test program

Dependencies:   25LCxxx_SPI mbed

Files at this revision

API Documentation at this revision

Fri Jul 17 09:48:38 2015 +0000
Commit message:
test of the enhanced 25LCxxx driver

Changed in this revision

25LCxxx_SPI.lib Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
main.cpp Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
mbed.bld Show annotated file Show diff for this revision Revisions of this file
diff -r 000000000000 -r 57d1e986a50c 25LCxxx_SPI.lib
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/25LCxxx_SPI.lib	Fri Jul 17 09:48:38 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
diff -r 000000000000 -r 57d1e986a50c main.cpp
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Fri Jul 17 09:48:38 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+ This code tests the latest version of the library Ser25lcxxx, using 
+ a 25LC256 eeprom (256KB)
+ author: Mario Bambagini
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include "Ser25lcxxx.h"
+void printMemory (unsigned char *s, int len);
+void waitKey();
+#define PAGESIZE        64
+#define PAGENUMBER      4096
+#define BUFFER_SIZE     (PAGESIZE*4)
+struct test_serialization {
+    unsigned char data_1;
+    unsigned int  data_2;
+    unsigned long data_3;
+int main()
+    unsigned char buf[BUFFER_SIZE];
+    memset(buf, 0x00, BUFFER_SIZE);
+    printf("******* START *******\r\n\r\n");
+    /**************************** INITIALIZATION ****************************/
+    printf("INIT\r\n");
+    Ser25LCxxx flash(p7, p5, p6, p9, PAGENUMBER, PAGESIZE);
+    waitKey();
+    /****************************** CONFIG TEST ******************************/
+    printf("EEPROM fully writable: %s\r\n",
+                                        (flash.isFullyWritable()?"YES":"NO"));
+    printf("EEPROM half writable: %s\r\n",(flash.isHalfWritable()?"YES":"NO"));
+    printf("EEPROM not writable: %s\r\n", (flash.isNotWritable()?"YES":"NO"));
+    waitKey();
+    /***************************** READING TEST *****************************/
+    printf("READ 2 pages:\r\n");
+    int num = flash.read(0, 2*PAGESIZE, buf);
+    printMemory(buf,2*PAGESIZE);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==(2*PAGESIZE))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    waitKey();
+    /***************************** WRITING TEST *****************************/
+    printf("WRITE first 20 bytes\r\n");
+    memset(buf, 0x01, 20);
+    num = flash.write(0, 20, buf);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n\r\n", num, ((num==20)?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("WRITE 10 bytes within a page (from addr 30)\r\n");
+    memset(buf, 0x02, 10);
+    num = flash.write(30, 10, buf);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n\r\n", num, ((num==10)?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("WRITE 30 bytes on two consecutive pages (from addr 50)\r\n");
+    memset(buf, 0x03, 30);
+    num = flash.write(50, 30, buf);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n\r\n", num, ((num==30)?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("READ 2 pages:\r\n");
+    num = flash.read(0, 2*PAGESIZE, buf);
+    printMemory(buf,2*PAGESIZE);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==(2*PAGESIZE))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    waitKey();
+    /*************************** ERASING PAGE TEST ***************************/
+    printf("ERASE second page\r\n");
+    num = flash.clearPage(1);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==PAGESIZE)?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("READ 2 pages:\r\n");
+    num = flash.read(0, 2*PAGESIZE, buf);
+    printMemory(buf,2*PAGESIZE);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==(2*PAGESIZE))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    waitKey();
+    /************************** SERIALIZATION TEST **************************/
+    struct test_serialization var_ser, var_deser;
+    var_ser.data_1 = 0xAA;
+    var_ser.data_2 = 0x7777;
+    var_ser.data_3 = 0x33333333;
+    printf("Serialize data at addr 20\r\n");
+    num = flash.write(20, sizeof(test_serialization),
+                                            (const unsigned char*)(&var_ser));
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num,
+                            ((num==sizeof(test_serialization))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    var_deser.data_1 = 0;
+    var_deser.data_2 = 0;
+    var_deser.data_3 = 0;
+    printf("De-serialize data from addr 20\r\n");
+    num = flash.read(20, sizeof(test_serialization),
+                                                (unsigned char*)(&var_deser));
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num,
+                            ((num==sizeof(test_serialization))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("Same data: %s\r\n", (((var_ser.data_1==var_deser.data_1) &&
+                                  (var_ser.data_2==var_deser.data_2) &&
+                                  (var_ser.data_3==var_deser.data_3))?
+                                                               "OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("READ 2 pages:\r\n");
+    num = flash.read(0, 2*PAGESIZE, buf);
+    printMemory(buf,2*PAGESIZE);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==(2*PAGESIZE))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    waitKey();
+    /************************** ERASING MEMORY TEST **************************/
+    printf("ERASE memory\r\n");
+    num = flash.clearMem();
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==(EEPROM_SIZE))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("READ 2 pages:\r\n");
+    num = flash.read(0, 2*PAGESIZE, buf);
+    printMemory(buf,2*PAGESIZE);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==(2*PAGESIZE))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    waitKey();
+    /**************************** PROTECTION TEST ****************************/
+    printf("Setting whole EEPROM as not writable\r\n");
+    flash.setNotWritable();
+    printf("EEPROM not writable: %s\r\n", (flash.isNotWritable()?"YES":"NO"));
+    printf("WRITE first page\r\n");
+    memset(buf, 0x00, PAGESIZE);
+    num = flash.write(0, PAGESIZE, buf);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==(PAGESIZE))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("READ 2 pages:\r\n");
+    num = flash.read(0, 2*PAGESIZE, buf);
+    printMemory(buf,2*PAGESIZE);
+    printf("%d bytes: %s\r\n", num, ((num==(2*PAGESIZE))?"OK":"NOT OK"));
+    printf("DATA IS NOT CHANGED\r\n");
+    printf("Setting whole EEPROM as writable\r\n");
+    flash.setFullyWritable();
+    printf("\r\nDONE\r\n");
+    while(1);
+void printMemory (unsigned char *s, int len)
+    int i = 0;
+    while (i<len) {
+        printf("%02X ", s[i]);
+        if (((++i)%32)==0)
+            printf("\r\n");
+    }
+void waitKey ()
+    char a;
+    printf("Press a key to continue...\r\n\r\n");
+    scanf("%c", &a); 
diff -r 000000000000 -r 57d1e986a50c mbed.bld
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/mbed.bld	Fri Jul 17 09:48:38 2015 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,1 @@
\ No newline at end of file