732  *                        Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00733  * @cond BLUENRG
00734  * @param use_reconn_addr If 1, the provided reconnection address is used as our address during the procedure (the address
00735  *                        has been previously notified to the application through @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_RECONNECTION_ADDRESS event).\n
00736  * @param reconn_addr   Reconnection address used if use_reconn_addr is 1.
00737  * @endcond
00738  * @param num_whitelist_entries Number of devices that have to be added to the whitelist.
00739  * @param addr_array addr_array will contain the addresses that have to be added into the whitelist. The
00740  *                   format of the addr_array should be: address type followed by address.
00741  *                   Example:
00742  *                   @code
00743  *                   uint8_t addr_array[] = {PUBLIC_ADDR,0x01,0x00,0x00,0xe1,0x80,0x02,
00744  *                      PUBLIC_ADDR,0x02,0x00,0x00,0xe1,0x80,0x02};
00745  *                   @endcode
00746  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00747  */
00748 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_auto_conn_establish_proc_IDB05A1(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow,
00749                          uint8_t own_bdaddr_type, uint16_t conn_min_interval,   
00750                          uint16_t conn_max_interval, uint16_t conn_latency, 
00751                          uint16_t supervision_timeout, uint16_t min_conn_length, 
00752                          uint16_t max_conn_length,
00753                          uint8_t num_whitelist_entries,
00754                          const uint8_t *addr_array);
00755 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_auto_conn_establish_proc_IDB04A1(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow,
00756                          uint8_t own_bdaddr_type, uint16_t conn_min_interval,   
00757                          uint16_t conn_max_interval, uint16_t conn_latency, 
00758                          uint16_t supervision_timeout, uint16_t min_conn_length, 
00759                          uint16_t max_conn_length,
00760                                                  uint8_t use_reconn_addr,
00761                                                  const tBDAddr reconn_addr,
00762                                                  uint8_t num_whitelist_entries,
00763                                                  const uint8_t *addr_array);
00765 /**
00766  * @brief Start a general connection establishment procedure.
00767  * @note  The host enables scanning in the controller with the scanner filter policy set
00768  *        to “accept all advertising packets” and from the scanning results all the devices
00769  *        are sent to the upper layer using the event @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND.
00770  *        The upper layer then has to select one of the devices to which it wants to connect
00771  *        by issuing the command aci_gap_create_connection(). The procedure is terminated
00772  *        when a connection is established or the upper layer terminates the procedure by
00773  *        issuing the command aci_gap_terminate_gap_procedure() with the procedure code set to
00774  *        @ref GAP_GENERAL_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_PROC. On completion of the procedure a
00775  *        @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE event is generated with the procedure code set to
00777  * @param scan_type Passive or active scanning (@ref PASSIVE_SCAN, @ref ACTIVE_SCAN)
00778  * @param scan_interval Time interval from when the Controller started its last LE scan until it begins
00779  *                     the subsequent LE scan. The scan interval should be a number in the range
00780  *                     0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00781  *                     For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00782  * @param scan_window Amount of time for the duration of the LE scan. Scan_Window shall be less than
00783  *                   or equal to Scan_Interval. The scan window should be a number in the range
00784  *                   0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00785  *                   For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00786  * @param own_address_type Type of our address used during active scanning (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR, @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00787  * @param filter_duplicates Duplicate filtering enabled or not.
00788  *                         @arg 0x00: Do not filter the duplicates
00789  *                         @arg 0x01: Filter duplicates
00790  * @cond BLUENRG
00791  * @param use_reconn_addr If 1, the provided reconnection address is used as our address during the procedure (the address
00792  *                        has been previously notified to the application through @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_RECONNECTION_ADDRESS event).\n
00793  * @param reconn_addr   Reconnection address used if use_reconn_addr is 1.
00794  * @endcond
00795  *
00796  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00797  */
00798 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_general_conn_establish_proc_IDB05A1(uint8_t scan_type, uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window,
00799                          uint8_t own_address_type, uint8_t filter_duplicates);
00800 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_general_conn_establish_proc_IDB04A1(uint8_t scan_type, uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window,
00801                          uint8_t own_address_type, uint8_t filter_duplicates, uint8_t use_reconn_addr, const tBDAddr reconn_addr);
00803 /**
00804  * @brief Start a selective connection establishment procedure.
