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00001 import argparse
00002 from os.path import basename
00003 from tools.arm_pack_manager import Cache
00004 from os.path import basename, join, dirname, exists
00005 from os import makedirs
00006 from itertools import takewhile
00007 from fuzzywuzzy import process
00008 from tools.arm_pack_manager import Cache
00010 parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='A Handy little utility for keeping your cache of pack files up to date.')
00011 subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title="Commands")
00013 def subcommand(name, *args, **kwargs):
00014     def subcommand(command):
00015         subparser = subparsers.add_parser(name, **kwargs)
00017         for arg in args:
00018             arg = dict(arg)
00019             opt = arg['name']
00020             del arg['name']
00022             if isinstance(opt, basestring):
00023                 subparser.add_argument(opt, **arg)
00024             else:
00025                 subparser.add_argument(*opt, **arg)
00027         subparser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", dest="verbose", help="Verbose diagnostic output")
00028         subparser.add_argument("-vv", "--very_verbose", action="store_true", dest="very_verbose", help="Very verbose diagnostic output")
00029         subparser.add_argument("--no-timeouts", action="store_true", help="Remove all timeouts and try to download unconditionally")
00030         subparser.add_argument("--and", action="store_true", dest="intersection", help="combine search terms as if with an and")
00031         subparser.add_argument("--or", action="store_false", dest="intersection", help="combine search terms as if with an or")
00032         subparser.add_argument("--union", action="store_false", dest="intersection", help="combine search terms as if with a set union")
00033         subparser.add_argument("--intersection", action="store_true", dest="intersection", help="combine search terms as if with a set intersection")
00035         def thunk(parsed_args):
00036             cache = Cache(not parsed_args.verbose, parsed_args.no_timeouts)
00037             argv = [arg['dest'] if 'dest' in arg else arg['name'] for arg in args]
00038             argv = [(arg if isinstance(arg, basestring) else arg[-1]).strip('-')
00039                     for arg in argv]
00040             argv = {arg: vars(parsed_args)[arg] for arg in argv
00041                     if vars(parsed_args)[arg] is not None}
00043             return command(cache, **argv)
00045         subparser.set_defaults(command=thunk)
00046         return command
00047     return subcommand
00049 def user_selection (message, options) :
00050     print(message)
00051     for choice, index in zip(options, range(len(options))) :
00052         print("({}) {}".format(index, choice))
00053     pick = None
00054     while pick is None :
00055         stdout.write("please select an integer from 0 to {} or \"all\"".format(len(options)-1))
00056         input = raw_input()
00057         try :
00058             if input == "all" :
00059                 pick = options
00060             else :
00061                 pick = [options[int(input)]]
00062         except ValueError :
00063             print("I did not understand your input")
00064     return pick
00066 def fuzzy_find(matches, urls) :
00067     choices = {}
00068     for match in matches :
00069         for key, value in process.extract(match, urls, limit=None) :
00070             choices.setdefault(key, 0)
00071             choices[key] += value
00072     choices = sorted([(v, k) for k, v in choices.iteritems()], reverse=True)
00073     if not choices : return []
00074     elif len(choices) == 1 : return [choices[0][1]]
00075     elif choices[0][0] > choices[1][0] : choices = choices[:1]
00076     else : choices = list(takewhile(lambda t: t[0] == choices[0][0], choices))
00077     return [v for k,v in choices]
00079 @subcommand('cache',
00080             dict(name='matches', nargs="*",
00081                  help="a bunch of things to search for in part names"),
00082             dict(name=['-e','--everything'], action="store_true",
00083                  help="download everything possible"),
00084             dict(name=['-d','--descriptors'], action="store_true",
00085                  help="download all descriptors"),
00086             dict(name=["-b","--batch"], action="store_true",
00087                  help="don't ask for user input and assume download all"),
00088             help="Cache a group of PACK or PDSC files")
00089 def command_cache (cache, matches, everything=False, descriptors=False, batch=False, verbose= False, intersection=True) :
