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00001 /** \addtogroup platform */
00002 /** @{*/
00003 /**
00004  * \defgroup platform_error Error functions
00005  * @{
00006  */
00007 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00008  * Copyright (c) 2006-2013 ARM Limited
00009  * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
00010  *
00011  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00012  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00013  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00014  *
00015  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00016  *
00017  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00018  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00019  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00020  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00021  * limitations under the License.
00022  */
00023 #ifndef MBED_ERROR_H
00024 #define MBED_ERROR_H
00026 #include "platform/mbed_retarget.h"
00027 #include "platform/mbed_toolchain.h"
00029 #ifdef __cplusplus
00030 extern "C" {
00031 #endif
00033 /** Define this macro to include filenames in error context. For release builds, do not include filename to save memory.
00035  */
00037 /** Define this macro to enable error history
00039  */
00045 //We have to limit this to 64 bytes since we use mbed_error_printf for error reporting
00046 //and mbed_error_vprintf uses 128bytes internal buffer which may not be sufficient for anything
00047 //longer that 64 bytes with the current implementation.
00048 #error "Unsupported error filename buffer length detected, max supported length is 64 chars. Please change MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_MAX_ERROR_FILENAME_LEN or max-error-filename-len in configuration."
00049 #endif
00050 #endif
00052 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_CODE_MASK                 (0x0000FFFF)
00053 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_CODE_POS                  (0)
00054 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_CODE_FIELD_SIZE           (16)
00056 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_MODULE_MASK               (0x00FF0000)
00057 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_MODULE_POS                (16)
00058 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_MODULE_FIELD_SIZE         (8)
00060 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_TYPE_MASK                 (0x60000000)
00061 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_TYPE_POS                  (29)
00062 #define MBED_ERROR_STATUS_TYPE_FIELD_SIZE           (2)
00064 /* mbed_error_status_t Status Encoding */
00065 //|31(1 bit) Always Negative|30-29(2 bits)  |28-24              | 23-16(8 bits) |  15-0(16 bits) |
00066 //|-1                       |TYPE           |(unused/reserved)  | MODULE TYPE   |  ERROR CODE    |
00068 #define MAKE_MBED_ERROR(type, module, error_code)   (mbed_error_status_t)                                                                   \
00069                                                     ((0x80000000) |                                                                     \
00070                                                     (MBED_ERROR_STATUS_CODE_MASK & (error_code << MBED_ERROR_STATUS_CODE_POS)) |        \
00071                                                     (MBED_ERROR_STATUS_MODULE_MASK & (module << MBED_ERROR_STATUS_MODULE_POS)) |        \
00072                                                     (MBED_ERROR_STATUS_TYPE_MASK & (type << MBED_ERROR_STATUS_TYPE_POS)))
00074 #define MBED_GET_ERROR_TYPE( error_status )         ((error_status & MBED_ERROR_STATUS_TYPE_MASK) >> MBED_ERROR_STATUS_TYPE_POS)
00075 #define MBED_GET_ERROR_MODULE( error_status )       ((error_status & MBED_ERROR_STATUS_MODULE_MASK) >> MBED_ERROR_STATUS_MODULE_POS)
00076 #define MBED_GET_ERROR_CODE( error_status )         (int)((MBED_GET_ERROR_TYPE( error_status ) == MBED_ERROR_TYPE_POSIX)?(-error_status):((error_status & MBED_ERROR_STATUS_CODE_MASK) >> MBED_ERROR_STATUS_CODE_POS))
00078 /** mbed_error_status_t description
00079  *
00080  * mbed_error_status_t type represents the error status values under MbedOS. mbed_error_status_t values are signed integers and always be negative.\n
00081  * Internally its encoded as below with bit-fields representing error type, module and error code:\n\n
00082  * mbed_error_status_t Status Encoding:\n
00083  *
00084  \verbatim
00085  | 31 Always Negative | 30-29(2 bits)  | 28-24              | 23-16(8 bits) | 15-0(16 bits) |
00086  | -1                 | TYPE           | (unused/reserved)  | MODULE TYPE    | ERROR CODE    |
00087  \endverbatim
00088  *
00089  * The error status value range for each error type is as follows:\n
00090  *   POSIX Error Status-es  - 0xFFFFFFFF to 0xFFFFFF01(-1 -255) - This corresponds to POSIX error codes represented as negative.\n
00091  *   System Error Status-es - 0x80XX0100 to 0x80XX0FFF - This corresponds to System error codes range(all values are negative). Bits 23-16 will be module type(marked with XX)\n
00092  *   Custom Error Status-es - 0xA0XX1000 to 0xA0XXFFFF - This corresponds to Custom error codes range(all values are negative). Bits 23-16 will be module type(marked with XX)\n\n
00093  *
00094  * The ERROR CODE(values encoded into ERROR CODE bit-field in mbed_error_status_t) value range for each error type is also separated as below:\n
00095  *   POSIX Error Codes  - 1 to 255.\n
00096  *   System Error Codes - 256 to 4095.\n
00097  *   Custom Error Codes - 4096 to 65535.\n
00098  *
00099  * @note POSIX error codes are always encoded as negative of their actual value. For example, EPERM is encoded as -EPERM.
00100  *       And, the MODULE TYPE for POSIX error codes are always encoded as MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN.\n
00101  *       This is to enable easy injection of POSIX error codes into MbedOS error handling system without altering the actual POSIX error values.\n
00102  *       Accordingly, POSIX error codes are represented as -1 to -255 under MbedOS error status representation.
00103  */
00104 typedef int mbed_error_status_t;
00106 /**
00107  * Macro for defining a POSIX error status. This macro is mainly used to define POSIX error values in mbed_error_code_t enumeration.
00108  * @param  error_name       Name of the error without the ERROR_ prefix
00109  * @param  error_code       Error code value to be used, must be between 1 and 255(inclusive).
00110  *
00111  */
00112 #define MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR( error_name, error_code )   \
00113                      MBED_ERROR_CODE_##error_name = error_code,  \
00114                      MBED_ERROR_##error_name = -(MBED_POSIX_ERROR_BASE + error_code)
00116 /**
00117  * Macro for defining a System error status. This macro is used to define System error values in mbed_error_code_t enumeration.
00118  * @param  error_name       Name of the error without the ERROR_ prefix
00119  * @param  error_code       Error code value to be used, must be between 256 and 4096(inclusive).
00120  *
00121  */
00122 #define MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR( error_name, error_code )   \
00123                       MBED_ERROR_CODE_##error_name = MBED_SYSTEM_ERROR_BASE + error_code,  \
00124                       MBED_ERROR_##error_name = MAKE_MBED_ERROR(MBED_ERROR_TYPE_SYSTEM, MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN, MBED_ERROR_CODE_##error_name)
00126 /**
00127  * Macro for defining a Custom error status. This macro is used to define custom error values in mbed_error_code_t enumeration.
00128  * @param  error_name       Name of the error without the ERROR_ prefix
00129  * @param  error_code       Error code value to be used, must be between 4097 and 65535(inclusive).
00130  *
00131  */
00132 #define MBED_DEFINE_CUSTOM_ERROR( error_name, error_code )   \
00133                       MBED_ERROR_CODE_##error_name = MBED_CUSTOM_ERROR_BASE + error_code,  \
00134                       MBED_ERROR_##error_name = MAKE_MBED_ERROR(MBED_ERROR_TYPE_CUSTOM, MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN, MBED_ERROR_CODE_##error_name)
00137 /**
00138  * Macros for setting a system warning. These macros will log the error, Its a wrapper for calling mbed_warning API.
00139  * There are 2 versions of this macro. MBED_WARNING takes status and message. MBED_WARNING1 takes an additional context specific argument
00140  * @param  error_status     mbed_error_status_t status to be set(See mbed_error_status_t enum above for available error status values).
00141  * @param  error_msg        The error message to be printed out to STDIO/Serial.
00142  * @param  error_value      Value associated with the error status. This would depend on error code/error scenario.
00143  *
00144  * @code
00145  *
00146  * MBED_WARNING( ERROR_INVALID_SIZE, "MyDriver: Invalid size in read" )
00147  * MBED_WARNING1( ERROR_INVALID_SIZE, "MyDriver: Invalid size in read", size_val )
00148  *
00149  * @endcode
00150  * @note The macro calls mbed_warning API with filename and line number info without caller explicitly passing them.
00151  *        Since this macro is a wrapper for mbed_warning API callers should process the return value from this macro which is the return value from calling mbed_error API.
