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TARGET_EFM32GG_STK3700/TARGET_Silicon_Labs/TARGET_EFM32/emlib/inc/em_lesense.h@ 160:5571c4ff569f

File content as of revision 171:3a7713b1edbc:

 * @file em_lesense.h
 * @brief Low Energy Sensor (LESENSE) peripheral API
 * @version 5.3.3
 * # License
 * <b>Copyright 2016 Silicon Laboratories, Inc.</b>
 * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
 * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
 * freely, subject to the following restrictions:
 * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
 *    claim that you wrote the original software.
 * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
 *    misrepresented as being the original software.
 * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
 * obligation to support this Software. Silicon Labs is providing the
 * Software "AS IS", with no express or implied warranties of any kind,
 * including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability
 * or fitness for any particular purpose or warranties against infringement
 * of any proprietary rights of a third party.
 * Silicon Labs will not be liable for any consequential, incidental, or
 * special damages, or any other relief, or for any claim by any third party,
 * arising from your use of this Software.

#ifndef EM_LESENSE_H
#define EM_LESENSE_H

#include "em_device.h"

#if defined(LESENSE_COUNT) && (LESENSE_COUNT > 0)
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @addtogroup emlib
 * @{

 * @addtogroup LESENSE
 * @{

/** Number of decoder states supported by current device. */

/** Number of LESENSE channels. */
#define LESENSE_NUM_CHANNELS         16

 ********************************   ENUMS   ************************************

/** Clock divisors for controlling the prescaling factor of the period
 *  counter.
 *  Note: these enumeration values are being used for different clock division
 *  related configuration parameters (hfPresc, lfPresc, pcPresc). */
typedef enum {
  lesenseClkDiv_1   = 0, /**< Divide clock by 1. */
  lesenseClkDiv_2   = 1, /**< Divide clock by 2. */
  lesenseClkDiv_4   = 2, /**< Divide clock by 4. */
  lesenseClkDiv_8   = 3, /**< Divide clock by 8. */
  lesenseClkDiv_16  = 4, /**< Divide clock by 16. */
  lesenseClkDiv_32  = 5, /**< Divide clock by 32. */
  lesenseClkDiv_64  = 6, /**< Divide clock by 64. */
  lesenseClkDiv_128 = 7  /**< Divide clock by 128. */
} LESENSE_ClkPresc_TypeDef;

/** Scan modes. */
typedef enum {
  /** New scan is started each time the period counter overflows. */
  lesenseScanStartPeriodic = LESENSE_CTRL_SCANMODE_PERIODIC,

  /** Single scan is performed when LESENSE_ScanStart() is called. */

  /** New scan is triggered by pulse on PRS channel. */
  lesenseScanStartPRS      = LESENSE_CTRL_SCANMODE_PRS
} LESENSE_ScanMode_TypeDef;

/** PRS sources.
 *  Note: these enumeration values are being used for different PRS related
 *  configuration parameters. */
typedef enum {
  lesensePRSCh0     = 0, /**< PRS channel 0. */
  lesensePRSCh1     = 1, /**< PRS channel 1. */
  lesensePRSCh2     = 2, /**< PRS channel 2. */
  lesensePRSCh3     = 3, /**< PRS channel 3. */
  lesensePRSCh4     = 4, /**< PRS channel 4. */
  lesensePRSCh5     = 5, /**< PRS channel 5. */
  lesensePRSCh6     = 6, /**< PRS channel 6. */
  lesensePRSCh7     = 7,  /**< PRS channel 7. */
  lesensePRSCh8     = 8,  /**< PRS channel 8. */
  lesensePRSCh9     = 9,  /**< PRS channel 9. */
  lesensePRSCh10    = 10, /**< PRS channel 10.*/
  lesensePRSCh11    = 11, /**< PRS channel 11.*/

/** Locations of the alternate excitation function. */
typedef enum {
  /** Alternate excitation is mapped to the LES_ALTEX pins. */

  /** Alternate excitation is mapped to the pins of the other ACMP. */

  /** Alternative excitation is mapped to the pin of LESENSE channel
   * (X+8 mod 16), X being the active channel. */
} LESENSE_AltExMap_TypeDef;

/** Result buffer interrupt and DMA trigger levels. */
typedef enum {
  /** DMA and interrupt flags are set when result buffer is halffull. */

  /** DMA and interrupt flags set when result buffer is full. */
} LESENSE_BufTrigLevel_TypeDef;

/** Modes of operation for DMA wakeup from EM2. */
typedef enum {
  /** No DMA wakeup from EM2. */

  /** DMA wakeup from EM2 when data is valid in the result buffer. */

  /** DMA wakeup from EM2 when the resultbuffer is full/halffull, depending on
   *  RESBIDL configuration in LESENSE_CTRL register (selected by
   *  resBufTrigLevel in LESENSE_ResBufTrigLevel_TypeDef descriptor structure). */
} LESENSE_DMAWakeUp_TypeDef;

/** Bias modes. */
typedef enum {
  /** Duty cycle bias module between low power and high accuracy mode. */

  /** Bias module is always in high accuracy mode. */

  /** Bias module is controlled by the EMU and not affected by LESENSE. */
} LESENSE_BiasMode_TypeDef;

/** Scan configuration. */
typedef enum {
  /** The channel configuration registers (CHx_CONF) used are directly mapped to
   *  the channel number. */

  /** The channel configuration registers used are CHx+8_CONF for channels 0-7
   *  and CHx-8_CONF for channels 8-15. */

  /** The channel configuration registers used toggles between CHX_SCANCONF and
   *  CHX+8_SCANCONF when channel x triggers. */

  /** The decoder state defines the channel configuration register (CHx_CONF) to
   *  be used. */
} LESENSE_ScanConfSel_TypeDef;

/** DAC CHx data control configuration. */
typedef enum {
  /** DAC channel x data is defined by DAC_CHxDATA register.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */

  /** DAC channel x data is defined by ACMPTHRES in LESENSE_CHx_INTERACT.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */

  /** DAC channel x data is defined by THRES in LESENSE_CHx_INTERACT.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */
} LESENSE_ControlDACData_TypeDef;

/** DAC channel x conversion mode configuration. */
typedef enum {
  /** LESENSE doesn't control DAC channel x.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */

