
Dependencies:   MCP4725 mbed

Fork of MCP4725_Library_Test by Donal Morrissey

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Mon Dec 14 05:05:43 2015 +0000
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MCP4725.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 092580187b59 -r 03662d049f69 MCP4725.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/MCP4725.lib	Mon Dec 14 05:05:43 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 092580187b59 -r 03662d049f69 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Nov 03 11:22:01 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Dec 14 05:05:43 2015 +0000
@@ -1,214 +1,130 @@
-#include <stdbool.h>
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "mcp4725.h"
+#include "math.h"
+#include <iostream>
+using namespace std;
- * A test suite for the MCP4725 DAC Library. This Test Application requires the following:
- *  * An MCP4725 connected to the IC2 bus of the mbed LPC1768.
+ * A test program for the MCP4725 DAC Library. This Test Application requires the following:
+ *  * An MCP4725 connected to the I2C bus of the mbed LPC1768.
  *  * The analog out of the MCP1768 connected to Pin15 (analog in) of the mbed LPC1768.
- *  * An optional LED & resistor connected to analog output for visual feedback of the running tests.
+ *  
- * This application tests the MCP4725 library's setting of the MCP4725's internal registers (inclusing eeprom storage), 
- * it's analog output and power modes.
+ * This is a stripped down version of the MCP4725_Library_Test found online, and should make the necessary commands more clear.
+ * Last Edited: 12/24/13, Tim Brubaker
 DigitalOut testLed(LED1);
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
 AnalogIn analogIn(p15);
+CAN can1(p30,p29);
-void test_mcp4725_library(PinName sda, PinName scl, MCP4725::BusFrequency bus_frequency, int device_address_bits, char* testName);
-int  test_init(MCP4725* interface, char* testName);
-int  test_simple_read_write_no_eeprom(MCP4725* interface, enum MCP4725::PowerMode mode, float output_voltage);
-int  test_simple_read_write_with_eeprom(MCP4725* interface, enum MCP4725::PowerMode mode, float output_voltage);
-int  test_eeprom_write_status(MCP4725* interface);
+// Class instantiation (similar to Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX) in function)
+MCP4725 bacon(p9, p10, MCP4725::Fast400kHz, 0x63);
+float xrad = 0;
+float x = 0;
 int main()
-    pc.printf("Application for testing the MCP4725 interface library\r\n");
-    test_mcp4725_library(p9, p10, MCP4725::Standard100kHz,  0, "p9, p10, MCP4725::Standard100kHz");
-    test_mcp4725_library(p9, p10, MCP4725::Fast400kHz,      0, "p9, p10, MCP4725::Fast400kHz");
-    test_mcp4725_library(p9, p10, MCP4725::HighSpeed3_4Mhz, 0, "p9, p10, MCP4725::HighSpeed3_4Mhz");
-    while(1) {
-        testLed = 1;
-        wait(0.5);
-        testLed = 0;
-        wait(0.5);
-    }
-/** Run a set of simple tests on the mcp4725 driver.
-     * 
-     * @param sda I2C data line pin
-     * @param scl I2C clock line pin
-     * @param bus_frequency the frequency at which the I2C bus is running.
-     * @param device_address_bits The 3bit address bits of the device.
-     */
-void test_mcp4725_library(PinName sda, PinName scl, MCP4725::BusFrequency bus_frequency, int device_address_bits, char* testName)
-    //Create our instance of the interface for test
-    MCP4725 mcp4725_interface(sda, scl, bus_frequency, device_address_bits);
-    if(test_init(&mcp4725_interface, testName) == 0)
-    {
-        test_simple_read_write_no_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::Normal, 3.0);
-        test_simple_read_write_no_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::PowerDown1k, 1.3);
-        test_simple_read_write_no_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::PowerDown100k, 1.8);
-        test_simple_read_write_no_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::PowerDown500k, 0.5);
-        test_simple_read_write_no_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::Normal, 2.5);
-        test_simple_read_write_with_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::Normal, 3.0);
-        test_simple_read_write_with_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::PowerDown1k, 1.3);
-        test_simple_read_write_with_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::PowerDown100k, 1.8);
-        test_simple_read_write_with_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::PowerDown500k, 0.5);
-        test_simple_read_write_with_eeprom(&mcp4725_interface, MCP4725::Normal, 2.5);
-        test_eeprom_write_status(&mcp4725_interface);
-    }
-/** Initialise the device registers & eeprom. */
-int test_init(MCP4725* interface, char* testName)
-    int result;
-    pc.printf("Initialising test '%s': ", testName);
-    //Prime the device, including its eeprom.
