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00001 """
00002 mbed SDK
00003 Copyright (c) 2011-2014 ARM Limited
00005 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00011 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 limitations under the License.
00017 Author: Przemyslaw Wirkus <Przemyslaw.wirkus@arm.com>
00018 """
00020 from tools.utils import construct_enum, mkdir
00021 from prettytable import PrettyTable
00022 import os
00024 ResultExporterType = construct_enum(HTML='Html_Exporter',
00025                                     JUNIT='JUnit_Exporter',
00026                                     JUNIT_OPER='JUnit_Exporter_Interoperability',
00027                                     BUILD='Build_Exporter',
00028                                     TEXT='Text_Exporter',
00029                                     PRINT='Print_Exporter')
00032 class ReportExporter ():
00033     """ Class exports extended test result Python data structure to
00034         different formats like HTML, JUnit XML.
00036     Parameter 'test_result_ext' format:
00038     u'uARM': {   u'LPC1768': {   'MBED_2': {   0: {   'copy_method': 'shutils.copy()',
00039                                                       'duration': 20,
00040                                                       'elapsed_time': 1.7929999828338623,
00041                                                       'output': 'Host test instrumentation on ...\r\n',
00042                                                       'result': 'OK',
00043                                                       'target_name': u'LPC1768',
00044                                                       'description': 'stdio',
00045                                                       'id': u'MBED_2',
00046                                                       'toolchain_name': u'uARM'}},
00047     """
00048     CSS_STYLE = """<style>
00049                    .name{
00050                     border: 1px solid;
00051                     border-radius: 25px;
00052                     width: 100px;
00053                    }
00054                    .tooltip{
00055                        position:absolute;
00056                        background-color: #F5DA81;
00057                        display:none;
00058                    }
00059                    </style>
00060                 """
00062     JAVASCRIPT = """
00063                  <script type="text/javascript">
00064                  function show (elem) {
00065                      elem.style.display = "block";
00066                  }
00067                  function hide (elem) {
00068                      elem.style.display = "";
00069                  }
00070                  </script>
00071                  """
00073     def __init__(self, result_exporter_type, package="test"):
00074         self.result_exporter_type  = result_exporter_type
00075         self.package  = package
00077     def report (self, test_summary_ext, test_suite_properties=None,
00078                print_log_for_failures=True):
00079         """ Invokes report depending on exporter_type set in constructor
00080         """
00081         if self.result_exporter_type  == ResultExporterType.HTML:
00082             # HTML exporter
00083             return self.exporter_html (test_summary_ext, test_suite_properties)
00084         elif self.result_exporter_type  == ResultExporterType.JUNIT:
00085             # JUNIT exporter for results from test suite
00086             return self.exporter_junit (test_summary_ext, test_suite_properties)
00087         elif self.result_exporter_type  == ResultExporterType.JUNIT_OPER:
00088             # JUNIT exporter for interoperability test
00089             return self.exporter_junit_ioper (test_summary_ext, test_suite_properties)
00090         elif self.result_exporter_type  == ResultExporterType.PRINT:
00091             # JUNIT exporter for interoperability test
00092             return self.exporter_print (test_summary_ext, print_log_for_failures=print_log_for_failures)
00093         elif self.result_exporter_type  == ResultExporterType.TEXT:
00094             return self.exporter_text (test_summary_ext)
00095         return None
00097     def report_to_file (self, test_summary_ext, file_name, test_suite_properties=None):
00098         """ Stores report to specified file
00099         """
00100         report = self.report (test_summary_ext, test_suite_properties=test_suite_properties)
00101         self.write_to_file (report, file_name)
00103     def write_to_file(self, report, file_name):
00104         if report is not None:
00105             dirname = os.path.dirname(file_name)
00106             if dirname:
00107                 mkdir(dirname)
00108             with open(file_name, 'w') as f:
00109                 f.write(report)
00111     def get_tooltip_name (self, toolchain, target, test_id, loop_no):
00112         """ Generate simple unique tool-tip name which can be used.