  /** DAC channel x is driven in continuous mode.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */

  /** DAC channel x is driven in sample hold mode.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */

  /** DAC channel x is driven in sample off mode.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */
} LESENSE_ControlDACConv_TypeDef;

/** DAC channel x output mode configuration. */
typedef enum {
  /** DAC CHx output to pin and ACMP/ADC disabled.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */

  /** DAC CHx output to pin enabled, output to ADC and ACMP disabled.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */
  lesenseDACOutModePin        = _LESENSE_PERCTRL_DACCH0OUT_PIN,

  /** DAC CHx output to pin disabled, output to ADC and ACMP enabled.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */

  /** DAC CHx output to pin, ADC, and ACMP enabled.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both DAC Ch0 and Ch1. */
} LESENSE_ControlDACOut_TypeDef;

/**  DAC reference configuration. */
typedef enum {
  /** DAC uses VDD reference. */

  /** DAC uses bandgap reference. */

/** ACMPx control configuration. */
typedef enum {
  /** LESENSE does not control the ACMPx.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both ACMP0 and ACMP1. */

  /** LESENSE controls the input mux of ACMPx.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both ACMP0 and ACMP1. */

  /** LESENSE controls the input mux of and the threshold value of ACMPx.
   *  Note: this value could be used for both ACMP0 and ACMP1. */
} LESENSE_ControlACMP_TypeDef;

/** Warm up modes. ACMP and DAC duty cycle mode configuration. */
typedef enum {
  /** ACMPs and DACs are shut down when LESENSE is idle. */

  /** ACMPs are kept powered up when LESENSE is idle. */

  /** The DAC is kept powered up when LESENSE is idle. */

  /** ACMPs and the DAC are kept powered up when LESENSE is idle. */
} LESENSE_WarmupMode_TypeDef;

/** Decoder input source configuration. */
typedef enum {
  /** The SENSORSTATE register is used as input to the decoder. */

  /** PRS channels are used as input to the decoder. */
} LESENSE_DecInput_TypeDef;

/** Compare source selection for sensor sampling. */
typedef enum {
  /** Counter output will be used in comparison. */
  lesenseSampleModeCounter = 0x0 << _LESENSE_CH_INTERACT_SAMPLE_SHIFT,

    /** ACMP output will be used in comparison. */

  /** ADC output will be used in comparison. */

  /** Differential ADC output will be used in comparison. */
} LESENSE_ChSampleMode_TypeDef;

/** Interrupt generation setup for CHx interrupt flag. */
typedef enum {
  /** No interrupt is generated. */

  /** Set interrupt flag if the sensor triggers. */

  /** Set interrupt flag on positive edge of the sensor state. */

  /** Set interrupt flag on negative edge of the sensor state. */
} LESENSE_ChIntMode_TypeDef;

/** Channel pin mode for the excitation phase of the scan sequence. */
typedef enum {
  /** Channel pin is disabled. */

  /** Channel pin is configured as push-pull, driven HIGH. */

  /** Channel pin is configured as push-pull, driven LOW. */

  /** DAC output (only available on channel 0, 1, 2, 3, 12, 13, 14 and 15) */
} LESENSE_ChPinExMode_TypeDef;

/** Channel pin mode for the idle phase of the scan sequence. */
typedef enum {
  /** Channel pin is disabled in idle phase.
   *  Note: this value could be used for all channels. */
  lesenseChPinIdleDis    = _LESENSE_IDLECONF_CH0_DISABLE,

  /** Channel pin is configured as push-pull, driven HIGH in idle phase.
   *  Note: this value could be used for all channels. */
  lesenseChPinIdleHigh   = _LESENSE_IDLECONF_CH0_HIGH,

  /** Channel pin is configured as push-pull, driven LOW in idle phase.
   *  Note: this value could be used for all channels. */
  lesenseChPinIdleLow    = _LESENSE_IDLECONF_CH0_LOW,

  /** Channel pin is connected to DAC output in idle phase.
   *  Note: this value could be used for all channels. */
  /** Channel pin is connected to DAC CH0 output in idle phase.
   *  Note: only applies to channel 0, 1, 2, 3. */

  /** Channel pin is connected to DAC CH1 output in idle phase.
   *  Note: only applies to channel 12, 13, 14, 15. */
} LESENSE_ChPinIdleMode_TypeDef;

/** Clock used for excitation and sample delay timing. */
typedef enum {
  /** LFACLK (LF clock) is used. */

  /** AUXHFRCO (HF clock) is used. */
} LESENSE_ChClk_TypeDef;

/** Compare modes for counter comparison. */
typedef enum {
  /** Comparison evaluates to 1 if the sensor data is less than the counter
   *  threshold, or if the ACMP output is 0. */
  lesenseCompModeLess        = LESENSE_CH_EVAL_COMP_LESS,

  /** Comparison evaluates to 1 if the sensor data is greater than, or equal to
   *  the counter threshold, or if the ACMP output is 1. */
  lesenseCompModeGreaterOrEq = LESENSE_CH_EVAL_COMP_GE
} LESENSE_ChCompMode_TypeDef;

/** Sensor evaluation modes. */
typedef enum {
  /** Threshold comparison evaluation mode. In this mode the sensor data
   *  is compared to the configured threshold value. Two possible comparison
   *  operators can be used on the sensor data, either >= (GE) or < (LT).
   *  Which operator to use is given using the
   *  @ref LESENSE_ChDesc_TypeDef::compMode member. */
  lesenseEvalModeThreshold        = _LESENSE_CH_EVAL_MODE_THRES,

  /** Sliding window evaluation mode. In this mode the sensor data is
   *  evaluated against the upper and lower limits of a window range. The
   *  windows range is defined by a base value and a window size. */
  lesenseEvalModeSlidingWindow    = _LESENSE_CH_EVAL_MODE_SLIDINGWIN,

  /** Step detection evaluation mode. In this mode the sensor data is compared
   *  to the sensor data from the previous measurement. The sensor evaluation
   *  will result in a "1" if the difference between the current measurement
   *  and the previous one is greater than a configurable "step size". If the
   *  difference is less than the configured step size then the sensor
   *  evaluation will result in a "0". */
  lesenseEvalModeStepDetection    = _LESENSE_CH_EVAL_MODE_STEPDET,
} LESENSE_ChEvalMode_TypeDef;