-    result = interface->write(MCP4725::Normal, 0, true);
-    if(result == 0)
-    {
-        wait(0.5);
-        pc.printf("OK\r\n");
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pc.printf("FAILED: %d\r\n", result);
-    }
-    return result;
-/* Run a simple read/write test that does not write to eeprom. */
-int test_simple_read_write_no_eeprom(MCP4725* interface, enum MCP4725::PowerMode mode, float output_voltage)
-    enum MCP4725::PowerMode read_mode;
-    enum MCP4725::PowerMode read_mode_eeprom;//, write_mode_eeprom;
-    int  read_dac_value;
-    int  read_dac_value_eeprom;//, write_dac_value_eeprom;
-    bool read_eeprom_write_in_progress;
-    int dac_value = (int) (0xFFF * (output_voltage/3.3) );
-    pc.printf("\tRead/write test without write to eeprom: ");
-    interface->write(mode, dac_value, false);
-    interface->read(&read_mode, &read_mode_eeprom, &read_dac_value, &read_dac_value_eeprom, &read_eeprom_write_in_progress);
-    if( (mode != read_mode) || (dac_value != read_dac_value) || (read_eeprom_write_in_progress == true) || (read_dac_value == read_dac_value_eeprom) )
-    {
-        pc.printf("Failed - mode=%d, read_mode=%d, dac_value=%d, read_dac_value=%d, eeprom_write_state:%d\r\n", (int)mode, (int)read_mode, dac_value, read_dac_value, read_eeprom_write_in_progress);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        // We need to wait a short period for the output to stabalise.
-        wait(0.2);
+    float xrad = 0;
+    float x = 0;
+    int state = 5;
+    int mem = 0;
+    //
+    while (1) {
+        CANMessage msg;
+        if(can1.read(msg)){
+            printf("Message received: %d\n", msg.data[0]);
+            switch(msg.data[0]){
+             case 0:
+                state = mem;
+                break;
+             case 1:
+                mem = state;
+                state = 1;
+                break;
+             case 2:
+               state = 2;
+               break;     
+             case 3:       
+                state = 3;
+                break;
+            case 4:
+                state = 4;
+                break;   
+             case 5 :
+                state = 5;
+                break;
+            }    
+        }
+     switch (state){
+         case 0:
+            //pc.printf("Start");
+            break;
+         case 1:
+            bacon.write(MCP4725::Normal, (0xFFF * (0.0 / 3.3)), false);
+            pc.printf("Value is %f V \r\n", analogIn.read()*3.3);
+            break;
+         case 2:
+            testLed = 1;
+            wait(1);
+            // Write to DAC register (not EEPROM). Documentation in library files.
+            bacon.write(MCP4725::Normal, (0xFFF * (3.3 / 3.3)), false);
+            testLed = 0;
+               pc.printf("Value is %f V \r\n", analogIn.read()*3.3);
+               wait(1);
+               bacon.write(MCP4725::Normal, (0xFFF * (0.0 / 3.3)), false);
+              // Print ADC measurement to terminal. Scale factor of 3.3 needed for internal ADC.
+             pc.printf("Value is %f V \r\n", analogIn.read()*3.3);
+             break;
+         case 3:
+            // printf("1 Hz Sine Wave\r\n");
+            //1 Hz Sine Wave
+            xrad = x*3.14159 / 180;
+            // Write to DAC register (not EEPROM). Documentation in library files.
+            bacon.write(MCP4725::Normal, (0xFFF * (0.5*sin(xrad) + 0.5)), false);
+            if (x == 360){
+                x = 0.045;
+            }
+            else {
+                x = x + 0.045;
+            }
+            break;
+         case 4:
+            wait(.1);
+            bacon.write(MCP4725::Normal, (0xFFF * (3.3 / 3.3)), false);
+            testLed = 0;
+            pc.printf("Value is %f V \r\n", analogIn.read()*3.3);
+            wait(0.1);
+            bacon.write(MCP4725::Normal, (0xFFF * (0.0 / 3.3)), false); 
+            // Print ADC measurement to terminal. Scale factor of 3.3 needed for internal ADC.
