mbed library sources. Supersedes mbed-src.

Dependents:   Nucleo_Hello_Encoder BLE_iBeaconScan AM1805_DEMO DISCO-F429ZI_ExportTemplate1 ... more

--- a/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L0/device/stm32l0xx_hal_iwdg.c	Thu Apr 19 17:12:19 2018 +0100
+++ b/targets/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32L0/device/stm32l0xx_hal_iwdg.c	Fri Jun 22 16:45:37 2018 +0100
@@ -2,37 +2,41 @@
   * @file    stm32l0xx_hal_iwdg.c
   * @author  MCD Application Team
-  * @version V1.7.0
-  * @date    31-May-2016
   * @brief   IWDG HAL module driver.
   *          This file provides firmware functions to manage the following 
   *          functionalities of the Independent Watchdog (IWDG) peripheral:
-  *           + Initialization and de-initialization functions
+  *           + Initialization and Start functions
   *           + IO operation functions
-  *           + Peripheral State functions
-  *         
+  *
                     ##### IWDG Generic features #####
-    [..] 
+  [..]
     (+) The IWDG can be started by either software or hardware (configurable
-         through option byte).
+        through option byte).
+    (+) The IWDG is clocked by Low-Speed clock (LSI) and thus stays active even
+        if the main clock fails.
-    (+) The IWDG is clocked by its own dedicated Low-Speed clock (LSI) and
-         thus stays active even if the main clock fails.
-         Once the IWDG is started, the LSI is forced ON and cannot be disabled
-         (LSI cannot be disabled too), and the counter starts counting down from
-         the reset value of 0xFFF. When it reaches the end of count value (0x000)
-         a system reset is generated.
+    (+) Once the IWDG is started, the LSI is forced ON and both can not be 
+        disabled. The counter starts counting down from the reset value (0xFFF).
+        When it reaches the end of count value (0x000) a reset signal is 
+        generated (IWDG reset).
-    (+) The IWDG counter should be refreshed at regular intervals, otherwise the
-         watchdog generates an MCU reset when the counter reaches 0.
+    (+) Whenever the key value 0x0000 AAAA is written in the IWDG_KR register, 
+        the IWDG_RLR value is reloaded in the counter and the watchdog reset is
+        prevented.
     (+) The IWDG is implemented in the VDD voltage domain that is still functional
-         in STOP and STANDBY mode (IWDG reset can wake-up from STANDBY).
-         IWDGRST flag in RCC_CSR register can be used to inform when an IWDG
-         reset occurs.
+        in STOP and STANDBY mode (IWDG reset can wake-up from STANDBY).
+        IWDGRST flag in RCC_CSR register can be used to inform when an IWDG
+        reset occurs.
+    (+) Debug mode : When the microcontroller enters debug mode (core halted),
+        the IWDG counter either continues to work normally or stops, depending 
+        on DBG_IWDG_STOP configuration bit in DBG module, accessible through
     [..] Min-max timeout value @32KHz (LSI): ~0.512ms / ~32.0s
          The IWDG timeout may vary due to LSI frequency dispersion. STM32L0xx
@@ -40,46 +44,37 @@
          connected internally to TIM5 CH4 input capture). The measured value
          can be used to have an IWDG timeout with an acceptable accuracy.
                      ##### How to use this driver #####
-    [..]
-    If Window option is disabled
-      (+) Use IWDG using HAL_IWDG_Init() function to :
-         (++) Enable write access to IWDG_PR, IWDG_RLR.
-         (++) Configure the IWDG prescaler, counter reload value.
-              This reload value will be loaded in the IWDG counter each time the counter
-              is reloaded, then the IWDG will start counting down from this value.
-      (+) Use IWDG using HAL_IWDG_Start() function to :
-         (++) Reload IWDG counter with value defined in the IWDG_RLR register.
-         (++) Start the IWDG, when the IWDG is used in software mode (no need 
-              to enable the LSI, it will be enabled by hardware).
-      (+) Then the application program must refresh the IWDG counter at regular
-          intervals during normal operation to prevent an MCU reset, using
-          HAL_IWDG_Refresh() function.
-    [..] 
-    if Window option is enabled:
-      (+) Use IWDG using HAL_IWDG_Start() function to enable IWDG downcounter
-      (+) Use IWDG using HAL_IWDG_Init() function to :
-         (++) Enable write access to IWDG_PR, IWDG_RLR and IWDG_WINR registers.
