para el ventilador

Dependencies:   QEI FastPWM

--- a/stepper_motor_driver.cpp	Sat Apr 11 22:53:05 2020 +0000
+++ b/stepper_motor_driver.cpp	Thu Apr 16 13:02:36 2020 +0000
@@ -3,30 +3,316 @@
 #include "project_defines.h"
 #include "stepper_motor_driver.h"
 #include "buttons.h"
+#include "tft_interface.h"
+#include "FastPWM.h"
-PwmOut stepper_pulse(STEPPER_PULSE_PIN);
+/* Object definition */
+InterruptIn stepper_pulse_feedback(STEPPER_PULSE_FEEDBACK_PIN);
+FastPWM      stepper_pulse(STEPPER_PULSE_PIN, -1);
 DigitalOut  stepper_en(STEPPER_ENABLE_PIN);
 DigitalOut  stepper_dir(STEPPER_DIRECTION_PIN);
+/* Variable definition */
-uint8_t stepper_motor_state = STEPPER_MOTOR_GO_HOME ;
+// ----------------------- Tables used for calculations ------------------------
+#if RAMP_STEPS == 50
+const float sigma_ramp[RAMP_STEPS] = {
+        0.002, 0.003, 0.004, 0.005, 0.006, 0.008, 0.010, 0.013, 0.017, 0.021,
+        0.027, 0.034, 0.042, 0.053, 0.067, 0.083, 0.103, 0.128, 0.157, 0.192,
+        0.231, 0.277, 0.327, 0.382, 0.440, 0.500, 0.560, 0.618, 0.673, 0.723,
+        0.769, 0.808, 0.843, 0.872, 0.897, 0.917, 0.933, 0.947, 0.958, 0.966,
+        0.973, 0.979, 0.983, 0.987, 0.990, 0.992, 0.994, 0.995, 0.996, 0.997
+#elif RAMP_STEPS == 100
+ const float sigma_ramp[RAMP_STEPS] = {
+        0.002, 0.003, 0.003, 0.004, 0.004, 0.005, 0.005, 0.006, 0.006, 0.007,
+        0.008, 0.009, 0.011, 0.012, 0.013, 0.015, 0.017, 0.019, 0.021, 0.024,
+        0.027, 0.031, 0.034, 0.039, 0.043, 0.049, 0.055, 0.061, 0.069, 0.077,
+        0.086, 0.096, 0.107, 0.119, 0.133, 0.147, 0.163, 0.180, 0.199, 0.219,
+        0.240, 0.263, 0.287, 0.313, 0.339, 0.367, 0.396, 0.425, 0.455, 0.485,
+        0.515, 0.545, 0.575, 0.604, 0.633, 0.661, 0.687, 0.713, 0.737, 0.760,
+        0.781, 0.801, 0.820, 0.837, 0.853, 0.867, 0.881, 0.893, 0.904, 0.914,
+        0.923, 0.931, 0.939, 0.945, 0.951, 0.957, 0.961, 0.966, 0.969, 0.973,
+        0.976, 0.979, 0.981, 0.983, 0.985, 0.987, 0.988, 0.989, 0.991, 0.992,
+        0.993, 0.994, 0.994, 0.995, 0.995, 0.996, 0.996, 0.997, 0.997, 0.998f
+    #error "Seleccionar un valor permitido para RAMP_STEPS: Puede ser 50 o 100"
+const float i_e_ratio_stepper_table[I_E_RATIO_INDEX_LIMIT][2]={
+                                        {1.0,2.0},
+                                        {1.0,2.5},
+                                        {1.0,3.0}
+                                        };
+// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+uint32_t calibration_period_rise_ramp_us[RAMP_STEPS];
+uint32_t inspiration_period_rise_ramp_us[RAMP_STEPS];
+uint32_t expiration_period_rise_ramp_us[RAMP_STEPS];
+// These parameters are configurer through the graphic interface */
+uint32_t inspiration_stepper_pulses_setpoint = STEPPER_DRIVER_INSPIRATION_PULSES_DEFAULT ;
+//uint32_t expiration_stepper_pulses_setpoint = STEPPER_DRIVER_MAX_PULSES ; // Not used in this version
+uint32_t inspiration_stepper_pulse_period_us = STEPPER_DRIVER_DEFAULT_PULSE_PERIOD_US;
+uint32_t expiration_stepper_pulse_period_us = STEPPER_DRIVER_DEFAULT_PULSE_PERIOD_US;
+uint32_t calibration_stepper_pulse_period_us = STEPPER_DRIVER_DEFAULT_PULSE_PERIOD_US;
+// Volume setpoint (250mL, 300mL, 350ml ... 750ml) expressed in steps
+uint32_t volume_in_steps[VOLUME_SETPOINT_INDEX_LIMIT] = {
+                                                            1600, //250 mL
+                                                            1700, //300 mL
+                                                            1800, //350 mL
+                                                            1900, //400 mL
+                                                            2000, //450 mL
+                                                            2100, //500 mL
+                                                            2200, //550 mL
+                                                            2300, //600 mL    
+                                                            2400, //650 mL
+                                                            2500, //700 mL
+                                                            2600  //750 mL
+// Variables used in every state of the stepper motor driver */
+volatile uint32_t stepper_pulse_counter = 0;
+volatile uint32_t stepper_ramp_pulse_counter = 0;
+// State of the stepper motor
+volatile Stepper_Driver_State_t stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Stand_By;
+/* Function definition */
+/* Initialize the control signals for the stepper */
+void Stepper_Driver_Init(void){
+    stepper_en = STEPPER_ENABLED;
+    stepper_dir = TO_HOME;