00805  * @note  The GAP adds the specified device addresses into white list and enables scanning in
00806  *        the controller with the scanner filter policy set to “accept packets only from
00807  *        devices in whitelist”. All the devices found are sent to the upper layer by the
00808  *        event @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND. The upper layer then has to select one of the
00809  *        devices to which it wants to connect by issuing the command aci_gap_create_connection().
00810  *        On completion of the procedure a  @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE event is generated
00811  *        with the procedure code set to @ref GAP_SELECTIVE_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_PROC.
00812  *        The procedure is terminated when a connection is established or the upper layer terminates
00813  *        the procedure by issuing the command aci_gap_terminate_gap_procedure with the procedure
00815  * @param scan_type Passive or active scanning (@ref PASSIVE_SCAN, @ref ACTIVE_SCAN)
00816  * @param scan_interval Time interval from when the Controller started its last LE scan until it begins
00817  *                     the subsequent LE scan. The scan interval should be a number in the range
00818  *                     0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00819  *                     For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00820  * @param scan_window Amount of time for the duration of the LE scan. Scan_Window shall be less than
00821  *                   or equal to Scan_Interval. The scan window should be a number in the range
00822  *                   0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00823  *                   For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00824  * @param own_address_type Type of our address used during active scanning (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR, @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00825  * @param filter_duplicates Duplicate filtering enabled or not.
00826  *                         @arg 0x00: Do not filter the duplicates
00827  *                         @arg 0x01: Filter duplicates
00828  * @param num_whitelist_entries Number of devices that have to be added to the whitelist.
00829  * @param addr_array addr_array will contain the addresses that have to be added into the whitelist. The
00830  *                   format of the addr_array should be: address type followed by address.
00831  *                   Example:
00832  *                   @code
00833  *                   uint8_t addr_array[] = {PUBLIC_ADDR,0x01,0x00,0x00,0xe1,0x80,0x02,
00834  *                      PUBLIC_ADDR,0x02,0x00,0x00,0xe1,0x80,0x02};
00835  *                   @endcode
00836  *
00837  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00838  */
00839 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_selective_conn_establish_proc(uint8_t scan_type, uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window,
00840                          uint8_t own_address_type, uint8_t filter_duplicates, uint8_t num_whitelist_entries,
00841                          const uint8_t *addr_array);
00843 /**
00844  * @brief Start the direct connection establishment procedure.
00845  * @note  A LE_Create_Connection call will be made to the controller by GAP with the initiator filter
00846  *        policy set to “ignore whitelist and process connectable advertising packets only for the
00847  *        specified device”. The procedure can be terminated explicitly by the upper layer by issuing
00848  *        the command aci_gap_terminate_gap_procedure(). When a command is issued to terminate the
00849  *        procedure by upper layer, a LE_Create_Connection_Cancel call will be made to the controller
00850  *        by GAP.
00851  *        On termination of the procedure, a @ref EVT_LE_CONN_COMPLETE event is returned. The procedure can
00852  *        be explicitly terminated by the upper layer by issuing the command
00853  *        aci_gap_terminate_gap_procedure() with the procedure_code set to @ref GAP_DIRECT_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHMENT_PROC.
00854  * @param scanInterval Time interval from when the Controller started its last LE scan until it begins
00855  *                     the subsequent LE scan. The scan interval should be a number in the range
00856  *                     0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00857  *                     For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00858  * @param scanWindow Amount of time for the duration of the LE scan. Scan_Window shall be less than
00859  *                   or equal to Scan_Interval. The scan window should be a number in the range
00860  *                   0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range 2.5 msec to 10240 msec.
00861  *                   For a number N, Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00862  * @param peer_bdaddr_type Type of the peer address (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR, @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00863  * @param peer_bdaddr Address of the peer device with which a connection has to be established.
00864  * @param own_bdaddr_type Type of our address used during advertising (PUBLIC_ADDR,STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR).