-         (++) Configure the IWDG prescaler, reload value and window value.
-      (+) Then the application program must refresh the IWDG counter at regular
-          intervals during normal operation to prevent an MCU reset, using
-          HAL_IWDG_Refresh() function.
+  [..]
+    (#) Use IWDG using HAL_IWDG_Init() function to :
+      (++) Enable instance by writing Start keyword in IWDG_KEY register. LSI 
+           clock is forced ON and IWDG counter starts downcounting.
+      (++) Enable write access to configuration register: IWDG_PR, IWDG_RLR & 
+           IWDG_WINR.
+      (++) Configure the IWDG prescaler and counter reload value. This reload 
+           value will be loaded in the IWDG counter each time the watchdog is 
+           reloaded, then the IWDG will start counting down from this value.
+      (++) Wait for status flags to be reset
+      (++) Depending on window parameter:
+        (+++) If Window Init parameter is same as Window register value, 
+             nothing more is done but reload counter value in order to exit 
+             function withy exact time base.
+        (+++) Else modify Window register. This will automatically reload
+             watchdog counter.
+    (#) Then the application program must refresh the IWDG counter at regular
+        intervals during normal operation to prevent an MCU reset, using
+        HAL_IWDG_Refresh() function.
      *** IWDG HAL driver macros list ***
-       Below the list of most used macros in IWDG HAL driver.
+       Below the list of most used macros in IWDG HAL driver:
       (+) __HAL_IWDG_START: Enable the IWDG peripheral
-      (+) __HAL_IWDG_RELOAD_COUNTER: Reloads IWDG counter with value defined in the reload register    
-      (+) IWDG_ENABLE_WRITE_ACCESS : Enable write access to IWDG_PR and IWDG_RLR registers
-      (+) __HAL_IWDG_DISABLE_WRITE_ACCESS : Disable write access to IWDG_PR and IWDG_RLR registers
-      (+) __HAL_IWDG_GET_FLAG: Get the selected IWDG's flag status    
+      (+) __HAL_IWDG_RELOAD_COUNTER: Reloads IWDG counter with value defined in
+          the reload register
   * @attention
@@ -119,60 +114,62 @@
 /** @addtogroup IWDG
   * @brief IWDG HAL module driver.
   * @{
-/** @addtogroup IWDG_Private
+/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private define ------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/** @defgroup IWDG_Private_Defines IWDG Private Defines
   * @{
-/* TimeOut value */
-#define HAL_IWDG_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT (uint32_t)1000U
-/* Local define used to check the SR status register */
+/* Status register need 5 RC LSI divided by prescaler clock to be updated. With 
+   higher prescaler (256), and according to LSI variation, we need to wait at 
+   least 6 cycles so 48 ms. */
+#define HAL_IWDG_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT            48U
   * @}
+/* Private macro -------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private variables ---------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Private function prototypes -----------------------------------------------*/
+/* Exported functions --------------------------------------------------------*/
 /** @addtogroup IWDG_Exported_Functions
   * @{
 /** @addtogroup IWDG_Exported_Functions_Group1
- *  @brief    Initialization and Configuration functions.
+ *  @brief    Initialization and Start functions.
-          ##### Initialization and de-initialization functions #####
+          ##### Initialization and Start functions #####
-    [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
-      (+) Initialize the IWDG according to the specified parameters
-          in the IWDG_InitTypeDef and create the associated handle
-      (+) Manage Window option
-      (+) Initialize the IWDG MSP
+ [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
+      (+) Initialize the IWDG according to the specified parameters in the 
+          IWDG_InitTypeDef of associated handle.
+      (+) Manage Window option.
+      (+) Once initialization is performed in HAL_IWDG_Init function, Watchdog 
+          is reloaded in order to exit function with correct time base.
   * @{
-  * @brief  Initializes the IWDG according to the specified
-  *         parameters in the IWDG_InitTypeDef and creates the associated handle.
-  *
-  *         When using the 'window option', the function HAL_IWDG_Start() must
-  *         be called before calling this function
-  *
-  * @param  hiwdg : pointer to a IWDG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
-  *                 the configuration information for the specified IWDG module.
+  * @brief  Initialize the IWDG according to the specified parameters in the 
+  *         IWDG_InitTypeDef and start watchdog. Before exiting function, 
+  *         watchdog is refreshed in order to have correct time base.