00152  *
00153  */
00154 #ifdef NDEBUG
00155 #define MBED_WARNING1( error_status, error_msg, error_value )         mbed_warning( error_status, (const char *)NULL, (uint32_t)error_value, NULL, 0 )
00156 #define MBED_WARNING( error_status, error_msg )                       mbed_warning( error_status, (const char *)NULL, (uint32_t)0,           NULL, 0 )
00157 #else //NDEBUG
00159 #define MBED_WARNING1( error_status, error_msg, error_value )     mbed_warning( error_status, (const char *)error_msg, (uint32_t)error_value, (const char *)MBED_FILENAME, __LINE__ )
00160 #define MBED_WARNING( error_status, error_msg )                   mbed_warning( error_status, (const char *)error_msg, (uint32_t)0          , (const char *)MBED_FILENAME, __LINE__ )
00162 #define MBED_WARNING1( error_status, error_msg, error_value )     mbed_warning( error_status, (const char *)error_msg, (uint32_t)error_value, NULL, 0 )
00163 #define MBED_WARNING( error_status, error_msg )                   mbed_warning( error_status, (const char *)error_msg, (uint32_t)0,           NULL, 0 )
00164 #endif
00165 #endif
00167 /**
00168  * Macros for setting a fatal system error. These macros will log the error, prints the error report and halts the system. Its a wrapper for calling mbed_error API.
00169  * There are 2 versions of this macro. MBED_ERROR takes status and message. MBED_ERROR1 takes an additional context specific argument
00170  * @param  error_status     mbed_error_status_t status to be set(See mbed_error_status_t enum above for available error status values).
00171  * @param  error_msg        The error message to be printed out to STDIO/Serial.
00172  * @param  error_value      Value associated with the error status. This would depend on error code/error scenario. Only available with MBED_ERROR1
00173  * @return                  Does not return
00174  *
00175  * @code
00176  *
00177  * MBED_ERROR( MBED_ERROR_MUTEX_LOCK_FAILED, "MyDriver: Can't lock driver Mutex" )
00178  * MBED_ERROR1( MBED_ERROR_MUTEX_LOCK_FAILED, "MyDriver: Can't lock driver Mutex", &my_mutex )
00179  *
00180  * @endcode
00181  * @note The macro calls mbed_error API with filename and line number info without caller explicitly passing them.
00182  *       Since this macro is a wrapper for mbed_error API callers should process the return value from this macro which is the return value from calling mbed_error API.
00183  *
00184  */
00185 #ifdef NDEBUG
00186 #define MBED_ERROR1( error_status, error_msg, error_value )           mbed_error( error_status, (const char *)NULL, (uint32_t)error_value, NULL, 0 )
00187 #define MBED_ERROR( error_status, error_msg )                         mbed_error( error_status, (const char *)NULL, (uint32_t)0          , NULL, 0 )
00188 #else //NDEBUG
00190 #define MBED_ERROR1( error_status, error_msg, error_value )       mbed_error( error_status, (const char *)error_msg, (uint32_t)error_value, (const char *)MBED_FILENAME, __LINE__ )
00191 #define MBED_ERROR( error_status, error_msg )                     mbed_error( error_status, (const char *)error_msg, (uint32_t)0          , (const char *)MBED_FILENAME, __LINE__ )
00193 #define MBED_ERROR1( error_status, error_msg, error_value )       mbed_error( error_status, (const char *)error_msg, (uint32_t)error_value, NULL, 0 )
00194 #define MBED_ERROR( error_status, error_msg )                     mbed_error( error_status, (const char *)error_msg, (uint32_t)0          , NULL, 0 )
00195 #endif
00196 #endif
00198 //Error Type definition
00199 /** mbed_error_type_t definition
00200  *  @note
00201  *  This enumeration defines the Error types supported. The value of these enum values will be encoded into mbed_error_status_t TYPE field.\n
00202  *      See mbed_error_status_t description for more info.\n
00203  *         MBED_ERROR_TYPE_SYSTEM - Used to indicate that the error status is of System defined Error type.\n
00204  *         MBED_ERROR_TYPE_CUSTOM - Used to indicate that the error status is of Custom defined Error type.\n
00205  *         MBED_ERROR_TYPE_POSIX  - Used to indicate that the error status is of POSIX error type.\n
00206  *
00207  */
00208 typedef enum _mbed_error_type_t {
00211     //2 is reserved
00212     //Use 3 for POSIX because we are mapping -1 to -255 to POSIX error codes
00213     //and thus we must use 3 to match the type bits in error status representation which are from 0xFFFFFFFF to 0xFFFFFF00
00215 } mbed_error_type_t;
00217 //Module type/id definitions
00218 /** mbed_module_type_t definition
00219  * @note
00220  * This enumeration defines the module types. The value of these enum values will be encoded into mbed_error_status_t MODULE field.\n\n
00221  *      See mbed_error_status_t description for more info.\n
00222  *          MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN - This module type can be used if caller of the mbed_error/mbed_warning doesn't know who is the actual originator of the error.\n
00223  *                       Other module values can be used to provide more info on who/where the error originated from.\n\n
00224  *                       For example, if I2C driver is the component originating the error you can use MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_I2C to provide more info.\n
00225  *                       Its used in call to MBED_MAKE_ERROR/MBED_MAKE_SYSTEM_ERROR/MBED_MAKE_CUSTOM_ERROR macros.\n
00226  *
00227  * @code
00228  *      Example: mbed_error_status_t i2c_driver_error = MBED_MAKE_ERROR( MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_I2C, MBED_ERROR_CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED );
00229  * @endcode
00230  *
00231  * @note
00232  *  \n Below are the module code mappings:\n
00233     \verbatim
00234     MBED_MODULE_APPLICATION                     0       Application
00235     MBED_MODULE_PLATFORM                        1       Platform
00236     MBED_MODULE_KERNEL                          2       RTX Kernel
00237     MBED_MODULE_NETWORK_STACK                   3       Network stack
00238     MBED_MODULE_HAL                             4       HAL - Hardware Abstraction Layer
00239     MBED_MODULE_MEMORY_SUBSYSTEM                5       Memory Subsystem
00240     MBED_MODULE_FILESYSTEM                      6       Filesystem
00241     MBED_MODULE_BLOCK_DEVICE                    7       Block device
00242     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER                          8       Driver
00243     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_SERIAL                   9       Serial Driver
00244     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_RTC                      10      RTC Driver
00245     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_I2C                      11      I2C Driver
00246     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_SPI                      12      SPI Driver
00247     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_GPIO                     13      GPIO Driver
00248     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_ANALOG                   14      Analog Driver
00249     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_DIGITAL                  15      DigitalIO Driver
00250     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_CAN                      16      CAN Driver
00251     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_ETHERNET                 17      Ethernet Driver
00252     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_CRC                      18      CRC Module
00253     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_PWM                      19      PWM Driver
00254     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_QSPI                     20      QSPI Driver
00255     MBED_MODULE_DRIVER_USB                      21      USB Driver
00256     MBED_MODULE_TARGET_SDK                      22      SDK
00257     MBED_MODULE_BLE                             23      BLE
00258     MBED_MODULE_NETWORK_STATS                   24      Network Statistics
00260     MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN                         255     Unknown module
00261     \endverbatim
00262  *
00263  */
00264 typedef enum _mbed_module_type {
00269     MBED_MODULE_HAL,
00288     MBED_MODULE_BLE,
00290     /* Add More entities here as required */
00292     MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN = 255,
00294 } mbed_module_type_t;
00296 //Use MBED_SUCCESS(=0) or any positive number for successful returns
00297 #define MBED_SUCCESS           0
00299 #define MBED_POSIX_ERROR_BASE   0
00300 #define MBED_SYSTEM_ERROR_BASE  256
00301 #define MBED_CUSTOM_ERROR_BASE  4096
00303 //Error Code definitions
00304 /** mbed_error_code_t definition
00305  *
00306  *  mbed_error_code_t enumeration defines the Error codes and Error status values for MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN.\n
