Mark Gottscho

Public Repositories (8)

  • HardwareTimersLib

    Library for various hardware timers on FRDM-KL46Z.

    Last updated: 04 Apr 2014 15 13
  • UtilityLib

    Some generic utilities for blinking LEDs and working with serial ports that may be useful.

    Last updated: 04 Apr 2014 10 4
  • TesterLib

    A group of unit test classes for various other classes and libraries.

    Last updated: 19 Mar 2014 5 2
  • SensorsLib

    A compilation of some hardware sensors and their shared programming interfaces.

    Last updated: 19 Mar 2014 2 256
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Hello World with the green LED, no printf() required. This is mostly useful for checking the board has power.

    Last updated: 16 Mar 2014 2 19
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    mbed will sleep indefinitely, but periodically wake up every 1 second to blink the green LED and burn some extra power that can be measured externally.

    Last updated: 16 Mar 2014 1 73
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Echo incoming serial data back out again.

    Last updated: 16 Mar 2014 1 32
  • Mbed 2 deprecated

    Bridge bidirectional serial traffic between UART2 and USBSerial (UART0).

    Last updated: 16 Mar 2014 3 27