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--- a/TARGET_NUCLEO_F334R8/stm32f3xx_hal_cec.h	Wed May 25 16:44:06 2016 +0100
+++ b/TARGET_NUCLEO_F334R8/stm32f3xx_hal_cec.h	Thu Jul 07 14:34:11 2016 +0100
@@ -2,13 +2,13 @@
   * @file    stm32f3xx_hal_cec.h
   * @author  MCD Application Team
-  * @version V1.1.0
-  * @date    12-Sept-2014
+  * @version V1.2.1
+  * @date    29-April-2015
   * @brief   Header file of CEC HAL module.
   * @attention
-  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2014 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
+  * <h2><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT(c) 2016 STMicroelectronics</center></h2>
   * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification,
   * are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
   * @{
-/** @addtogroup CEC
+/** @addtogroup CEC CEC
   * @{
@@ -59,6 +59,7 @@
 /** @defgroup CEC_Exported_Types CEC Exported Types
   * @{
   * @brief CEC Init Structure definition  
@@ -71,52 +72,53 @@
                                               else means 0.5 + (SignalFreeTime - 1) nominal data bit periods */
   uint32_t Tolerance;                    /*!< Set RXTOL bit, specifies the tolerance accepted on the received waveforms,
-                                              it can be a value of @ref CEC_Tolerance : it is either CEC_STANDARD_TOLERANCE 
-                                              or CEC_EXTENDED_TOLERANCE */
+                                              it can be a value of @ref CEC_Tolerance :
+                                              @arg CEC_STANDARD_TOLERANCE                  
+                                              @arg CEC_EXTENDED_TOLERANCE           */
   uint32_t BRERxStop;                    /*!< Set BRESTP bit @ref CEC_BRERxStop : specifies whether or not a Bit Rising Error stops the reception. 
-                                              CEC_NO_RX_STOP_ON_BRE: reception is not stopped. 
-                                              CEC_RX_STOP_ON_BRE:    reception is stopped. */
+                                              @arg  CEC_NO_RX_STOP_ON_BRE: reception is not stopped. 
+                                              @arg  CEC_RX_STOP_ON_BRE:    reception is stopped. */
   uint32_t BREErrorBitGen;               /*!< Set BREGEN bit @ref CEC_BREErrorBitGen : specifies whether or not an Error-Bit is generated on the
                                               CEC line upon Bit Rising Error detection.
-                                              CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION: no error-bit generation.
-                                              CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION:    error-bit generation if BRESTP is set. */
+                                              @arg CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION: no error-bit generation.
+                                              @arg CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION:    error-bit generation if BRESTP is set. */
   uint32_t LBPEErrorBitGen;              /*!< Set LBPEGEN bit @ref CEC_LBPEErrorBitGen : specifies whether or not an Error-Bit is generated on the
-                                              CEC line upon Long Bit Period Error detection.
-                                              CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION:  no error-bit generation. 
-                                              CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION:     error-bit generation. */  
+                                              @arg CEC line upon Long Bit Period Error detection.
+                                              @arg CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION:  no error-bit generation. 
+                                              @arg CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION:     error-bit generation. */  
   uint32_t BroadcastMsgNoErrorBitGen;    /*!< Set BRDNOGEN bit @ref CEC_BroadCastMsgErrorBitGen : allows to avoid an Error-Bit generation on the CEC line
                                               upon an error detected on a broadcast message. 
                                               It supersedes BREGEN and LBPEGEN bits for a broadcast message error handling. It can take two values:
-                                              1) CEC_BROADCASTERROR_ERRORBIT_GENERATION.
-                                                 a) BRE detection: error-bit generation on the CEC line if BRESTP=CEC_RX_STOP_ON_BRE 
+                                              @arg  1) CEC_BROADCASTERROR_ERRORBIT_GENERATION.
+                                              @arg     __ a) BRE detection: error-bit generation on the CEC line if BRESTP=CEC_RX_STOP_ON_BRE 
                                                     and BREGEN=CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION.
-                                                 b) LBPE detection: error-bit generation on the CEC line 
+                                              @arg     __ b) LBPE detection: error-bit generation on the CEC line 
                                                     if LBPGEN=CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION.
-                                              2) CEC_BROADCASTERROR_NO_ERRORBIT_GENERATION.
+                                              @arg  2) CEC_BROADCASTERROR_NO_ERRORBIT_GENERATION.
                                                  no error-bit generation in case neither a) nor b) are satisfied. Additionally,
                                                  there is no error-bit generation in case of Short Bit Period Error detection in 
                                                  a broadcast message while LSTN bit is set. */
   uint32_t SignalFreeTimeOption;         /*!< Set SFTOP bit @ref CEC_SFT_Option : specifies when SFT timer starts.
