Modification of Mbed-dev library for LQFP48 package microcontrollers: STM32F103C8 (STM32F103C8T6) and STM32F103CB (STM32F103CBT6) (Bluepill boards, Maple mini etc. )

Fork of mbed-STM32F103C8_org by Nothing Special

Library for STM32F103C8 (Bluepill boards etc.).
Use this instead of mbed library.
This library allows the size of the code in the FLASH up to 128kB. Therefore, code also runs on microcontrollers STM32F103CB (eg. Maple mini).
But in the case of STM32F103C8, check the size of the resulting code would not exceed 64kB.

To compile a program with this library, use NUCLEO-F103RB as the target name. !


  • Corrected initialization of the HSE + crystal clock (mbed permanent bug), allowing the use of on-board xtal (8MHz).(1)
  • Additionally, it also set USB clock (48Mhz).(2)
  • Definitions of pins and peripherals adjusted to LQFP48 case.
  • Board led LED1 is now PC_13 (3)
  • USER_BUTTON is now PC_14 (4)

    Now the library is complete rebuilt based on mbed-dev v160 (and not yet fully tested).

(1) - In case 8MHz xtal on board, CPU frequency is 72MHz. Without xtal is 64MHz.
(2) - Using the USB interface is only possible if STM32 is clocking by on-board 8MHz xtal or external clock signal 8MHz on the OSC_IN pin.
(3) - On Bluepill board led operation is reversed, i.e. 0 - led on, 1 - led off.
(4) - Bluepill board has no real user button


After export to SW4STM (AC6):

  • add line #include "mbed_config.h" in files Serial.h and RawSerial.h
  • in project properties change Optimisation Level to Optimise for size (-Os)



File content as of revision 146:03e976389d16:

/* mbed Microcontroller Library
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2015 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <new>
#include "platform/mbed_assert.h"
#include "platform/mbed_toolchain.h"

namespace mbed {
/** \addtogroup platform */
/** @{*/

/** Callback class based on template specialization
 * @Note Synchronization level: Not protected
template <typename F>
class Callback;

// Internal sfinae declarations
// These are used to eliminate overloads based on type attributes
// 1. Does a function object have a call operator
// 2. Does a function object fit in the available storage
// These eliminations are handled cleanly by the compiler and avoid
// massive and misleading error messages when confronted with an
// invalid type (or worse, runtime failures)
namespace detail {
    struct nil {};

    template <bool B, typename R = nil>
    struct enable_if { typedef R type; };

    template <typename R>
    struct enable_if<false, R> {};

    template <typename M, M>
    struct is_type {
        static const bool value = true;

/** Callback class based on template specialization
 * @Note Synchronization level: Not protected
template <typename R>
class Callback<R()> {
    /** Create a Callback with a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
    Callback(R (*func)() = 0) {
        if (!func) {
            _ops = 0;
        } else {

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
    Callback(const Callback<R()> &func) {
        if (func._ops) {
            func._ops->move(this, &func);
        _ops = func._ops;

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)()) {
        generate(method_context<T, R (T::*)()>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)() const) {
        generate(method_context<const T, R (T::*)() const>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)() volatile) {
        generate(method_context<volatile T, R (T::*)() volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)() const volatile) {
        generate(method_context<const volatile T, R (T::*)() const volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(T*), U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(T*), T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const T*), const U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const T*), const T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(volatile T*), volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(volatile T*), volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*), const volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const volatile T*), const volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)() const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)() volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)() const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Destroy a callback
    ~Callback() {
        if (_ops) {

    /** Attach a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)()) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const Callback<R()> &func) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(U *obj, R (T::*method)()) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (T::*method)() const) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)() volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)() const volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(T*), U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const T*), const U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(volatile T*), volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const volatile T*), const volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)() const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)() volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)() const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(U *obj, R (*func)(T*)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Assign a callback
    Callback &operator=(const Callback &that) {
        if (this != &that) {
            new (this) Callback(that);

        return *this;

    /** Call the attached function
    R call() const {
        return _ops->call(this);

    /** Call the attached function
    R operator()() const {
        return call();

    /** Test if function has been attached
    operator bool() const {
        return _ops;

    /** Test for equality
    friend bool operator==(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return memcmp(&l, &r, sizeof(Callback)) == 0;

