Component Test's Software to work with "Universal Controller Box" - Software is an interpreter or "compiler" for programs to be done with a .txt file and read off of the SD Card

Dependencies:   BridgeDriver FrontPanelButtons MCP23017 SDFileSystem TextLCD mbed


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
16:2482d226cf4d 2014-10-03 mehatfie - Updated Errors; - Initializes SD Card to work every time; - Cycle timer starts immediately on first cycle default tip
15:c944ee3c8a5b 2014-10-03 mehatfie - readded mkdir("\sd") line which seemed to have fixed an error in the system where the system could not find any files in the SD Card on power cycle. New SD Cards wouldn't have had this directory made for the "readfileNames()" function
14:953820302fb7 2014-10-02 mehatfie - Working system, code testing on two Test Systems and works directly as desired; - Fixed bug where the cycle timer does not add the first cycle and takes it as zero
13:899db9d635e5 2014-10-01 mehatfie - cycle function working; - errorWatch does in fact work on the first cycle around; - error corrected in code where the tempError is not initialized, and then falsely sets the second errorWatch to have a fix, when it doesn't
12:2e3e86714243 2014-10-01 mehatfie - Working Copy; - Cycle Functionality working, able to update desired number of cycles on program; -Error Watch working, except doesn't seem to work for the first cycle... at the moment this is fine, considering technician will be there for first cycle
11:bc9cd2869f95 2014-10-01 mehatfie - Latest revision is not a working copy, simply publishing all previous working copies to the server
10:e8db892fbc52 2014-09-24 mehatfie - Dummy Mode implemented with code functioning after compile; --- goes through all of the code, but doesn't actually turn anything on or run any physical functionality, it simple performs syntax checking on the entire programming, and resets and runs
9:5a0c4c6e39c7 2014-09-24 mehatfie - System error checking and syntax checking should be completed; --- Compiled code still functions correctly; --- All error checking has not been checked that they indeed error out / not error out and function as planned
8:e9f836163229 2014-09-24 mehatfie - all debugging and error checking (to ensure the function works in all cases.... not to tell the user about errors) for conditionCommand should be completed for any forseen combinations required for conditional statements
7:cca801103b86 2014-09-23 mehatfie - testing "make working copy" function of revisions
6:d1594fd2ec5a 2014-09-23 mehatfie - System Functional for Door_Latch_Test; - Fixed issue with Motors, needed to initialize the Motors for PWM; - Confirmed code works to read from SD Card that has spaces and tabs
5:e36e0538a903 2014-09-23 mehatfie - Conditional Command working successfully; --- Also working with loop command; - Each major command (interpret, loop, condition), must have a unique ending return value
4:86d0d04cc055 2014-09-19 mehatfie - fixed bug where "deviceFound" was not matching correct value; "if (lineData.word[2].compare(DeviceNames[i]) == 0)"... forgot the "== 0"; ; - Added Device PinIN, works as expected for current "wait" function
3:078e9a1e8be3 2014-09-19 mehatfie - Working properly for Motor, Voltage_Driver, and looping; - successful looping and program completion; - organizing for more readable and understandable code is starting
2:3e7baa3e3fec 2014-09-18 mehatfie - Revamped whole system and now works without stalling or freezing mid program; - now Object Oriented Based in terms of Devices (inheritance of functions)
1:5731f31f96be 2014-09-16 mehatfie - Noticed having issues with code in terms of memory(?); - Loop functionality works fine; - Depending on the number of cycles, the code will randomly freeze up. Same thing happens if you extend the number of tasks within the loop, and decrease count
0:22618cf06f45 2014-09-16 mehatfie - Initial Commit; - Code is a mess (in mid transition of general code architecture); - Functionality work to drive motors in both direction and turn off; - Delay functionality working; - Able to read a program from a txt file and perform functionality