-                                              CEC_SFT_START_ON_TXSOM SFT:    timer starts when TXSOM is set by software.
-                                              CEC_SFT_START_ON_TX_RX_END:  SFT timer starts automatically at the end of message transmission/reception. */
+                                              @arg CEC_SFT_START_ON_TXSOM SFT:    timer starts when TXSOM is set by software.
+                                              @arg CEC_SFT_START_ON_TX_RX_END:  SFT timer starts automatically at the end of message transmission/reception. */
   uint32_t OwnAddress;                   /*!< Set OAR field, specifies CEC device address within a 15-bit long field */
   uint32_t ListenMode;                   /*!< Set LSTN bit @ref CEC_Listening_Mode : specifies device listening mode. It can take two values:
-                                              CEC_REDUCED_LISTENING_MODE: CEC peripheral receives only message addressed to its 
+                                              @arg CEC_REDUCED_LISTENING_MODE: CEC peripheral receives only message addressed to its 
                                                 own address (OAR). Messages addressed to different destination are ignored. 
                                                 Broadcast messages are always received.
-                                              CEC_FULL_LISTENING_MODE: CEC peripheral receives messages addressed to its own 
+                                              @arg CEC_FULL_LISTENING_MODE: CEC peripheral receives messages addressed to its own 
                                                 address (OAR) with positive acknowledge. Messages addressed to different destination 
                                                 are received, but without interfering with the CEC bus: no acknowledge sent.  */
@@ -140,49 +142,30 @@
-  * @brief  HAL Error structures definition  
-  */ 
-typedef enum
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_NONE   = (uint32_t) 0x0,         /*!< no error                      */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_RXOVR  = CEC_ISR_RXOVR,          /*!< CEC Rx-Overrun                */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_BRE    = CEC_ISR_BRE,            /*!< CEC Rx Bit Rising Error       */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_SBPE   = CEC_ISR_SBPE,           /*!< CEC Rx Short Bit period Error */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_LBPE   = CEC_ISR_LBPE,           /*!< CEC Rx Long Bit period Error  */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_RXACKE = CEC_ISR_RXACKE,         /*!< CEC Rx Missing Acknowledge    */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_ARBLST = CEC_ISR_ARBLST,         /*!< CEC Arbitration Lost          */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_TXUDR  = CEC_ISR_TXUDR,          /*!< CEC Tx-Buffer Underrun        */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_TXERR  = CEC_ISR_TXERR,          /*!< CEC Tx-Error                  */
-  HAL_CEC_ERROR_TXACKE = CEC_ISR_TXACKE          /*!< CEC Tx Missing Acknowledge    */
   * @brief  CEC handle Structure definition  
 typedef struct
-  CEC_TypeDef             *Instance;      /* CEC registers base address */
+  CEC_TypeDef             *Instance;      /*!< CEC registers base address */
-  CEC_InitTypeDef         Init;           /* CEC communication parameters */
+  CEC_InitTypeDef         Init;           /*!< CEC communication parameters */
-  uint8_t                 *pTxBuffPtr;    /* Pointer to CEC Tx transfer Buffer */
+  uint8_t                 *pTxBuffPtr;    /*!< Pointer to CEC Tx transfer Buffer */
-  uint16_t                TxXferCount;    /* CEC Tx Transfer Counter */
+  uint16_t                TxXferCount;    /*!< CEC Tx Transfer Counter */
-  uint8_t                 *pRxBuffPtr;    /* Pointer to CEC Rx transfer Buffer */
+  uint8_t                 *pRxBuffPtr;    /*!< Pointer to CEC Rx transfer Buffer */
-  uint16_t                RxXferSize;     /* CEC Rx Transfer size, 0: header received only */
+  uint16_t                RxXferSize;     /*!< CEC Rx Transfer size, 0: header received only */
-  uint32_t                ErrorCode;      /* For errors handling purposes, copy of ISR register 
+  uint32_t                ErrorCode;      /*!< For errors handling purposes, copy of ISR register 
                                             in case error is reported */
-  HAL_LockTypeDef         Lock;           /* Locking object */
+  HAL_LockTypeDef         Lock;           /*!< Locking object */
-  HAL_CEC_StateTypeDef    State;          /* CEC communication state */
+  HAL_CEC_StateTypeDef    State;          /*!< CEC communication state */
  * @}
@@ -192,139 +175,185 @@
   * @{
-/** @defgroup CEC_Signal_Free_Time  Signal Free Time setting parameter
+/** @defgroup CEC_Error_Code CEC Error Code
   * @{
-  */
-#define CEC_DEFAULT_SFT                    ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
-#define CEC_0_5_BITPERIOD_SFT              ((uint32_t)0x00000001)
-#define CEC_1_5_BITPERIOD_SFT              ((uint32_t)0x00000002)