    /** Test for inequality
    friend bool operator!=(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return !(l == r);

    /** Static thunk for passing as C-style function
     *  @param func Callback to call passed as void pointer
    static R thunk(void *func) {
        return static_cast<Callback*>(func)->call();

    // Stored as pointer to function and pointer to optional object
    // Function pointer is stored as union of possible function types
    // to garuntee proper size and alignment
    struct _class;
    union {
        void (*_staticfunc)();
        void (*_boundfunc)(_class*);
        void (_class::*_methodfunc)();
    } _func;
    void *_obj;

    // Dynamically dispatched operations
    const struct ops {
        R (*call)(const void*);
        void (*move)(void*, const void*);
        void (*dtor)(void*);
    } *_ops;

    // Generate operations for function object
    template <typename F>
    void generate(const F &f) {
        static const ops ops = {

        MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Callback) - sizeof(_ops) >= sizeof(F),
                "Type F must not exceed the size of the Callback class");
        new (this) F(f);
        _ops = &ops;

    // Function attributes
    template <typename F>
    static R function_call(const void *p) {
        return (*(F*)p)();

    template <typename F>
    static void function_move(void *d, const void *p) {
        new (d) F(*(F*)p);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_dtor(void *p) {

    // Wrappers for functions with context
    template <typename O, typename M>
    struct method_context {
        M method;
        O *obj;

        method_context(O *obj, M method)
            : method(method), obj(obj) {}

        R operator()() const {
            return (obj->*method)();

    template <typename F, typename A>
    struct function_context {
        F func;
        A *arg;

        function_context(F func, A *arg)
            : func(func), arg(arg) {}

        R operator()() const {
            return func(arg);

/** Callback class based on template specialization
 * @Note Synchronization level: Not protected
template <typename R, typename A0>
class Callback<R(A0)> {
    /** Create a Callback with a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
    Callback(R (*func)(A0) = 0) {
        if (!func) {
            _ops = 0;
        } else {

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
    Callback(const Callback<R(A0)> &func) {
        if (func._ops) {
            func._ops->move(this, &func);
        _ops = func._ops;

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0)) {
        generate(method_context<T, R (T::*)(A0)>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) const) {
        generate(method_context<const T, R (T::*)(A0) const>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) volatile) {
        generate(method_context<volatile T, R (T::*)(A0) volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) const volatile) {
        generate(method_context<const volatile T, R (T::*)(A0) const volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(T*, A0), U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(T*, A0), T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0), const U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const T*, A0), const T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0), volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(volatile T*, A0), volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0), const volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const volatile T*, A0), const volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Destroy a callback
    ~Callback() {
        if (_ops) {

    /** Attach a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const Callback<R(A0)> &func) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) const) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) const volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(T*, A0), U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const T*, A0), const U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0), volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0), const volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Assign a callback
    Callback &operator=(const Callback &that) {
        if (this != &that) {
            new (this) Callback(that);

        return *this;

    /** Call the attached function
    R call(A0 a0) const {
        return _ops->call(this, a0);

    /** Call the attached function
    R operator()(A0 a0) const {
        return call(a0);

    /** Test if function has been attached
    operator bool() const {
        return _ops;

    /** Test for equality
    friend bool operator==(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return memcmp(&l, &r, sizeof(Callback)) == 0;

    /** Test for inequality
    friend bool operator!=(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return !(l == r);

    /** Static thunk for passing as C-style function
     *  @param func Callback to call passed as void pointer
    static R thunk(void *func, A0 a0) {
        return static_cast<Callback*>(func)->call(a0);

    // Stored as pointer to function and pointer to optional object
    // Function pointer is stored as union of possible function types
    // to garuntee proper size and alignment
    struct _class;
    union {
        void (*_staticfunc)(A0);
        void (*_boundfunc)(_class*, A0);
        void (_class::*_methodfunc)(A0);
    } _func;
    void *_obj;

    // Dynamically dispatched operations
    const struct ops {
        R (*call)(const void*, A0);
        void (*move)(void*, const void*);
        void (*dtor)(void*);
    } *_ops;

    // Generate operations for function object
    template <typename F>
    void generate(const F &f) {
        static const ops ops = {

        MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Callback) - sizeof(_ops) >= sizeof(F),
                "Type F must not exceed the size of the Callback class");
        new (this) F(f);
        _ops = &ops;