00307  *  It defines all of POSIX Error Codes/Statuses and Mbed System Error Codes/Statuses.\n\n
00308  *
00309  *  @note
00310  *  POSIX Error codes are defined using the macro MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR\n
00311  *  For example MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR( EPERM, EPERM ). This effectively defines the following values:\n
00312  *      ERROR_CODE_EPERM = EPERM\n
00313  *      ERROR_EPERM = -EPERM\n
00314  *
00315  *  POSIX Error codes are defined using the macro MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR\n
00316  *  For example MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR( EPERM, EPERM ). This macro defines the following values:\n
00319  *  Its effectively equivalent to:\n
00320  *      ERROR_CODE_EPERM = 1\n
00321  *      ERROR_EPERM = -1\n
00322  *  All POSIX error codes currently supported by MbedOS(defined in mbed_retarget.h) are defined using the MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR macro.\n\n
00323  *  Below are the POSIX error codes and the description:\n
00324  *  \verbatim
00325     EPERM                      1        Operation not permitted
00326     ENOENT                     2        No such file or directory
00327     ESRCH                      3        No such process
00328     EINTR                      4        Interrupted system call
00329     EIO                        5        I/O error
00330     ENXIO                      6        No such device or address
00331     E2BIG                      7        Argument list too long
00332     ENOEXEC                    8        Exec format error
00333     EBADF                      9        Bad file number
00334     ECHILD                     10       No child processes
00335     EAGAIN                     11       Try again
00336     ENOMEM                     12       Out of memory
00337     EACCES                     13       Permission denied
00338     EFAULT                     14       Bad address
00339     ENOTBLK                    15       Block device required
00340     EBUSY                      16       Device or resource busy
00341     EEXIST                     17       File exists
00342     EXDEV                      18       Cross-device link
00343     ENODEV                     19       No such device
00344     ENOTDIR                    20       Not a directory
00345     EISDIR                     21       Is a directory
00346     EINVAL                     22       Invalid argument
00347     ENFILE                     23       File table overflow
00348     EMFILE                     24       Too many open files
00349     ENOTTY                     25       Not a typewriter
00350     ETXTBSY                    26       Text file busy
00351     EFBIG                      27       File too large
00352     ENOSPC                     28       No space left on device
00353     ESPIPE                     29       Illegal seek
00354     EROFS                      30       Read-only file system
00355     EMLINK                     31       Too many links
00356     EPIPE                      32       Broken pipe
00357     EDOM                       33       Math argument out of domain of func
00358     ERANGE                     34       Math result not representable
00359     EDEADLK                    35       Resource deadlock would occur
00360     ENAMETOOLONG               36       File name too long
00361     ENOLCK                     37       No record locks available
00362     ENOSYS                     38       Function not implemented
00363     ENOTEMPTY                  39       Directory not empty
00364     ELOOP                      40       Too many symbolic links encountered
00365     EWOULDBLOCK                EAGAIN   Operation would block
00366     ENOMSG                     42       No message of desired type
00367     EIDRM                      43       Identifier removed
00368     ECHRNG                     44       Channel number out of range
00369     EL2NSYNC                   45       Level 2 not synchronized
00370     EL3HLT                     46       Level 3 halted
00371     EL3RST                     47       Level 3 reset
00372     ELNRNG                     48       Link number out of range
00373     EUNATCH                    49       Protocol driver not attached
00374     ENOCSI                     50       No CSI structure available
00375     EL2HLT                     51       Level 2 halted
00376     EBADE                      52       Invalid exchange
00377     EBADR                      53       Invalid request descriptor
00378     EXFULL                     54       Exchange full
00379     ENOANO                     55       No anode
00380     EBADRQC                    56       Invalid request code
00381     EBADSLT                    57       Invalid slot
00382     EDEADLOCK                  EDEADLK  Resource deadlock would occur
00383     EBFONT                     59       Bad font file format
00384     ENOSTR                     60       Device not a stream
00385     ENODATA                    61       No data available
00386     ETIME                      62       Timer expired
00387     ENOSR                      63       Out of streams resources
00388     ENONET                     64       Machine is not on the network
00389     ENOPKG                     65       Package not installed
00390     EREMOTE                    66       Object is remote
00391     ENOLINK                    67       Link has been severed
00392     EADV                       68       Advertise error
00393     ESRMNT                     69       Srmount error
00394     ECOMM                      70       Communication error on send
00395     EPROTO                     71       Protocol error
00396     EMULTIHOP                  72       Multihop attempted
00397     EDOTDOT                    73       RFS specific error
00398     EBADMSG                    74       Not a data message
00399     EOVERFLOW                  75       Value too large for defined data type
00400     ENOTUNIQ                   76       Name not unique on network
00401     EBADFD                     77       File descriptor in bad state
00402     EREMCHG                    78       Remote address changed
00403     ELIBACC                    79       Can not access a needed shared library
00404     ELIBBAD                    80       Accessing a corrupted shared library
00405     ELIBSCN                    81       .lib section in a.out corrupted
00406     ELIBMAX                    82       Attempting to link in too many shared libraries
00407     ELIBEXEC                   83       Cannot exec a shared library directly
00408     EILSEQ                     84       Illegal byte sequence
00409     ERESTART                   85       Interrupted system call should be restarted
00410     ESTRPIPE                   86       Streams pipe error
00411     EUSERS                     87       Too many users
00412     ENOTSOCK                   88       Socket operation on non-socket
00413     EDESTADDRREQ               89       Destination address required
00414     EMSGSIZE                   90       Message too long
00415     EPROTOTYPE                 91       Protocol wrong type for socket
00416     ENOPROTOOPT                92       Protocol not available
00417     EPROTONOSUPPORT            93       Protocol not supported
00418     ESOCKTNOSUPPORT            94       Socket type not supported
00419     EOPNOTSUPP                 95       Operation not supported on transport endpoint
00420     EPFNOSUPPORT               96       Protocol family not supported
00421     EAFNOSUPPORT               97       Address family not supported by protocol
00422     EADDRINUSE                 98       Address already in use
00423     EADDRNOTAVAIL              99       Cannot assign requested address
00424     ENETDOWN                   100      Network is down
00425     ENETUNREACH                101      Network is unreachable
00426     ENETRESET                  102      Network dropped connection because of reset
00427     ECONNABORTED               103      Software caused connection abort
00428     ECONNRESET                 104      Connection reset by peer
00429     ENOBUFS                    105      No buffer space available
00430     EISCONN                    106      Transport endpoint is already connected
00431     ENOTCONN                   107      Transport endpoint is not connected
00432     ESHUTDOWN                  108      Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown
00433     ETOOMANYREFS               109      Too many references: cannot splice
00434     ETIMEDOUT                  110      Connection timed out
00435     ECONNREFUSED               111      Connection refused
00436     EHOSTDOWN                  112      Host is down
00437     EHOSTUNREACH               113      No route to host
