Fork of mbed-src file paths change. LPC1114FN28 use only.

Fork of mbed-src by mbed official



mbed SDK

LPC1114FN28でmbed-SDKのLibraryを使うとCompile出来ない。(2013/10/28) /media/uploads/minicube/mbed_lpc1114_sdk.png


















Import librarymbed-src-LPC1114FN28

Fork of mbed-src file paths change. LPC1114FN28 use only.



Error: Undefined symbol _initial_sp (referred from entry2.o).
Error: Undefined symbol _heap_base (referred from malloc.o).
Error: Undefined symbol _heap_limit (referred from malloc.o).


--- a/targets/cmsis/TARGET_Freescale/TARGET_KL05Z/TOOLCHAIN_ARM_STD/startup_MKL05Z4.s	Sun Oct 27 16:30:04 2013 +0000
+++ /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
@@ -1,332 +0,0 @@
-; * @file:    startup_MKL25Z4.s
-; * @purpose: CMSIS Cortex-M0plus Core Device Startup File for the
-; *           MKL05Z4
-; * @version: 1.1
-; * @date:    2012-6-21
-; *
-; * Copyright: 1997 - 2012 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
-; *------- <<< Use Configuration Wizard in Context Menu >>> ------------------
-; *
-; *****************************************************************************/
-__initial_sp        EQU     0x20000C00  ; Top of RAM
-                PRESERVE8
-                THUMB
-; Vector Table Mapped to Address 0 at Reset
-                AREA    RESET, DATA, READONLY
-                EXPORT  __Vectors
-                EXPORT  __Vectors_End
-                EXPORT  __Vectors_Size
-__Vectors       DCD     __initial_sp  ; Top of Stack
-                DCD     Reset_Handler  ; Reset Handler
-                DCD     NMI_Handler  ; NMI Handler
-                DCD     HardFault_Handler  ; Hard Fault Handler
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     SVC_Handler  ; SVCall Handler
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     0  ; Reserved
-                DCD     PendSV_Handler  ; PendSV Handler
-                DCD     SysTick_Handler  ; SysTick Handler
-                ; External Interrupts
-                DCD     DMA0_IRQHandler  ; DMA channel 0 transfer complete/error interrupt
-                DCD     DMA1_IRQHandler  ; DMA channel 1 transfer complete/error interrupt
-                DCD     DMA2_IRQHandler  ; DMA channel 2 transfer complete/error interrupt
-                DCD     DMA3_IRQHandler  ; DMA channel 3 transfer complete/error interrupt
-                DCD     Reserved20_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 20
-                DCD     FTFA_IRQHandler  ; FTFA command complete/read collision interrupt
-                DCD     LVD_LVW_IRQHandler  ; Low Voltage Detect, Low Voltage Warning
-                DCD     LLW_IRQHandler  ; Low Leakage Wakeup
-                DCD     I2C0_IRQHandler  ; I2C0 interrupt
-                DCD     Reserved_25_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 25
-                DCD     SPI0_IRQHandler  ; SPI0 interrupt
-                DCD     Reserved_27_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 27
-                DCD     UART0_IRQHandler  ; UART0 status and error interrupt
-                DCD     Reserved_29_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 29
-                DCD     Reserved_30_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 30
-                DCD     ADC0_IRQHandler  ; ADC0 interrupt
-                DCD     CMP0_IRQHandler  ; CMP0 interrupt
-                DCD     TPM0_IRQHandler  ; TPM0 fault, overflow and channels interrupt
-                DCD     TPM1_IRQHandler  ; TPM1 fault, overflow and channels interrupt
-                DCD     Reserved_35_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 35
-                DCD     RTC_IRQHandler  ; RTC interrupt
-                DCD     RTC_Seconds_IRQHandler  ; RTC seconds interrupt
-                DCD     PIT_IRQHandler  ; PIT timer channel 0 interrupt
-                DCD     Reserved_39_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 39
-                DCD     Reserved_40_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 40
-                DCD     DAC0_IRQHandler  ; DAC0 interrupt
-                DCD     TSI0_IRQHandler  ; TSI0 interrupt
-                DCD     MCG_IRQHandler  ; MCG interrupt
-                DCD     LPTimer_IRQHandler  ; LPTimer interrupt
-                DCD     Reserved_45_IRQHandler  ; Reserved interrupt 45