/** Idle phase configuration of alternate excitation channels. */
typedef enum {
  /** ALTEX output is disabled in idle phase.
   *  Note: this value could be used for all alternate excitation channels. */

  /** ALTEX output is high in idle phase.
   *  Note: this value could be used for all alternate excitation channels. */

  /** ALTEX output is low in idle phase.
   *  Note: this value could be used for all alternate excitation channels. */
} LESENSE_AltExPinIdle_TypeDef;

/** Transition action modes. */
typedef enum {
  /** No PRS pulses generated (if PRSCOUNT == 0).
   *  Do not count (if PRSCOUNT == 1). */
  lesenseTransActNone        = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_NONE,

  /** Generate pulse on LESPRS0 (if PRSCOUNT == 0). */
  lesenseTransActPRS0        = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_PRS0,

  /** Generate pulse on LESPRS1 (if PRSCOUNT == 0). */
  lesenseTransActPRS1        = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_PRS1,

  /** Generate pulse on LESPRS0 and LESPRS1 (if PRSCOUNT == 0). */
  lesenseTransActPRS01       = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_PRS01,

  /** Generate pulse on LESPRS2 (for both PRSCOUNT == 0 and PRSCOUNT == 1). */
  lesenseTransActPRS2        = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_PRS2,

  /** Generate pulse on LESPRS0 and LESPRS2 (if PRSCOUNT == 0). */
  lesenseTransActPRS02       = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_PRS02,

  /** Generate pulse on LESPRS1 and LESPRS2 (if PRSCOUNT == 0). */
  lesenseTransActPRS12       = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_PRS12,

  /** Generate pulse on LESPRS0, LESPRS1 and LESPRS2  (if PRSCOUNT == 0). */
  lesenseTransActPRS012      = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_PRS012,

  /** Count up (if PRSCOUNT == 1). */
  lesenseTransActUp          = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_UP,

  /** Count down (if PRSCOUNT == 1). */
  lesenseTransActDown        = LESENSE_ST_TCONFA_PRSACT_DOWN,

  /** Count up and generate pulse on LESPRS2 (if PRSCOUNT == 1). */

  /** Count down and generate pulse on LESPRS2 (if PRSCOUNT == 1). */
} LESENSE_StTransAct_TypeDef;

 *******************************   STRUCTS   ***********************************

/** Core control (LESENSE_CTRL) descriptor structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** Select scan start mode to control how the scan start is being triggered.*/
  LESENSE_ScanMode_TypeDef     scanStart;

  /** Select PRS source for scan start if scanMode is set to lesensePrsPulse. */
  LESENSE_PRSSel_TypeDef       prsSel;

  /** Select scan configuration register usage strategy. */
  LESENSE_ScanConfSel_TypeDef  scanConfSel;

  /** Set to true to invert ACMP0 output. */
  bool                         invACMP0;

  /** Set to true to invert ACMP1 output. */
  bool                         invACMP1;

  /** Set to true to sample both ACMPs simultaneously. */
  bool                         dualSample;

  /** Set to true in order to to store SCANRES in RAM (accessible via RESDATA)
   *  after each scan. */
  bool                         storeScanRes;

  /** Set to true in order to always make LESENSE write to the result buffer,
   *  even if it is full. */
  bool                         bufOverWr;

  /** Select trigger conditions for interrupt and DMA. */
  LESENSE_BufTrigLevel_TypeDef bufTrigLevel;

  /** Configure trigger condition for DMA wakeup from EM2. */
  LESENSE_DMAWakeUp_TypeDef    wakeupOnDMA;

  /** Select bias mode. */
  LESENSE_BiasMode_TypeDef     biasMode;

  /** Set to true to keep LESENSE running in debug mode. */
  bool                         debugRun;
} LESENSE_CoreCtrlDesc_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for LESENSE_CtrlDesc_TypeDef structure. */
#define LESENSE_CORECTRL_DESC_DEFAULT                                                               \
  {                                                                                                 \
    lesenseScanStartPeriodic,/* Start new scan each time the period counter overflows. */           \
    lesensePRSCh0,           /* Default PRS channel is selected. */                                 \
    lesenseScanConfDirMap,   /* Direct mapping SCANCONF register usage strategy. */                 \
    false,                   /* Don't invert ACMP0 output. */                                       \
    false,                   /* Don't invert ACMP1 output. */                                       \
    false,                   /* Disable dual sampling. */                                           \
    true,                    /* Store scan result after each scan. */                               \
    true,                    /* Overwrite result buffer register even if it is full. */             \
    lesenseBufTrigHalf,      /* Trigger interrupt and DMA request if result buffer is half full. */ \
    lesenseDMAWakeUpDisable, /* Don't wake up on DMA from EM2. */                                   \
    lesenseBiasModeDontTouch,/* Don't touch bias configuration. */                                  \
    true                     /* Keep LESENSE running in debug mode. */                              \

/** LESENSE timing control descriptor structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** Set the number of LFACLK cycles to delay sensor interaction on
   *  each channel. Valid range: 0-3 (2 bit). */
  uint8_t startDelay;

   * Set to true do delay the startup of AUXHFRCO until the system enters
   * the excite phase. This will reduce the time AUXHFRCO is enabled and
   * reduce power usage. */
  bool    delayAuxStartup;
} LESENSE_TimeCtrlDesc_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for LESENSE_TimeCtrlDesc_TypeDef structure. */
  {                                               \
    0U, /* No sensor interaction delay. */        \
    false /* Don't delay the AUXHFRCO startup. */ \

/** LESENSE peripheral control descriptor structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** Configure DAC channel 0 data control. */
  LESENSE_ControlDACData_TypeDef dacCh0Data;

  /** Configure how LESENSE controls conversion on DAC channel 0. */
  LESENSE_ControlDACConv_TypeDef dacCh0ConvMode;

  /** Configure how LESENSE controls output on DAC channel 0. */
  LESENSE_ControlDACOut_TypeDef  dacCh0OutMode;

  /** Configure DAC channel 1 data control. */
  LESENSE_ControlDACData_TypeDef dacCh1Data;