+    stepper_pulse.period_us((int)calibration_stepper_pulse_period_us);
+    stepper_pulse.write(0.0f);
+    stepper_pulse_feedback.fall(&Stepper_Driver_Pulse_Signal_Update);
+    stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Inspiration_Finish;  
+    // Just for testing purposes
+    //inspiration_stepper_pulses_setpoint = volume_in_steps[10];
-void Stepper_Motor_Go_Home(void){
+void Stepper_Go_Home_Position(void){
+   // stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Driver_Home_Ramp;
+    //while(stepper_driver_state != Stepper_Driver_Stand_By){
+      //  Stepper_Driver_State_Machine();
+    //} 
+void Stepper_Calculate_Period_Ramp(void){
+    float initial_frequency, final_frequency, frequency_ramp_range;
+    float frequency_i_hz, period_i_us;
+    uint8_t i;
+    /* Period rise ramp for inspiration */
+    initial_frequency = (float)STEPPER_START_BRAKE_FREQUENCY_HZ;
+    final_frequency = 1000000.0 / (float)inspiration_stepper_pulse_period_us;
+    frequency_ramp_range = final_frequency - initial_frequency;
+    for(i = 0; i < RAMP_STEPS; i++){
+        frequency_i_hz = initial_frequency + (frequency_ramp_range * sigma_ramp[i]);
+        period_i_us = 1000000.0 / frequency_i_hz;
+        inspiration_period_rise_ramp_us[i] = (uint32_t)period_i_us;
+    }
+    /* Period rise ramp for expiration */
+    initial_frequency = (float)STEPPER_START_BRAKE_FREQUENCY_HZ;
+    final_frequency = 1000000.0 / (float)expiration_stepper_pulse_period_us;
+    frequency_ramp_range = final_frequency - initial_frequency;
+    for(i = 0; i < RAMP_STEPS; i++){
+        frequency_i_hz = initial_frequency + (frequency_ramp_range * sigma_ramp[i]);
+        period_i_us = 1000000.0 / frequency_i_hz;
+        expiration_period_rise_ramp_us[i] = (uint32_t)period_i_us;
+    }
+void Stepper_Driver_State_Machine(void){
-    stepper_en = 1;
-    stepper_dir = 0;
-    if(buttons & (1 << LIMIT_SW_01)){
-        stepper_motor_state = STEPPER_MOTOR_GO_AHEAD;
+    switch(stepper_driver_state){
+        case Stepper_Inspiration_Rising_Ramp:
+            break;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        case Stepper_Inspiration:                
+            break;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------     
+        case Stepper_Inspiration_Falling_Ramp:
+            break;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------      
+        case Stepper_Inspiration_Finish:
+            stepper_pulse_counter = 0;
+            stepper_ramp_pulse_counter = 0;
+            stepper_dir = TO_HOME;
+            stepper_pulse.period_us((int)STEPPER_START_BRAKE_PERIOD_US);
+            stepper_pulse.write(0.5);        
+            stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Expiration_Rising_Ramp;
+            break;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------     
+        case Stepper_Expiration_Rising_Ramp:             
+             break;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------     
+        case Stepper_Expiration:         
+             break;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------     
+        case Stepper_Expiration_Falling_Ramp:
+            break;
+        // -----------------------------------------------------------------------     
+        case Stepper_Expiration_Finish:
+            stepper_pulse_counter = 0;  
+            stepper_ramp_pulse_counter = 0;      
+            stepper_dir = TO_AIRBAG;
+            stepper_pulse.period_us((int)STEPPER_START_BRAKE_PERIOD_US);
+            stepper_pulse.write(0.5);
+            stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Inspiration_Rising_Ramp;         
+                break;
+        // -------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+        case Stepper_Limit_Sensor_Error:
+            // Stop the system
+            stepper_en = STEPPER_DISABLED;
+            tft->locate(340,VALUES_ROW2_Y_POS);
+            tft->printf("error"); 
+            stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Stand_By;
+            break;  
+         // --------------------------------------------------------------------   
+         case Stepper_Stand_By:   
+            break;
+          // --------------------------------------------------------------------    
+          default:
+            break;
-void Stepper_Motor_Go_Ahead(void){
-    stepper_en = 1;
-    stepper_dir = 1;
-    wait_ms(1200);
-    stepper_motor_state = STEPPER_MOTOR_GO_HOME;
\ No newline at end of file
+void Stepper_Driver_Pulse_Signal_Update(void){
+    // Increment the stepper pulse counter