-                DCD     PORTA_IRQHandler  ; Port A interrupt
-                DCD     PORTB_IRQHandler  ; Port B interrupt
-__Vectors_Size 	EQU     __Vectors_End - __Vectors
-; <h> Flash Configuration
-;   <i> 16-byte flash configuration field that stores default protection settings (loaded on reset)
-;   <i> and security information that allows the MCU to restrict acces to the FTFL module.
-;   <h> Backdoor Comparison Key
-;     <o0>  Backdoor Key 0  <0x0-0xFF:2>
-;     <o1>  Backdoor Key 1  <0x0-0xFF:2>
-;     <o2>  Backdoor Key 2  <0x0-0xFF:2>
-;     <o3>  Backdoor Key 3  <0x0-0xFF:2>
-;     <o4>  Backdoor Key 4  <0x0-0xFF:2>
-;     <o5>  Backdoor Key 5  <0x0-0xFF:2>
-;     <o6>  Backdoor Key 6  <0x0-0xFF:2>
-;     <o7>  Backdoor Key 7  <0x0-0xFF:2>
-BackDoorK0      EQU     0xFF
-BackDoorK1      EQU     0xFF
-BackDoorK2      EQU     0xFF
-BackDoorK3      EQU     0xFF
-BackDoorK4      EQU     0xFF
-BackDoorK5      EQU     0xFF
-BackDoorK6      EQU     0xFF
-BackDoorK7      EQU     0xFF
-;   </h>
-;   <h> Program flash protection bytes (FPROT)
-;     <i> Each program flash region can be protected from program and erase operation by setting the associated PROT bit.
-;     <i> Each bit protects a 1/32 region of the program flash memory.
-;     <h> FPROT0
-;       <i> Program flash protection bytes
-;       <i> 1/32 - 8/32 region
-;       <o.0>   FPROT0.0
-;       <o.1>   FPROT0.1
-;       <o.2>   FPROT0.2
-;       <o.3>   FPROT0.3
-;       <o.4>   FPROT0.4
-;       <o.5>   FPROT0.5
-;       <o.6>   FPROT0.6
-;       <o.7>   FPROT0.7
-nFPROT0         EQU     0x00
-FPROT0          EQU     nFPROT0:EOR:0xFF
-;     </h>
-;     <h> FPROT1
-;       <i> Program Flash Region Protect Register 1
-;       <i> 9/32 - 16/32 region
-;       <o.0>   FPROT1.0
-;       <o.1>   FPROT1.1
-;       <o.2>   FPROT1.2
-;       <o.3>   FPROT1.3
-;       <o.4>   FPROT1.4
-;       <o.5>   FPROT1.5
-;       <o.6>   FPROT1.6
-;       <o.7>   FPROT1.7
-nFPROT1         EQU     0x00
-FPROT1          EQU     nFPROT1:EOR:0xFF
-;     </h>
-;     <h> FPROT2
-;       <i> Program Flash Region Protect Register 2
-;       <i> 17/32 - 24/32 region
-;       <o.0>   FPROT2.0
-;       <o.1>   FPROT2.1
-;       <o.2>   FPROT2.2
-;       <o.3>   FPROT2.3
-;       <o.4>   FPROT2.4
-;       <o.5>   FPROT2.5
-;       <o.6>   FPROT2.6
-;       <o.7>   FPROT2.7
-nFPROT2         EQU     0x00
-FPROT2          EQU     nFPROT2:EOR:0xFF
-;     </h>
-;     <h> FPROT3
-;       <i> Program Flash Region Protect Register 3
-;       <i> 25/32 - 32/32 region
-;       <o.0>   FPROT3.0
-;       <o.1>   FPROT3.1
-;       <o.2>   FPROT3.2
-;       <o.3>   FPROT3.3
-;       <o.4>   FPROT3.4
-;       <o.5>   FPROT3.5
-;       <o.6>   FPROT3.6
-;       <o.7>   FPROT3.7
-nFPROT3         EQU     0x00
-FPROT3          EQU     nFPROT3:EOR:0xFF
-;     </h>
-;   </h>
-;   </h>
-;   <h> Flash nonvolatile option byte (FOPT)
-;     <i> Allows the user to customize the operation of the MCU at boot time.
-;     <o.0>  LPBOOT0
-;       <0=> Core and system clock divider (OUTDIV1) is 0x7 (divide by 8) or 0x3 (divide by 4)
-;       <1=> Core and system clock divider (OUTDIV1) is 0x1 (divide by 2) or 0x0 (divide by 1)
-;     <o.4>  LPBOOT1
-;       <0=> Core and system clock divider (OUTDIV1) is 0x7 (divide by 8) or 0x1 (divide by 2)
-;       <1=> Core and system clock divider (OUTDIV1) is 0x3 (divide by 4) or 0x0 (divide by 1)
-;     <o.2>  NMI_DIS
-;       <0=> NMI interrupts are always blocked
-;       <1=> NMI pin/interrupts reset default to enabled
-;     <o.3>  RESET_PIN_CFG
-;       <0=> RESET pin is disabled following a POR and cannot be enabled as RESET function
-;       <1=> RESET pin is dedicated
-;     <o.3>  FAST_INIT
-;       <0=> Slower initialization
-;       <1=> Fast Initialization
-FOPT            EQU     0xFF
-;   </h>
-;   <h> Flash security byte (FSEC)
-;     <i> WARNING: If SEC field is configured as "MCU security status is secure" and MEEN field is configured as "Mass erase is disabled",
-;     <i> MCU's security status cannot be set back to unsecure state since Mass erase via the debugger is blocked !!!
-;     <o.0..1> SEC
-;       <2=> MCU security status is unsecure
-;       <3=> MCU security status is secure
-;         <i> Flash Security
-;         <i> This bits define the security state of the MCU.