00865  * @param conn_min_interval Minimum value for the connection event interval. This shall be less than or
00866  *                          equal to Conn_Interval_Max.\n
00867  *                          Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80\n
00868  *                          Time = N x 1.25 msec\n
00869  *                          Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds
00870  * @param conn_max_interval Maximum value for the connection event interval. This shall be greater than or
00871  *                          equal to Conn_Interval_Min.\n
00872  *                          Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80\n
00873  *                          Time = N x 1.25 msec\n
00874  *                          Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds
00875  * @param conn_latency Slave latency for the connection in number of connection events.\n
00876  *                       Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F4
00877  * @param supervision_timeout Supervision timeout for the LE Link.\n
00878  *                            Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80\n
00879  *                            Time = N x 10 msec\n
00880  *                            Time Range: 100 msec to 32 seconds
00881  * @param min_conn_length Minimum length of connection needed for the LE connection.\n
00882  *                        Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF\n
00883  *                        Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00884  * @param max_conn_length Maximum length of connection needed for the LE connection.\n
00885  *                        Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF\n
00886  *                        Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00887  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00888  */
00889 tBleStatus aci_gap_create_connection(uint16_t scanInterval, uint16_t scanWindow,
00890                      uint8_t peer_bdaddr_type, tBDAddr peer_bdaddr, 
00891                      uint8_t own_bdaddr_type, uint16_t conn_min_interval,   
00892                      uint16_t conn_max_interval, uint16_t conn_latency, 
00893                      uint16_t supervision_timeout, uint16_t min_conn_length, 
00894                      uint16_t max_conn_length);
00896 /**
00897  * @brief Terminate the specified GATT procedure. @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE event is
00898  *        returned with the procedure code set to the corresponding procedure.
00899  * @param procedure_code One of the procedure codes (@ref gap_procedure_codes "GAP procedure codes").
00900  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00901  */
00902 tBleStatus aci_gap_terminate_gap_procedure(uint8_t procedure_code);
00904 /**
00905  * @brief Start the connection parameter update procedure.
00906  * @note  Allowed by the Central to update the connection parameter of the specified connection.
00907  *        A Link Layer Connection Update procedure is started on the controller.
00908  *        On completion of the procedure, a @ref EVT_LE_CONN_UPDATE_COMPLETE event is returned to
00909  *        the upper layer.
00910  * @param conn_handle Handle of the connection for which the update procedure has to be started.
00911  * @param conn_min_interval Minimum value for the connection event interval. This shall be less than or
00912  *                          equal to Conn_Interval_Max.\n
00913  *                          Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80\n
00914  *                          Time = N x 1.25 msec\n
00915  *                          Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds
00916  * @param conn_max_interval Maximum value for the connection event interval. This shall be greater than or
00917  *                          equal to Conn_Interval_Min.\n
00918  *                          Range: 0x0006 to 0x0C80\n
00919  *                          Time = N x 1.25 msec\n
00920  *                          Time Range: 7.5 msec to 4 seconds
00921  * @param conn_latency Slave latency for the connection in number of connection events.\n
00922  *                       Range: 0x0000 to 0x01F4
00923  * @param supervision_timeout Supervision timeout for the LE Link.\n
00924  *                            Range: 0x000A to 0x0C80\n
00925  *                            Time = N x 10 msec\n
00926  *                            Time Range: 100 msec to 32 seconds
00927  * @param min_conn_length Minimum length of connection needed for the LE connection.\n
00928  *                        Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF\n
00929  *                        Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00930  * @param max_conn_length Maximum length of connection needed for the LE connection.\n
00931  *                        Range: 0x0000 - 0xFFFF\n
00932  *                        Time = N x 0.625 msec.
00933  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00934  */
00935 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_connection_update(uint16_t conn_handle, uint16_t conn_min_interval,    
00936                                            uint16_t conn_max_interval, uint16_t conn_latency,   
00937                                            uint16_t supervision_timeout, uint16_t min_conn_length, 
00938                                            uint16_t max_conn_length);
00940 /**
00941  * @brief Send a pairing request.
00942  * @note  Send the SM pairing request to start a pairing process from a Central. The authentication
00943  *        requirements and  IO capabilities should be set before issuing this command using
00944  *        aci_gap_set_io_capability() and aci_gap_set_auth_requirement().
00945  *        A @ref EVT_BLUE_GAP_PAIRING_CMPLT event is returned after the pairing process is completed.
00946  * @param conn_handle Handle of the connection for which the pairing request has to be sent.
00947  * @param force_rebond  @arg 0x00: Pairing request is sent only if the device has not previously bonded
00948  *                      @arg 0x01: Pairing request will be sent even if the device was previously bonded
00949  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00950  */
00951 tBleStatus aci_gap_send_pairing_request(uint16_t conn_handle, uint8_t force_rebond);
00953 /**
00954  * @brief Resolve a private address.
00955  * @note  This command tries to resolve the address provided with the IRKs present in its database. If
00956  *        the address is resolved successfully with any one of the IRKs present in the database, it
00957  *        returns success.
00958  * @param address Address to be resolved.
00959  * @param[in] actual_address The public or static random address of the peer device, distributed during pairing phase.
