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00001 /* mbed Microcontroller Library
00002  * Copyright (c) 2017-2017 ARM Limited
00003  *
00004  * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00005  * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00006  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00007  *
00008  *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00009  *
00010  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00011  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00012  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00013  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00014  * limitations under the License.
00015  */
00017 #ifndef BLE_PAL_GAP_MESSAGE_H_
00018 #define BLE_PAL_GAP_MESSAGE_H_
00020 #include "GapTypes.h"
00021 #include "ble/ArrayView.h "
00023 namespace ble {
00024 namespace pal {
00026 /**
00027  * Enumeration of GAP event types
00028  */
00029 struct GapEventType : SafeEnum<GapEventType, uint8_t> {
00030     enum type  {
00031         /**
00032          * Event type used by GapUnexpectedErrorEvent
00033          */
00034         UNEXPECTED_ERROR,
00036         /**
00037          * Event type used by GapConnectionCompleteEvent
00038          */
00041         /**
00042          * Event type used by GapAdvertisingReportEvent
00043          */
00046         /**
00047          * Event type used by GapConnectionUpdateEvent
00048          * */
00049         CONNECTION_UPDATE,
00051         /**
00052          * Event type used by GapRemoteConnectionParameterRequestEvent
00053          */
00056         /**
00057          * Event type used by GapDisconnectionCompleteEvent
00058          */
00060     };
00062     GapEventType(type  event_type) : SafeEnum<GapEventType, uint8_t>(event_type) { }
00063 };
00066 /**
00067  * Base class of a Gap Event.
00068  *
00069  * Client should use the field type to deduce the actual type of the event.
00070  */
00071 struct GapEvent {
00073     const GapEventType type;
00075 protected:
00076     GapEvent(GapEventType type) : type(type) { }
00078     // Disable copy construction and copy assignement operations.
00079     GapEvent(const GapEvent&);
00080     GapEvent& operator=(const GapEvent&);
00081 };
00084 /**
00085  * Model an unexpected error that happen during a gap procedure.
00086  *
00087  * This class is mainly used to notify user code of an unexpected error returned
00088  * in an HCI command complete event.
00089  */
00090 struct GapUnexpectedErrorEvent : public GapEvent {
00091     GapUnexpectedErrorEvent(uint16_t opcode, uint8_t error_code) :
00092         GapEvent(GapEventType::UNEXPECTED_ERROR),
00093         opcode(opcode), error_code(error_code) { }
00095     /**
00096      * Opcode composed of the OCF and OGF of the command which has returned an
00097      * error.
00098      */
00099     const uint16_t opcode;
00101     /**
00102      * Error code
00103      */
00104     const uint8_t error_code;
00105 };
00108 /**
00109  * Indicate to both ends (slave or master) the end of the connection process.
00110  *
00111  * This structure should be used for Connection Complete Events and Enhanced
00112  * Connection Complete Event.
00113  *
00114  * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: LE Connection Complete Event
00115  * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: LE Enhanced Connection
00116  */
00117 struct GapConnectionCompleteEvent : public GapEvent {
00118     /**
00119      * Construct a new GapConnectionCompleteEvent.
00120      *
00121      * @param status Status of the operation: 0x00 in case of success otherwise
00122      * the error code associated with the failure.
00123      *
00124      * @param connection_handle handle of the connection created. This handle
00125      * will be used to address the connection in any connection oriented
00126      * operation.
00127      *
00128      * @param role Role of the LE subsystem in the connection.
00129      *
00130      * @param address_type Type of address used by the peer for this connection.
00131      *
00132      * @param address Address of the peer used to establish the connection.
00133      *
00134      * @param connection_interval Connection interval used on this connection.
00135      * It shall be in a range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]. A unit is equal to 1.25ms.
00136      *
00137      * @param connection_latency Number of connection events the slave can
00138      * drop.
00139      *
00140      * @param supervision_timeout Supervision timeout of the connection. It
00141      * shall be in the range [0x000A : 0x0C80] where a unit represent 10ms.
