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mbedtls_rsa_context Struct Reference

mbedtls_rsa_context Struct Reference

RSA context structure. More...

#include <rsa.h>

Data Fields

int ver
size_t len
mbedtls_mpi N
mbedtls_mpi E
mbedtls_mpi D
mbedtls_mpi P
mbedtls_mpi Q
mbedtls_mpi DP
mbedtls_mpi DQ
mbedtls_mpi QP
mbedtls_mpi RN
mbedtls_mpi RP
mbedtls_mpi RQ
mbedtls_mpi Vi
mbedtls_mpi Vf
int padding
int hash_id
mbedtls_threading_mutex_t mutex

Detailed Description

RSA context structure.

Definition at line 79 of file rsa.h.

Field Documentation

private exponent

Definition at line 87 of file rsa.h.

D % (P - 1)

Definition at line 90 of file rsa.h.

D % (Q - 1)

Definition at line 91 of file rsa.h.

public exponent

Definition at line 85 of file rsa.h.

int hash_id

Hash identifier of mbedtls_md_type_t as specified in the mbedtls_md.h header file for the EME-OAEP and EMSA-PSS encoding

Definition at line 103 of file rsa.h.

size_t len

size(N) in chars

Definition at line 82 of file rsa.h.

mbedtls_threading_mutex_t mutex

Thread-safety mutex

Definition at line 108 of file rsa.h.

public modulus

Definition at line 84 of file rsa.h.

1st prime factor

Definition at line 88 of file rsa.h.

int padding

MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_V15 for 1.5 padding and MBEDTLS_RSA_PKCS_v21 for OAEP/PSS

Definition at line 101 of file rsa.h.

2nd prime factor

Definition at line 89 of file rsa.h.

1 / (Q % P)

Definition at line 92 of file rsa.h.

cached R^2 mod N

Definition at line 94 of file rsa.h.

cached R^2 mod P

Definition at line 95 of file rsa.h.

cached R^2 mod Q

Definition at line 96 of file rsa.h.

int ver

always 0

Definition at line 81 of file rsa.h.

cached un-blinding value

Definition at line 99 of file rsa.h.

cached blinding value

Definition at line 98 of file rsa.h.