-#define CEC_2_5_BITPERIOD_SFT              ((uint32_t)0x00000003)
-#define CEC_3_5_BITPERIOD_SFT              ((uint32_t)0x00000004)
-#define CEC_4_5_BITPERIOD_SFT              ((uint32_t)0x00000005)
-#define CEC_5_5_BITPERIOD_SFT              ((uint32_t)0x00000006)
-#define CEC_6_5_BITPERIOD_SFT              ((uint32_t)0x00000007)
+  */ 
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_NONE    (uint32_t) 0x0         /*!< No error                      */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_RXOVR   CEC_ISR_RXOVR          /*!< CEC Rx-Overrun                */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_BRE     CEC_ISR_BRE            /*!< CEC Rx Bit Rising Error       */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_SBPE    CEC_ISR_SBPE           /*!< CEC Rx Short Bit period Error */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_LBPE    CEC_ISR_LBPE           /*!< CEC Rx Long Bit period Error  */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_RXACKE  CEC_ISR_RXACKE         /*!< CEC Rx Missing Acknowledge    */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_ARBLST  CEC_ISR_ARBLST         /*!< CEC Arbitration Lost          */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_TXUDR   CEC_ISR_TXUDR          /*!< CEC Tx-Buffer Underrun        */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_TXERR   CEC_ISR_TXERR          /*!< CEC Tx-Error                  */
+#define HAL_CEC_ERROR_TXACKE  CEC_ISR_TXACKE         /*!< CEC Tx Missing Acknowledge    */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_Tolerance   Receiver Tolerance
+/** @defgroup CEC_Signal_Free_Time  CEC Signal Free Time setting parameter
   * @{
-#define CEC_STANDARD_TOLERANCE             ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
-#define CEC_EXTENDED_TOLERANCE             ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_RXTOL)
-                                            ((RXTOL) == CEC_EXTENDED_TOLERANCE))
+#define CEC_DEFAULT_SFT              ((uint32_t)0x00000000)   /*!< Transmission history-based signal free time (ruled by hardware) */
+#define CEC_0_5_BITPERIOD_SFT        ((uint32_t)0x00000001)   /*!< 0.5 nominal data bit period  */
+#define CEC_1_5_BITPERIOD_SFT        ((uint32_t)0x00000002)   /*!< 1.5 nominal data bit periods */
+#define CEC_2_5_BITPERIOD_SFT        ((uint32_t)0x00000003)   /*!< 2.5 nominal data bit periods */
+#define CEC_3_5_BITPERIOD_SFT        ((uint32_t)0x00000004)   /*!< 3.5 nominal data bit periods */
+#define CEC_4_5_BITPERIOD_SFT        ((uint32_t)0x00000005)   /*!< 4.5 nominal data bit periods */
+#define CEC_5_5_BITPERIOD_SFT        ((uint32_t)0x00000006)   /*!< 5.5 nominal data bit periods */
+#define CEC_6_5_BITPERIOD_SFT        ((uint32_t)0x00000007)   /*!< 6.5 nominal data bit periods */
+  * @}                                                              
+  */
+/** @defgroup CEC_Tolerance CEC Receiver Tolerance
+  * @{
+  */
+#define CEC_STANDARD_TOLERANCE             ((uint32_t)0x00000000)       /*!< Standard tolerance margin */
+#define CEC_EXTENDED_TOLERANCE             ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_RXTOL)   /*!< Extended Tolerance        */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_BRERxStop   Reception Stop on Error
+/** @defgroup CEC_BRERxStop CEC Reception Stop on Error
   * @{
-#define CEC_NO_RX_STOP_ON_BRE             ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
-#define CEC_RX_STOP_ON_BRE                ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_BRESTP)
-                                           ((BRERXSTOP) == CEC_RX_STOP_ON_BRE))
+#define CEC_NO_RX_STOP_ON_BRE             ((uint32_t)0x00000000)       /*!< CEC reception not stopped by BRE detection */ 
+#define CEC_RX_STOP_ON_BRE                ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_BRESTP)  /*!< CEC reception stopped by BRE detection     */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_BREErrorBitGen   Error Bit Generation if Bit Rise Error reported
+/** @defgroup CEC_BREErrorBitGen  CEC Error Bit Generation if Bit Rise Error reported
   * @{
-#define CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
-                                            ((ERRORBITGEN) == CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION))
+#define CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)       /*!< No Error-Bit on CEC line in case of BRE detection */
+#define CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION        ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_BREGEN)  /*!< Error-Bit on CEC line in case of BRE detection    */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_LBPEErrorBitGen   Error Bit Generation if Long Bit Period Error reported
+/** @defgroup CEC_LBPEErrorBitGen  CEC Error Bit Generation if Long Bit Period Error reported
   * @{
-#define CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
-                                             ((ERRORBITGEN) == CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION))