00142      *
00143      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: LE Connection Complete Event
00144      * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: LE Enhanced Connection
00145      * Complete Event
00146      */
00147     GapConnectionCompleteEvent(
00148         uint8_t status,
00149         connection_handle_t connection_handle,
00150         connection_role_t role,
00151         advertising_peer_address_type_t peer_address_type,
00152         const address_t& peer_address,
00153         uint16_t connection_interval,
00154         uint16_t connection_latency,
00155         uint16_t supervision_timeout
00156     ) :
00157         GapEvent(GapEventType::CONNECTION_COMPLETE),
00158         status(status),
00159         connection_handle(connection_handle),
00160         role(role),
00161         peer_address_type(peer_address_type),
00162         peer_address(peer_address),
00163         connection_interval(connection_interval),
00164         connection_latency(connection_latency),
00165         supervision_timeout(supervision_timeout) {
00166     }
00168     /*
00169      * @param status Indicate if the connection succesfully completed or not:
00170      *   - 0: Connection successfuly completed
00171      *   - [0x01 : 0xFF] Connection failed to complete, the value represent
00172      *     the code for the error.
00173      */
00174     const uint8_t status;
00176     /**
00177      * Handle of the connection created, valid if status is equal to 0.
00178      * @important Valid if status is equal to 0.
00179      */
00180     const connection_handle_t connection_handle;
00182     /**
00183      * Role of the device in the connection
00184      * @important Valid if status is equal to 0.
00185      */
00186     const connection_role_t role;
00188     /**
00189      * Peer address type.
00190      */
00191     const advertising_peer_address_type_t peer_address_type;
00193     /**
00194      * Peer address.
00195      */
00196     const address_t peer_address;
00198     /**
00199      * Connection interval used in this connection.
00200      * It shall be in a range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]. A unit is equal to 1.25ms.
00201      */
00202     const uint16_t connection_interval;
00204     /**
00205      * Number of connection events the slave can drop.
00206      */
00207     const uint16_t connection_latency;
00209     /**
00210      * Supervision timeout of the connection
00211      * It shall be in the range [0x000A : 0x0C80] where a unit represent 10ms.
00212      */
00213     const uint16_t supervision_timeout;
00214 };
00217 /**
00218  * Report advertising from one or more LE device.
00219  *
00220  * @important This class has to be implemented by the BLE port.
00221  *
00222  * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: LE Advertising Report Event
00223  */
00224 struct GapAdvertisingReportEvent : public GapEvent {
00226     /**
00227      * POD representing an advertising captured by the LE subsystem.
00228      */
00229     struct advertising_t {
00230         received_advertising_type_t type;
00231         connection_peer_address_type_t address_type;
00232         const address_t& address;
00233         ArrayView<const uint8_t>  data;
00234         int8_t rssi;
00235     };
00237     GapAdvertisingReportEvent() : GapEvent(GapEventType::ADVERTISING_REPORT) { }
00239     virtual ~GapAdvertisingReportEvent() { }
00241     /**
00242      * Count of advertising in this event.
00243      */
00244     virtual uint8_t size() const = 0;
00246     /**
00247      * Access the advertising at index i.
00248      */
00249     virtual advertising_t operator[](uint8_t i) const = 0;
00250 };
00253 /**
00254  * Indicates the connection update process completion.
00255  *
00256  * If no parameters are updated after a connection update request from the peer
00257  * then this event shall not be emmited.
00258  *
00259  * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: LE Connection Update Complete
00260  * Event.
00261  */
00262 struct GapConnectionUpdateEvent : public GapEvent {
00264     /**
00265      * Construct a connection update event for a successful process.
00266      *
00267      * @param status Status of the connection update event operation. If equal
00268      * to 0x00 then the process was successful, otherwise the status indicates
00269      * the reason of the faillure.
00270      *
00271      * @param connection_handle Handle of the connection updated.
00272      *
00273      * @param connection_interval New connection interval used by the connection.
00274      *
00275      * @param Connection_latency New connection latency used by the connection.
00276      *
00277      * @param supervision_timeout New connection supervision timeout.
00278      */
00279     GapConnectionUpdateEvent(
00280         uint8_t status,
00281         connection_handle_t connection_handle,
00282         uint16_t connection_interval,
00283         uint16_t connection_latency,
00284         uint16_t supervision_timeout
00285     ) :
00286         GapEvent(GapEventType::CONNECTION_UPDATE),
00287         status(status),
00288         connection_handle(connection_handle),
00289         connection_interval(connection_interval),
00290         connection_latency(connection_latency),
00291         supervision_timeout(supervision_timeout) {
00292     }
00294     /**
00295      * If equal to 0, the connection update has succesfully completed otherwise
00296      * the process has failled and this field represent the error associated to
00297      * the faillure.
00298      */
00299     const uint8_t status;
00301     /**
00302      * Handle of the connection which has completed the connection update
00303      * process.