  /** Configure how LESENSE controls conversion on DAC channel 1. */
  LESENSE_ControlDACConv_TypeDef dacCh1ConvMode;

  /** Configure how LESENSE controls output on DAC channel 1. */
  LESENSE_ControlDACOut_TypeDef  dacCh1OutMode;

  /** Configure the prescaling factor for the LESENSE - DAC interface.
   *  Valid range: 0-31 (5bit). */
  uint8_t                        dacPresc;

  /** Configure the DAC reference to be used. Set to #lesenseDACRefVdd to use
   *  VDD and set to #lesenseDACRefBandGap to use bandgap as reference. */
  LESENSE_DACRef_TypeDef         dacRef;

  /** Configure how LESENSE controls ACMP 0. */
  LESENSE_ControlACMP_TypeDef    acmp0Mode;

  /** Configure how LESENSE controls ACMP 1. */
  LESENSE_ControlACMP_TypeDef    acmp1Mode;

  /** Configure how LESENSE controls ACMPs and the DAC in idle mode. */
  LESENSE_WarmupMode_TypeDef     warmupMode;

  /** When set to true the DAC is only enabled once for each scan. When
   *  set to false the DAC is enabled before every channel measurement. */
  bool                           dacScan;

  /** When set to true the DAC is started a half clock cycle before sensor
  *  interaction starts. When set to false, a full clock cycle is used. */
  bool                           dacStartupHalf;

  /** When set to true, LESENSE controls DAC channel 0. */
  bool                           dacCh0En;

  /** When set to true, LESENSE controls DAC channel 1. */
  bool                           dacCh1En;
} LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for LESENSE_PerCtrl_TypeDef structure. */
#if defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_0)
#define LESENSE_PERCTRL_DESC_DEFAULT                                                                 \
  {                                                                                                  \
    lesenseDACIfData,         /* DAC channel 0 data is defined by DAC_CH0DATA register */            \
    lesenseDACConvModeDisable,/* LESENSE does not control DAC CH0. */                                \
    lesenseDACOutModeDisable, /* DAC channel 0 output to pin disabled. */                            \
    lesenseDACIfData,         /* DAC channel 1 data is defined by DAC_CH1DATA register */            \
    lesenseDACConvModeDisable,/* LESENSE does not control DAC CH1. */                                \
    lesenseDACOutModeDisable, /* DAC channel 1 output to pin disabled. */                            \
    0U,                       /* DAC prescaling factor of 1 (0+1). */                                \
    lesenseDACRefVdd,         /* DAC uses VDD reference. */                                          \
    lesenseACMPModeMuxThres,  /* LESENSE controls the input mux and the threshold value of ACMP0. */ \
    lesenseACMPModeMuxThres,  /* LESENSE controls the input mux and the threshold value of ACMP1. */ \
    lesenseWarmupModeKeepWarm /* Keep both ACMPs and the DAC powered up when LESENSE is idle. */     \
#define LESENSE_PERCTRL_DESC_DEFAULT                                                                 \
  {                                                                                                  \
    lesenseDACIfData,         /* DAC channel 0 data is defined by DAC_CH0DATA register. */           \
    lesenseDACIfData,         /* DAC channel 1 data is defined by DAC_CH1DATA register. */           \
    lesenseACMPModeMuxThres,  /* LESENSE controls the input mux and the threshold value of ACMP0. */ \
    lesenseACMPModeMuxThres,  /* LESENSE controls the input mux and the threshold value of ACMP1. */ \
    lesenseWarmupModeKeepWarm,/* Keep both ACMPs and the DAC powered up when LESENSE is idle. */     \
    false,                    /* DAC is enabled for before every channel measurement. */             \
    false,                    /* DAC is enabled a full clock cycle before sensor interaction */      \
    false,                    /* LESENSE does not control DAC channel 0. */                          \
    false                     /* LESENSE does not control DAC channel 1. */                          \

/** LESENSE decoder control descriptor structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** Select the input to the LESENSE decoder. */
  LESENSE_DecInput_TypeDef decInput;

  /** Initial state of the LESENSE decoder. */
  uint32_t                 initState;

  /** Set to enable the decoder to check the present state in addition
   *  to the states defined in TCONF. */
  bool                     chkState;

  /** When set, a transition from state x in the decoder will set interrupt flag
   *  CHx. */
  bool                     intMap;

  /** Set to enable hysteresis in the decoder for suppressing changes on PRS
   *  channel 0. */
  bool                     hystPRS0;

  /** Set to enable hysteresis in the decoder for suppressing changes on PRS
   *  channel 1. */
  bool                     hystPRS1;

  /** Set to enable hysteresis in the decoder for suppressing changes on PRS
   *  channel 2. */
  bool                     hystPRS2;

  /** Set to enable hysteresis in the decoder for suppressing interrupt
   *  requests. */
  bool                     hystIRQ;

  /** Set to enable count mode on decoder PRS channels 0 and 1 to produce
   *  outputs which can be used by a PCNT to count up or down. */
  bool                     prsCount;

  /** Select PRS channel input for bit 0 of the LESENSE decoder. */
  LESENSE_PRSSel_TypeDef   prsChSel0;

  /** Select PRS channel input for bit 1 of the LESENSE decoder. */
  LESENSE_PRSSel_TypeDef   prsChSel1;

  /** Select PRS channel input for bit 2 of the LESENSE decoder. */
  LESENSE_PRSSel_TypeDef   prsChSel2;

  /** Select PRS channel input for bit 3 of the LESENSE decoder. */
  LESENSE_PRSSel_TypeDef   prsChSel3;
} LESENSE_DecCtrlDesc_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for LESENSE_PerCtrl_TypeDef structure. */
#define LESENSE_DECCTRL_DESC_DEFAULT                                                         \
  {                                                                                          \
    lesenseDecInputSensorSt, /* The SENSORSTATE register is used as input to the decoder. */ \
    0U,                      /* State 0 is the initial state of the decoder. */              \
    false,                   /* Disable check of current state. */                           \
    true,                    /* Enable channel x % 16 interrupt on state x change. */        \
    true,                    /* Enable decoder hysteresis on PRS0 output. */                 \
    true,                    /* Enable decoder hysteresis on PRS1 output. */                 \
    true,                    /* Enable decoder hysteresis on PRS2 output. */                 \
    true,                    /* Enable decoder hysteresis on PRS3 output. */                 \
    false,                   /* Disable count mode on decoder PRS channels 0 and 1*/         \
    lesensePRSCh0,           /* PRS Channel 0 as input for bit 0 of the LESENSE decoder. */  \
    lesensePRSCh1,           /* PRS Channel 1 as input for bit 1 of the LESENSE decoder. */  \
    lesensePRSCh2,           /* PRS Channel 2 as input for bit 2 of the LESENSE decoder. */  \
    lesensePRSCh3,           /* PRS Channel 3 as input for bit 3 of the LESENSE decoder. */  \