00960  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00961  */
00962 tBleStatus aci_gap_resolve_private_address_IDB05A1(const tBDAddr private_address, tBDAddr actual_address);
00964 /**
00965  * @brief Resolve a private address.
00966  * @note  This command tries to resolve the address provided with the IRKs present in its database. If
00967  *        the address is resolved successfully with any one of the IRKs present in the database, it
00968  *        returns success.
00969  * @param address Address to be resolved.
00970  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00971  */
00972 tBleStatus aci_gap_resolve_private_address_IDB04A1(const tBDAddr private_address);
00974 /**
00975  * @brief This command gets the list of bonded devices.
00976  * @note  It returns the number of addresses and the corresponding address types and values.
00977  *        Example:
00978  *        @code
00979  *        tBleStatus ret;
00980  *        uint8_t num_devices = 0;
00981  *        uint8_t device_list[12*7];
00982  *        ret = aci_gap_get_bonded_devices(&num_devices, device_list, sizeof(device_list));
00983  *        for(int i = 0; i < num_devices; i+=7){
00984  *          uint8_t addr_type = device_list[i];
00985  *          uint8_t addr = device_list[i+1];
00986  *          printf("Type: %d, Addr: %02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X\n",addr_type,addr[5],addr[4],addr[3],addr[2],addr[1],addr[0]);
00987  *        }
00988  *        @endcode
00989  *
00990  * @param[in] num_devices The number of bonded devices.
00991  * @param[in] device_list List of addresses. It contains a sequence of [address type, address] pairs, where address
00992  *                        type can be @ref PUBLIC_ADDR or @arg @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR.
00993  * @param device_list_size Maximum size of the device_list buffer used to return the device list.
00994  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
00995  */
00996 tBleStatus aci_gap_get_bonded_devices(uint8_t *num_devices, uint8_t *device_list, uint8_t device_list_size);
00998 /**
00999  * @brief Puts the device into broadcast mode
01000  * @note  A privacy enabled device uses either a resolvable private address or a non-resolvable private address
01001  *        as specified in the own_addr_type parameter of the command.
01002  * @param adv_interv_min    Minimum advertising interval.
01003  *                          Range: 0x00A0 to 0x4000
01004  *                          Time = N * 0.625 msec
01005  *                          Time Range: 100 ms to 10.24 sec
01006  * @param adv_interv_max    Maximum advertising interval.
01007  *                          Range: 0x00A0 to 0x4000
01008  *                          Time = N * 0.625 msec
01009  *                          Time Range: 100 ms to 10.24 sec
01010  * @param adv_type One of the allowed advertising types:
01011  *                @arg @ref ADV_SCAN_IND Scannable undirected advertising
01012  *                @arg @ref ADV_NONCONN_IND Non connectable undirected advertising
01013  * @param own_address_type If Privacy is disabled, the broadcaster address can be
01014  *                         @arg @ref PUBLIC_ADDR.
01015  *                         @arg @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR.
01016  *                         If Privacy is enabled, then the broadcaster address can be
01017  *                         @arg @ref RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR
01018  *                         @arg @ref NON_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR
01019  * @param adv_data_length Length of the advertising data in the advertising packet
01020  * @param adv_data        Advertising data used by the device while advertising
01021  * @param num_whitelist_entries Number of devices to be added to whitelist
01022  * @param addr_array It will contain the addresses that have to be added into the whitelist. The
01023  *                   format of the addr_array should be: address type followed by address.
01024  *                   Example:
01025  *                   @code
01026  *                   uint8_t addr_array[] = {PUBLIC_ADDR,0x01,0x00,0x00,0xe1,0x80,0x02,
01027  *                      PUBLIC_ADDR,0x02,0x00,0x00,0xe1,0x80,0x02};
01028  *                   @endcode
01029  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
01030  */
01031 tBleStatus aci_gap_set_broadcast_mode_IDB05A1(uint16_t adv_interv_min, uint16_t adv_interv_max, uint8_t adv_type,
01032                                       uint8_t own_addr_type, uint8_t adv_data_length, const uint8_t *adv_data,  uint8_t num_whitelist_entries,
01033                                       const uint8_t *addr_array);
01035 /**
01036  * @brief Starts an observation procedure, when the device is in Observer role.
01037  * @note  The host enables scanning in the controller. The advertising reports are sent to the upper layer
01038  *        using standard @ref EVT_LE_ADVERTISING_REPORT subevent in @ref EVT_LE_META_EVENT. See Bluetooth
01039  *        Core v4.0, Vol. 2, part E, Ch., LE Advertising Report Event.
