
Dependents of mbed-dev

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Program to test RTC functionality
Program to test sleep modes
Eventual attempt at porting the efficient WS2812 library to mbed
Bubble display example using NXP PCAL9555A GPIO expander
simple blinky with mbed-dev source
simple blinky with mbed-dev source
blinky with precompiled mbed lib
Sets Dragonfly into an AT command path via a USB to Serial path. The debug path is selected by default. This also has the commands to send a simple text …
"Hello" from Serial debug port at 9600 and Chasing LEDs.
first try on RTOS mbed OS, Blinking LED mbed-rtos
Sample program for STM32F103 variants library. (Bluepill, Maple Mini, Nucleo F103 with external 8MHz crystal.)
motor control
SSD1306_LCD Example for WIZwiki-W7500 LCD, SSD1306, W7500, WIZwiki-W7500
The Smart Watch using SSD1306 and I2C. The Time obtain using SNTP protocol from NTP Server. I2C, NTP, OLED, RTC, smart, SNTP, SSD1306, watch, Wiznet, WIZwiki-W7500
BTSmartFan Servo/DC motor controlled using Bluetooth bluetooth, bt, DC, fan, motor, Servo, smart, W7500, WIZwiki-W7500
SmartWheels self-driving race car. Designed for NXP Cup. Uses FRDM-KL25Z, area-scan camera, and simple image processing to detect and navigate any NXP spec track.
Example program for Microchip 47x04 and 47x16 EERAM devices. EERAM, Microchip
HTTP Server serving a simple webpage which enables to remotely turn LED1 on/off. Compile, download, run and type 'IP_address/secret/' (don't forget the last '/') into your web browser and hit … HTTP server, TCP Server
Code für die Regelungsplatine
Code zur Erfassung der Drehzahlen
Using CAN bus with NUCLEO boards (Demo for the CANnucleo library). CAN, can bus, CAN Nucleo, canbus, Controller Area Network, Nucleo
Happy Gecko Demo
Program to export to IDE to use with STM32F401C-DISCO
Update to use PC_8 on NUCLEO_L073RZ
Creating fork of this project
Can sample
Just testing the foundational libraries on a STM32F103VE board
checken van filter met hidscope
A demo for Adafruit 64x32 demo with PWM led, matrix
version fin de projet S4P Manon Roussey et Stéphane Padrao Dos Santos
DAC sawtooth using mbed-dev library to attempt to get sw4stm32 export working.
blink for Kl27z dev