00113             For example as HTML <div> section id attribute.
00114         """
00115         return "target_test_%s_%s_%s_%s"% (toolchain.lower(), target.lower(), test_id.lower(), loop_no)
00117     def get_result_div_sections (self, test, test_no):
00118         """ Generates separate <DIV> sections which contains test results output.
00119         """
00121         RESULT_COLORS = {'OK': 'LimeGreen',
00122                          'FAIL': 'Orange',
00123                          'ERROR': 'LightCoral',
00124                          'OTHER': 'LightGray',
00125                         }
00127         tooltip_name = self.get_tooltip_name (test['toolchain_name'], test['target_name'], test['id'], test_no)
00128         background_color = RESULT_COLORS[test['result'] if test['result'] in RESULT_COLORS else 'OTHER']
00129         result_div_style = "background-color: %s"% background_color
00131         result = """<div class="name" style="%s" onmouseover="show(%s)" onmouseout="hide(%s)">
00132                        <center>%s</center>
00133                        <div class = "tooltip" id= "%s">
00134                        <b>%s</b><br />
00135                        <hr />
00136                        <b>%s</b> in <b>%.2f sec</b><br />
00137                        <hr />
00138                        <small>
00139                        %s
00140                        </small>
00141                        </div>
00142                     </div>
00143                  """% (result_div_style,
00144                        tooltip_name,
00145                        tooltip_name,
00146                        test['result'],
00147                        tooltip_name,
00148                        test['target_name_unique'],
00149                        test['description'],
00150                        test['elapsed_time'],
00151                        test['output'].replace('\n', '<br />'))
00152         return result
00154     def get_result_tree (self, test_results):
00155         """ If test was run in a loop (we got few results from the same test)
00156             we will show it in a column to see all results.
00157             This function produces HTML table with corresponding results.
00158         """
00159         result = ''
00160         for i, test_result in enumerate(test_results):
00161             result += '<table>'
00162             test_ids = sorted(test_result.keys())
00163             for test_no in test_ids:
00164                 test = test_result[test_no]
00165                 result += """<tr>
00166                                  <td valign="top">%s</td>
00167                              </tr>"""% self.get_result_div_sections (test, "%d_%d" % (test_no, i))
00168             result += '</table>'
00169         return result
00171     def get_all_unique_test_ids (self, test_result_ext):
00172         """ Gets all unique test ids from all ran tests.
00173             We need this to create complete list of all test ran.
00174         """
00175         result = []
00176         targets = test_result_ext.keys()
00177         for target in targets:
00178             toolchains = test_result_ext[target].keys()
00179             for toolchain in toolchains:
00180                 tests = test_result_ext[target][toolchain].keys()
00181                 result.extend(tests)
00182         return sorted(list(set(result)))
00184     #
00185     # Exporters functions
00186     #
00188     def exporter_html (self, test_result_ext, test_suite_properties=None):
00189         """ Export test results in proprietary HTML format.