01040  * @param scan_interval Time interval from when the Controller started its last LE scan until it begins the subsequent LE scan.
01041  *        The scan interval should be a number in the range 0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range from 2.5 msec
01042  *        to 10240 msec. For a number N, Time = N * 0.625 msec.
01043  * @param scan_window Amount of time for the duration of the LE scan. scan_window shall be less than or equal to scan_interval.
01044  *        The scan window should be a number in the range 0x0004 to 0x4000. This corresponds to a time range from 2.5 msec
01045  *        to 10240 msec. For a number N, Time = N * 0.625 msec.
01046  * @param scan_type Passive or active scanning (@ref PASSIVE_SCAN, @ref ACTIVE_SCAN)
01047  * @param own_address_type If Privacy is disabled, then the scanner address can be
01048  *                         @arg @ref PUBLIC_ADDR.
01049  *                         @arg @ref STATIC_RANDOM_ADDR.
01050  *                         If Privacy is enabled, then the scanner address can be
01051  *                         @arg @ref RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR
01052  *                         @arg @ref NON_RESOLVABLE_PRIVATE_ADDR
01053  * @param filter_duplicates Duplicate filtering enabled or not.
01054  *                         @arg 0x00: Do not filter the duplicates
01055  *                         @arg 0x01: Filter duplicates
01056  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
01057  */
01058 tBleStatus aci_gap_start_observation_procedure_IDB05A1(uint16_t scan_interval, uint16_t scan_window, uint8_t scan_type,
01059                          uint8_t own_address_type, uint8_t filter_duplicates);
01061 /**
01062  * @brief The command finds whether a device is bonded.
01063  * @note If the device is using a resolvable private address and it has been bonded, then the command will return
01064  *       BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS.
01065  * @param peer_address_type The address type of the peer device
01066  *                         @arg @ref PUBLIC_ADDR.
01067  *                         @arg @ref RANDOM_ADDR.
01068  * @param peer_address Address used by the peer device while advertising.
01069  * @return Value indicating success or error code.
01070  */
01071 tBleStatus aci_gap_is_device_bonded_IDB05A1(uint8_t peer_address_type, const tBDAddr peer_address);
01074 /**
01075  * @}
01076  */
01078 /**
01079  * @defgroup GAP_Events GAP events
01080  * @{
01081  */
01083 /**
01084  * This event is generated by the controller when the limited discoverable
01085  *  mode ends due to timeout (180 seconds). No parameters in the event.
01086  */
01087 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_LIMITED_DISCOVERABLE     (0x0400)
01090 /**
01091  * This event is generated when the pairing process has completed successfully
01092  * or a pairing procedure timeout has occurred or the pairing has failed.
01093  * This is to notify the application that we have paired with a remote device
01094  * so that it can take further actions or to notify that a timeout has occurred
01095  *  so that the upper layer can decide to disconnect the link. See @ref _evt_gap_pairing_cmplt.
01096  */
01097 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_PAIRING_CMPLT                (0x0401)
01098 typedef __packed struct _evt_gap_pairing_cmplt{
01099   uint16_t conn_handle; /**< Connection handle on which the pairing procedure completed */
01100   /**
01101    * 0x00: Pairing Success. Pairing with a remote device was successful\n
01102    * 0x01: Pairing Timeout. The SMP timeout has elapsed and no further SMP commands will be processed until reconnection\n
01103    * 0x02: Pairing Failed. The pairing failed with the remote device.
01104    */
01105   uint8_t  status;
01106 } PACKED evt_gap_pairing_cmplt;
01109 /**
01110  * This event is generated by the Security manager to the application when a pass key is required for pairing.
01111  * When this event is received, the application has to respond with the aci_gap_pass_key_response() command.
01112  * See @ref _evt_gap_pass_key_req.
01113  */
01114 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_PASS_KEY_REQUEST             (0x0402)
01115 typedef __packed struct _evt_gap_pass_key_req{
01116   uint16_t conn_handle; /**< Connection handle for which the passkey has been requested. */
01117 } PACKED evt_gap_pass_key_req;
01120 /**
01121  * This event is generated by the Security manager to the application when the application
01122  * has set that authorization is required for reading/writing of attributes. This event will
01123  * be generated as soon as the pairing is complete. When this event is received,
01124  * aci_gap_authorization_response() command should be used by the application.
01125  * See @ref _evt_gap_author_req.