+  * @param  hiwdg  pointer to a IWDG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified IWDG module.
   * @retval HAL status
 HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IWDG_Init(IWDG_HandleTypeDef *hiwdg)
-  uint32_t tickstart = 0U;
+  uint32_t tickstart;
   /* Check the IWDG handle allocation */
   if(hiwdg == NULL)
@@ -181,190 +178,48 @@
   /* Check the parameters */
+  assert_param(IS_IWDG_ALL_INSTANCE(hiwdg->Instance));
-  /* Check pending flag, if previous update not done, return error */
-  if(((hiwdg->Instance->SR) & IWDG_SR_FLAGS) != 0U)
-  {
-    return HAL_ERROR;
-  }
+  /* Enable IWDG. LSI is turned on automaticaly */
+  __HAL_IWDG_START(hiwdg);
-  if(hiwdg->State == HAL_IWDG_STATE_RESET)
-  { 
-     /* Allocate lock resource and initialize it */
-     hiwdg->Lock = HAL_UNLOCKED;
-     /* Init the low level hardware */
-     HAL_IWDG_MspInit(hiwdg);
-  }
-  /* Change IWDG peripheral state */
-  hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Enable write access to IWDG_PR, IWDG_RLR and IWDG_WINR registers */
-  /* by writing 0x5555 in KR */
+  /* Enable write access to IWDG_PR, IWDG_RLR and IWDG_WINR registers by writing
+  0x5555 in KR */
-  /* Write to IWDG registers the IWDG_Prescaler & IWDG_Reload values to work with */
-  MODIFY_REG(hiwdg->Instance->PR, (uint32_t)IWDG_PR_PR, hiwdg->Init.Prescaler);
-  MODIFY_REG(hiwdg->Instance->RLR, (uint32_t)IWDG_RLR_RL, hiwdg->Init.Reload);
-  /* check if window option is enabled */
-  if (((hiwdg->Init.Window) != IWDG_WINDOW_DISABLE) || ((hiwdg->Instance->WINR) != IWDG_WINDOW_DISABLE))
-  {
-    tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
-     /* Wait for register to be updated */
-     while (((hiwdg->Instance->SR) & IWDG_SR_FLAGS) != 0U)
-     {
-       if((HAL_GetTick()-tickstart) > HAL_IWDG_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-       {
-         /* Set IWDG state */
-         hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_TIMEOUT;
-         return HAL_TIMEOUT;
-       }
-    }
-    /* Write to IWDG WINR the IWDG_Window value to compare with */
-    MODIFY_REG(hiwdg->Instance->WINR, (uint32_t)IWDG_WINR_WIN, hiwdg->Init.Window);
-  }
-  /* Change IWDG peripheral state */
-  hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_READY;
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
-  * @brief  Initializes the IWDG MSP.
-  * @param  hiwdg: pointer to a IWDG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
-  *                the configuration information for the specified IWDG module.
-  * @retval None
-  */
-__weak void HAL_IWDG_MspInit(IWDG_HandleTypeDef *hiwdg)
-  /* Prevent unused argument(s) compilation warning */
-  UNUSED(hiwdg);
-  /* NOTE : This function Should not be modified, when the callback is needed,
-            the HAL_IWDG_MspInit could be implemented in the user file
-   */
-  * @}
-  */
-/** @addtogroup IWDG_Exported_Functions_Group2
- *  @brief   IO operation functions  
- *
- ===============================================================================
-                      ##### IO operation functions #####
- ===============================================================================
-    [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
-      (+) Start the IWDG.
-      (+) Refresh the IWDG.
-  * @{
-  */
+  /* Write to IWDG registers the Prescaler & Reload values to work with */
+  hiwdg->Instance->PR = hiwdg->Init.Prescaler;
+  hiwdg->Instance->RLR = hiwdg->Init.Reload;
-  * @brief  Starts the IWDG.
-  * @param  hiwdg : pointer to a IWDG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
-  *                 the configuration information for the specified IWDG module.