+#define CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_NO_GENERATION     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)        /*!< No Error-Bit on CEC line in case of LBPE detection */
+#define CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION        ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_LBPEGEN)  /*!< Error-Bit on CEC line in case of LBPE detection    */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_BroadCastMsgErrorBitGen   Error Bit Generation on Broadcast message
+/** @defgroup CEC_BroadCastMsgErrorBitGen  CEC Error Bit Generation on Broadcast message
   * @{
-#define CEC_BROADCASTERROR_ERRORBIT_GENERATION     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
-                                                                   ((ERRORBITGEN) == CEC_BROADCASTERROR_NO_ERRORBIT_GENERATION))
+#define CEC_BROADCASTERROR_ERRORBIT_GENERATION     ((uint32_t)0x00000000)         /*!< Error-Bit on CEC line for specific error conditions
+                                                                                        on a broadcast message (cf Reference Manual) */
+#define CEC_BROADCASTERROR_NO_ERRORBIT_GENERATION  ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_BRDNOGEN)  /*!< No Error-Bit on CEC line for specific error conditions
+                                                                                        on a broadcast message (cf Reference Manual) */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_SFT_Option         Signal Free Time start option
+/** @defgroup CEC_SFT_Option     CEC Signal Free Time start option
   * @{
-#define CEC_SFT_START_ON_TXSOM           ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
-#define CEC_SFT_START_ON_TX_RX_END       ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_SFTOPT)
-#define IS_CEC_SFTOP(SFTOP)              (((SFTOP) == CEC_SFT_START_ON_TXSOM) || \
-                                          ((SFTOP) == CEC_SFT_START_ON_TX_RX_END))
+#define CEC_SFT_START_ON_TXSOM           ((uint32_t)0x00000000)       /*!< SFT timer starts when TXSOM is set by software */
+#define CEC_SFT_START_ON_TX_RX_END       ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_SFTOPT)  /*!< SFT timer starts automatically at the end of message transmission/reception */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_Listening_Mode        Listening mode option
+/** @defgroup CEC_Listening_Mode    CEC Listening mode option
   * @{
-#define CEC_REDUCED_LISTENING_MODE          ((uint32_t)0x00000000)
-#define CEC_FULL_LISTENING_MODE             ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_LSTN)
-                                             ((MODE) == CEC_FULL_LISTENING_MODE))
+#define CEC_REDUCED_LISTENING_MODE          ((uint32_t)0x00000000)    /*!< CEC peripheral receives only message addressed to its own address (OAR). */                                  
+#define CEC_FULL_LISTENING_MODE             ((uint32_t)CEC_CFGR_LSTN) /*!< CEC peripheral receives messages addressed to its own address (OAR) with 
+                                                                           positive acknowledge. Messages addressed to different destination are 
+                                                                          received, but without interfering with the CEC bus: no acknowledge sent.  */ 
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_ALL_ERROR all RX or TX errors flags in CEC ISR register 
+/** @defgroup CEC_OAR_Position   CEC Device Own Address position in CEC CFGR register     
   * @{
-                                                  CEC_ISR_ARBLST|CEC_ISR_TXUDR|CEC_ISR_TXERR|CEC_ISR_TXACKE)
+#define CEC_CFGR_OAR_LSB_POS            ((uint32_t) 16)       /*!< CEC Device Own Address position in CEC CFGR register */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_IER_ALL_RX all RX errors interrupts enabling flag 
+/** @defgroup CEC_Initiator_Position   CEC Initiator logical address position in message header     
   * @{
+#define CEC_INITIATOR_LSB_POS           ((uint32_t) 4)       /*!< CEC Initiator logical address position in message header */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_IER_ALL_TX all TX errors interrupts enabling flag 
+/** @defgroup CEC_Interrupts_Definitions  CEC interrupts definition
   * @{
+#define CEC_IT_TXACKE                   CEC_IER_TXACKEIE    /*!< Tx missing acknowledge error interruption */                              
+#define CEC_IT_TXERR                    CEC_IER_TXERRIE     /*!< Tx error interruption                     */  
+#define CEC_IT_TXUDR                    CEC_IER_TXUDRIE     /*!< Tx underrun interruption                  */
+#define CEC_IT_TXEND                    CEC_IER_TXENDIE     /*!< Tx end of message interruption            */                    
+#define CEC_IT_TXBR                     CEC_IER_TXBRIE      /*!< Tx byte request interruption              */
+#define CEC_IT_ARBLST                   CEC_IER_ARBLSTIE    /*!< Arbitration lost interruption             */                    
+#define CEC_IT_RXACKE                   CEC_IER_RXACKEIE    /*!< Rx missing acknowledge error interruption */           