00304      */
00305     const connection_handle_t connection_handle;
00307     /**
00308      * New connection interval used by the connection.
00309      * It shall be in a range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]. A unit is equal to 1.25ms.
00310      */
00311     const uint16_t connection_interval;
00313     /*
00314      * New number of connection events the slave can drop.
00315      */
00316     const uint16_t connection_latency;
00318     /*
00319      * New supervision timeout of the connection.
00320      * It shall be in the range [0x000A : 0x0C80] where a unit represent 10ms.
00321      */
00322     const uint16_t supervision_timeout;
00323 };
00326 /**
00327  * indicate a request from the peer to change the connection parameters.
00328  *
00329  * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: LE Remote Connection Parameter
00330  * Request Event.
00331  */
00332 struct GapRemoteConnectionParameterRequestEvent : public GapEvent {
00333     /**
00334      * Construct a new remote connection parameter request event.
00335      *
00336      * @param connection_handle Handle of the connection with the peer
00337      * requesting the parameter update
00338      *
00339      * @param min_connection_interval Minimum value of the connection interval
00340      * requested by the peer.
00341      *
00342      * @param max_connection_interval Maximum value of the connection interval
00343      * requested by the peer.
00344      *
00345      * @param connection_latency Slave latency requested by the peer.
00346      *
00347      * @param supervision_timeout Supervision timeout requested by the peer.
00348      */
00349     GapRemoteConnectionParameterRequestEvent(
00350         connection_handle_t connection_handle,
00351         uint16_t min_connection_interval,
00352         uint16_t max_connection_interval,
00353         uint16_t connection_latency,
00354         uint16_t supervision_timeout
00355     ) : GapEvent(GapEventType::REMOTE_CONNECTION_PARAMETER_REQUEST),
00356         connection_handle(connection_handle),
00357         min_connection_interval(min_connection_interval),
00358         max_connection_interval(max_connection_interval),
00359         connection_latency(connection_latency),
00360         supervision_timeout(supervision_timeout) {
00361     }
00363     /**
00364      * Handle of the connection with the peer requesting the parameter update.
00365      */
00366     const connection_handle_t connection_handle;
00368     /**
00369      * Minimum value of the connection interval requested by the peer.
00370      * It shall be in a range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]. A unit is equal to 1.25ms.
00371      */
00372     const uint16_t min_connection_interval;
00374     /**
00375      * Maximum value of the connection interval requested by the peer.
00376      * It shall be in a range [0x0006 : 0x0C80]. A unit is equal to 1.25ms.
00377      */
00378     const uint16_t max_connection_interval;
00380     /*
00381      * Slave latency requested by the peer.
00382      */
00383     const uint16_t connection_latency;
00385     /*
00386      * Supervision timeout requested by the peer.
00387      * It shall be in the range [0x000A : 0x0C80] where a unit represent 10ms.
00388      */
00389     const uint16_t supervision_timeout;
00390 };
00393 /**
00394  * Indicate the end of a disconnection process.
00395  *
00396  * @note: See Bluetooth 5 Vol 2 PartE: 7.7.5 Disconnection Complete Event.
00397  */
00398 struct GapDisconnectionCompleteEvent : public GapEvent {
00399     /**
00400      * Construct a disconnection complete event.
00401      *
00402      * @param status Status of the procedure. If equal to 0 then the
00403      * disconnection process complete successfully. Otherwise it represents the
00404      * error code associated with the faillure.
00405      *
00406      * @param connection_handle Handle of the connection disconnected.
00407      *
00408      * @param reason Reason of the disconnection
00409      */
00410     GapDisconnectionCompleteEvent(
00411         uint8_t status,
00412         connection_handle_t connection_handle,
00413         uint8_t reason
00414     ) : GapEvent(GapEventType::DISCONNECTION_COMPLETE),
00415         status(status),
00416         connection_handle(connection_handle),
00417         reason(reason) {
00418     }
00420     /**
00421      * Status of the procedure. If equal to 0 then the procedure was a success
00422      * otherwise this variable contains the error code associated with the
00423      * faillure.
00424      */
00425     const uint8_t status;
00427     /**
00428      * Handle of the connection used for the procedure.
00429      */
00430     const connection_handle_t connection_handle;
00432     /**
00433      * Reason for disconnection.
00434      *
00435      * @important ignored in case of faillure.
00436      */
00437     const uint8_t reason;
00438 };
00440 } // namespace pal
00441 } // namespace ble
00443 #endif /* BLE_PAL_GAP_MESSAGE_H_ */