/** LESENSE module initialization structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** LESENSE core configuration parameters. */
  LESENSE_CoreCtrlDesc_TypeDef coreCtrl;

  /** LESENSE timing configuration parameters. */
  LESENSE_TimeCtrlDesc_TypeDef timeCtrl;

  /** LESENSE peripheral configuration parameters. */
  LESENSE_PerCtrlDesc_TypeDef  perCtrl;

  /** LESENSE decoder configuration parameters. */
  LESENSE_DecCtrlDesc_TypeDef  decCtrl;
} LESENSE_Init_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for LESENSE_Init_TypeDef structure. */
#define LESENSE_INIT_DEFAULT                                                                \
  {                                                                                         \
    .coreCtrl = LESENSE_CORECTRL_DESC_DEFAULT, /* Default core control parameters. */       \
    .timeCtrl = LESENSE_TIMECTRL_DESC_DEFAULT, /* Default time control parameters. */       \
    .perCtrl  = LESENSE_PERCTRL_DESC_DEFAULT,  /* Default peripheral control parameters. */ \
    .decCtrl  = LESENSE_DECCTRL_DESC_DEFAULT   /* Default decoder control parameters. */    \

/** Channel descriptor structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** Set to enable scan channel CHx. */
  bool                          enaScanCh;

  /** Set to enable CHx pin. */
  bool                          enaPin;

  /** Enable/disable channel interrupts after configuring all the sensor channel
   *  parameters. */
  bool                          enaInt;

  /** Configure channel pin mode for the excitation phase of the scan sequence.
   *  Note: OPAOUT is only available on channels 2, 3, 4, and 5. */
  LESENSE_ChPinExMode_TypeDef   chPinExMode;

  /** Configure channel pin idle setup in LESENSE idle phase. */
  LESENSE_ChPinIdleMode_TypeDef chPinIdleMode;

  /** Set to use alternate excite pin for excitation. */
  bool                          useAltEx;

  /** Set to enable the result from this channel being shifted into the decoder
   *  register. */
  bool                          shiftRes;

  /** Set to invert the result bit stored in SCANRES register. */
  bool                          invRes;

  /** Set to store the counter value in RAM (accessible via RESDATA) and make
   *  the comparison result available in the SCANRES register. */
  bool                          storeCntRes;

  /** Select clock used for excitation timing. */
  LESENSE_ChClk_TypeDef         exClk;

  /** Select clock used for sample delay timing. */
  LESENSE_ChClk_TypeDef         sampleClk;

  /** Configure excitation time. Excitation will last exTime+1 excitation clock
   *  cycles. Valid range: 0-63 (6 bits). */
  uint8_t                       exTime;

  /** Configure sample delay. Sampling will occur after sampleDelay+1 sample
   *  clock cycles. Valid range: 0-127 (7 bits) or 0-255 (8 bits) depending on
   *  device. */
  uint8_t                       sampleDelay;

  /** Configure measure delay. Sensor measuring is delayed for measDelay
   *  excitation clock cycles. Valid range: 0-127 (7 bits) or 0-1023 (10 bits)
   *  depending on device. */
  uint16_t                       measDelay;

  /** Configure ACMP threshold or DAC data.
   *  If perCtrl.dacCh0Data or perCtrl.dacCh1Data is set to #lesenseDACIfData,
   *  acmpThres defines the 12-bit DAC data in the corresponding data register
   *  of the DAC interface (DACn_CH0DATA and DACn_CH1DATA).
   *  In this case, the valid range is: 0-4095 (12 bits).
   *  If perCtrl.dacCh0Data or perCtrl.dacCh1Data is set to #lesenseACMPThres,
   *  acmpThres defines the 6-bit Vdd scaling factor of ACMP negative input
   *  (VDDLEVEL in ACMP_INPUTSEL register).
   *  In this case, the valid range is: 0-63 (6 bits). */
  uint16_t                     acmpThres;

  /** Select if ACMP output, ADC output or counter output should be used in
   *  comparison. */
  LESENSE_ChSampleMode_TypeDef sampleMode;

  /** Configure interrupt generation mode for CHx interrupt flag. */
  LESENSE_ChIntMode_TypeDef    intMode;

  /** Configure decision threshold for sensor data comparison.
   *  Valid range: 0-65535 (16 bits). */
  uint16_t                     cntThres;

  /** Select mode for counter comparison. */
  LESENSE_ChCompMode_TypeDef   compMode;

  /** Select sensor evaluation mode. */
  LESENSE_ChEvalMode_TypeDef   evalMode;
} LESENSE_ChDesc_TypeDef;