    // Function attributes
    template <typename F>
    static R function_call(const void *p, A0 a0) {
        return (*(F*)p)(a0);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_move(void *d, const void *p) {
        new (d) F(*(F*)p);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_dtor(void *p) {

    // Wrappers for functions with context
    template <typename O, typename M>
    struct method_context {
        M method;
        O *obj;

        method_context(O *obj, M method)
            : method(method), obj(obj) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0) const {
            return (obj->*method)(a0);

    template <typename F, typename A>
    struct function_context {
        F func;
        A *arg;

        function_context(F func, A *arg)
            : func(func), arg(arg) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0) const {
            return func(arg, a0);

/** Callback class based on template specialization
 * @Note Synchronization level: Not protected
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
class Callback<R(A0, A1)> {
    /** Create a Callback with a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
    Callback(R (*func)(A0, A1) = 0) {
        if (!func) {
            _ops = 0;
        } else {

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
    Callback(const Callback<R(A0, A1)> &func) {
        if (func._ops) {
            func._ops->move(this, &func);
        _ops = func._ops;

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1)) {
        generate(method_context<T, R (T::*)(A0, A1)>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) const) {
        generate(method_context<const T, R (T::*)(A0, A1) const>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) volatile) {
        generate(method_context<volatile T, R (T::*)(A0, A1) volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) const volatile) {
        generate(method_context<const volatile T, R (T::*)(A0, A1) const volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1), U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(T*, A0, A1), T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1), const U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const T*, A0, A1), const T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1), volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(volatile T*, A0, A1), volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1), const volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const volatile T*, A0, A1), const volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Destroy a callback
    ~Callback() {
        if (_ops) {

    /** Attach a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const Callback<R(A0, A1)> &func) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) const) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) const volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1), U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1), const U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1), volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1), const volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Assign a callback
    Callback &operator=(const Callback &that) {
        if (this != &that) {
            new (this) Callback(that);

        return *this;

    /** Call the attached function
    R call(A0 a0, A1 a1) const {
        return _ops->call(this, a0, a1);

    /** Call the attached function
    R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1) const {
        return call(a0, a1);

    /** Test if function has been attached
    operator bool() const {
        return _ops;

    /** Test for equality
    friend bool operator==(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return memcmp(&l, &r, sizeof(Callback)) == 0;

    /** Test for inequality
    friend bool operator!=(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return !(l == r);

    /** Static thunk for passing as C-style function
     *  @param func Callback to call passed as void pointer
    static R thunk(void *func, A0 a0, A1 a1) {
        return static_cast<Callback*>(func)->call(a0, a1);

    // Stored as pointer to function and pointer to optional object
    // Function pointer is stored as union of possible function types
    // to garuntee proper size and alignment
    struct _class;
    union {
        void (*_staticfunc)(A0, A1);
        void (*_boundfunc)(_class*, A0, A1);
        void (_class::*_methodfunc)(A0, A1);
    } _func;
    void *_obj;

    // Dynamically dispatched operations
    const struct ops {
        R (*call)(const void*, A0, A1);
        void (*move)(void*, const void*);
        void (*dtor)(void*);
    } *_ops;

    // Generate operations for function object
    template <typename F>
    void generate(const F &f) {
        static const ops ops = {

        MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Callback) - sizeof(_ops) >= sizeof(F),
                "Type F must not exceed the size of the Callback class");
        new (this) F(f);
        _ops = &ops;

    // Function attributes
    template <typename F>
    static R function_call(const void *p, A0 a0, A1 a1) {
        return (*(F*)p)(a0, a1);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_move(void *d, const void *p) {
        new (d) F(*(F*)p);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_dtor(void *p) {

    // Wrappers for functions with context
    template <typename O, typename M>
    struct method_context {
        M method;
        O *obj;

        method_context(O *obj, M method)
            : method(method), obj(obj) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1) const {
            return (obj->*method)(a0, a1);

    template <typename F, typename A>
    struct function_context {
        F func;
        A *arg;

        function_context(F func, A *arg)
            : func(func), arg(arg) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1) const {
            return func(arg, a0, a1);

/** Callback class based on template specialization
 * @Note Synchronization level: Not protected
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
class Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> {
    /** Create a Callback with a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
    Callback(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2) = 0) {
        if (!func) {
            _ops = 0;
        } else {