00438     EALREADY                   114      Operation already in progress
00439     EINPROGRESS                115      Operation now in progress
00440     ESTALE                     116      Stale NFS file handle
00441     EUCLEAN                    117      Structure needs cleaning
00442     ENOTNAM                    118      Not a XENIX named type file
00443     ENAVAIL                    119      No XENIX semaphores available
00444     EISNAM                     120      Is a named type file
00445     EREMOTEIO                  121      Remote I/O error
00446     EDQUOT                     122      Quota exceeded
00447     ENOMEDIUM                  123      No medium found
00448     EMEDIUMTYPE                124      Wrong medium type
00449     ECANCELED                  125      Operation Canceled
00450     ENOKEY                     126      Required key not available
00451     EKEYEXPIRED                127      Key has expired
00452     EKEYREVOKED                128      Key has been revoked
00453     EKEYREJECTED               129      Key was rejected by service
00454     EOWNERDEAD                 130      Owner died
00455     ENOTRECOVERABLE            131      State not recoverable
00456     \endverbatim
00457  *
00458  *  @note
00459  *  MbedOS System Error codes are defined using the macro MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR\n
00460  *  For example MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR( INVALID_ARGUMENT ,1 ) macro defines the following values:\n
00463  *  Its effectively equivalent to:\n
00465  *      ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT = 0x80FF0001\n (Note that MODULE field is set to MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN)
00466  *  New System Error codes should be defined using MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR macro and must have an unique error code value\n
00467  *  passed as the second argument in the MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR macro.\n\n
00468  *  Below are the Mbed System error codes and the description:
00469  *  \verbatim
00470     UNKNOWN                    256      Unknown error
00471     INVALID_ARGUMENT           257      Invalid Argument
00472     INVALID_DATA               258      Invalid data
00473     INVALID_FORMAT             259      Invalid format
00474     INVALID_INDEX              260      Invalid Index
00475     INVALID_SIZE               261      Invalid Size
00476     INVALID_OPERATION          262      Invalid Operation
00477     NOT_FOUND                  263      Not Found
00478     ACCESS_DENIED              264      Access Denied
00479     NOT_SUPPORTED              265      Not supported
00480     BUFFER_FULL                266      Buffer Full
00481     MEDIA_FULL                 267      Media/Disk Full
00482     ALREADY_IN_USE             268      Already in use
00483     TIMEOUT                    269      Timeout error
00484     NOT_READY                  270      Not Ready
00485     FAILED_OPERATION           271      Requested Operation failed
00486     OPERATION_PROHIBITED       272      Operation prohibited
00487     OPERATION_ABORTED          273      Operation failed
00488     WRITE_PROTECTED            274      Attempt to write to write-protected resource
00489     NO_RESPONSE                275      No response
00490     SEMAPHORE_LOCK_FAILED      276      Semaphore lock failed
00491     MUTEX_LOCK_FAILED          277      Mutex lock failed
00492     SEMAPHORE_UNLOCK_FAILED    278      Semaphore unlock failed
00493     MUTEX_UNLOCK_FAILED        279      Mutex unlock failed
00494     CRC_ERROR                  280      CRC error or mismatch
00495     OPEN_FAILED                281      Open failed
00496     CLOSE_FAILED               282      Close failed
00497     READ_FAILED                283      Read failed
00498     WRITE_FAILED               284      Write failed
00499     INITIALIZATION_FAILED      285      Initialization failed
00500     BOOT_FAILURE               286      Boot failure
00501     OUT_OF_MEMORY              287      Out of memory
00502     OUT_OF_RESOURCES           288      Out of resources
00503     ALLOC_FAILED               289      Alloc failed
00504     FREE_FAILED                290      Free failed
00505     OVERFLOW                   291      Overflow error
00506     UNDERFLOW                  292      Underflow error
00507     STACK_OVERFLOW             293      Stack overflow error
00508     ISR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW         294      ISR queue overflow
00509     TIMER_QUEUE_OVERFLOW       295      Timer Queue overflow
00510     CLIB_SPACE_UNAVAILABLE     296      Standard library error - Space unavailable
00511     CLIB_EXCEPTION             297      Standard library error - Exception
00512     CLIB_MUTEX_INIT_FAILURE    298      Standard library error - Mutex Init failure
00513     CREATE_FAILED              299      Create failed
00514     DELETE_FAILED              300      Delete failed
00515     THREAD_CREATE_FAILED       301      Thread Create failed
00516     THREAD_DELETE_FAILED       302      Thread Delete failed
00517     PROHIBITED_IN_ISR_CONTEXT  303      Operation Prohibited in ISR context
00518     PINMAP_INVALID             304      Pinmap Invalid
00519     RTOS_EVENT                 305      Unknown Rtos Error
00520     RTOS_THREAD_EVENT          306      Rtos Thread Error
00521     RTOS_MUTEX_EVENT           307      Rtos Mutex Error
00522     RTOS_SEMAPHORE_EVENT       308      Rtos Semaphore Error
00523     RTOS_MEMORY_POOL_EVENT     309      Rtos Memory Pool Error
00524     RTOS_TIMER_EVENT           310      Rtos Timer Error
00525     RTOS_EVENT_FLAGS_EVENT     311      Rtos Event flags Error
00526     RTOS_MESSAGE_QUEUE_EVENT   312      Rtos Message queue Error
00527     DEVICE_BUSY                313      Device Busy
00528     CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED         314      Configuration not supported
00529     CONFIG_MISMATCH            315      Configuration mismatch
00530     ALREADY_INITIALIZED        316      Already initialized
00531     HARDFAULT_EXCEPTION        317      HardFault exception
00532     MEMMANAGE_EXCEPTION        318      MemManage exception
00533     BUSFAULT_EXCEPTION         319      BusFault exception
00534     USAGEFAULT_EXCEPTION       320      UsageFault exception
00535     BLE_NO_FRAME_INITIALIZED,  321      BLE No frame initialized
00536     BLE_BACKEND_CREATION_FAILED 322     BLE Backend creation failed
00537     BLE_BACKEND_NOT_INITIALIZED 323     BLE Backend not initialized
00538     ASSERTION_FAILED           324      Assertion Failed
00539     AUTHENTICATION_FAILED      325      Authentication Failed
00540     RBP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED  326      Rollback Protect Authentication Failed
00541     \endverbatim
00542  *
00543  *  @note
00544  *  Custom Error codes can be defined using the macro DEFINE_CUSTOM_ERROR\n
00545  *  This is mainly meant to capture non-generic error codes specific to a device.
00546  *  For example DEFINE_CUSTOM_ERROR( MY_CUSTOM_ERROR ,1 ) macro defines the following values:\n
00549  *  Its effectively equivalent to:\n
00550  *      ERROR_CODE_MY_CUSTOM_ERROR = 4097\n
00551  *      ERROR_MY_CUSTOM_ERROR = 0xA0FF1001\n (Note that MODULE field is set to MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN) \n\n
00552  *
00553  *  @note
00554  *  **Using error codes:** \n
00555  *  POSIX error codes may be used in modules/functions currently using POSIX error codes and switching them to Mbed-OS error codes
00556  *  may cause interoperability issues. For example, some of the filesystem, network stack implementations may need to use
00557  *  POSIX error codes in order to keep them compatible with other modules interfacing with them, and may continue to use POSIX error codes.
00558  *
00559  *  In all other cases, like for any native development of Mbed-OS modules Mbed-OS error codes should be used.
00560  *  This makes it easy to use Mbed-OS error reporting/logging infrastructure and makes debugging error scenarios
00561  *  much more efficient.
00562  *
00563  *  @note
00564  *  **Searching for error codes in mbed-os source tree:** \n
00565  *  If you get an error report as below which you want to search for in mbed-os source tree, first take note of "Error Code" number. \n
00566  *  For example, the below error report has an error code of \b 259. Find the error name associated with the error code and in this case its \b INVALID_FORMAT. \n
00567  *  Use that error name(\b INVALID_FORMAT) to search the source tree for code locations setting that specific error code. \n
00568  *  If the Error module reported is not 255(which indicates unknown module), you can also use that to narrow down to the specific component reporting the error.