+#define CEC_IT_LBPE                     CEC_IER_LBPEIE      /*!< Long bit period error interruption        */           
+#define CEC_IT_SBPE                     CEC_IER_SBPEIE      /*!< Short bit period error interruption       */
+#define CEC_IT_BRE                      CEC_IER_BREIE       /*!< Bit rising error interruption             */
+#define CEC_IT_RXOVR                    CEC_IER_RXOVRIE     /*!< Rx overrun interruption                   */
+#define CEC_IT_RXEND                    CEC_IER_RXENDIE     /*!< End of reception interruption             */
+#define CEC_IT_RXBR                     CEC_IER_RXBRIE      /*!< RX byte received interruption             */
   * @}
-  */  
-/** @defgroup CEC_OAR_Position    Device Own Address position in CEC CFGR register     
+  */
+/** @defgroup CEC_Flags_Definitions  CEC flags definition
   * @{
-#define CEC_CFGR_OAR_LSB_POS            ((uint32_t) 16)
+#define CEC_FLAG_TXACKE                 CEC_ISR_TXACKE      /*!< Tx missing acknowledge error flag */
+#define CEC_FLAG_TXERR                  CEC_ISR_TXERR       /*!< Tx error flag                     */
+#define CEC_FLAG_TXUDR                  CEC_ISR_TXUDR       /*!< Tx underrun flag                  */
+#define CEC_FLAG_TXEND                  CEC_ISR_TXEND       /*!< Tx end of message flag            */
+#define CEC_FLAG_TXBR                   CEC_ISR_TXBR        /*!< Tx byte request flag              */
+#define CEC_FLAG_ARBLST                 CEC_ISR_ARBLST      /*!< Arbitration lost flag             */
+#define CEC_FLAG_RXACKE                 CEC_ISR_RXACKE      /*!< Rx missing acknowledge error flag */
+#define CEC_FLAG_LBPE                   CEC_ISR_LBPE        /*!< Long bit period error flag        */
+#define CEC_FLAG_SBPE                   CEC_ISR_SBPE        /*!< Short bit period error flag       */
+#define CEC_FLAG_BRE                    CEC_ISR_BRE         /*!< Bit rising error flag             */
+#define CEC_FLAG_RXOVR                  CEC_ISR_RXOVR       /*!< Rx overrun flag                   */
+#define CEC_FLAG_RXEND                  CEC_ISR_RXEND       /*!< End of reception flag             */
+#define CEC_FLAG_RXBR                   CEC_ISR_RXBR        /*!< RX byte received flag             */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup CEC_ALL_ERROR CEC all RX or TX errors flags 
+  * @{
+  */
+                                                  CEC_ISR_ARBLST|CEC_ISR_TXUDR|CEC_ISR_TXERR|CEC_ISR_TXACKE)    /*!< All Rx or Tx errors flags concatenation */
+  * @}
+  */
+/** @defgroup CEC_IER_ALL_RX CEC all RX errors interrupts enabling flag 
+  * @{
+  */
+#define CEC_IER_RX_ALL_ERR              ((uint32_t)CEC_IER_RXACKEIE|CEC_IER_LBPEIE|CEC_IER_SBPEIE|CEC_IER_BREIE|CEC_IER_RXOVRIE)   /*!< All Rx errors interruptions concatenation */
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_Initiator_Position    Initiator logical address position in message header     
+/** @defgroup CEC_IER_ALL_TX CEC all TX errors interrupts enabling flag 
   * @{
-#define CEC_INITIATOR_LSB_POS           ((uint32_t) 4)
+#define CEC_IER_TX_ALL_ERR              ((uint32_t)CEC_IER_TXACKEIE|CEC_IER_TXERRIE|CEC_IER_TXUDRIE|CEC_IER_ARBLSTIE)    /*!< All Tx errors interruptions concatenation */
   * @}
-  */
+  */  
   * @}
@@ -341,185 +370,163 @@
-/** @brief  Checks whether or not the specified CEC interrupt flag is set.
+/** @brief  Check whether or not the specified CEC interrupt flag is set.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.
-  * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the interrupt to check.
+  * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the interrupt to check.
   *        This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_RXBR      : Rx-Byte Received
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_RXEND     : End of Reception
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_RXOVR     : Rx Overrun
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_BRE       : Rx Bit Rising Error
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_SBPE      : Rx Short Bit Period Error
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_LBPE      : Rx Long Bit Period Error
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_RXACKE    : Rx Missing Acknowledge
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_ARBLST    : Arbitration lost
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXBR      : Tx-Byte Request
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXEND     : End of Transmission   
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXUDR     : Tx-buffer Underrun                  
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXERR     : Tx Error
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXACKE    : Tx Missing Acknowledge
-  * @retval ITStatus
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXACKE: Tx Missing acknowledge Error
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXERR: Tx Error.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXUDR: Tx-Buffer Underrun.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXEND: End of transmission (successful transmission of the last byte).