/** Configuration structure for all scan channels. */
typedef struct {
  /** Channel descriptor for all LESENSE channels. */
} LESENSE_ChAll_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for scan channel. */
#define LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT                                                                         \
  {                                                                                                     \
    false,                   /* Disable scan channel. */                                                \
    false,                   /* Disable the assigned pin on scan channel. */                            \
    false,                   /* Disable interrupts on channel. */                                       \
    lesenseChPinExDis,       /* Channel pin is disabled during the excitation period. */                \
    lesenseChPinIdleDis,     /* Channel pin is disabled during the idle period. */                      \
    false,                   /* Don't use alternate excitation pins for excitation. */                  \
    false,                   /* Disabled to shift results from this channel to the decoder register. */ \
    false,                   /* Disabled to invert the scan result bit. */                              \
    false,                   /* Disabled to store counter value in the result buffer. */                \
    lesenseClkLF,            /* Use the LF clock for excitation timing. */                              \
    lesenseClkLF,            /* Use the LF clock for sample timing. */                                  \
    0x00U,                   /* Excitation time is set to 0(+1) excitation clock cycles. */             \
    0x00U,                   /* Sample delay is set to 0(+1) sample clock cycles. */                    \
    0x00U,                   /* Measure delay is set to 0 excitation clock cycles.*/                    \
    0x00U,                   /* ACMP threshold has been set to 0. */                                    \
    lesenseSampleModeACMP,   /* ACMP output will be used in comparison. */                              \
    lesenseSetIntNone,       /* No interrupt is generated by the channel. */                            \
    0x00U,                   /* Counter threshold has bee set to 0x00. */                               \
    lesenseCompModeLess,     /* Compare mode has been set to trigger interrupt on "less". */            \
    lesenseEvalModeThreshold /* Eval mode has been set to trigger interrupt on threshold. */            \
#define LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT                                                                         \
  {                                                                                                     \
    false,                   /* Disable scan channel. */                                                \
    false,                   /* Disable the assigned pin on scan channel. */                            \
    false,                   /* Disable interrupts on channel. */                                       \
    lesenseChPinExDis,       /* Channel pin is disabled during the excitation period. */                \
    lesenseChPinIdleDis,     /* Channel pin is disabled during the idle period. */                      \
    false,                   /* Don't use alternate excitation pins for excitation. */                  \
    false,                   /* Disabled to shift results from this channel to the decoder register. */ \
    false,                   /* Disabled to invert the scan result bit. */                              \
    false,                   /* Disabled to store counter value in the result buffer. */                \
    lesenseClkLF,            /* Use the LF clock for excitation timing. */                              \
    lesenseClkLF,            /* Use the LF clock for sample timing. */                                  \
    0x00U,                   /* Excitation time is set to 0(+1) excitation clock cycles. */             \
    0x00U,                   /* Sample delay is set to 0(+1) sample clock cycles. */                    \
    0x00U,                   /* Measure delay is set to 0 excitation clock cycles.*/                    \
    0x00U,                   /* ACMP threshold has been set to 0. */                                    \
    lesenseSampleModeACMP,   /* ACMP output will be used in comparison. */                              \
    lesenseSetIntNone,       /* No interrupt is generated by the channel. */                            \
    0x00U,                   /* Counter threshold has bee set to 0x00. */                               \
    lesenseCompModeLess      /* Compare mode has been set to trigger interrupt on "less". */            \

/** Default configuration for all sensor channels. */
#define LESENSE_SCAN_CONF_DEFAULT                     \
  {                                                   \
    {                                                 \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 0. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 1. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 2. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 3. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 4. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 5. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 6. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 7. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 8. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 9. */  \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 10. */ \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 11. */ \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 12. */ \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 13. */ \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 14. */ \
      LESENSE_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Scan channel 15. */ \
    }                                                 \

/** Alternate excitation descriptor structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** Configure alternate excitation pins. If set, the corresponding alternate
   *  excitation pin/signal is enabled. */
  bool                         enablePin;

  /** Configure idle phase setup of alternate excitation pins.
     The idleConf parameter is not valid when altExMap==lesenseAltExMapACMP. */
  LESENSE_AltExPinIdle_TypeDef idleConf;

  /** Configure how to control the external alternate excitation pins. Only
   *  applies if altExMap has been set to lesenseAltExMapALTEX.
   *  If true, the excitation happens on the corresponding alternate excitation
   *  pin during the excitation periods of all enabled channels.
   *  If false, the excitation happens on the corresponding alternate excitation
   *  pin ONLY during the excitation period of the corresponding channel.
   *  The alwaysEx parameter is not valid when altExMap==lesenseAltExMapACMP. */
  bool                         alwaysEx;
} LESENSE_AltExDesc_TypeDef;

/** Configuration structure for alternate excitation. */
typedef struct {
  /** Select alternate excitation mapping. */
  LESENSE_AltExMap_TypeDef  altExMap;

  /** Alternate excitation channel descriptors.
   *  When altExMap==lesenseAltExMapALTEX only the 8 first descriptors are used.
   *  In this mode they describe the configuration of the LES_ALTEX0-7 pins.
   *  When altExMap==lesenseAltExMapACMP all 16 descriptors are used. In this
   *  mode they describe the configuration of the 16 possible ACMP0-1 excitation
   *  channels. Please refer to the user manual for a complete mapping of the
   *  routing.
   *  NOTE:
   *  Some parameters in the descriptors are not valid when
   *  altExMap==lesenseAltExMapACMP. Please refer to the definition of the
   *  LESENSE_AltExDesc_TypeDef structure for details regarding which parameters
   *  are valid. */
  LESENSE_AltExDesc_TypeDef AltEx[16];
} LESENSE_ConfAltEx_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for alternate excitation channel. */
#define LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT                                          \
  {                                                                            \
    false,               /* Alternate excitation disabled.*/                   \
    lesenseAltExPinIdleDis,/* Alternate excitation pin is disabled in idle. */ \
    false                /* Excite only for corresponding channel. */          \

/** Default configuration for all alternate excitation channels. */
#define LESENSE_ALTEX_CONF_DEFAULT                                          \
  {                                                                         \
    lesenseAltExMapACMP,                                                    \
    {                                                                       \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 0. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 1. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 2. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 3. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 4. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 5. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 6. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 7. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 8. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 9. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 10. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 11. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 12. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 13. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 14. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT  /* Alternate excitation channel 15. */ \
    }                                                                       \
#define LESENSE_ALTEX_CONF_DEFAULT                                          \
  {                                                                         \
    lesenseAltExMapCH,                                                      \
    {                                                                       \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 0. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 1. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 2. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 3. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 4. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 5. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 6. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 7. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 8. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 9. */  \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 10. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 11. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 12. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 13. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT, /* Alternate excitation channel 14. */ \
      LESENSE_ALTEX_CH_CONF_DEFAULT  /* Alternate excitation channel 15. */ \
    }                                                                       \

/** Decoder state condition descriptor structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** Configure compare value. State transition is triggered when sensor state
   *  equals to this value. Valid range: 0-15 (4 bits). */
  uint8_t                    compVal;

  /** Configure compare mask. Set bit X to exclude sensor X from evaluation.
   *  Note: decoder can handle sensor inputs from up to 4 sensors, therefore
   *  this mask is 4 bit long. */
  uint8_t                    compMask;