00569  *  See mbed_module_type_t enum above for module mapping. \n
00570  *
00571  *  \verbatim
00572     ++ MbedOS Error Info ++
00573     Error Status: 0x80FF013D Code: 317 Module: 255
00574     Error Message: Fault exception
00575     Location: 0x5CD1
00576     Error Value: 0x4A2A
00577     Current Thread: Id: 0x20001E80 Entry: 0x5EB1 StackSize: 0x1000 StackMem: 0x20000E80 SP: 0x2002FF90
00578     For more info, visit: https://mbed.com/s/error?error=0x80FF013D&mbedos=999999&core=0x410FC241&compile=1&ver=5060528
00579     -- MbedOS Error Info --
00580     \endverbatim
00581  */
00583 typedef enum _mbed_error_code {
00584     //Below are POSIX ERROR CODE definitions, which starts at MBED_POSIX_ERROR_BASE(=0)
00585     //POSIX ERROR CODE definitions starts at offset 0(MBED_POSIX_ERROR_BASE) to align them with actual POSIX Error Code
00586     //defintions in mbed_retarget.h
00587     //                  Error Name                                    Error Code
00588     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EPERM, EPERM),                              /* 1       Operation not permitted */
00589     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOENT, ENOENT),                            /* 2       No such file or directory */
00590     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ESRCH, ESRCH),                              /* 3       No such process */
00591     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EINTR, EINTR),                              /* 4       Interrupted system call */
00592     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EIO, EIO),                                  /* 5       I/O error */
00593     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENXIO, ENXIO),                              /* 6       No such device or address */
00594     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(E2BIG, E2BIG),                              /* 7       Argument list too long */
00595     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOEXEC, ENOEXEC),                          /* 8       Exec format error */
00596     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBADF, EBADF),                              /* 9       Bad file number */
00597     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ECHILD, ECHILD),                            /* 10      No child processes */
00598     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EAGAIN, EAGAIN),                            /* 11      Try again */
00599     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOMEM, ENOMEM),                            /* 12      Out of memory */
00600     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EACCES, EACCES),                            /* 13      Permission denied */
00601     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EFAULT, EFAULT),                            /* 14      Bad address */
00602     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTBLK, ENOTBLK),                          /* 15      Block device required */
00603     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBUSY, EBUSY),                              /* 16      Device or resource busy */
00604     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EEXIST, EEXIST),                            /* 17      File exists */
00605     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EXDEV, EXDEV),                              /* 18      Cross-device link */
00606     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENODEV, ENODEV),                            /* 19      No such device */
00607     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTDIR, ENOTDIR),                          /* 20      Not a directory */
00608     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EISDIR, EISDIR),                            /* 21      Is a directory */
00609     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EINVAL, EINVAL),                            /* 22      Invalid argument */
00610     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENFILE, ENFILE),                            /* 23      File table overflow */
00611     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EMFILE, EMFILE),                            /* 24      Too many open files */
00612     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTTY, ENOTTY),                            /* 25      Not a typewriter */
00613     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ETXTBSY, ETXTBSY),                          /* 26      Text file busy */
00614     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EFBIG, EFBIG),                              /* 27      File too large */
00615     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOSPC, ENOSPC),                            /* 28      No space left on device */
00616     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ESPIPE, ESPIPE),                            /* 29      Illegal seek */
00617     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EROFS, EROFS),                              /* 30      Read-only file system */
00618     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EMLINK, EMLINK),                            /* 31      Too many links */
00619     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EPIPE, EPIPE),                              /* 32      Broken pipe */
00620     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EDOM, EDOM),                                /* 33      Math argument out of domain of func */
00621     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ERANGE, ERANGE),                            /* 34      Math result not representable */
00622     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EDEADLK, EDEADLK),                          /* 35      Resource deadlock would occur */
00623     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENAMETOOLONG, ENAMETOOLONG),                /* 36      File name too long */
00624     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOLCK, ENOLCK),                            /* 37      No record locks available */
00625     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOSYS, ENOSYS),                            /* 38      Function not implemented */
00626     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTEMPTY, ENOTEMPTY),                      /* 39      Directory not empty */
00627     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ELOOP, ELOOP),                              /* 40      Too many symbolic links encountered */
00628     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EWOULDBLOCK, EAGAIN),                       /* EAGAIN  Operation would block */
00629     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOMSG, ENOMSG),                            /* 42      No message of desired type */
00630     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EIDRM, EIDRM),                              /* 43      Identifier removed */
00631     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ECHRNG, ECHRNG),                            /* 44      Channel number out of range */
00632     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EL2NSYNC, EL2NSYNC),                        /* 45      Level 2 not synchronized */
00633     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EL3HLT, EL3HLT),                            /* 46      Level 3 halted */
00634     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EL3RST, EL3RST),                            /* 47      Level 3 reset */
00635     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ELNRNG, ELNRNG),                            /* 48      Link number out of range */
00636     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EUNATCH, EUNATCH),                          /* 49      Protocol driver not attached */
00637     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOCSI, ENOCSI),                            /* 50      No CSI structure available */
00638     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EL2HLT, EL2HLT),                            /* 51      Level 2 halted */
00639     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBADE, EBADE),                              /* 52      Invalid exchange */
00640     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBADR, EBADR),                              /* 53      Invalid request descriptor */
00641     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EXFULL, EXFULL),                            /* 54      Exchange full */
00642     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOANO, ENOANO),                            /* 55      No anode */
00643     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBADRQC, EBADRQC),                          /* 56      Invalid request code */
00644     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBADSLT, EBADSLT),                          /* 57      Invalid slot */
00645     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EDEADLOCK, EDEADLK),                        /* EDEADLK Resource deadlock would occur */
00646     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBFONT, EBFONT),                            /* 59      Bad font file format */
00647     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOSTR, ENOSTR),                            /* 60      Device not a stream */
00648     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENODATA, ENODATA),                          /* 61      No data available */
00649     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ETIME, ETIME),                              /* 62      Timer expired */
00650     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOSR, ENOSR),                              /* 63      Out of streams resources */
00651     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENONET, ENONET),                            /* 64      Machine is not on the network */
00652     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOPKG, ENOPKG),                            /* 65      Package not installed */
00653     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EREMOTE, EREMOTE),                          /* 66      Object is remote */
00654     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOLINK, ENOLINK),                          /* 67      Link has been severed */
00655     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EADV, EADV),                                /* 68      Advertise error */
00656     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ESRMNT, ESRMNT),                            /* 69      Srmount error */
00657     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ECOMM, ECOMM),                              /* 70      Communication error on send */
00658     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EPROTO, EPROTO),                            /* 71      Protocol error */
00659     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EMULTIHOP, EMULTIHOP),                      /* 72      Multihop attempted */
00660     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EDOTDOT, EDOTDOT),                          /* 73      RFS specific error */
00661     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBADMSG, EBADMSG),                          /* 74      Not a data message */
00662     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EOVERFLOW, EOVERFLOW),                      /* 75      Value too large for defined data type */
00663     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTUNIQ, ENOTUNIQ),                        /* 76      Name not unique on network */
00664     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EBADFD, EBADFD),                            /* 77      File descriptor in bad state */
00665     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EREMCHG, EREMCHG),                          /* 78      Remote address changed */
00666     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ELIBACC, ELIBACC),                          /* 79      Can not access a needed shared library */
00667     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ELIBBAD, ELIBBAD),                          /* 80      Accessing a corrupted shared library */
00668     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ELIBSCN, ELIBSCN),                          /* 81      .lib section in a.out corrupted */
00669     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ELIBMAX, ELIBMAX),                          /* 82      Attempting to link in too many shared libraries */
00670     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ELIBEXEC, ELIBEXEC),                        /* 83      Cannot exec a shared library directly */
00671     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EILSEQ, EILSEQ),                            /* 84      Illegal byte sequence */
00672     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ERESTART, ERESTART),                        /* 85      Interrupted system call should be restarted */
00673     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ESTRPIPE, ESTRPIPE),                        /* 86      Streams pipe error */
00674     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EUSERS, EUSERS),                            /* 87      Too many users */
00675     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTSOCK, ENOTSOCK),                        /* 88      Socket operation on non-socket */
00676     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EDESTADDRREQ, EDESTADDRREQ),                /* 89      Destination address required */
00677     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EMSGSIZE, EMSGSIZE),                        /* 90      Message too long */
00678     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EPROTOTYPE, EPROTOTYPE),                    /* 91      Protocol wrong type for socket */
00679     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOPROTOOPT, ENOPROTOOPT),                  /* 92      Protocol not available */
00680     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EPROTONOSUPPORT, EPROTONOSUPPORT),          /* 93      Protocol not supported */
00681     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ESOCKTNOSUPPORT, ESOCKTNOSUPPORT),          /* 94      Socket type not supported */
00682     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EOPNOTSUPP, EOPNOTSUPP),                    /* 95      Operation not supported on transport endpoint */
00683     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EPFNOSUPPORT, EPFNOSUPPORT),                /* 96      Protocol family not supported */
00684     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EAFNOSUPPORT, EAFNOSUPPORT),                /* 97      Address family not supported by protocol */
00685     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EADDRINUSE, EADDRINUSE),                    /* 98      Address already in use */
00686     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EADDRNOTAVAIL, EADDRNOTAVAIL),              /* 99      Cannot assign requested address */
00687     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENETDOWN, ENETDOWN),                        /* 100     Network is down */
00688     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENETUNREACH, ENETUNREACH),                  /* 101     Network is unreachable */
00689     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENETRESET, ENETRESET),                      /* 102     Network dropped connection because of reset */
00690     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ECONNABORTED, ECONNABORTED),                /* 103     Software caused connection abort */
00691     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ECONNRESET, ECONNRESET),                    /* 104     Connection reset by peer */
00692     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOBUFS, ENOBUFS),                          /* 105     No buffer space available */
00693     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EISCONN, EISCONN),                          /* 106     Transport endpoint is already connected */
00694     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTCONN, ENOTCONN),                        /* 107     Transport endpoint is not connected */
00695     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ESHUTDOWN, ESHUTDOWN),                      /* 108     Cannot send after transport endpoint shutdown */
00696     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ETOOMANYREFS, ETOOMANYREFS),                /* 109     Too many references: cannot splice */
00697     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ETIMEDOUT, ETIMEDOUT),                      /* 110     Connection timed out */
00698     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ECONNREFUSED, ECONNREFUSED),                /* 111     Connection refused */
00699     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EHOSTDOWN, EHOSTDOWN),                      /* 112     Host is down */
00700     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EHOSTUNREACH, EHOSTUNREACH),                /* 113     No route to host */
00701     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EALREADY, EALREADY),                        /* 114     Operation already in progress */
00702     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EINPROGRESS, EINPROGRESS),                  /* 115     Operation now in progress */
00703     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ESTALE, ESTALE),                            /* 116     Stale NFS file handle */
00704     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EUCLEAN, EUCLEAN),                          /* 117     Structure needs cleaning */
00705     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTNAM, ENOTNAM),                          /* 118     Not a XENIX named type file */
00706     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENAVAIL, ENAVAIL),                          /* 119     No XENIX semaphores available */
00707     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EISNAM, EISNAM),                            /* 120     Is a named type file */
00708     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EREMOTEIO, EREMOTEIO),                      /* 121     Remote I/O error */
00709     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EDQUOT, EDQUOT),                            /* 122     Quota exceeded */
00710     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOMEDIUM, ENOMEDIUM),                      /* 123     No medium found */
00711     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EMEDIUMTYPE, EMEDIUMTYPE),                  /* 124     Wrong medium type */
00712     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ECANCELED, ECANCELED),                      /* 125     Operation Canceled */
00713     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOKEY, ENOKEY),                            /* 126     Required key not available */
00714     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EKEYEXPIRED, EKEYEXPIRED),                  /* 127     Key has expired */
00715     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EKEYREVOKED, EKEYREVOKED),                  /* 128     Key has been revoked */
00716     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EKEYREJECTED, EKEYREJECTED),                /* 129     Key was rejected by service */
00717     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(EOWNERDEAD, EOWNERDEAD),                    /* 130     Owner died */
00718     MBED_DEFINE_POSIX_ERROR(ENOTRECOVERABLE, ENOTRECOVERABLE),          /* 131     State not recoverable */
00720     //Below are MBED SYSTEM ERROR CODE definitions
00721     //MBED SYSTEM ERROR CODE definitions starts at offset MBED_SYSTEM_ERROR_BASE, see above.