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
    Callback(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> &func) {
        if (func._ops) {
            func._ops->move(this, &func);
        _ops = func._ops;

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2)) {
        generate(method_context<T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2)>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) const) {
        generate(method_context<const T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2) const>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) volatile) {
        generate(method_context<volatile T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2) volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) const volatile) {
        generate(method_context<const volatile T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2) const volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2), U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(T*, A0, A1, A2), T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2), const U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const T*, A0, A1, A2), const T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2), volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2), volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2), const volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2), const volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Destroy a callback
    ~Callback() {
        if (_ops) {

    /** Attach a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> &func) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) const) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) const volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2), U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2), const U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2), volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2), const volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Assign a callback
    Callback &operator=(const Callback &that) {
        if (this != &that) {
            new (this) Callback(that);

        return *this;

    /** Call the attached function
    R call(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) const {
        return _ops->call(this, a0, a1, a2);

    /** Call the attached function
    R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) const {
        return call(a0, a1, a2);

    /** Test if function has been attached
    operator bool() const {
        return _ops;

    /** Test for equality
    friend bool operator==(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return memcmp(&l, &r, sizeof(Callback)) == 0;

    /** Test for inequality
    friend bool operator!=(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return !(l == r);

    /** Static thunk for passing as C-style function
     *  @param func Callback to call passed as void pointer
    static R thunk(void *func, A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) {
        return static_cast<Callback*>(func)->call(a0, a1, a2);

    // Stored as pointer to function and pointer to optional object
    // Function pointer is stored as union of possible function types
    // to garuntee proper size and alignment
    struct _class;
    union {
        void (*_staticfunc)(A0, A1, A2);
        void (*_boundfunc)(_class*, A0, A1, A2);
        void (_class::*_methodfunc)(A0, A1, A2);
    } _func;
    void *_obj;

    // Dynamically dispatched operations
    const struct ops {
        R (*call)(const void*, A0, A1, A2);
        void (*move)(void*, const void*);
        void (*dtor)(void*);
    } *_ops;

    // Generate operations for function object
    template <typename F>
    void generate(const F &f) {
        static const ops ops = {

        MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Callback) - sizeof(_ops) >= sizeof(F),
                "Type F must not exceed the size of the Callback class");
        new (this) F(f);
        _ops = &ops;

    // Function attributes
    template <typename F>
    static R function_call(const void *p, A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) {
        return (*(F*)p)(a0, a1, a2);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_move(void *d, const void *p) {
        new (d) F(*(F*)p);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_dtor(void *p) {

    // Wrappers for functions with context
    template <typename O, typename M>
    struct method_context {
        M method;
        O *obj;

        method_context(O *obj, M method)
            : method(method), obj(obj) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) const {
            return (obj->*method)(a0, a1, a2);

    template <typename F, typename A>
    struct function_context {
        F func;
        A *arg;

        function_context(F func, A *arg)
            : func(func), arg(arg) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2) const {
            return func(arg, a0, a1, a2);

/** Callback class based on template specialization
 * @Note Synchronization level: Not protected
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
class Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> {
    /** Create a Callback with a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
    Callback(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2, A3) = 0) {
        if (!func) {
            _ops = 0;
        } else {

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
    Callback(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> &func) {
        if (func._ops) {
            func._ops->move(this, &func);
        _ops = func._ops;

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        generate(method_context<T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const) {
        generate(method_context<const T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) volatile) {
        generate(method_context<volatile T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const volatile) {
        generate(method_context<const volatile T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), const U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), const T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), const volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), const volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Destroy a callback
    ~Callback() {
        if (_ops) {

    /** Attach a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> &func) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), const U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), const volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Assign a callback
    Callback &operator=(const Callback &that) {
        if (this != &that) {
            new (this) Callback(that);

        return *this;

    /** Call the attached function
    R call(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) const {
        return _ops->call(this, a0, a1, a2, a3);

    /** Call the attached function
    R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) const {
        return call(a0, a1, a2, a3);

    /** Test if function has been attached
    operator bool() const {
        return _ops;

    /** Test for equality
    friend bool operator==(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return memcmp(&l, &r, sizeof(Callback)) == 0;

    /** Test for inequality
    friend bool operator!=(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return !(l == r);