  /** Configure index of state to be entered if the sensor state equals to
   *  compVal. Valid range: 0-15 (4 bits). */
  uint8_t                    nextState;

  /** Configure which PRS action to perform when sensor state equals to
   *  compVal. */
  LESENSE_StTransAct_TypeDef prsAct;

  /** If enabled, interrupt flag is set when sensor state equals to compVal. */
  bool                       setInt;
} LESENSE_DecStCond_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for decoder state condition. */
#define LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT                                          \
  {                                                                      \
    0x0FU,             /* Compare value set to 0x0F. */                  \
    0x00U,             /* All decoder inputs masked. */                  \
    0U,                /* Next state is state 0. */                      \
    lesenseTransActNone, /* No PRS action performed on compare match. */ \
    false              /* No interrupt triggered on compare match. */    \

/** Decoder state x configuration structure. */
typedef struct {
  /** If enabled, the state descriptor pair in the next location will also be
   *  evaluated. */
  bool                      chainDesc;

  /** State condition descriptor A (high level descriptor of
  LESENSE_DecStCond_TypeDef confA;

  /** State condition descriptor B (high level descriptor of
  LESENSE_DecStCond_TypeDef confB;
} LESENSE_DecStDesc_TypeDef;

/** Configuration structure for the decoder. */
typedef struct {
  /** Descriptor of the 16 or 32 decoder states depending on the device. */
} LESENSE_DecStAll_TypeDef;

/** Default configuration for all decoder states. */
#if defined(_SILICON_LABS_32B_SERIES_0)
#define LESENSE_DECODER_CONF_DEFAULT                                                       \
  { /* chain |   Descriptor A         |   Descriptor B   */                                \
    {                                                                                      \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 0. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 1. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 2. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 3. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 4. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 5. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 6. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 7. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 8. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 9. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 10. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 11. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 12. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 13. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 14. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }  /* Decoder state 15. */ \
    }                                                                                      \
#define LESENSE_DECODER_CONF_DEFAULT                                                       \
  { /* chain |   Descriptor A         |   Descriptor B   */                                \
    {                                                                                      \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 0. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 1. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 2. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 3. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 4. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 5. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 6. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 7. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 8. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 9. */  \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 10. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 11. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 12. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 13. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 14. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 15. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 16. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 17. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 18. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 19. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 20. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 21. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 22. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 23. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 24. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 25. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 26. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 27. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 28. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 29. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }, /* Decoder state 30. */ \
      { false, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT, LESENSE_ST_CONF_DEFAULT }  /* Decoder state 31. */ \
    }                                                                                      \

 *****************************   PROTOTYPES   **********************************
void LESENSE_Init(const LESENSE_Init_TypeDef * init, bool reqReset);
void LESENSE_Reset(void);

uint32_t LESENSE_ScanFreqSet(uint32_t refFreq, uint32_t scanFreq);
void LESENSE_ScanModeSet(LESENSE_ScanMode_TypeDef scanMode, bool start);
void LESENSE_StartDelaySet(uint8_t startDelay);
void LESENSE_ClkDivSet(LESENSE_ChClk_TypeDef clk,
                       LESENSE_ClkPresc_TypeDef clkDiv);

void LESENSE_ChannelAllConfig(const LESENSE_ChAll_TypeDef * confChAll);
void LESENSE_ChannelConfig(const LESENSE_ChDesc_TypeDef * confCh,
                           uint32_t chIdx);
void LESENSE_ChannelEnable(uint8_t chIdx,
                           bool enaScanCh,
                           bool enaPin);
void LESENSE_ChannelEnableMask(uint16_t chMask, uint16_t pinMask);
void LESENSE_ChannelTimingSet(uint8_t chIdx,
                              uint8_t exTime,
                              uint8_t sampleDelay,
                              uint16_t measDelay);
void LESENSE_ChannelThresSet(uint8_t chIdx,
                             uint16_t acmpThres,
                             uint16_t cntThres);
void LESENSE_ChannelSlidingWindow(uint8_t chIdx,
                                  uint32_t windowSize,
                                  uint32_t initValue);
void LESENSE_ChannelStepDetection(uint8_t chIdx,
                                  uint32_t stepSize,
                                  uint32_t initValue);
void LESENSE_WindowSizeSet(uint32_t windowSize);
void LESENSE_StepSizeSet(uint32_t stepSize);

void LESENSE_AltExConfig(const LESENSE_ConfAltEx_TypeDef * confAltEx);

void LESENSE_DecoderStateAllConfig(const LESENSE_DecStAll_TypeDef * confDecStAll);
void LESENSE_DecoderStateConfig(const LESENSE_DecStDesc_TypeDef * confDecSt,
                                uint32_t decSt);
void LESENSE_DecoderStateSet(uint32_t decSt);
uint32_t LESENSE_DecoderStateGet(void);
void LESENSE_DecoderPrsOut(bool enable, uint32_t decMask, uint32_t decCmp);

void LESENSE_ScanStart(void);
void LESENSE_ScanStop(void);
void LESENSE_DecoderStart(void);
void LESENSE_ResultBufferClear(void);

 * @brief
 *   Stop LESENSE decoder.
 * @details
 *   This function disables the LESENSE decoder by setting the command to the
 *   LESENSE_DECCTRL register.
__STATIC_INLINE void LESENSE_DecoderStop(void)
  /* Stop the decoder */

 * @brief
 *   Get the current status of LESENSE.
 * @return
 *   This function returns the value of LESENSE_STATUS register that
 *   contains the OR combination of the following status bits:
 *   @li LESENSE_STATUS_RESV - Result data valid. Set when data is available
 *   in the result buffer. Cleared when the buffer is empty.
 *   @li LESENSE_STATUS_RESFULL - Result buffer full. Set when the result
 *   buffer is full.
 *   @li LESENSE_STATUS_SCANACTIVE - LESENSE is currently interfacing sensors.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LESENSE_StatusGet(void)