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXBR: Tx-Byte Request.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_ARBLST: Arbitration Lost
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_RXACKE: Rx-Missing Acknowledge 
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_LBPE: Rx Long period Error
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_SBPE: Rx Short period Error
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_BRE: Rx Bit Rissing Error
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_RXOVR: Rx Overrun.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_RXEND: End Of Reception.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_RXBR: Rx-Byte Received.      
+  * @retval IT Status
-#define __HAL_CEC_GET_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)        ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & (__INTERRUPT__)) 
+#define __HAL_CEC_GET_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)        ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR & (__FLAG__)) 
-/** @brief  Clears the interrupt or status flag when raised (write at 1)
+/** @brief  Clear the interrupt or status flag when raised (write at 1)
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.
   * @param  __FLAG__: specifies the interrupt/status flag to clear.
   *        This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_RXBR      : Rx-Byte Received
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_RXEND     : End of Reception
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_RXOVR     : Rx Overrun
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_BRE       : Rx Bit Rising Error
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_SBPE      : Rx Short Bit Period Error
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_LBPE      : Rx Long Bit Period Error
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_RXACKE    : Rx Missing Acknowledge
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_ARBLST    : Arbitration lost
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXBR      : Tx-Byte Request
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXEND     : End of Transmission   
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXUDR     : Tx-buffer Underrun                  
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXERR     : Tx Error
-  *            @arg CEC_ISR_TXACKE    : Tx Missing Acknowledge
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXACKE: Tx Missing acknowledge Error
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXERR: Tx Error.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXUDR: Tx-Buffer Underrun.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXEND: End of transmission (successful transmission of the last byte).
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_TXBR: Tx-Byte Request.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_ARBLST: Arbitration Lost
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_RXACKE: Rx-Missing Acknowledge 
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_LBPE: Rx Long period Error
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_SBPE: Rx Short period Error
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_BRE: Rx Bit Rissing Error
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_RXOVR: Rx Overrun.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_RXEND: End Of Reception.
+  *            @arg CEC_FLAG_RXBR: Rx-Byte Received.      
   * @retval none  
-#define __HAL_CEC_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)         ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR = (__FLAG__)) 
+#define __HAL_CEC_CLEAR_FLAG(__HANDLE__, __FLAG__)         ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->ISR |= (__FLAG__)) 
-/** @brief  Enables the specified CEC interrupt.
+/** @brief  Enable the specified CEC interrupt.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.
   * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the CEC interrupt to enable.
   *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXBRIE         : Rx-Byte Received IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXENDIE        : End Of Reception IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXOVRIE        : Rx-Overrun IT Enable               
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_BREIE          : Rx Bit Rising Error IT Enable      
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_SBPEIE         : Rx Short Bit period Error IT Enable
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_LBPEIE         : Rx Long Bit period Error IT Enable 
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXACKEIE       : Rx Missing Acknowledge IT Enable   
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_ARBLSTIE       : Arbitration Lost IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXBRIE         : Tx Byte Request IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXENDIE        : End of Transmission IT Enable      
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXUDRIE        : Tx-Buffer Underrun IT Enable       
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXERRIE        : Tx-Error IT Enable                 
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXACKEIE       : Tx Missing Acknowledge IT Enable                   
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXACKE: Tx Missing acknowledge Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXERR: Tx Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXUDR: Tx-Buffer Underrun IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXEND: End of transmission IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXBR: Tx-Byte Request IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_ARBLST: Arbitration Lost IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXACKE: Rx-Missing Acknowledge IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_LBPE: Rx Long period Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_SBPE: Rx Short period Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_BRE: Rx Bit Rising Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXOVR: Rx Overrun IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXEND: End Of Reception IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXBR: Rx-Byte Received IT Enable                          
   * @retval none
 #define __HAL_CEC_ENABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)     ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->IER |= (__INTERRUPT__))  
-/** @brief  Disables the specified CEC interrupt.
+/** @brief  Disable the specified CEC interrupt.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.
   * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the CEC interrupt to disable.
   *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXBRIE         : Rx-Byte Received IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXENDIE        : End Of Reception IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXOVRIE        : Rx-Overrun IT Enable               
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_BREIE          : Rx Bit Rising Error IT Enable      
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_SBPEIE         : Rx Short Bit period Error IT Enable
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_LBPEIE         : Rx Long Bit period Error IT Enable 
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXACKEIE       : Rx Missing Acknowledge IT Enable   
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_ARBLSTIE       : Arbitration Lost IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXBRIE         : Tx Byte Request IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXENDIE        : End of Transmission IT Enable      
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXUDRIE        : Tx-Buffer Underrun IT Enable       
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXERRIE        : Tx-Error IT Enable                 
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXACKEIE       : Tx Missing Acknowledge IT Enable                   
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXACKE: Tx Missing acknowledge Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXERR: Tx Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXUDR: Tx-Buffer Underrun IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXEND: End of transmission IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXBR: Tx-Byte Request IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_ARBLST: Arbitration Lost IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXACKE: Rx-Missing Acknowledge IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_LBPE: Rx Long period Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_SBPE: Rx Short period Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_BRE: Rx Bit Rising Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXOVR: Rx Overrun IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXEND: End Of Reception IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXBR: Rx-Byte Received IT Enable                          
   * @retval none
 #define __HAL_CEC_DISABLE_IT(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__)    ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->IER &= (~(__INTERRUPT__)))  
-/** @brief  Checks whether or not the specified CEC interrupt is enabled.
