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autoip Struct Reference

autoip Struct Reference

AutoIP state information per netif. More...

#include <autoip.h>

Data Fields

ip4_addr_t llipaddr
 the currently selected, probed, announced or used LL IP-Address
u8_t state
 current AutoIP state machine state
u8_t sent_num
 sent number of probes or announces, dependent on state
u16_t ttw
 ticks to wait, tick is AUTOIP_TMR_INTERVAL long
u8_t lastconflict
 ticks until a conflict can be solved by defending
u8_t tried_llipaddr
 total number of probed/used Link Local IP-Addresses

Detailed Description

AutoIP state information per netif.

Definition at line 61 of file autoip.h.

Field Documentation

ticks until a conflict can be solved by defending

Definition at line 72 of file autoip.h.

the currently selected, probed, announced or used LL IP-Address

Definition at line 64 of file autoip.h.

u8_t sent_num

sent number of probes or announces, dependent on state

Definition at line 68 of file autoip.h.

u8_t state

current AutoIP state machine state

Definition at line 66 of file autoip.h.

total number of probed/used Link Local IP-Addresses

Definition at line 74 of file autoip.h.

u16_t ttw

ticks to wait, tick is AUTOIP_TMR_INTERVAL long

Definition at line 70 of file autoip.h.