    /** Static thunk for passing as C-style function
     *  @param func Callback to call passed as void pointer
    static R thunk(void *func, A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) {
        return static_cast<Callback*>(func)->call(a0, a1, a2, a3);

    // Stored as pointer to function and pointer to optional object
    // Function pointer is stored as union of possible function types
    // to garuntee proper size and alignment
    struct _class;
    union {
        void (*_staticfunc)(A0, A1, A2, A3);
        void (*_boundfunc)(_class*, A0, A1, A2, A3);
        void (_class::*_methodfunc)(A0, A1, A2, A3);
    } _func;
    void *_obj;

    // Dynamically dispatched operations
    const struct ops {
        R (*call)(const void*, A0, A1, A2, A3);
        void (*move)(void*, const void*);
        void (*dtor)(void*);
    } *_ops;

    // Generate operations for function object
    template <typename F>
    void generate(const F &f) {
        static const ops ops = {

        MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Callback) - sizeof(_ops) >= sizeof(F),
                "Type F must not exceed the size of the Callback class");
        new (this) F(f);
        _ops = &ops;

    // Function attributes
    template <typename F>
    static R function_call(const void *p, A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) {
        return (*(F*)p)(a0, a1, a2, a3);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_move(void *d, const void *p) {
        new (d) F(*(F*)p);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_dtor(void *p) {

    // Wrappers for functions with context
    template <typename O, typename M>
    struct method_context {
        M method;
        O *obj;

        method_context(O *obj, M method)
            : method(method), obj(obj) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) const {
            return (obj->*method)(a0, a1, a2, a3);

    template <typename F, typename A>
    struct function_context {
        F func;
        A *arg;

        function_context(F func, A *arg)
            : func(func), arg(arg) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3) const {
            return func(arg, a0, a1, a2, a3);

/** Callback class based on template specialization
 * @Note Synchronization level: Not protected
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
class Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> {
    /** Create a Callback with a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
    Callback(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) = 0) {
        if (!func) {
            _ops = 0;
        } else {

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
    Callback(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> &func) {
        if (func._ops) {
            func._ops->move(this, &func);
        _ops = func._ops;

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        generate(method_context<T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const) {
        generate(method_context<const T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) volatile) {
        generate(method_context<volatile T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const volatile) {
        generate(method_context<const volatile T, R (T::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const volatile>(obj, method));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function 
    template<typename T, typename U>
    Callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const volatile U *arg) {
        generate(function_context<R (*)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const volatile T>(func, arg));

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
    template <typename F>
    Callback(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Create a Callback with a static function and bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to Callback(func, arg)")
    Callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Destroy a callback
    ~Callback() {
        if (_ops) {

    /** Attach a static function
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a Callback
     *  @param func     The Callback to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> &func) {
        new (this) Callback(func);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a member function
     *  @param obj      Pointer to object to invoke member function on
     *  @param method   Member function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template<typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const volatile) {
        new (this) Callback(obj, method);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param func     Static function to attach
     *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const volatile U *arg) {
        new (this) Callback(func, arg);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a function object
     *  @param func     Function object to attach
     *  @note The function object is limited to a single word of storage
     *  @deprecated
     *      Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func'
    template <typename F>
        "Replaced by simple assignment 'Callback cb = func")
    void attach(const volatile F f, typename detail::enable_if<
                detail::is_type<R (F::*)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const volatile, &F::operator()>::value &&
                sizeof(F) <= sizeof(uintptr_t)
            >::type = detail::nil()) {
        new (this) Callback(f);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Attach a static function with a bound pointer
     *  @param obj  Pointer to object to bind to function
     *  @param func Static function to attach
     *  @deprecated
     *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)
    template <typename T, typename U>
        "Arguments to callback have been reordered to attach(func, arg)")
    void attach(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
        new (this) Callback(func, obj);

    /** Assign a callback
    Callback &operator=(const Callback &that) {
        if (this != &that) {
            new (this) Callback(that);

        return *this;

    /** Call the attached function
    R call(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) const {
        return _ops->call(this, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);

    /** Call the attached function
    R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) const {
        return call(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);

    /** Test if function has been attached
    operator bool() const {
        return _ops;

    /** Test for equality
    friend bool operator==(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return memcmp(&l, &r, sizeof(Callback)) == 0;