+/** @brief  Check whether or not the specified CEC interrupt is enabled.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.
   * @param  __INTERRUPT__: specifies the CEC interrupt to check.
   *          This parameter can be one of the following values:
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXBRIE         : Rx-Byte Received IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXENDIE        : End Of Reception IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXOVRIE        : Rx-Overrun IT Enable               
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_BREIE          : Rx Bit Rising Error IT Enable      
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_SBPEIE         : Rx Short Bit period Error IT Enable
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_LBPEIE         : Rx Long Bit period Error IT Enable 
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_RXACKEIE       : Rx Missing Acknowledge IT Enable   
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_ARBLSTIE       : Arbitration Lost IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXBRIE         : Tx Byte Request IT Enable         
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXENDIE        : End of Transmission IT Enable      
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXUDRIE        : Tx-Buffer Underrun IT Enable       
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXERRIE        : Tx-Error IT Enable                 
-  *            @arg CEC_IER_TXACKEIE       : Tx Missing Acknowledge IT Enable                   
-  * @retval FlagStatus  
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXACKE: Tx Missing acknowledge Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXERR: Tx Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXUDR: Tx-Buffer Underrun IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXEND: End of transmission IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_TXBR: Tx-Byte Request IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_ARBLST: Arbitration Lost IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXACKE: Rx-Missing Acknowledge IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_LBPE: Rx Long period Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_SBPE: Rx Short period Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_BRE: Rx Bit Rising Error IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXOVR: Rx Overrun IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXEND: End Of Reception IT Enable 
+  *            @arg CEC_IT_RXBR: Rx-Byte Received IT Enable                          
+  * @retval Flag Status  
 #define __HAL_CEC_GET_IT_SOURCE(__HANDLE__, __INTERRUPT__) ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->IER & (__INTERRUPT__))
-/** @brief  Enables the CEC device
+/** @brief  Enable the CEC device.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.               
   * @retval none 
 #define __HAL_CEC_ENABLE(__HANDLE__)                   ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR |=  CEC_CR_CECEN)
-/** @brief  Disables the CEC device
+/** @brief  Disable the CEC device.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.               
   * @retval none 
 #define __HAL_CEC_DISABLE(__HANDLE__)                  ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR &=  ~CEC_CR_CECEN)
-/** @brief  Set Transmission Start flag
+/** @brief  Set Transmission Start flag.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.               
   * @retval none 
 #define __HAL_CEC_FIRST_BYTE_TX_SET(__HANDLE__)        ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR |=  CEC_CR_TXSOM)
-/** @brief  Set Transmission End flag
-  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.               
+/** @brief  Set Transmission End flag.
+  * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.
+  * @note If the CEC message consists of only one byte, TXEOM must be set before TXSOM.                
   * @retval none 
-  * If the CEC message consists of only one byte, TXEOM must be set before of TXSOM.  
+  *   
 #define __HAL_CEC_LAST_BYTE_TX_SET(__HANDLE__)         ((__HANDLE__)->Instance->CR |=  CEC_CR_TXEOM)
-/** @brief  Get Transmission Start flag
+/** @brief  Get Transmission Start flag.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.               
   * @retval FlagStatus 
-/** @brief  Get Transmission End flag
+/** @brief  Get Transmission End flag.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.               
   * @retval FlagStatus 
-/** @brief  Clear OAR register
+/** @brief  Clear OAR register.
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle.               
   * @retval none 
-/** @brief  Set OAR register (without resetting previously set address in case of multi-address mode)
-  *          To reset OAR, __HAL_CEC_CLEAR_OAR() needs to be called beforehand
+/** @brief  Set OAR register (without resetting previously set address in case of multi-address mode).          
   * @param  __HANDLE__: specifies the CEC Handle. 
-  * @param  __ADDRESS__: Own Address value (CEC logical address is identified by bit position)                   
+  * @param  __ADDRESS__: own address value (CEC logical address is identified by bit position)
+  * @note   To reset OAR, __HAL_CEC_CLEAR_OAR() needs to be called beforehand.                   
   * @retval none 
-/** @brief Check CEC device Own Address Register (OAR) setting.
