Modification of Mbed-dev library for LQFP48 package microcontrollers: STM32F103C8 (STM32F103C8T6) and STM32F103CB (STM32F103CBT6) (Bluepill boards, Maple mini etc. )

Fork of mbed-STM32F103C8_org by Nothing Special

Library for STM32F103C8 (Bluepill boards etc.).
Use this instead of mbed library.
This library allows the size of the code in the FLASH up to 128kB. Therefore, code also runs on microcontrollers STM32F103CB (eg. Maple mini).
But in the case of STM32F103C8, check the size of the resulting code would not exceed 64kB.

To compile a program with this library, use NUCLEO-F103RB as the target name. !


  • Corrected initialization of the HSE + crystal clock (mbed permanent bug), allowing the use of on-board xtal (8MHz).(1)
  • Additionally, it also set USB clock (48Mhz).(2)
  • Definitions of pins and peripherals adjusted to LQFP48 case.
  • Board led LED1 is now PC_13 (3)
  • USER_BUTTON is now PC_14 (4)

    Now the library is complete rebuilt based on mbed-dev v160 (and not yet fully tested).

(1) - In case 8MHz xtal on board, CPU frequency is 72MHz. Without xtal is 64MHz.
(2) - Using the USB interface is only possible if STM32 is clocking by on-board 8MHz xtal or external clock signal 8MHz on the OSC_IN pin.
(3) - On Bluepill board led operation is reversed, i.e. 0 - led on, 1 - led off.
(4) - Bluepill board has no real user button


After export to SW4STM (AC6):

  • add line #include "mbed_config.h" in files Serial.h and RawSerial.h
  • in project properties change Optimisation Level to Optimise for size (-Os)



File content as of revision 148:8b0b02bf146f:

/** \addtogroup platform */
/** @{*/
/* General C++ Object Thunking class
 * - allows direct callbacks to non-static C++ class functions
 * - keeps track for the corresponding class instance
 * - supports an optional context parameter for the called function
 * - ideally suited for class object receiving interrupts (NVIC_SetVector)
 * Copyright (c) 2014-2015 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

/* General C++ Object Thunking class
 * - allows direct callbacks to non-static C++ class functions
 * - keeps track for the corresponding class instance
 * - supports an optional context parameter for the called function
 * - ideally suited for class object receiving interrupts (NVIC_SetVector)

#ifndef __CTHUNK_H__
#define __CTHUNK_H__

#define CTHUNK_VARIABLES volatile uint32_t code[2]

#if (defined(__CORTEX_M3) || defined(__CORTEX_M4) || defined(__CORTEX_M7) || defined(__CORTEX_A9))
* CTHUNK disassembly for Cortex-M3/M4/M7/A9 (thumb2):
* * adr  r0, #4
* * ldm  r0, {r0, r1, r2, pc}
* This instruction loads the arguments for the static thunking function to r0-r2, and
* branches to that function by loading its address into PC.
* This is safe for both regular calling and interrupt calling, since it only touches scratch registers
* which should be saved by the caller, and are automatically saved as part of the IRQ context switch.
#define CTHUNK_ASSIGMENT do {                              \
                             m_thunk.code[0] = 0xE890A001; \
                             m_thunk.code[1] = 0x00008007; \
                         } while (0)

#elif (defined(__CORTEX_M0PLUS) || defined(__CORTEX_M0))
* CTHUNK disassembly for Cortex M0/M0+ (thumb):
* * adr  r0, #4
* * ldm  r0, {r0, r1, r2, r3}
* * bx   r3
#define CTHUNK_ASSIGMENT do {                              \
                             m_thunk.code[0] = 0xC80FA001; \
                             m_thunk.code[1] = 0x00004718; \
                         } while (0)

#error "Target is not currently suported."

/* IRQ/Exception compatible thunk entry function */
typedef void (*CThunkEntry)(void);

 * Class for created a pointer with data bound to it
 * @Note Synchronization level: Not protected
template<class T>
class CThunk
        typedef void (T::*CCallbackSimple)(void);
        typedef void (T::*CCallback)(void* context);

        inline CThunk(T *instance)
            init(instance, NULL, NULL);

        inline CThunk(T *instance, CCallback callback)
            init(instance, callback, NULL);

        ~CThunk() {


        inline CThunk(T *instance, CCallbackSimple callback)
            init(instance, (CCallback)callback, NULL);

        inline CThunk(T &instance, CCallback callback)
            init(instance, callback, NULL);

        inline CThunk(T &instance, CCallbackSimple callback)
            init(instance, (CCallback)callback, NULL);

        inline CThunk(T &instance, CCallback callback, void* context)
            init(instance, callback, context);

        inline void callback(CCallback callback)
            m_callback = callback;

        inline void callback(CCallbackSimple callback)
            m_callback = (CCallback)callback;

        inline void context(void* context)
            m_thunk.context = (uint32_t)context;

        inline void context(uint32_t context)
            m_thunk.context = context;
        inline uint32_t entry(void)
            return (((uint32_t)&m_thunk)|CTHUNK_ADDRESS);

        /* get thunk entry point for connecting rhunk to an IRQ table */
        inline operator CThunkEntry(void)
            return (CThunkEntry)entry();

        /* get thunk entry point for connecting rhunk to an IRQ table */
        inline operator uint32_t(void)
            return entry();

        /* simple test function */
        inline void call(void)

        T* m_instance;
        volatile CCallback m_callback;

// TODO: this needs proper fix, to refactor toolchain header file and all its use
// PACKED there is not defined properly for IAR
#if defined (__ICCARM__)
        typedef __packed struct
            volatile uint32_t instance;
            volatile uint32_t context;
            volatile uint32_t callback;
            volatile uint32_t trampoline;
        }  CThunkTrampoline;
        typedef struct
            volatile uint32_t instance;
            volatile uint32_t context;
            volatile uint32_t callback;
            volatile uint32_t trampoline;
        } __attribute__((__packed__)) CThunkTrampoline;

        static void trampoline(T* instance, void* context, CCallback* callback)
            if(instance && *callback) {

        volatile CThunkTrampoline m_thunk;

        inline void init(T *instance, CCallback callback, void* context)
            /* remember callback - need to add this level of redirection
               as pointer size for member functions differs between platforms */
            m_callback = callback;

            /* populate thunking trampoline */
            m_thunk.context = (uint32_t)context;
            m_thunk.instance = (uint32_t)instance;
            m_thunk.callback = (uint32_t)&m_callback;
            m_thunk.trampoline = (uint32_t)&trampoline;

#if defined(__CORTEX_A9)
            /* Data cache clean */
            /* Cache control */
                uint32_t start_addr = (uint32_t)&m_thunk & 0xFFFFFFE0;
                uint32_t end_addr   = (uint32_t)&m_thunk + sizeof(m_thunk);
                uint32_t addr;
                /* Data cache clean and invalid */
                for (addr = start_addr; addr < end_addr; addr += 0x20) {
                    __v7_clean_inv_dcache_mva((void *)addr);
                /* Instruction cache invalid */
#if defined(__CORTEX_M7)
            /* Data cache clean and invalid */

            /* Instruction cache invalid */


/** @}*/