Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature

Dependents:   Arduino_Nano33BLESense_examples

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Fri May 31 11:28:03 2019 +0000
Commit message:
Function file was completed and it is ready to be tested

Changed in this revision

HTS221.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
--- a/HTS221.cpp	Fri May 31 11:09:50 2019 +0000
+++ b/HTS221.cpp	Fri May 31 11:28:03 2019 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1134 @@
+ * @brief       HTS221.cpp
+ * @details     Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature.
+ *              Function file.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return      N/A
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019    The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A
+ * @pre         This code belongs to AqueronteBlog ( ). All rights reserved.
+ */
+#include "HTS221.h"
+HTS221::HTS221 ( PinName sda, PinName scl, uint32_t addr, uint32_t freq )
+    : _i2c           ( sda, scl )
+    , _HTS221_Addr ( addr )
+    _i2c.frequency( freq );
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetDeviceID ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets the device identification.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myDeviceID:    Device ID.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetDeviceID.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetDeviceID ( HTS221_data_t* myDeviceID )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_WHO_AM_I;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Mask it and update it with the new value  */
+    myDeviceID->deviceID   =   cmd;
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetResolution ( HTS221_data_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It set humidity and temperature resolution mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myTempHumResolution: Humidity and Temperature resolution mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A.
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetResolution.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetResolution ( HTS221_data_t myTempHumResolution )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_AV_CONF;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Mask it and update it with the new value  */
+    cmd[1]  &=  ~( AV_CONF_AVGT_MASK | AV_CONF_AVGH_MASK );
+    cmd[1]  |=   ( myTempHumResolution.temperatureResolution | myTempHumResolution.humidityResolution );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetResolution ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It get humidity and temperature resolution mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myTempHumResolution: Humidity and Temperature resolution mode
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetResolution.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetResolution ( HTS221_data_t* myTempHumResolution )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_AV_CONF;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse the data  */
+    myTempHumResolution->temperatureResolution   =   (HTS221_av_config_avgt_t)( cmd & AV_CONF_AVGT_MASK );
+    myTempHumResolution->humidityResolution      =   (HTS221_av_config_avgh_t)( cmd & AV_CONF_AVGH_MASK );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetPowerDown ( HTS221_ctrl_reg1_pd_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets the device into power-down ( low-power mode ) or active mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myPowerMode:     Power-Down/Active mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetPowerDown.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetPowerDown ( HTS221_ctrl_reg1_pd_t myPowerMode )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG1;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG1_PD_MASK ) | myPowerMode );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetBlockDataUpdate ( HTS221_data_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets the block data update.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    myBDU:           Block data update mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetBlockDataUpdate.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetBlockDataUpdate ( HTS221_data_t myBDU )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG1;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG1_BDU_MASK ) | myBDU.bdu );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetBlockDataUpdate ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets the block data update.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myBDU:           Block data update mode
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetBlockDataUpdate.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetBlockDataUpdate ( HTS221_data_t* myBDU )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG1;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse the data  */
+    myBDU->bdu   =   (HTS221_ctrl_reg1_bdu_t)( cmd & CTRL_REG1_BDU_MASK );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetOutputDataRate ( HTS221_data_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets the output data rate ( ODR ).
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ * @param[in]    myODR:           Output data rate.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetOutputDataRate.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetOutputDataRate  ( HTS221_data_t myODR )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG1;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG1_ODR_MASK ) | myODR.odr );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetOutputDataRate ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets the output data rate ( ODR ).