00722     //                   Error Name                 Error Offset   Error Code
00723     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(UNKNOWN, 0),                               /* 256      Unknown error */
00724     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(INVALID_ARGUMENT, 1),                      /* 257      Invalid Argument */
00725     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(INVALID_DATA_DETECTED, 2),                 /* 258      Invalid data detected */
00726     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(INVALID_FORMAT, 3),                        /* 259      Invalid format */
00727     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(INVALID_INDEX, 4),                         /* 260      Invalid Index */
00728     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(INVALID_SIZE, 5),                          /* 261      Invalid Size */
00729     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(INVALID_OPERATION, 6),                     /* 262      Invalid Operation */
00730     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(ITEM_NOT_FOUND, 7),                        /* 263      Item Not Found */
00731     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(ACCESS_DENIED, 8),                         /* 264      Access Denied */
00732     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(UNSUPPORTED, 9),                           /* 265      Unsupported */
00733     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(BUFFER_FULL, 10),                          /* 266      Buffer Full */
00734     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(MEDIA_FULL, 11),                           /* 267      Media/Disk Full */
00735     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(ALREADY_IN_USE, 12),                       /* 268      Already in use */
00736     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(TIME_OUT, 13),                             /* 269      Timeout error */
00737     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(NOT_READY, 14),                            /* 270      Not Ready */
00738     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(FAILED_OPERATION, 15),                     /* 271      Requested Operation failed */
00739     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(OPERATION_PROHIBITED, 16),                 /* 272      Operation prohibited */
00740     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(OPERATION_ABORTED, 17),                    /* 273      Operation failed */
00741     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(WRITE_PROTECTED, 18),                      /* 274      Attempt to write to write-protected resource */
00742     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(NO_RESPONSE, 19),                          /* 275      No response */
00743     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(SEMAPHORE_LOCK_FAILED, 20),                /* 276      Semaphore lock failed */
00744     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(MUTEX_LOCK_FAILED, 21),                    /* 277      Mutex lock failed */
00745     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(SEMAPHORE_UNLOCK_FAILED, 22),              /* 278      Semaphore unlock failed */
00746     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(MUTEX_UNLOCK_FAILED, 23),                  /* 279      Mutex unlock failed */
00747     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(CRC_ERROR, 24),                            /* 280      CRC error or mismatch */
00748     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(OPEN_FAILED, 25),                          /* 281      Open failed */
00749     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(CLOSE_FAILED, 26),                         /* 282      Close failed */
00750     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(READ_FAILED, 27),                          /* 283      Read failed */
00751     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(WRITE_FAILED, 28),                         /* 284      Write failed */
00752     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(INITIALIZATION_FAILED, 29),                /* 285      Initialization failed */
00753     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(BOOT_FAILURE, 30),                         /* 286      Boot failure */
00754     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(OUT_OF_MEMORY, 31),                        /* 287      Out of memory */
00755     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(OUT_OF_RESOURCES, 32),                     /* 288      Out of resources */
00756     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(ALLOC_FAILED, 33),                         /* 289      Alloc failed */
00757     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(FREE_FAILED, 34),                          /* 290      Free failed */
00758     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(OVERFLOW, 35),                             /* 291      Overflow error */
00759     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(UNDERFLOW, 36),                            /* 292      Underflow error */
00760     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(STACK_OVERFLOW, 37),                       /* 293      Stack overflow error */
00761     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(ISR_QUEUE_OVERFLOW, 38),                   /* 294      ISR queue overflow */
00762     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(TIMER_QUEUE_OVERFLOW, 39),                 /* 295      Timer Queue overflow */
00763     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(CLIB_SPACE_UNAVAILABLE, 40),               /* 296      Standard library error - Space unavailable */
00764     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(CLIB_EXCEPTION, 41),                       /* 297      Standard library error - Exception */
00765     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(CLIB_MUTEX_INIT_FAILURE, 42),              /* 298      Standard library error - Mutex Init failure */
00766     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(CREATE_FAILED, 43),                        /* 299      Create failed */
00767     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(DELETE_FAILED, 44),                        /* 300      Delete failed */
00768     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(THREAD_CREATE_FAILED, 45),                 /* 301      Thread Create failed */
00769     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(THREAD_DELETE_FAILED, 46),                 /* 302      Thread Delete failed */
00770     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(PROHIBITED_IN_ISR_CONTEXT, 47),            /* 303      Operation Prohibited in ISR context */
00771     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(PINMAP_INVALID, 48),                       /* 304      Pinmap Invalid */
00772     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RTOS_EVENT, 49),                           /* 305      Unknown Rtos Error */
00773     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RTOS_THREAD_EVENT, 50),                    /* 306      Rtos Thread Error */
00774     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RTOS_MUTEX_EVENT, 51),                     /* 307      Rtos Mutex Error */
00775     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RTOS_SEMAPHORE_EVENT, 52),                 /* 308      Rtos Semaphore Error */
00776     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RTOS_MEMORY_POOL_EVENT, 53),               /* 309      Rtos Memory Pool Error */
00777     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RTOS_TIMER_EVENT, 54),                     /* 310      Rtos Timer Error */
00778     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RTOS_EVENT_FLAGS_EVENT, 55),               /* 311      Rtos Event flags Error */
00779     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RTOS_MESSAGE_QUEUE_EVENT, 56),             /* 312      Rtos Message queue Error */
00780     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(DEVICE_BUSY, 57),                          /* 313      Device Busy */
00781     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(CONFIG_UNSUPPORTED, 58),                   /* 314      Configuration not supported */
00782     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(CONFIG_MISMATCH, 59),                      /* 315      Configuration mismatch */
00783     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(ALREADY_INITIALIZED, 60),                  /* 316      Already initialized */
00784     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(HARDFAULT_EXCEPTION, 61),                  /* 317      HardFault exception */
00785     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(MEMMANAGE_EXCEPTION, 62),                  /* 318      MemManage exception */
00786     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(BUSFAULT_EXCEPTION, 63),                   /* 319      BusFault exception */
00787     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(USAGEFAULT_EXCEPTION, 64),                 /* 320      UsageFault exception*/
00788     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(BLE_NO_FRAME_INITIALIZED, 65),             /* 321      BLE No frame initialized */
00789     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(BLE_BACKEND_CREATION_FAILED, 66),          /* 322      BLE Backend creation failed */
00790     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(BLE_BACKEND_NOT_INITIALIZED, 67),          /* 323      BLE Backend not initialized */
00791     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(ASSERTION_FAILED, 68),                     /* 324      Assertion Failed */
00792     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, 69),                /* 325      Authentication Failed */
00793     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(RBP_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED, 70),            /* 326      Rollback Protection Authentication Failed */
00794     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(BLE_USE_INCOMPATIBLE_API, 71),             /* 327      Concurrent use of incompatible versions of a BLE API */
00795     MBED_DEFINE_SYSTEM_ERROR(BLE_ILLEGAL_STATE, 72),                    /* 328      BLE stack entered illegal state */
00797     //Everytime you add a new system error code, you must update
00798     //Error documentation under Handbook to capture the info on
00799     //the new error status/codes
00801     //MBED CUSTOM ERROR CODE definitions starts at offset MBED_CUSTOM_ERROR_BASE, see above.