    /** Test for inequality
    friend bool operator!=(const Callback &l, const Callback &r) {
        return !(l == r);

    /** Static thunk for passing as C-style function
     *  @param func Callback to call passed as void pointer
    static R thunk(void *func, A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) {
        return static_cast<Callback*>(func)->call(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);

    // Stored as pointer to function and pointer to optional object
    // Function pointer is stored as union of possible function types
    // to garuntee proper size and alignment
    struct _class;
    union {
        void (*_staticfunc)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4);
        void (*_boundfunc)(_class*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4);
        void (_class::*_methodfunc)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4);
    } _func;
    void *_obj;

    // Dynamically dispatched operations
    const struct ops {
        R (*call)(const void*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4);
        void (*move)(void*, const void*);
        void (*dtor)(void*);
    } *_ops;

    // Generate operations for function object
    template <typename F>
    void generate(const F &f) {
        static const ops ops = {

        MBED_STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(Callback) - sizeof(_ops) >= sizeof(F),
                "Type F must not exceed the size of the Callback class");
        new (this) F(f);
        _ops = &ops;

    // Function attributes
    template <typename F>
    static R function_call(const void *p, A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) {
        return (*(F*)p)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_move(void *d, const void *p) {
        new (d) F(*(F*)p);

    template <typename F>
    static void function_dtor(void *p) {

    // Wrappers for functions with context
    template <typename O, typename M>
    struct method_context {
        M method;
        O *obj;

        method_context(O *obj, M method)
            : method(method), obj(obj) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) const {
            return (obj->*method)(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);

    template <typename F, typename A>
    struct function_context {
        F func;
        A *arg;

        function_context(F func, A *arg)
            : func(func), arg(arg) {}

        R operator()(A0 a0, A1 a1, A2 a2, A3 a3, A4 a4) const {
            return func(arg, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4);

// Internally used event type
typedef Callback<void(int)> event_callback_t;

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(R (*func)() = 0) {
    return Callback<R()>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(const Callback<R()> &func) {
    return Callback<R()>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)()) {
    return Callback<R()>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)() const) {
    return Callback<R()>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)() volatile) {
    return Callback<R()>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)() const volatile) {
    return Callback<R()>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(R (*func)(T*), U *arg) {
    return Callback<R()>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(R (*func)(const T*), const U *arg) {
    return Callback<R()>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(R (*func)(volatile T*), volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R()>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R>
Callback<R()> callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*), const volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R()>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R()> callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*)) {
    return Callback<R()>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R()> callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*)) {
    return Callback<R()>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R()> callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*)) {
    return Callback<R()>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R()> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*)) {
    return Callback<R()>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(R (*func)(A0) = 0) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(const Callback<R(A0)> &func) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0)) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) const) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0) const volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(R (*func)(T*, A0), U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0), const U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0), volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
Callback<R(A0)> callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0), const volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0)> callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0)) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0)> callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0)) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0)) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0)) {
    return Callback<R(A0)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(R (*func)(A0, A1) = 0) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(const Callback<R(A0, A1)> &func) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) const) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1) const volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1), U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1), const U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1), volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1), const volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2) = 0) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> &func) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) const) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2) const volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2), U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2), const U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2), volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2), const volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2, A3) = 0) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> &func) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3) const volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), const U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3), const volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(R (*func)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) = 0) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(const Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> &func) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(const U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj      Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param method   Member function to attach
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template<typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (T::*method)(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4) const volatile) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(obj, method);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param func     Static function to attach
 *  @param arg      Pointer argument to function
 *  @return         Callback with infered type
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4), const volatile U *arg) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func, arg);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(U *obj, R (*func)(T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(const U *obj, R (*func)(const T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(volatile U *obj, R (*func)(volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func, obj);

/** Create a callback class with type infered from the arguments
 *  @param obj  Optional pointer to object to bind to function
 *  @param func Static function to attach
 *  @return     Callback with infered type
 *  @deprecated
 *      Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)
template <typename T, typename U, typename R, typename A0, typename A1, typename A2, typename A3, typename A4>
    "Arguments to callback have been reordered to callback(func, arg)")
Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)> callback(const volatile U *obj, R (*func)(const volatile T*, A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)) {
    return Callback<R(A0, A1, A2, A3, A4)>(func, obj);

} // namespace mbed


/** @}*/