01126  */
01127 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_AUTHORIZATION_REQUEST        (0x0403)
01128 typedef __packed struct _evt_gap_author_req{
01129   uint16_t conn_handle; /**< Connection handle for which authorization has been requested. */
01130 } PACKED evt_gap_author_req;
01132 /**
01133  * This event is generated when the slave security request is successfully sent to the master.
01134  * No parameters for this event.
01135  */
01138 /**
01139  * This event is generated when a pairing request is issued in response to a slave security
01140  * request from a master which has previously bonded with the slave. When this event is received,
01141  * the upper layer has to issue the command aci_gap_allow_rebond() in order to allow the slave
01142  * to continue the pairing process with the master. No parameters for this event
01143  */
01144 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_BOND_LOST                    (0X0405)
01146 /**
01147  * The event is given by the GAP layer to the upper layers when a device is discovered during scanning
01148  * as a consequence of one of the GAP procedures started by the upper layers. See @ref _evt_gap_device_found.
01149  */
01150 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_DEVICE_FOUND                 (0x0406)
01151 typedef __packed struct _evt_gap_device_found{
01152     uint8_t     evt_type;     /**< Type of event (@ref ADV_IND, @ref ADV_DIRECT_IND, @ref ADV_SCAN_IND, @ref ADV_NONCONN_IND, @ref SCAN_RSP) */
01153     uint8_t     bdaddr_type;  /**< Type of the peer address (@ref PUBLIC_ADDR, @ref RANDOM_ADDR). */
01154     tBDAddr     bdaddr;       /**< Address of the peer device found during scanning. */
01155     uint8_t     data_length;  /**< Length of advertising or scan response data. */
01156     uint8_t     data_RSSI[VARIABLE_SIZE]; /**< Advertising or scan response data + RSSI. RSSI is last octect (signed integer). */
01157 } PACKED evt_gap_device_found;
01159 /**
01160  * This event is sent by the GAP to the upper layers when a procedure previously started has been terminated
01161  * by the upper layer or has completed for any other reason. See @ref _evt_gap_procedure_complete.
01162  */
01163 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_PROCEDURE_COMPLETE           (0x0407)
01164 typedef __packed struct _evt_gap_procedure_complete{
01165   uint8_t procedure_code; /**< Terminated procedure. See @ref gap_procedure_codes "GAP procedure codes". */
01166   /**
01167    * @ref BLE_STATUS_SUCCESS, @ref BLE_STATUS_FAILED or @ref ERR_AUTH_FAILURE (procedure failed
01168    * due to authentication requirements).
01169    */
01170   uint8_t status;
01171   /**
01172    * Procedure specific data.\n
01173    * @li For Name Discovery Procedure:\n
01174    * the name of the peer device if the procedure completed successfully.
01175    * @li For General Connection Establishment Procedure:\n
01176    * The reconnection address written to the peripheral device if the peripheral is privacy enabled
01177    */
01178   uint8_t data[VARIABLE_SIZE];
01179 } PACKED evt_gap_procedure_complete;
01181 /**
01182  * This event is sent only by a privacy enabled Peripheral. The event is sent to the upper layers when the peripheral
01183  * is not able to resolve the private address of the peer device after connecting to it.
01184  */
01185 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_ADDR_NOT_RESOLVED_IDB05A1          (0x0408)
01186 typedef __packed struct _evt_gap_addr_not_resolved_IDB05A1{
01187   uint16_t conn_handle; /**< Connection handle for which the private address could not be resolved with any of the stored IRK's.  */
01188 } PACKED evt_gap_addr_not_resolved_IDB05A1;
01189 /**
01190  * This event is raised when the reconnection address is generated during the general connection
01191  * establishment procedure. The same address is set into the peer device also as a part of the general
01192  * connection establishment procedure. In order to make use of the reconnection address the next time
01193  * while connecting to the bonded peripheral, the application needs to use this reconnection address
01194  * as its own address as well as the peer address to which it wants to connect. See aci_gap_start_general_conn_establish_proc()
01195  * and aci_gap_start_auto_conn_establish_proc().
01196  */
01197 #define EVT_BLUE_GAP_RECONNECTION_ADDRESS_IDB04A1       (0x0408)
01198 typedef __packed struct _evt_gap_reconnection_addr_IDB04A1{
01199   uint8_t reconnection_address[6]; /**< 6 bytes of reconnection address that has been generated */
01200 } PACKED evt_gap_reconnection_addr_IDB04A1;
01202 /**
01203  * @}
01204  */
01206 /**
01207  * @}
01208  */
01211 #endif /* __BLUENRG_GAP_ACI_H__ */