00802     /* Add More/Custom Error Codes here, See example below */
00805 } mbed_error_code_t;
00807 /** mbed_error_ctx struct
00808  *
00809  *  This struct captures the context information at the time of error.\n
00810  *  It primarily contains information about the thread where the error originated,\n
00811  *  filename/line number of the source file where the error occurred, a context specific error value(error_value)\n
00812  *  and the address where the error originated.\n
00813  *
00814  *  @note
00815  *  Below are the members of mbed_error_ctx struct\n
00816  *      error_status              mbed_error_status_t value for this error\n
00817  *      error_function_address    Address where the error occurred\n
00818  *      thread_id                 ID of the thread which generated the error\n
00819  *      thread_entry_address      Entry function of the thread which generated the error\n
00820  *      thread_stack_size         Stack Size of the thread which generated the error\n
00821  *      thread_stack_mem          Stack Top of the thread which generated the error\n
00822  *      thread_current_sp         Current Stack Pointer of the thread which generated the error\n
00823  *      error_value               A context/error specific value associated with this error\n
00824  *      error_filename            Filename where the error originated\n
00825  *      error_line_number         Line number in error_filename where the error originated\n
00826  */
00827 typedef struct _mbed_error_ctx {
00828     mbed_error_status_t error_status;
00829     uint32_t error_address;
00830     uint32_t error_value;
00831     uint32_t thread_id;
00832     uint32_t thread_entry_address;
00833     uint32_t thread_stack_size;
00834     uint32_t thread_stack_mem;
00835     uint32_t thread_current_sp;
00837     char error_filename[MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_MAX_ERROR_FILENAME_LEN];
00838     uint32_t error_line_number;
00839 #endif
00841     int32_t error_reboot_count;//everytime we write this struct we increment this value by 1, irrespective of time between reboots. Note that the data itself might change, but everytime we reboot due to error we update this count by 1
00842     int32_t is_error_processed;//once this error is processed set this value to 1
00843     uint32_t crc_error_ctx;//crc_error_ctx should always be the last member in this struct
00844 #endif
00845 } mbed_error_ctx;
00847 /** To generate a fatal compile-time error, you can use the pre-processor #error directive.
00848  *
00849  * @param format    C string that contains data stream to be printed.
00850  *                  Code snippets below show valid format.
00851  *
00852  * @code
00853  * #error "That shouldn't have happened!"
00854  * @endcode
00855  *
00856  * If the compiler evaluates this line, it will report the error and stop the compile.
00857  *
00858  * For example, you could use this to check some user-defined compile-time variables:
00859  *
00860  * @code
00861  * #define NUM_PORTS 7
00862  * #if (NUM_PORTS > 4)
00863  *     #error "NUM_PORTS must be less than 4"
00864  * #endif
00865  * @endcode
00866  *
00867  * Reporting Run-Time Errors:
00868  * To generate a fatal run-time error, you can use the mbed error() function.
00869  *
00870  * @code
00871  * error("That shouldn't have happened!");
00872  * @endcode
00873  *
00874  * If the mbed running the program executes this function, it will print the
00875  * message via the USB serial port, and then die with the blue lights of death!
00876  *
00877  * The message can use printf-style formatting, so you can report variables in the
00878  * message too. For example, you could use this to check a run-time condition:
00879  *
00880  * @code
00881  * if(x >= 5) {
00882  *     error("expected x to be less than 5, but got %d", x);
00883  * }
00884  * @endcode
00885  *
00886  *
00887  */
00889 MBED_NORETURN void error(const char *format, ...) MBED_PRINTF(1, 2);
00891 /**
00892  * Call this Macro to generate a mbed_error_status_t value for a System error
00893  * @param  module           Module generating the error code. If its unknown, pass MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN. See mbed_module_type_t for module types.
00894  * @param  error_code       The mbed_error_code_t code to be used in generating the mbed_error_status_t. See mbed_error_code_t for error codes.
00895  *
00896  * @code
00897  *
00899  *
00900  * @endcode
00901  * @note This macro generate mbed_error_status_t-es with error type set to MBED_ERROR_TYPE_SYSTEM
00902  *
00903  */
00904 #define MBED_MAKE_SYSTEM_ERROR(module, error_code)                   MAKE_MBED_ERROR(MBED_ERROR_TYPE_SYSTEM, module, error_code)
00906 /**
00907  * Call this Macro to generate a mbed_error_status_t value for a Custom error
00908  * @param  module           Module generating the error code. If its unknown, pass MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN. See mbed_module_type_t for module types.
00909  * @param  error_code       The mbed_error_code_t code to be used in generating the mbed_error_status_t. See mbed_error_code_t for error codes.
00910  *
00911  * @code
00912  *
00913  * mbed_error_status_t custom_error = MBED_MAKE_CUSTOM_ERROR( MBED_MODULE_APPLICATION, 0xDEAD//16-bit custom error code )
00914  *
00915  * @endcode
00916  * @note This macro generate mbed_error_status_t-es with error type set to MBED_ERROR_TYPE_CUSTOM
00917  *
00918  */
00919 #define MBED_MAKE_CUSTOM_ERROR(module, error_code)                   MAKE_MBED_ERROR(MBED_ERROR_TYPE_CUSTOM, module, error_code)
00921 /**
00922  * Call this Macro to generate a mbed_error_status_t value for a System error
00923  * @param  module           Module generating the error code. If its unknown, pass MBED_MODULE_UNKNOWN. See mbed_module_type_t for module types.
00924  * @param  error_code       The mbed_error_code_t code to be used in generating the mbed_error_status_t. See mbed_error_code_t for error codes.
00925  *
00926  * @code
00927  *
00929  *
00930  * @endcode
00931  * @note This macro generate mbed_error_status_t-es with error type set to MBED_ERROR_TYPE_SYSTEM
00932  *
00933  */
00934 #define MBED_MAKE_ERROR(module, error_code)                          MBED_MAKE_SYSTEM_ERROR(module, error_code)
00936 /**
00937  * Callback/Error hook function prototype. Applications needing a callback when an error is reported can use mbed_set_error_hook function
00938  * to register a callback/error hook function using the following prototype. When an error happens in the system error handling
00939  * implementation will invoke this callback with the mbed_error_status_t reported and the error context at the time of error.
00940  * @param  error_ctx        Error context structure associated with this error.
00941  * @return                  void
00942  *
00943  */
00944 typedef void (*mbed_error_hook_t)(const mbed_error_ctx *error_ctx);
00947 /**
00948  * Callback function for reporting error context during boot up. When MbedOS error handling system detects a fatal error
00949  * it will auto-reboot the system(if MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_FATAL_ERROR_AUTO_REBOOT_ENABLED is enabled) after capturing the
00950  * error info in special crash data RAM region. Once rebooted, MbedOS initialization routines will call this function with a pointer to
00951  * the captured mbed_error_ctx structure. If application implementation needs to receive this callback, mbed_error_reboot_callback
00952  * function should be overridden with custom implementation. By default it's defined as a WEAK function in mbed_error.c.
00953  * Note that this callback will be invoked before the system starts executing main() function. So the implementation of
00954  * the callback should be aware any resource limitations/availability of resources which are yet to be initialized by application main().
00955  *
00956  * @param  error_ctx        Error context structure associated with this error.
00957  * @return                  void
00958  *
00959  */
00960 void mbed_error_reboot_callback(mbed_error_ctx *error_context);
00962 /**
00963  * Initialize error handling system, this is called by the mbed-os boot sequence. This is not required to be called by Application unless the boot sequence is overridden by the system implementation.
00964  * NOTE: If MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_FATAL_ERROR_AUTO_REBOOT_ENABLED is enabled and if the current reboot count exceeds MBED_CONF_PLATFORM_ERROR_REBOOT_MAX the system will halt when this function is called,
00965  *       and in such cases the caller will not get the control back. Also note that calling this function may trigger mbed_error_reboot_callback() if application side overides mbed_error_reboot_callback().
00966  * @return                  MBED_SUCCESS on success.
00967  *
00968  */
00970 mbed_error_status_t mbed_error_initialize(void);
00972 /**
00973  * Call this function to retrieve the error context after a fatal error which triggered a system reboot. The function retrieves the error context stored in crash-report ram area which is preserved over reboot.
