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00001 //#include "Car.h"
00002 //#include "signal_wrapper.h"
00003 //
00004 //int car_position;
00005 //extern int global_sim;
00006 ////
00007 //Car::Car(int id) {
00008 //    this->id = id;   
00009 //    
00010 //    // Include any other necessary initialization
00011 //    this->tick = 0;
00012 //    
00013 //    thread = NULL; // Initialize thread to null, since the starting of the simulation is done in reset(-)
00014 //}    
00015 //
00016 //// gets new speed sets tick to 0
00017 //void Car::new_speed()
00018 //{
00019 //    int temp_speed = 0;
00020 //    // get a valid speed 5-15
00021 //    while( temp_speed < 5 )
00022 //    {
00023 //        temp_speed = rand() %16;
00024 //    }
00025 //    this->speed = temp_speed;
00026 //            
00027 //    this->tick = 0;
00028 //}
00029 //
00030 //void Car::update_pos()
00031 //{
00032 //    // update speed every 5 ticks
00033 //    if(this->tick == 5)
00034 //    {
00035 //        new_speed();
00036 //    }
00037 //        
00038 //    // update position based on speed
00039 //    this->position += this->speed;
00040 //    this->tick++;
00041 //    
00042 //    // globally shared between car and ACC
00043 //    car_position = this->position;
00044 //}
00045 //
00046 //void Car::update() {
00047 //    while (true) {
00048 //        // wait for a signal from main thread
00049 //        uint32_t flags = wait_for_signal( CAR_SIGNAL | SIG_TERM );
00050 //        
00051 //        if(flags == SIG_TERM)
00052 //        {
00053 //            // clean up
00054 //            thread->terminate();    
00055 //        }
00056 //        else if( flags == CAR_SIGNAL )
00057 //        {
00058 //            update_pos();
00059 //        }
00060 //        // unknown signal
00061 //        else
00062 //        {
00063 //            assert(0);
00064 //        }
00065 //        
00066 //        send_signal( CAR_UPDATE_MAIN_SIGNAL );
00067 //    }
00068 //}
00069 //
00070 //int Car::is_simulating()
00071 //{
00072 //    return simulation;
00073 //}
00074 //
00075 //void Car::reset(int speed, int position) {
00076 //    // handle any necessary coordination with main thread
00077 //    
00078 //    // reset any other attributes that may be necessary
00079 //    // ...
00080 //    // ...
00081 //    
00082 //    if (thread != NULL) {   // Clear out the existing thread, if it exists, since we don't know how long it has waited for
00083 //        delete thread;
00084 //    }
00085 //    
00086 //    thread = new Thread();
00087 //    // Create a new thread for the car
00088 //    thread->start( callback(this, &Car::update) ); // Start the thread with the car's update method
00089 //    
00090 //    this->simulation = 1;
00091 //    this->tick = 0;
00092 //    this->position = position;
00093 //    this->speed = speed;
00094 //}