For bug fixes

Dependencies:   HTTPClient-SSL

Dependents:   mtsas

Fork of MTS-Socket by MultiTech

diff -r eef30dbe1130 -r 096f484f3ae6 IPStack.h
--- a/IPStack.h	Thu May 15 22:02:08 2014 +0000
+++ b/IPStack.h	Mon May 19 12:36:11 2014 -0500
@@ -1,4 +1,119 @@
 #ifndef IPSTACK_H
 #define IPSTACK_H
\ No newline at end of file
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <string>
+#include "CommInterface.h"
+/** This class is a pure virtual class that should be inherited from when implementing
+* a communications device with an onboard IP stack.  Examples of this would be a Wi-Fi
+* or Cellular radio. The inheriting class should map the device commands and functionality
+* to the pure virtual methods provided here. There should also be at least one or more calls
+* to setup the communication link specific paramters as an init method for example. This
+* would do things like configure the APN in a cellular radio or set the ssid for a WiFi device,
+* which cannot be accounted for in an abstract class like this one. Note that to provide physical
+* connection management methods this class inherits from CommInterface.
+class IPStack : public CommInterface
+    /// An enumeration for selecting the Socket Mode of TCP or UDP.
+    enum Mode {
+        TCP, UDP
+    };
+    /** This method is used to set the local port for the UDP or TCP socket connection.
+    * The connection can be made using the open method.
+    *
+    * @param port the local port of the socket as an int.
+    */
+    virtual bool bind(unsigned int port) = 0;
+    /** This method is used to open a socket connection with the given parameters.
+    *
+    * @param address is the address you want to connect to in the form of
+    * or a URL. If using a URL make sure the device supports DNS and is properly configured
+    * for that mode.
+    * @param port the remote port you want to connect to.
+    * @param mode an enum that specifies whether this socket connection is type TCP or UDP.
+    * @returns true if the connection was successfully opened, otherwise false.
+    */
+    virtual bool open(const std::string& address, unsigned int port, Mode mode) = 0;
+    /** This method is used to determine if a socket connection is currently open.
+    *
+    * @returns true if the socket is currently open, otherwise false.
+    */
+    virtual bool isOpen() = 0;
+    /** This method is used to close a socket connection that is currently open.
+    *
+    * @returns true if successfully closed, otherwise returns false on an error.
+    */
+    virtual bool close() = 0;
+    /** This method is used to read data off of a socket, assuming a valid socket
+    * connection is already open.
+    *
+    * @param data a pointer to the data buffer that will be filled with the read data.
+    * @param max the maximum number of bytes to attempt to read, typically the same as
+    * the size of the passed in data buffer.
+    * @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait in trying to read the max
+    * number of bytes. If set to -1 the call blocks until it receives the max number of bytes
+    * or encounters and error.
+    * @returns the number of bytes read and stored in the passed in data buffer. Returns
+    * -1 if there was an error in reading.
+    */
+    virtual int read(char* data, int max, int timeout = -1) = 0;
+    /** This method is used to write data to a socket, assuming a valid socket
+    * connection is already open.
+    *
+    * @param data a pointer to the data buffer that will be written to the socket.
+    * @param length the size of the data buffer to be written.
+    * @param timeout the amount of time in milliseconds to wait in trying to write the entire
+    * number of bytes. If set to -1 the call blocks until it writes all of the bytes or
+    * encounters and error.
+    * @returns the number of bytes written to the socket's write buffer. Returns
+    * -1 if there was an error in writing.
+    */
+    virtual int write(const char* data, int length, int timeout = -1) = 0;
+    /** This method is used to get the number of bytes available to read off the
+    * socket.
+    *
+    * @returns the number of bytes available, 0 if there are no bytes to read.
+    */
+    virtual unsigned int readable() = 0;
+    /** This method is used to get the space available to write bytes to the socket.
+    *
+    * @returns the number of bytes that can be written, 0 if unable to write.
+    */
+    virtual unsigned int writeable() = 0;
+    /** This method is used test network connectivity by pinging a server.
+    *
+    * @param address the address of the server in format The
+    * default which is Google's DNS Server.
+    * @returns true if the ping was successful, otherwise false.
+    */
+    virtual bool ping(const std::string& address = "") = 0;
+    /** This method is used to get the IP address of the device, which can be
+    * set either statically or via DHCP after connecting to a network.
+    *
+    * @returns the devices IP address.
+    */
+    virtual std::string getDeviceIP() = 0;
+    /** This method is used to set the IP address or puts the module in DHCP mode.
+    *
+    * @param address the IP address you want to use in the form of or DHCP
+    * if you want to use DHCP. The default is DHCP.
+    * @returns true if successful, otherwise returns false.
+    */
+    virtual bool setDeviceIP(std::string address = "DHCP") = 0;
+#endif /* IPSTACK_H */