 * @brief
 *   Wait until the status of LESENSE is equal to what requested.
 * @details
 *   This function is polling the LESENSE_STATUS register and waits until the
 *   requested combination of flags are set.
 * @param[in] flag
 *   The OR combination of the following status bits:
 *   @li LESENSE_STATUS_BUFDATAV - Result data valid. Set when data is available
 *   in the result buffer. Cleared when the buffer is empty.
 *   @li LESENSE_STATUS_BUFHALFFULL - Result buffer half full. Set when the
 *   result buffer is half full.
 *   @li LESENSE_STATUS_BUFFULL - Result buffer full. Set when the result
 *   buffer is full.
 *   @li LESENSE_STATUS_SCANACTIVE - LESENSE is currently interfacing sensors.
 *   @li LESENSE_STATUS_DACACTIVE - The DAC interface is currently active.
__STATIC_INLINE void LESENSE_StatusWait(uint32_t flag)
  while (!(LESENSE->STATUS & flag))

 * @brief
 *   Get the currently active channel index.
 * @return
 *   This function returns the value of LESENSE_CHINDEX register that
 *   contains the index of the currently active channel (0-15).
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LESENSE_ChannelActiveGet(void)
  return LESENSE->CURCH;

 * @brief
 *   Get the latest scan comparison result (1 bit / channel).
 * @return
 *   This function returns the value of LESENSE_SCANRES register that
 *   contains the comparison result of the last scan on all channels.
 *   Bit x is set if a comparison triggered on channel x, which means that the
 *   LESENSE counter met the comparison criteria set in LESENSE_CHx_EVAL by
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LESENSE_ScanResultGet(void)

 * @brief
 *   Get the oldest unread data from the result buffer.
 * @note
 *   Make sure that the STORERES bit is set in LESENSE_CHx_EVAL, or
 *   STRSCANRES bit is set in LESENSE_CTRL, otherwise this function will return
 *   undefined value.
 * @return
 *   This function returns the value of LESENSE_RESDATA register that
 *   contains the oldest unread counter result from the result buffer.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LESENSE_ScanResultDataGet(void)

 * @brief
 *   Get data from the result data buffer.
 * @note
 *   Make sure that the STORERES bit is set in LESENSE_CHx_EVAL, or
 *   STRSCANRES bit is set in LESENSE_CTRL, otherwise this function will return
 *   undefined value.
 * @param[in] idx
 *   Result data buffer index. Valid range: 0-15.
 * @return
 *   This function returns the selected word from the result data buffer.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LESENSE_ScanResultDataBufferGet(uint32_t idx)
  /* Note: masking is needed to avoid over-indexing! */
  return LESENSE->BUF[idx & 0x0FU].DATA;

 * @brief
 *   Get the current state of the LESENSE sensor.
 * @return
 *   This function returns the value of LESENSE_SENSORSTATE register that
 *   represents the current state of the LESENSE sensor.
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LESENSE_SensorStateGet(void)

 * @brief
 *   Shut off power to the LESENSE RAM, disables LESENSE.
 * @details
 *   This function shuts off the LESENSE RAM in order to decrease the leakage
 *   current of the mcu if LESENSE is not used in your application.
 * @note
 *   Warning! Once the LESENSE RAM is powered down, it cannot be powered up
 *   again.
  /* Power down LESENSE RAM */

 * @brief
 *   Clear one or more pending LESENSE interrupts.
 * @param[in] flags
 *   Pending LESENSE interrupt sources to clear. Use a set of interrupt flags
 *   OR-ed together to clear multiple interrupt sources of the LESENSE module
 *   (LESENSE_IF_nnn).
__STATIC_INLINE void LESENSE_IntClear(uint32_t flags)
  LESENSE->IFC = flags;

 * @brief
 *   Enable one or more LESENSE interrupts.
 * @param[in] flags
 *   LESENSE interrupt sources to enable. Use a set of interrupt flags OR-ed
 *   together to enable multiple interrupt sources of the LESENSE module
 *   (LESENSE_IF_nnn).
__STATIC_INLINE void LESENSE_IntEnable(uint32_t flags)
  LESENSE->IEN |= flags;

 * @brief
 *   Disable one or more LESENSE interrupts.
 * @param[in] flags
 *   LESENSE interrupt sources to disable. Use a set of interrupt flags OR-ed
 *   together to disable multiple interrupt sources of the LESENSE module
 *   (LESENSE_IF_nnn).
__STATIC_INLINE void LESENSE_IntDisable(uint32_t flags)
  LESENSE->IEN &= ~flags;

 * @brief
 *   Set one or more pending LESENSE interrupts from SW.
 * @param[in] flags
 *   LESENSE interrupt sources to set to pending. Use a set of interrupt
 *   flags OR-ed together to set multiple interrupt sources of the LESENSE
 *   module (LESENSE_IFS_nnn).
__STATIC_INLINE void LESENSE_IntSet(uint32_t flags)
  LESENSE->IFS = flags;

 * @brief
 *   Get pending LESENSE interrupt flags.
 * @note
 *   The event bits are not cleared by the use of this function.
 * @return
 *   Pending LESENSE interrupt sources. The OR combination of valid interrupt
 *   flags of the LESENSE module (LESENSE_IF_nnn).
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LESENSE_IntGet(void)
  return LESENSE->IF;

 * @brief
 *   Get enabled and pending LESENSE interrupt flags.
 * @details
 *   Useful for handling more interrupt sources in the same interrupt handler.
 * @note
 *   The event bits are not cleared by the use of this function.
 * @return
 *   Pending and enabled LESENSE interrupt sources.
 *   The return value is the bitwise AND combination of
 *   - the OR combination of enabled interrupt sources in LESENSE_IEN_nnn
 *   register (LESENSE_IEN_nnn) and
 *   - the OR combination of valid interrupt flags of the LESENSE module
 *   (LESENSE_IF_nnn).
__STATIC_INLINE uint32_t LESENSE_IntGetEnabled(void)
  uint32_t tmp;

  /* Store LESENSE->IEN in temporary variable in order to define explicit order
   * of volatile accesses. */
  tmp = LESENSE->IEN;

  /* Bitwise AND of pending and enabled interrupts */
  return LESENSE->IF & tmp;

/** @} (end addtogroup LESENSE) */
/** @} (end addtogroup emlib) */

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif /* defined(LESENSE_COUNT) && (LESENSE_COUNT > 0) */

#endif /* EM_LESENSE_H */