+    stepper_pulse_counter++;
+    // Increment the proper counter
+    switch(stepper_driver_state){
+        /* Increase the speed gradually */
+        case Stepper_Inspiration_Rising_Ramp:
+            if(stepper_ramp_pulse_counter < RAMP_STEPS){
+                stepper_pulse.period_us((int)inspiration_period_rise_ramp_us[stepper_ramp_pulse_counter]);
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.5);
+                stepper_ramp_pulse_counter++;
+            }else{
+                stepper_pulse.period_us((int)inspiration_stepper_pulse_period_us);
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.5);
+                stepper_ramp_pulse_counter = 0;
+                stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Inspiration;              
+            }
+            break;
+        // --------------------------------------------------------------------     
+        case Stepper_Inspiration:
+            if(stepper_pulse_counter >= (inspiration_stepper_pulses_setpoint - RAMP_STEPS)){
+                stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Inspiration_Falling_Ramp; 
+            }
+            break; 
+        // --------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        case Stepper_Inspiration_Falling_Ramp:  
+            if(stepper_ramp_pulse_counter < RAMP_STEPS){
+                stepper_ramp_pulse_counter++;
+                stepper_pulse.period_us((int)inspiration_period_rise_ramp_us[RAMP_STEPS - stepper_ramp_pulse_counter]);
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.5);    
+            }else if(stepper_ramp_pulse_counter == RAMP_STEPS){
+                stepper_ramp_pulse_counter++; 
+                stepper_pulse.period_us((int)STEPPER_START_BRAKE_PERIOD_US);
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.5);  
+            }else{
+               stepper_ramp_pulse_counter = 0; 
+               stepper_pulse.write(0.0);
+               stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Inspiration_Finish;
+            }
+            break;
+        // --------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        case Stepper_Inspiration_Finish:
+            break; 
+        // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+        case Stepper_Expiration_Rising_Ramp:
+            if(stepper_ramp_pulse_counter < RAMP_STEPS){
+                stepper_pulse.period_us((int)expiration_period_rise_ramp_us[stepper_ramp_pulse_counter]);
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.5);
+                stepper_ramp_pulse_counter++;
+            }else{
+                stepper_pulse.period_us((int)expiration_stepper_pulse_period_us);
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.5);
+                stepper_ramp_pulse_counter = 0;
+                stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Expiration;
+            }
+            break;
+        // --------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        case Stepper_Expiration:
+            if(buttons & (1 << LIMIT_SW_01)){
+                stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Expiration_Falling_Ramp;
+            }else if(stepper_pulse_counter > STEPPER_DRIVER_MAX_PULSES){ 
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.0);
+                stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Limit_Sensor_Error;
+            }else{
+                // Does nothing
+            }     
+            break; 
+        // --------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        case Stepper_Expiration_Falling_Ramp:  
+            if(stepper_ramp_pulse_counter < RAMP_STEPS){
+                stepper_ramp_pulse_counter++;
+                stepper_pulse.period_us((int)expiration_period_rise_ramp_us[RAMP_STEPS - stepper_ramp_pulse_counter]);
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.5);  
+            }else if(stepper_ramp_pulse_counter == RAMP_STEPS){   
+                stepper_pulse.period_us((int)STEPPER_START_BRAKE_PERIOD_US);
+                stepper_pulse.write(0.5);
+                stepper_ramp_pulse_counter++;             
+            }else{
+               stepper_pulse.write(0.0);
+               stepper_driver_state = Stepper_Expiration_Finish;
+            }
+            break;
+         // --------------------------------------------------------------------    
+        case Stepper_Expiration_Finish:
+            break; 
+         // --------------------------------------------------------------------
+        default:
+            break;                               
+        }
\ No newline at end of file