-;     <o.2..3> FSLACC
-;       <2=> Freescale factory access denied
-;       <3=> Freescale factory access granted
-;         <i> Freescale Failure Analysis Access Code
-;         <i> This bits define the security state of the MCU.
-;     <o.4..5> MEEN
-;       <2=> Mass erase is disabled
-;       <3=> Mass erase is enabled
-;         <i> Mass Erase Enable Bits
-;         <i> Enables and disables mass erase capability of the FTFL module
-;     <o.6..7> KEYEN
-;       <2=> Backdoor key access enabled
-;       <3=> Backdoor key access disabled
-;         <i> Backdoor key Security Enable
-;         <i> These bits enable and disable backdoor key access to the FTFL module.
-FSEC            EQU     0xFE
-;   </h>
-                IF      :LNOT::DEF:RAM_TARGET
-                AREA    |.ARM.__at_0x400|, CODE, READONLY
-                DCB     BackDoorK0, BackDoorK1, BackDoorK2, BackDoorK3
-                DCB     BackDoorK4, BackDoorK5, BackDoorK6, BackDoorK7
-                DCB     FPROT0,     FPROT1,     FPROT2,     FPROT3
-                DCB     FSEC,       FOPT,       0xFF,     0xFF
-                ENDIF
-                AREA    |.text|, CODE, READONLY
-; Reset Handler
-Reset_Handler   PROC
-                EXPORT  Reset_Handler             [WEAK]
-                IMPORT  SystemInit
-                IMPORT  __main
-                LDR     R0, =SystemInit
-                BLX     R0
-                LDR     R0, =__main
-                BX      R0
-                ENDP
-; Dummy Exception Handlers (infinite loops which can be modified)
-NMI_Handler     PROC
-                EXPORT  NMI_Handler               [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                PROC
-                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler         [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-SVC_Handler     PROC
-                EXPORT  SVC_Handler               [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-PendSV_Handler  PROC
-                EXPORT  PendSV_Handler            [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-SysTick_Handler PROC
-                EXPORT  SysTick_Handler           [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-Default_Handler PROC
-                EXPORT  DMA0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  DMA1_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  DMA2_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  DMA3_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved20_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  FTFA_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  LVD_LVW_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  LLW_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  I2C0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved_25_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  SPI0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved_27_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  UART0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved_29_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved_30_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  ADC0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  CMP0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  TPM0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  TPM1_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved_35_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  RTC_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  RTC_Seconds_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  PIT_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved_39_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved_40_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  DAC0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  TSI0_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  MCG_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  LPTimer_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  Reserved_45_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  PORTA_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  PORTB_IRQHandler     [WEAK]
-                EXPORT  DefaultISR                      [WEAK]
-                B       .
-                ENDP
-                ALIGN
-                END