00190         """
00191         result = """<html>
00192                     <head>
00193                         <title>mbed SDK test suite test result report</title>
00194                         %s
00195                         %s
00196                     </head>
00197                     <body>
00198                  """% (self.CSS_STYLE , self.JAVASCRIPT )
00200         unique_test_ids = self.get_all_unique_test_ids (test_result_ext)
00201         targets = sorted(test_result_ext.keys())
00202         result += '<table>'
00203         for target in targets:
00204             toolchains = sorted(test_result_ext[target].keys())
00205             for toolchain in toolchains:
00206                 result += '<tr>'
00207                 result += '<td></td>'
00208                 result += '<td></td>'
00210                 tests = sorted(test_result_ext[target][toolchain].keys())
00211                 for test in unique_test_ids:
00212                     result += """<td align="center">%s</td>"""% test
00213                 result += """</tr>
00214                               <tr>
00215                               <td valign="center">%s</td>
00216                               <td valign="center"><b>%s</b></td>
00217                           """% (toolchain, target)
00219                 for test in unique_test_ids:
00220                     test_result = self.get_result_tree (test_result_ext[target][toolchain][test]) if test in tests else ''
00221                     result += '<td>%s</td>'% (test_result)
00223                 result += '</tr>'
00224         result += '</table>'
00225         result += '</body></html>'
00226         return result
00228     def exporter_junit_ioper(self, test_result_ext, test_suite_properties=None):
00229         from junit_xml import TestSuite, TestCase
00230         test_suites = []
00231         test_cases = []
00233         for platform in sorted(test_result_ext.keys()):
00234             # {platform : ['Platform', 'Result', 'Scope', 'Description'])
00235             test_cases = []
00236             for tr_result in test_result_ext[platform]:
00237                 result, name, scope, description = tr_result
00239                 classname = 'test.ioper.%s.%s.%s' % (platform, name, scope)
00240                 elapsed_sec = 0
00241                 _stdout = description
00242                 _stderr = ''
00243                 # Test case
00244                 tc = TestCase(name, classname, elapsed_sec, _stdout, _stderr)
00245                 # Test case extra failure / error info
00246                 if result == 'FAIL':
00247                     tc.add_failure_info(description, _stdout)
00248                 elif result == 'ERROR':
00249                     tc.add_error_info(description, _stdout)
00250                 elif result == 'SKIP' or result == 'NOT_SUPPORTED':
00251                     tc.add_skipped_info(description, _stdout)
00253                 test_cases.append(tc)
00254             ts = TestSuite("test.suite.ioper.%s" % (platform), test_cases)
00255             test_suites.append(ts)
00256         return TestSuite.to_xml_string(test_suites)
00258     def exporter_junit (self, test_result_ext, test_suite_properties=None):
00259         """ Export test results in JUnit XML compliant format
00260         """
00261         from junit_xml import TestSuite, TestCase
00262         test_suites = []
00263         test_cases = []
00265         targets = sorted(test_result_ext.keys())
00266         for target in targets:
00267             toolchains = sorted(test_result_ext[target].keys())
00268             for toolchain in toolchains:
00269                 test_cases = []
00270                 tests = sorted(test_result_ext[target][toolchain].keys())
00271                 for test in tests:
00272                     test_results = test_result_ext[target][toolchain][test]
00273                     for test_res in test_results:
00274                         test_ids = sorted(test_res.keys())
00275                         for test_no in test_ids:
00276                             test_result = test_res[test_no]
00277                             name = test_result['description']
00278                             classname = '%s.%s.%s.%s'% (self.package , target, toolchain, test_result['id'])
00279                             elapsed_sec = test_result['elapsed_time']
00280                             _stdout = test_result['output']
00282                             if 'target_name_unique' in test_result:
00283                                 _stderr = test_result['target_name_unique']
00284                             else:
00285                                 _stderr = test_result['target_name']
00287                             # Test case
00288                             tc = TestCase(name, classname, elapsed_sec, _stdout, _stderr)
00290                             # Test case extra failure / error info
00291                             message = test_result['result']
00292                             if test_result['result'] == 'FAIL':
00293                                 tc.add_failure_info(message, _stdout)
00294                             elif test_result['result'] == 'SKIP' or test_result["result"] == 'NOT_SUPPORTED':
00295                                 tc.add_skipped_info(message, _stdout)
00296                             elif test_result['result'] != 'OK':
00297                                 tc.add_error_info(message, _stdout)
00299                             test_cases.append(tc)
00301                 ts = TestSuite("test.suite.%s.%s"% (target, toolchain), test_cases, properties=test_suite_properties[target][toolchain])
00302                 test_suites.append(ts)
00303         return TestSuite.to_xml_string(test_suites)
00305     def exporter_print_helper(self, array, print_log=False):
00306         for item in array:
00307             print "  * %s::%s::%s" % (item["target_name"], item["toolchain_name"], item["id"])
00308             if print_log:
00309                 log_lines = item["output"].split("\n")
00310                 for log_line in log_lines:
00311                     print "        %s" % log_line
00313     def exporter_print (self, test_result_ext, print_log_for_failures=False):
00314         """ Export test results in print format.