00090     if everything :
00091         cache.cache_everything()
00092         return True
00093     if descriptors :
00094         cache.cache_descriptors()
00095         return True
00096     if not matches :
00097         print("No action specified nothing to do")
00098     else :
00099         urls = cache.get_urls()
00100         if intersection :
00101             choices = fuzzy_find(matches, map(basename, urls))
00102         else :
00103             choices = sum([fuzzy_find([m], map(basename, urls)) for m in matches], [])
00104         if not batch and len(choices) > 1 :
00105             choices = user_selection("Please select a file to cache", choices)
00106         to_download = []
00107         for choice in choices :
00108             for url in urls :
00109                 if choice in url :
00110                     to_download.append(url)
00111         cache.cache_pack_list(to_download)
00112         return True
00115 @subcommand('find-part',
00116             dict(name='matches', nargs="+", help="words to match to processors"),
00117             dict(name=['-l',"--long"], action="store_true",
00118                  help="print out part details with part"),
00119             dict(name=['-p', '--parts-only'], action="store_false", dest="print_aliases"),
00120             dict(name=['-a', '--aliases-only'], action="store_false", dest="print_parts"),
00121             help="Find a Part and it's description within the cache")
00122 def command_find_part (cache, matches, long=False, intersection=True,
00123                        print_aliases=True, print_parts=True) :
00124     if long :
00125         import pprint
00126         pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
00127     parts = cache.index
00128     if intersection :
00129         choices = fuzzy_find(matches, parts.keys())
00130         aliases = fuzzy_find(matches, cache.aliases.keys())
00131     else :
00132         choices = sum([fuzzy_find([m], parts.keys()) for m in matches], [])
00133         aliases = sum([fuzzy_find([m], cache.aliases.keys()) for m in matches], [])
00134     if print_parts:
00135         for part in choices :
00136             print part
00137             if long :
00138                 pp.pprint(cache.index[part])
00139     if print_aliases:
00140         for alias in aliases :
00141             print alias
00142             if long :
00143                 pp.pprint(cache.index[cache.aliases[alias]])
00145 @subcommand('dump-parts',
00146             dict(name='out', help='directory to dump to'),
00147             dict(name='parts', nargs='+', help='parts to dump'),
00148             help='Create a directory with an index.json describing the part and all of their associated flashing algorithms.'
00149 )
00150 def command_dump_parts (cache, out, parts, intersection=False) :
00151     index = {}
00152     if intersection :
00153         for part in fuzzy_find(parts, cache.index):
00154             index.update(cache.index[part])
00155     else :
00156         for part in parts :
00157             index.update(dict(cache.find_device(part)))
00158     for n, p in index.iteritems() :
00159         try :
00160             if not exists(join(out, dirname(p['algorithm']['file']))) :
00161                 makedirs(join(out, dirname(p['algorithm']['file'])))
00162             with open(join(out, p['algorithm']['file']), "wb+") as fd :
00163                 fd.write(cache.get_flash_algorthim_binary(n).read())
00164         except KeyError:
00165             print("[Warning] {} does not have an associated flashing algorithm".format(n))
00166     with open(join(out, "index.json"), "wb+") as fd :
00167         dump(index,fd)
00170 @subcommand('cache-part',
00171             dict(name='matches', nargs="+", help="words to match to devices"),
00172             help='Cache PACK files associated with the parts matching the provided words')
00173 def command_cache_part (cache, matches, intersection=True) :
00174     index = cache.index
00175     if intersection :
00176         choices = fuzzy_find(matches, index.keys())
00177         aliases = fuzzy_find(matches, cache.aliases.keys())
00178     else :
00179         choices = sum([fuzzy_find([m], index.keys()) for m in matches], [])
00180         aliases = sum([fuzzy_find([m], cache.aliases.keys()) for m in matches], [])
00181     urls = set([index[c]['pdsc_file'] for c in choices])
00182     urls += set([index[cache.aliasse[a]] for a in aliases])
00183     cache.cache_pack_list(list(urls))
00185 def get_argparse() :
00186     return parser
00188 def main() :
00189     args = parser.parse_args()
00190     args.command(args)