mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src.

Dependents:   Nucleo_Hello_Encoder BLE_iBeaconScan AM1805_DEMO DISCO-F429ZI_ExportTemplate1 ... more



File content as of revision 189:f392fc9709a3:

; * Copyright (c) 2014-2018 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
; *
; * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
; *
; * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the License); you may
; * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; * You may obtain a copy of the License at
; *
; * www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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; * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; * distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS BASIS, WITHOUT
; * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
; * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; * limitations under the License.
; *
; * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; *
; * Title:       Cortex-M Fault Exception handlers ( Common for both ARMv7M and ARMV6M ); 
; *
; * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; */

                NAME    except.S
FAULT_TYPE_HARD_FAULT           EQU      0x10
FAULT_TYPE_BUS_FAULT            EQU      0x30
FAULT_TYPE_USAGE_FAULT          EQU      0x40

#ifndef DOMAIN_NS
#define DOMAIN_NS 1
                SECTION .rodata:DATA:NOROOT(2)
                SECTION .text:CODE:NOROOT(2)

                EXPORT  HardFault_Handler
                LDR     R3,=FAULT_TYPE_HARD_FAULT   
                B       Fault_Handler
                EXPORT  MemManage_Handler
                LDR     R3,=FAULT_TYPE_MEMMANAGE_FAULT   
                B       Fault_Handler

                EXPORT  BusFault_Handler
                LDR     R3,=FAULT_TYPE_BUS_FAULT   
                B       Fault_Handler
                EXPORT  UsageFault_Handler
                LDR     R3,=FAULT_TYPE_USAGE_FAULT   
                B       Fault_Handler                
                EXPORT  Fault_Handler
#if (DOMAIN_NS == 1)
                IMPORT  mbed_fault_context    
                IMPORT  mbed_fault_handler    
                MRS     R0,MSP
                LDR     R1,=0x4                
                MOV     R2,LR
                TST     R2,R1                    ; Check EXC_RETURN for bit 2
                BEQ     Fault_Handler_Continue
                MRS     R0,PSP

                MOV     R12,R3
                LDR     R3,=mbed_fault_context      
                LDR     R1,[R3]     
                LDR     R2,[R0]                  ; Capture R0
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                LDR     R2,[R0,#4]               ; Capture R1
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                LDR     R2,[R0,#8]               ; Capture R2
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                LDR     R2,[R0,#12]              ; Capture R3
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                STMIA   R1!,{R4-R7}              ; Capture R4..R7
                MOV     R7,R8                    ; Capture R8
                STR     R7,[R1]                  
                ADDS    R1,#4
                MOV     R7,R9                    ; Capture R9
                STR     R7,[R1]                  
                ADDS    R1,#4
                MOV     R7,R10                   ; Capture R10
                STR     R7,[R1]                  
                ADDS    R1,#4
                MOV     R7,R11                   ; Capture R11
                STR     R7,[R1]                  
                ADDS    R1,#4
                LDR     R2,[R0,#16]              ; Capture R12
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#8                    ; Add 8 here to capture LR next, we will capture SP later
                LDR     R2,[R0,#20]              ; Capture LR
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                LDR     R2,[R0,#24]              ; Capture PC
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                LDR     R2,[R0,#28]              ; Capture xPSR
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                ; Adjust stack pointer to its original value and capture it
                MOV     R3,R0
                ADDS    R3,#0x20                 ; Add 0x20 to get the SP value prior to exception
                LDR     R6,=0x200
                TST     R2,R6                    ; Check for if STK was aligned by checking bit-9 in xPSR value
                BEQ     Fault_Handler_Continue1
                ADDS    R3,#0x4
                MOV     R5,LR 
                LDR     R6,=0x10                 ; Check for bit-4 to see if FP context was saved
                TST     R5,R6
                BNE     Fault_Handler_Continue2
                ADDS    R3,#0x48                 ; 16 FP regs + FPCSR + 1 Reserved                

                MOV     R4,R1
                SUBS    R4,#0x10                 ; Set the location of SP in ctx
                STR     R3,[R4]                  ; Capture the adjusted SP
                MRS     R2,PSP                   ; Get PSP           
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                MRS     R2,MSP                   ; Get MSP           
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                MOV     R2,LR                    ; Get current LR(EXC_RETURN)           
                STR     R2,[R1]
                ADDS    R1,#4
                MRS     R2,CONTROL               ; Get CONTROL Reg
                STR     R2,[R1]
                MOV     R0,R12
                LDR     R1,=mbed_fault_context
                BL      mbed_fault_handler 
                B       .                        ; Just in case we come back here    
#endif                                           ; #if (MBED_FAULT_HANDLER_SUPPORT == 1) 