-  * @retval HAL status
-  */
-HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IWDG_Start(IWDG_HandleTypeDef *hiwdg)
-  uint32_t tickstart = 0U;
-  /* Process locked */
-  __HAL_LOCK(hiwdg); 
-    /* Change IWDG peripheral state */
-  hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_BUSY;
-  /* Enable the IWDG peripheral */
-  __HAL_IWDG_START(hiwdg);
-  /* Reload IWDG counter with value defined in the RLR register */
-  if ((hiwdg->Init.Window) == IWDG_WINDOW_DISABLE)
-  {
-  }
-  tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
- /* Wait until PVU, RVU, WVU flag are RESET */
-  while (((hiwdg->Instance->SR) & IWDG_SR_FLAGS) != 0U)
-  {
-    if((HAL_GetTick()-tickstart) > HAL_IWDG_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    { 
-      /* Set IWDG state */
-      hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_TIMEOUT;
-      /* Process unlocked */
-      __HAL_UNLOCK(hiwdg);
-      return HAL_TIMEOUT;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Change IWDG peripheral state */
-  hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_READY;
-  /* Process Unlocked */
-  __HAL_UNLOCK(hiwdg);
-  /* Return function status */
-  return HAL_OK;
-  * @brief  Refreshes the IWDG.
-  * @param  hiwdg : pointer to a IWDG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
-  *                 the configuration information for the specified IWDG module.
-  * @retval HAL status
-  */
-HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IWDG_Refresh(IWDG_HandleTypeDef *hiwdg)
-  uint32_t tickstart = 0U;
-  /* Process Locked */
-  __HAL_LOCK(hiwdg);
-    /* Change IWDG peripheral state */
-  hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_BUSY;
+  /* Check pending flag, if previous update not done, return timeout */
   tickstart = HAL_GetTick();
-  /* Wait until RVU flag is RESET */
-  while(__HAL_IWDG_GET_FLAG(hiwdg, IWDG_FLAG_RVU) != RESET)
+   /* Wait for register to be updated */
+  while(hiwdg->Instance->SR != RESET)
-    if((HAL_GetTick()-tickstart) > HAL_IWDG_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
-    { 
-      /* Set IWDG state */
-      hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_TIMEOUT;
-       /* Process unlocked */
-      __HAL_UNLOCK(hiwdg);
+    if((HAL_GetTick() - tickstart ) > HAL_IWDG_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT)
+    {
       return HAL_TIMEOUT;
-  /* Reload IWDG counter with value defined in the reload register */
-  /* Change IWDG peripheral state */
-  hiwdg->State = HAL_IWDG_STATE_READY;
-  /* Process Unlocked */
-  __HAL_UNLOCK(hiwdg);
+  /* If window parameter is different than current value, modify window 
+  register */
+  if(hiwdg->Instance->WINR != hiwdg->Init.Window)
+  {
+    /* Write to IWDG WINR the IWDG_Window value to compare with. In any case,
+    even if window feature is disabled, Watchdog will be reloaded by writing 
+    windows register */
+    hiwdg->Instance->WINR = hiwdg->Init.Window;
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    /* Reload IWDG counter with value defined in the reload register */
+  }
   /* Return function status */
   return HAL_OK;
@@ -374,30 +229,35 @@
   * @}
-/** @addtogroup IWDG_Exported_Functions_Group3
- *  @brief    Peripheral State functions.
+/** @addtogroup IWDG_Exported_Functions_Group2
+ *  @brief   IO operation functions
-                      ##### Peripheral State functions #####
+                      ##### IO operation functions #####
-    [..]
-    This subsection permits to get in run-time the status of the peripheral
-    and the data flow.
+ [..]  This section provides functions allowing to:
+      (+) Refresh the IWDG.
   * @{
-  * @brief  Returns the IWDG state.
-  * @param  hiwdg : pointer to a IWDG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
-  *                 the configuration information for the specified IWDG module.
-  * @retval HAL state
+  * @brief  Refresh the IWDG.
+  * @param  hiwdg  pointer to a IWDG_HandleTypeDef structure that contains
+  *                the configuration information for the specified IWDG module.
+  * @retval HAL status
-HAL_IWDG_StateTypeDef HAL_IWDG_GetState(IWDG_HandleTypeDef *hiwdg)
+HAL_StatusTypeDef HAL_IWDG_Refresh(IWDG_HandleTypeDef *hiwdg)
-  return hiwdg->State;
+  /* Reload IWDG counter with value defined in the reload register */
+  /* Return function status */
+  return HAL_OK;
@@ -408,15 +268,13 @@
   * @}
   * @}
   * @}
 /************************ (C) COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics *****END OF FILE****/