+            pc.printf("Value is %f V \r\n", analogIn.read()*3.3);
+            break;
+         case 5:
-        /* We check at mV resolution. 
-         * Resolution of 12bit DAC is 0.8mV
-         * Resolution of 16bit ADC is 0.05mV
-         */
-        int read_value_mv = (analogIn.read() * 3.3) * 100;
-        int set_value_mv = ((int)(output_voltage*100));
-        if( (mode == MCP4725::Normal) && (read_value_mv !=  set_value_mv) )
-        {
-            pc.printf("Failed: set_value=%dmV, read_value=%dmV\r\n", read_value_mv, set_value_mv);
-            return 1;
-        }
-        else if ( (mode != MCP4725::Normal) && (read_value_mv != 0) )
-        {
-            pc.printf("Failed: read_value=%dmV, but DAC in PowerDown!\r\n", read_value_mv);
-            return 1;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            pc.printf("Passed\r\n");
-            return 0;
+            // Write to DAC register (not EEPROM). Documentation in library files.
+            xrad = x*3.14159 / 180;
+            // Write to DAC register (not EEPROM). Documentation in library files.
+            bacon.write(MCP4725::Normal, (0xFFF * (0.5*sin(xrad) + 0.5)), false);
+            if (x == 360){
+                x = 0.45;
+            }
+            else {
+                x = x + 0.45;
+            }
+            break;
-    }
-/* Run a simple read/write test that does write to eeprom. */
-int test_simple_read_write_with_eeprom(MCP4725* interface, enum MCP4725::PowerMode mode, float output_voltage)
-    enum MCP4725::PowerMode read_mode;
-    enum MCP4725::PowerMode read_mode_eeprom;//, write_mode_eeprom;
-    int  read_dac_value;
-    int  read_dac_value_eeprom;//, write_dac_value_eeprom;
-    bool read_eeprom_write_in_progress;
-    int dac_value = (int) (0xFFF * (output_voltage/3.3) );
-    pc.printf("\tRead/write test with write to eeprom: ");
-    interface->write(mode, dac_value, true);
-    wait(0.5); //Wait a short period for the eeprom write to complete.
-    interface->read(&read_mode, &read_mode_eeprom, &read_dac_value, &read_dac_value_eeprom, &read_eeprom_write_in_progress);
-    if( (mode != read_mode) || (dac_value != read_dac_value) || (read_eeprom_write_in_progress == true) || (read_dac_value != read_dac_value_eeprom) || (read_mode != read_mode_eeprom) )
-    {
-        pc.printf("Failed - mode=%d, read_mode=%d, dac_value=%d, read_dac_value=%d, eeprom_write_state:%d\r\n", (int)mode, (int)read_mode, dac_value, read_dac_value, read_eeprom_write_in_progress);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        pc.printf("Passed\r\n");
-        return 0;
-    }
-/** Test to see if the eeprom write status bit is reported correctly. */
-int test_eeprom_write_status(MCP4725* interface)
-    enum MCP4725::PowerMode read_mode;
-    enum MCP4725::PowerMode read_mode_eeprom;//, write_mode_eeprom;
-    int  read_dac_value;
-    int  read_dac_value_eeprom;//, write_dac_value_eeprom;
-    bool read_eeprom_write_in_progress;
-    pc.printf("\tTest eeprom write status: ");
-    interface->write(MCP4725::Normal, 4095, true);
-    //Immediately read the device
-    interface->read(&read_mode, &read_mode_eeprom, &read_dac_value, &read_dac_value_eeprom, &read_eeprom_write_in_progress);
-    if( read_eeprom_write_in_progress == false )
-    {
-        pc.printf("Failed - EEPROM Write not reported as in progress.\r\n");
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else
-    {
-        wait(0.5); //Wait a short period for the eeprom write to complete.
-        interface->read(&read_mode, &read_mode_eeprom, &read_dac_value, &read_dac_value_eeprom, &read_eeprom_write_in_progress);
-        if( read_eeprom_write_in_progress == false )
-        {
-            pc.printf("Passed\r\n");
-            return 0;
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            pc.printf("Failed - EEPROM Write reported as still in progress.\r\n");
-            return 1;
-        }
-    }
+   }
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