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myODR:           Output data rate
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetOutputDataRate.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetOutputDataRate  ( HTS221_data_t* myODR )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG1;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myODR->odr   =   (HTS221_ctrl_reg1_odr_t)( cmd & CTRL_REG1_ODR_MASK );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetBoot ( void )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets reboot memory content.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetBoot.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         At the end of the boot process, the BOOT bit is set again to '0'.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetBoot  ( void )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG2;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG2_BOOT_MASK ) | CTRL_REG2_BOOT_REBOOT_MEMORY_CONTENT );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetBoot ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets reboot memory content.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myBOOT:   Reboot memory content flag
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetBoot.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetBoot ( HTS221_data_t* myBOOT )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG2;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myBOOT->boot   =   (HTS221_ctrl_reg2_boot_t)( cmd & CTRL_REG2_BOOT_MASK );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetHeater ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets heater mode: Enabled/Disabled.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ * @param[in]    myHeater:   Heater mode.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetHeater.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetHeater ( HTS221_data_t myHeater )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG2;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG2_HEATER_MASK ) | myHeater.heater );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetHeater ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets heater mode.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myHeater         Heater mode
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetHeater.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetHeater ( HTS221_data_t* myHeater )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG2;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myHeater->heater   =   (HTS221_ctrl_reg2_heater_t)( cmd & CTRL_REG2_HEATER_MASK );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetOneShot ( void )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets one-shot, new data set.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetOneShot.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         ONE_SHOT bit comes back to '0' by hardware
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetOneShot ( void )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG2;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG2_ONE_SHOT_MASK ) | CTRL_REG2_ONE_SHOT_START );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetOneShot ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets one-shot flag.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myOneShot:  One-shot flag
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetOneShot.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetOneShot ( HTS221_data_t* myOneShot )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG2;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myOneShot->one_shot   =   (HTS221_ctrl_reg2_one_shot_t)( cmd & CTRL_REG2_ONE_SHOT_MASK );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetDataReadyOuput ( HTS221_ctrl_reg3_drdy_h_l_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets data ready output signal active high/low.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ * @param[in]    myDRDY_H_L:   Data ready output signal high/low.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetDataReadyOuput.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetDataReadyOuput ( HTS221_ctrl_reg3_drdy_h_l_t myDRDY_H_L )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG3;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG3_DRDY_H_L_MASK ) | myDRDY_H_L );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetSelectionOnPin3 ( HTS221_ctrl_reg3_pp_od_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets Push-pull/Open Drain selection on pin 3 ( DRDY ).
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ * @param[in]    myDRDY:     Push-pull/Open Drain selection on pin 3 (DRDY).
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetDataReadyOuput.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetSelectionOnPin3 ( HTS221_ctrl_reg3_pp_od_t myDRDY )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG3;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG3_PP_OD_MASK ) | myDRDY );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_SetDataReadyEnable ( HTS221_ctrl_reg3_drdy_en_t )
+ *
+ * @details     It sets data ready enable.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ * @param[in]    myDRDY_EN:    Data Ready enable.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   N/A
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_SetDataReadyEnable.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_SetDataReadyEnable ( HTS221_ctrl_reg3_drdy_en_t myDRDY_EN )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   HTS221_CTRL_REG3;
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[1], 1U );
+    /* Update the register   */
+    cmd[1]   =   ( ( cmd[1] & ~CTRL_REG3_DRDY_EN_MASK ) | myDRDY_EN );
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ), false );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetHumidityDataAvailable ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets humidity data available flag.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myHumidityFlag:  Humidity data available flag
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetHumidityDataAvailable.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetHumidityDataAvailable ( HTS221_data_t* myHumidityFlag )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_STATUS_REG;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myHumidityFlag->h_da   =   (HTS221_status_reg_h_da_t)( cmd & STATUS_REGISTER_H_DA_MASK );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetTemperatureDataAvailable ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets temperature data available flag.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myTemperatureFlag: Temperature data available flag
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetTemperatureDataAvailable.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        24/May/2019