-  *        OAR address is written in a 15-bit field within CEC_CFGR register. 
-  * @param  __ADDRESS__: CEC own address.               
-  * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE).
-  */
-#define IS_CEC_OAR_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) ((__ADDRESS__) <= 0x07FFF)  
-/** @brief Check CEC initiator or destination logical address setting.
-  *        Initiator and destination addresses are coded over 4 bits. 
-  * @param  __ADDRESS__: CEC initiator or logical address.               
-  * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE).
-  */
-#define IS_CEC_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) ((__ADDRESS__) <= 0xF)    
-/** @brief Check CEC message size.
-  *       The message size is the payload size: without counting the header, 
-  *       it varies from 0 byte (ping operation, one header only, no payload) to 
-  *       15 bytes (1 opcode and up to 14 operands following the header). 
-  * @param  __SIZE__: CEC message size.               
-  * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE).
-  */
-#define IS_CEC_MSGSIZE(__SIZE__) ((__SIZE__) <= 0xF)   
   * @}
@@ -546,11 +553,12 @@
   *  @brief CEC Transmit/Receive functions 
   * @{
-/* IO operation functions *****************************************************/
+/* I/O operation functions  ***************************************************/
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CEC_Transmit(CEC_HandleTypeDef *hcec, uint8_t DestinationAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Size, uint32_t Timeout);
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CEC_Receive(CEC_HandleTypeDef *hcec, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Timeout);
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CEC_Transmit_IT(CEC_HandleTypeDef *hcec, uint8_t DestinationAddress, uint8_t *pData, uint32_t Size);
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_CEC_Receive_IT(CEC_HandleTypeDef *hcec, uint8_t *pData);
+uint32_t HAL_CEC_GetReceivedFrameSize(CEC_HandleTypeDef *hcec);
 void HAL_CEC_IRQHandler(CEC_HandleTypeDef *hcec);
 void HAL_CEC_TxCpltCallback(CEC_HandleTypeDef *hcec);
 void HAL_CEC_RxCpltCallback(CEC_HandleTypeDef *hcec);
@@ -559,7 +567,7 @@
   * @}
-/** @defgroup CEC_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions 
+/** @addtogroup CEC_Exported_Functions_Group3 Peripheral Control functions 
   *  @brief   CEC control functions 
   * @{
@@ -573,7 +581,61 @@
   * @}
+/* Private macros ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup CEC_Private_Macros CEC Private Macros
+  * @{
+  */
+#define IS_CEC_SIGNALFREETIME(__SFT__)     ((__SFT__) <= CEC_CFGR_SFT)
+#define IS_CEC_TOLERANCE(__RXTOL__)        (((__RXTOL__) == CEC_STANDARD_TOLERANCE) || \
+                                            ((__RXTOL__) == CEC_EXTENDED_TOLERANCE))
+                                            ((__BRERXSTOP__) == CEC_RX_STOP_ON_BRE))
+                                                ((__ERRORBITGEN__) == CEC_BRE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION))
+                                                 ((__ERRORBITGEN__) == CEC_LBPE_ERRORBIT_GENERATION))
+                                                                       ((__ERRORBITGEN__) == CEC_BROADCASTERROR_NO_ERRORBIT_GENERATION))
+#define IS_CEC_SFTOP(__SFTOP__)          (((__SFTOP__) == CEC_SFT_START_ON_TXSOM) || \
+                                          ((__SFTOP__) == CEC_SFT_START_ON_TX_RX_END))
+                                             ((__MODE__) == CEC_FULL_LISTENING_MODE))
+/** @brief Check CEC device Own Address Register (OAR) setting.
+  *        OAR address is written in a 15-bit field within CEC_CFGR register. 
+  * @param  __ADDRESS__: CEC own address.               
+  * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE).
+  */
+#define IS_CEC_OAR_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) ((__ADDRESS__) <= 0x07FFF)  
+/** @brief Check CEC initiator or destination logical address setting.
+  *        Initiator and destination addresses are coded over 4 bits. 
+  * @param  __ADDRESS__: CEC initiator or logical address.               
+  * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE).
+  */
+#define IS_CEC_ADDRESS(__ADDRESS__) ((__ADDRESS__) <= 0xF)    
+/** @brief Check CEC message size.
+  *       The message size is the payload size: without counting the header, 
+  *       it varies from 0 byte (ping operation, one header only, no payload) to 
+  *       15 bytes (1 opcode and up to 14 operands following the header). 
+  * @param  __SIZE__: CEC message size.               
+  * @retval Test result (TRUE or FALSE).
+  */
+#define IS_CEC_MSGSIZE(__SIZE__) ((__SIZE__) <= 0xF)   
+  * @}
+  */ 
   * @}
@@ -591,3 +653,4 @@
 #endif /* __STM32F3xx_HAL_CEC_H */
 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/