00974  * @param  error_info           Pointer to mbed_error_ctx struct allocated by the caller. This is the mbed_error_ctx info captured as part of the fatal error which triggered the reboot.
00975  * @return                      0 or MBED_SUCCESS on success.
00976  *                              MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT in case of invalid error_info pointer
00977  *                              MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND if no reboot context is currently captured by the system
00978  *
00979  */
00980 mbed_error_status_t mbed_get_reboot_error_info(mbed_error_ctx *error_info);
00982 /**
00983  * Calling this function resets the current reboot context captured by the system(stored in special crash data RAM region).
00984  * @return                  MBED_SUCCESS on success.
00985  *                          MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND if no reboot context is currently captured by the system
00986  */
00987 mbed_error_status_t mbed_reset_reboot_error_info(void);
00989 /**
00990  * Calling this function resets the current reboot count stored as part of error context captured in special crash data RAM region.
00991  *                          The function will also update the CRC value stored as part of error context accordingly.
00992  * @return                  MBED_SUCCESS on success.
00993  *                          MBED_ERROR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND if no reboot context is currently captured by the system
00994  */
00995 mbed_error_status_t mbed_reset_reboot_count(void);
00997 /**
00998  * Call this function to set a system error/warning. This function will log the error status with the context info and return to caller.
00999  *
01000  * @param  error_status     mbed_error_status_t status to be set(See mbed_error_status_t enum above for available error status values).
01001  * @param  error_msg        The error message to be printed out to STDIO/Serial.
01002  * @param  error_value      Value associated with the error status. This would depend on error code/error scenario.
01003  * @param  filename         Name of the source file originating the error( Most callers can pass __FILE__ here ).
01004  * @param  line_number      The line number of the source file originating the error( Most callers can pass __LINE__ here ) .
01005  * @return                  0 or MBED_SUCCESS.
01006  *                          MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if called with invalid error status/codes
01007  *
01008  * @code
01009  *
01010  * mbed_error( ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY, "Out of memory error", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
01011  *
01012  * @endcode
01013  *
01014  * @note See MBED_WARNING/MBED_ERROR macros which provides a wrapper on this API
01015  */
01016 mbed_error_status_t mbed_warning(mbed_error_status_t error_status, const char *error_msg, unsigned int error_value, const char *filename, int line_number);
01018 /**
01019  * Returns the first system error reported.
01020  * @return                  mbed_error_status_t code logged for the first error or MBED_SUCCESS if no errors are logged.
01021  *
01022  */
01023 mbed_error_status_t mbed_get_first_error(void);
01025 /**
01026  * Returns the most recent system error reported.
01027  * @return                  mbed_error_status_t code logged for the last error or MBED_SUCCESS if no errors are logged.
01028  *
01029  */
01030 mbed_error_status_t mbed_get_last_error(void);
01032 /**
01033  * Returns the number of system errors reported after boot.
01034  * @return                  int Number of errors reported.
01035  *
01036  */
01037 int mbed_get_error_count(void);
01039 /**
01040  * Call this function to set a fatal system error and halt the system. This function will log the fatal error with the context info and prints the error report and halts the system.
01041  *
01042  * @param  error_status     mbed_error_status_t status to be set(See mbed_error_status_t enum above for available error status values).
01043  * @param  error_msg        The error message to be printed out to STDIO/Serial.
01044  * @param  error_value      Value associated with the error status. This would depend on error code/error scenario.
01045  * @param  filename         Name of the source file originating the error( Most callers can pass __FILE__ here ).
01046  * @param  line_number      The line number of the source file originating the error( Most callers can pass __LINE__ here ) .
01047  * @return                  Does not return.
01048  *
01049  * @code
01050  *
01051  * mbed_error( MBED_ERROR_PROHIBITED_OPERATION, "Prohibited operation tried", 0, __FILE__, __LINE__ )
01052  *
01053  * @endcode
01054  *
01055  * @note See MBED_WARNING/MBED_ERROR macros which provides a wrapper on this API
01056  */
01057 MBED_NORETURN mbed_error_status_t mbed_error(mbed_error_status_t error_status, const char *error_msg, unsigned int error_value, const char *filename, int line_number);
01059 /**
01060  * Registers an application defined error callback with the error handling system.
01061  * This function will be called with error context info whenever system handles a mbed_error/mbed_warning call
01062  * NOTE: This function should be implemented for re-entrancy as multiple threads may invoke mbed_error which may cause error hook to be called.
01063  * @param  custom_error_hook    mbed_error_status_t status to be set(See mbed_error_status_t enum above for available error status values).
01064  * @return                      0 or MBED_SUCCESS on success.
01065  *                              MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT in case of NULL for custom_error_hook
01066  *
01067  * @code
01068  *
01069  * mbed_error_status_t my_custom_error_hook(mbed_error_status_t error_status, const mbed_error_ctx *error_ctx) {
01070  *    //Do something with the error_status or error_ctx
01071  * }
01072  *
01073  * mbed_set_error_hook( my_custom_error_hook )
01074  *
01075  * @endcode
01076  * @note The erro hook function implementation should be re-entrant.
01077  *
01078  */
01079 mbed_error_status_t mbed_set_error_hook(mbed_error_hook_t custom_error_hook);
01081 /**
01082  * Reads the first error context information captured.
01083  * @param  error_info           This is the mbed_error_context info captured as part of the first mbed_error call. The caller should pass a pointer to mbed_error_context struct allocated by the caller.
01084  * @return                      0 or MBED_SUCCESS on success.
01085  *                              MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT in case of invalid index
01086  *
01087  */
01088 mbed_error_status_t mbed_get_first_error_info(mbed_error_ctx *error_info);
01090 /**
01091  * Reads the last error context information captured.
01092  * @param  error_info           This is the mbed_error_context info captured as part of the last mbed_error call. The caller should pass a pointer to mbed_error_context struct allocated by the caller.
01093  * @return                      0 or MBED_ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
01094  *                              MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT in case of invalid index
01095  *
01096  */
01097 mbed_error_status_t mbed_get_last_error_info(mbed_error_ctx *error_info);
01099 /**
01100  * Clears the last error, first error, error count and all entries in the error history.
01101  * @return                      0 or MBED_SUCCESS on success.
01102  *
01103  */
01104 mbed_error_status_t mbed_clear_all_errors(void);
01106 /**
01107  * Generates a mbed_error_status_t value based on passed in values for type, module and error code.
01108  * @param  error_type           Error type based on mbed_error_type_t enum.
01109  * @param  module               Module type based on mbed_module_type_t enum.
01110  * @param  error_code           Error codes defined by mbed_error_code_t enum
01111  * @return                      0 or MBED_ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
01112  *
01113  */
01114 mbed_error_status_t mbed_make_error(mbed_error_type_t error_type, mbed_module_type_t module, mbed_error_code_t error_code);
01116 /**
01117  * Returns the current number of entries in the error history, if there has been more than max number of errors logged the number returned will be max depth of error history.
01118  * @return                      Current number of entries in the error history.
01119  *
01120  */
01121 int mbed_get_error_hist_count(void);
01123 /**
01124  * Reads the error context information for a specific error from error history, specified by the index.
01125  *
01126  * @param  index                index of the error context entry in the history to be retrieved.\n
01127  *                              The number of entries in the error history is configured during build and the max index depends on max depth of error history.\n
01128  *                              index = 0 points to the oldest entry in the history, and index = (max history depth - 1) points to the latest entry in the error history.\n
01129  * @param  error_info           This is the mbed_error_context info captured as part of the error history. The caller should pass a pointer to mbed_error_context struct allocated by the caller.
01130  * @return                      0 or MBED_SUCCESS on success.
01131  *                              MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT in case of invalid index
01132  *
01133  */
01134 mbed_error_status_t mbed_get_error_hist_info(int index, mbed_error_ctx *error_info);
01136 /**
01137  * Saves the error history information to a file
01138  *
01139  * @param  path                 path to the file in the filesystem
01140  * @return                      0 or MBED_ERROR_SUCCESS on success.
01141  *                              MBED_ERROR_WRITE_FAILED if writing to file failed
01142  *                              MBED_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT if path is not valid
01143  *
01144  * @note                        Filesystem support is required in order for this function to work.
01145  *
01146  */
01147 mbed_error_status_t mbed_save_error_hist(const char *path);
01149 #ifdef __cplusplus
01150 }
01151 #endif
01153 #endif
01155 /** @}*/
01156 /** @}*/