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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2013-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00014 #ifndef NWK_STATS_API_H
00015 #define NWK_STATS_API_H
00016 /**
00017  * \file nwk_stats_api.h
00018  * \brief 6LowPAN library network stats API
00019  *
00020  * - protocol_stats_start(), Enable stats update.
00021  * - protocol_stats_stop(), Stop stack stats update.
00022  * - protocol_stats_reset(), Reset all stats information to null.
00023  *
00024  *
00025  */
00027 #include "ns_types.h"
00029 #ifdef __cplusplus
00030 extern "C" {
00031 #endif
00033 /**
00034  * /struct nwk_stats_t
00035  * /brief Struct for network stats buffer structure.
00036  */
00037 typedef struct nwk_stats_t {
00038     /*mac stats*/
00039     uint16_t mac_tx_buffer_overflow; /**< MAC TX queue overflow count. */
00040     uint16_t mac_tx_queue_size;     /**< MAC TX queue current size. */
00041     uint16_t mac_tx_queue_peak;     /**< MAC TX queue peak size. */
00042     uint32_t mac_rx_count;          /**< MAC RX packet count. */
00043     uint32_t mac_tx_count;          /**< MAC TX packet count. */
00044     uint32_t mac_bc_tx_count;       /**< MAC broadcast TX packet count. */
00045     uint32_t mac_rx_drop;           /**< MAC RX packet drop count. */
00046     /* Mac Payload Flow */
00047     uint32_t mac_tx_bytes;          /**< MAC TX bytes count. */
00048     uint32_t mac_rx_bytes;          /**< MAC RX bytes count. */
00049     uint32_t mac_tx_failed;         /**< MAC TX failed count. */
00050     uint32_t mac_tx_retry;          /**< MAC TX retry count. */
00051     uint32_t mac_tx_cca_cnt;        /**< MAC TX CCA count. */
00052     uint32_t mac_tx_failed_cca;     /**< MAC failed CCA count. */
00053     uint32_t mac_security_drop;     /**< MAC security packet drops count. */
00054     /* 6Lowpan */
00055     uint32_t ip_rx_count;           /**< IP RX packet count. */
00056     uint32_t ip_tx_count;           /**< IP TX packet count. */
00057     uint32_t ip_rx_drop;            /**< IP RX packet drops count. */
00058     uint32_t ip_cksum_error;        /**< IP checksum error count. */
00059     /* IP Payload Flow */
00060     uint32_t ip_tx_bytes;           /**< IP TX bytes count. */
00061     uint32_t ip_rx_bytes;           /**< IP RX bytes count. */
00062     uint32_t ip_routed_up;          /**< IP routed UP bytes count. */
00063     uint32_t ip_no_route;           /**< IP no route count. */
00064     /* Fragments */
00065     uint32_t frag_rx_errors;        /**< Fragmentation RX error count. */
00066     uint32_t frag_tx_errors;        /**< Fragmentation TX error count. */
00067     /*RPL stats*/
00068     uint32_t rpl_route_routecost_better_change; /**< RPL parent change count. */
00069     uint32_t ip_routeloop_detect;               /**< RPL route loop detection count. */
00070     uint32_t rpl_memory_overflow;   /**< RPL memory overflow count. */
00071     uint32_t rpl_parent_tx_fail;    /**< RPL transmit errors to DODAG parents. */
00072     uint32_t rpl_unknown_instance;  /**< RPL unknown instance ID count. */
00073     uint32_t rpl_local_repair;      /**< RPL local repair count. */
00074     uint32_t rpl_global_repair;     /**< RPL global repair count. */
00075     uint32_t rpl_malformed_message; /**< RPL malformed message count. */
00076     uint32_t rpl_time_no_next_hop;  /**< RPL seconds without a next hop. */
00077     uint32_t rpl_total_memory;      /**< RPL current memory usage total. */
00078     /* Buffers */
00079     uint32_t buf_alloc;             /**< Buffer allocation count. */
00080     uint32_t buf_headroom_realloc;  /**< Buffer headroom realloc count. */
00081     uint32_t buf_headroom_shuffle;  /**< Buffer headroom shuffle count. */
00082     uint32_t buf_headroom_fail;     /**< Buffer headroom failure count. */
00083     /* ETX */
00084     uint16_t etx_1st_parent;        /**< Primary parent ETX. */
00085     uint16_t etx_2nd_parent;        /**< Secondary parent ETX. */
00087 } nwk_stats_t;
00089 /**
00090   *  \brief Enable stats collection.
00091   *
00092   * \param stats_ptr A static pointer to stack update.
00093   *
00094   */
00095 extern void protocol_stats_start(nwk_stats_t *stats_ptr);
00096 /**
00097   *  \brief Disable stats collection.
00098   *
00099   */
00100 extern void protocol_stats_stop(void);
00101 /**
00102   *  \brief Reset stats info fiels.
00103   *
00104   */
00105 extern void protocol_stats_reset(void);
00106 #ifdef __cplusplus
00107 }
00108 #endif
00109 #endif