00315         """
00316         failures = []
00317         skips = []
00318         successes = []
00320         unique_test_ids = self.get_all_unique_test_ids (test_result_ext)
00321         targets = sorted(test_result_ext.keys())
00323         for target in targets:
00324             toolchains = sorted(test_result_ext[target].keys())
00325             for toolchain in toolchains:
00326                 tests = sorted(test_result_ext[target][toolchain].keys())
00327                 for test in tests:
00328                     test_runs = test_result_ext[target][toolchain][test]
00329                     for test_runner in test_runs:
00330                         #test_run = test_result_ext[target][toolchain][test][test_run_number][0]
00331                         test_run = test_runner[0]
00333                         if "result" in test_run:
00334                             if test_run["result"] == "FAIL":
00335                                 failures.append(test_run)
00336                             elif test_run["result"] == "SKIP" or test_run["result"] == "NOT_SUPPORTED":
00337                                 skips.append(test_run)
00338                             elif test_run["result"] == "OK":
00339                                 successes.append(test_run)
00340                             else:
00341                                 raise Exception("Unhandled result type: %s" % (test_run["result"]))
00342                         else:
00343                             raise Exception("'test_run' did not have a 'result' value")
00345         if successes:
00346             print "\n\nBuild successes:"
00347             self.exporter_print_helper (successes)
00349         if skips:
00350             print "\n\nBuild skips:"
00351             self.exporter_print_helper (skips)
00353         if failures:
00354             print "\n\nBuild failures:"
00355             self.exporter_print_helper (failures, print_log=print_log_for_failures)
00356             return False
00357         else:
00358             return True
00360     def exporter_text (self, test_result_ext):
00361         """ Prints well-formed summary with results (SQL table like)
00362             table shows target x test results matrix across
00363         """
00364         success_code = 0    # Success code that can be leter returned to
00365         # Pretty table package is used to print results
00366         pt = PrettyTable(["Result", "Target", "Toolchain", "Test ID", "Test Description",
00367                           "Elapsed Time", "Timeout"])
00368         pt.align["Result"] = "l" # Left align
00369         pt.align["Target"] = "l" # Left align
00370         pt.align["Toolchain"] = "l" # Left align
00371         pt.align["Test ID"] = "l" # Left align
00372         pt.align["Test Description"] = "l" # Left align
00373         pt.padding_width = 1 # One space between column edges and contents (default)
00375         result_dict = {"OK" : 0,
00376                        "FAIL" : 0,
00377                        "ERROR" : 0,
00378                        "UNDEF" : 0,
00379                        "IOERR_COPY" : 0,
00380                        "IOERR_DISK" : 0,
00381                        "IOERR_SERIAL" : 0,
00382                        "TIMEOUT" : 0,
00383                        "NO_IMAGE" : 0,
00384                        "MBED_ASSERT" : 0,
00385                        "BUILD_FAILED" : 0,
00386                        "NOT_SUPPORTED" : 0
00387         }
00388         unique_test_ids = self.get_all_unique_test_ids (test_result_ext)
00389         targets = sorted(test_result_ext.keys())
00390         for target in targets:
00391             toolchains = sorted(test_result_ext[target].keys())
00392             for toolchain in toolchains:
00393                 test_cases = []
00394                 tests = sorted(test_result_ext[target][toolchain].keys())
00395                 for test in tests:
00396                     test_results = test_result_ext[target][toolchain][test]
00397                     for test_res in test_results:
00398                         test_ids = sorted(test_res.keys())
00399                         for test_no in test_ids:
00400                             test_result = test_res[test_no]
00401                             result_dict[test_result['result']] += 1
00402                             pt.add_row([test_result['result'],
00403                                         test_result['target_name'],
00404                                         test_result['toolchain_name'],
00405                                         test_result['id'],
00406                                         test_result['description'],
00407                                         test_result['elapsed_time'],
00408                                         test_result['duration']])
00409         result = pt.get_string()
00410         result += "\n"
00412         # Print result count
00413         result += "Result: " + ' / '.join(['%s %s' % (value, key) for (key, value) in {k: v for k, v in result_dict.items() if v != 0}.iteritems()])
00414         return result