+ * @version     24/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetTemperatureDataAvailable ( HTS221_data_t* myTemperatureFlag )
+    char     cmd  = 0U;
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd   =   HTS221_STATUS_REG;
+    aux   =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U, true );
+    aux   =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd, 1U );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myTemperatureFlag->t_da   =   (HTS221_status_reg_t_da_t)( cmd & STATUS_REGISTER_T_DA_MASK );
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetRawHumidity ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets raw humidity.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myRawHumidity:     Raw humidity
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetRawHumidity.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         This function uses autoincrementing for reading the registers.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetRawHumidity ( HTS221_data_t* myRawHumidity )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   ( HTS221_HUMIDITY_OUT_L | 0x80 );                                        // Autoincrementing
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ) );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myRawHumidity->rawHumidity   =   cmd[1];
+    myRawHumidity->rawHumidity <<=   8U;
+    myRawHumidity->rawHumidity  |=   cmd[0];
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetRawTemperature ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets raw temperature.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myRawTemperature:  Raw temperature
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetRawTemperature.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         This function uses autoincrementing for reading the registers.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetRawTemperature ( HTS221_data_t* myRawTemperature )
+    char     cmd[2]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   ( HTS221_TEMP_OUT_L | 0x80 );                                             // Autoincrementing
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ) );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myRawTemperature->rawTemperature   =   cmd[1];
+    myRawTemperature->rawTemperature <<=   8U;
+    myRawTemperature->rawTemperature  |=   cmd[0];
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetCalibrationCoefficients ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets calibration coefficients.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myCoeff:  Calibration coefficients
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetCalibrationCoefficients.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         This function uses autoincrementing for reading the registers.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetCalibrationCoefficients ( HTS221_data_t* myCoeff )
+    char     cmd[16]  = { 0U };
+    uint32_t aux;
+    /* Read the register   */
+    cmd[0]   =   ( HTS221_CALIB_0 | 0x80 );                                             // Autoincrementing
+    aux      =   _i2c.write ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], 1U, true );
+    aux      =  ( _HTS221_Addr, &cmd[0], sizeof( cmd )/sizeof( cmd[0] ) );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myCoeff->h0_rH_x2    =   cmd[0];
+    myCoeff->h1_rH_x2    =   cmd[1];
+    myCoeff->t0_degC_x8  =   cmd[2];
+    myCoeff->t1_degC_x8  =   cmd[3];
+    myCoeff->t1_T0_msb   =   ( cmd[5] & 0x0F );
+    myCoeff->h0_T0_OUT   =   cmd[7];
+    myCoeff->h0_T0_OUT <<=   8U;
+    myCoeff->h0_T0_OUT  |=   cmd[6];
+    myCoeff->h1_T0_OUT   =   cmd[11];
+    myCoeff->h1_T0_OUT <<=   8U;
+    myCoeff->h1_T0_OUT  |=   cmd[10];
+    myCoeff->t0_OUT      =   cmd[13];
+    myCoeff->t0_OUT    <<=   8U;
+    myCoeff->t0_OUT     |=   cmd[12];
+    myCoeff->t1_OUT      =   cmd[15];
+    myCoeff->t1_OUT    <<=   8U;
+    myCoeff->t1_OUT     |=   cmd[14];
+    /* Coefficient result for temperature & humidity  */
+    myCoeff->t0_degC   =  ( myCoeff->t1_T0_msb & 0x03 );
+    myCoeff->t0_degC <<=  8U;
+    myCoeff->t0_degC  |=  myCoeff->t0_degC_x8;
+    myCoeff->t0_degC >>=  3U;
+    myCoeff->t1_degC   =   ( myCoeff->t1_T0_msb & 0x0C );
+    myCoeff->t1_degC <<=   6U;
+    myCoeff->t1_degC  |=   myCoeff->t1_degC_x8;
+    myCoeff->t1_degC >>=  3U;
+    myCoeff->h0_RH     =   myCoeff->h0_rH_x2;
+    myCoeff->h0_RH   >>=  1U;
+    myCoeff->h1_RH     =   myCoeff->h1_rH_x2;
+    myCoeff->h1_RH   >>=  1U;
+    if ( aux == I2C_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetTemperature ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets the current temperature in Celsius degrees.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myTemperature:     Current temperature in Celsius degress
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetTemperature.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetTemperature ( HTS221_data_t* myTemperature )
+    HTS221::HTS221_status_t aux;
+    /* Get temperature  */
+    aux  =   HTS221::HTS221_GetRawTemperature ( &(*myTemperature) );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myTemperature->temperature   =   (int32_t)( 10.0*( myTemperature->rawTemperature - myTemperature->t0_OUT )*( myTemperature->t1_degC - myTemperature->t0_degC )/( myTemperature->t1_OUT - myTemperature->t0_OUT ) );
+    myTemperature->temperature  +=   10.0*myTemperature->t0_degC;
+    myTemperature->temperature  /=   10.0;
+    if ( aux == HTS221_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
+ * @brief       HTS221_GetHumidity ( HTS221_data_t* )
+ *
+ * @details     It gets the current humidity value.
+ *
+ * @param[in]    N/A.
+ *
+ * @param[out]   myHumidity:        Current humidity value
+ *
+ *
+ * @return       Status of HTS221_GetHumidity.
+ *
+ *
+ * @author      Manuel Caballero
+ * @date        31/May/2019
+ * @version     31/May/2019     The ORIGIN
+ * @pre         N/A.
+ * @warning     N/A.
+ */
+HTS221::HTS221_status_t HTS221::HTS221_GetHumidity ( HTS221_data_t* myHumidity )
+    HTS221::HTS221_status_t aux;
+    /* Get humidity  */
+    aux  =   HTS221::HTS221_GetRawHumidity ( &(*myHumidity) );
+    /* Parse the data   */
+    myHumidity->humidity   =   (int32_t)( 10.0*( myHumidity->rawHumidity - myHumidity->h0_T0_OUT )*( myHumidity->h1_RH - myHumidity->h0_RH )/( myHumidity->h1_T0_OUT - myHumidity->h0_T0_OUT ) );
+    myHumidity->humidity  +=   10.0*myHumidity->h0_RH;
+    myHumidity->humidity  /=   10.0;
+    /* Check if it is saturated  */
+    if ( myHumidity->humidity > 100 ) {
+        myHumidity->humidity   =   100;
+    }
+    if ( aux == HTS221_SUCCESS ) {
+        return   HTS221_SUCCESS;
+    } else {
+        return   HTS221_FAILURE;
+    }
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