mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src.

Dependents:   Nucleo_Hello_Encoder BLE_iBeaconScan AM1805_DEMO DISCO-F429ZI_ExportTemplate1 ... more

--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/mbed_crc_api.c	Thu Nov 08 11:46:34 2018 +0000
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/mbed_crc_api.c	Wed Feb 20 22:31:08 2019 +0000
@@ -3,30 +3,61 @@
 #include "platform/mbed_assert.h"
-#ifdef DEVICE_CRC
 static CRC_HandleTypeDef current_state;
 static uint32_t final_xor;
+static uint32_t crc_mask;
+/*  STM32 CRC preipheral features
+  +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+---------------+
+  | Feature                 | F1/L1/F2/F4 series    | F0 series (#1)| L0/F3/L4/F7   |
+  +-========================+=======================+===============+===============+
+  | Reversibility option    |          NO           |              YES              |
+  | on I/O data             |                       |                               |
+  +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+---------------+
+  | CRC initial Value       | Fixed to 0xFFFFFFFF   | Programmable  | Programmable  |
+  |                         |                       | on 32 bits    | on 8,16,32    |
+  +-------------------------+-----------------------+---------------+---------------+
+  | Handled data size in bit|                  32                   | 8,16,32       |
+  +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------------+
+  | Polynomial size in bit  |                  32                   | 7,8,16,32     |
+  +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------------+
+  | Polynomial coefficients |         Fixed to 0x4C11DB7            | Programmable  |
+  +-------------------------+---------------------------------------+---------------+
+  #1 The STM32F0 series which supported polynomial in 7, 8, 16, 32 bits as below list:
+     STM32F071xB
+     STM32F072xB
+     STM32F078xx
+     STM32F091xC
+     STM32F098xx
 bool hal_crc_is_supported(const crc_mbed_config_t *config)
     if (config == NULL) {
         return false;
-    if (config->polynomial != POLY_32BIT_ANSI) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    if (config->width != 32) {
+#if defined(TARGET_STM32F1) || defined(TARGET_STM32F2) || defined(TARGET_STM32F4) || defined(TARGET_STM32L1)
+    /* Currently, mbed supported input data format fix on bytes,
+       so those devices are not supported at default. */
+    return false;
+#elif !defined(CRC_POLYLENGTH_7B)
+    /* Some targets are not support polynomial in 7, 8, 16 bits, ex. STM32F070RB,
+       so those devices are not supported at default. */
+    return false;
+    if (config->width != 32 && config->width != 16 && config->width != 8 && config->width != 7) {
         return false;
+    return true;
-    if ((config->final_xor != 0xFFFFFFFFU) && (config->final_xor != 0)) {
-        return false;
-    }
-    return true;
+static uint32_t get_crc_mask(int width)
+    return (width < 8 ? ((1u << 8) - 1) : (uint32_t)((uint64_t)(1ull << width) - 1));
 void hal_crc_compute_partial_start(const crc_mbed_config_t *config)
@@ -36,21 +67,46 @@
     final_xor = config->final_xor;
+    crc_mask = get_crc_mask(config->width);
     current_state.Instance                     = CRC;
+#if !defined(TARGET_STM32F1) && !defined(TARGET_STM32F2) && !defined(TARGET_STM32F4) && !defined(TARGET_STM32L1) && defined(CRC_POLYLENGTH_7B)
     current_state.InputDataFormat              = CRC_INPUTDATA_FORMAT_BYTES;
-    current_state.Init.DefaultPolynomialUse    = DEFAULT_POLYNOMIAL_ENABLE;
     current_state.Init.DefaultInitValueUse     = DEFAULT_INIT_VALUE_DISABLE;
+    current_state.Init.DefaultPolynomialUse    = DEFAULT_POLYNOMIAL_DISABLE;
     current_state.Init.InitValue               = config->initial_xor;
-    current_state.Init.CRCLength               = CRC_POLYLENGTH_32B;
+    current_state.Init.GeneratingPolynomial    = config->polynomial;
+	switch (config->width)
+	{
+	case HAL_CRC_LENGTH_32B:
+		current_state.Init.CRCLength = CRC_POLYLENGTH_32B;
+		break;
+	case HAL_CRC_LENGTH_16B:
+		current_state.Init.CRCLength = CRC_POLYLENGTH_16B;
+		break;
+		current_state.Init.CRCLength = CRC_POLYLENGTH_8B;
+		break;
+		current_state.Init.CRCLength = CRC_POLYLENGTH_7B;
+		break;
+	default:
+		MBED_ASSERT(false);
+		break;
+	}
     current_state.Init.InputDataInversionMode  =
         config->reflect_in ? CRC_INPUTDATA_INVERSION_BYTE
     current_state.Init.OutputDataInversionMode =
         config->reflect_out ? CRC_OUTPUTDATA_INVERSION_ENABLE
-    HAL_CRC_Init(&current_state);
+    if (HAL_CRC_Init(&current_state) != HAL_OK)	{
+        MBED_ASSERT(false);
+    }
 void hal_crc_compute_partial(const uint8_t *data, const size_t size)
@@ -62,9 +118,29 @@
 uint32_t hal_crc_get_result(void)
-    const uint32_t result = current_state.Instance->DR;
+    uint32_t result = current_state.Instance->DR;
-    return (final_xor == 0xFFFFFFFFU) ? ~result : result;
+#if !defined(TARGET_STM32F1) && !defined(TARGET_STM32F2) && !defined(TARGET_STM32F4) && !defined(TARGET_STM32L1) && defined(CRC_POLYLENGTH_7B)
+    /* The CRC-7 SD needs to shift left by 1 bit after obtaining the result, but the output
+     * inversion of CRC peripheral will convert the result before shift left by 1 bit, so
+     * the result seems to have shifted after the conversion.
+     * 
+     * Example:
+     *  [Gerenal setps]
+     *  1. Before output inversion: 0x75 (0111 0101)
+     *  2. Left shift by 1 bit:     0xEA (1110 1010)
+     *  3. After output inversion:  0x57 (0101 0111)
+     *  
+     *  [STM32 CRC peripheral steps]
+     *  1. Before output inversion: 0x75 (0111 0101)
+     *  2. After output inversion:  0x57 (0101 0111) <= no needs shift again
+     */
+    if (current_state.Init.CRCLength == CRC_POLYLENGTH_7B &&
+        current_state.Init.GeneratingPolynomial == POLY_7BIT_SD &&
+        current_state.Init.OutputDataInversionMode == CRC_OUTPUTDATA_INVERSION_DISABLE)
+        result = result << 1;
+    return (result ^ final_xor) & crc_mask;
 #endif // DEVICE_CRC