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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2014-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00015 #ifndef NET_INTERFACE_H_
00016 #define NET_INTERFACE_H_
00018 #include "ns_types.h"
00019 #include "platform/arm_hal_phy.h"
00021 #ifdef __cplusplus
00022 extern "C" {
00023 #endif
00025 struct mac_api_s;
00026 struct eth_mac_api_s;
00028 /**
00029  * \file net_interface.h
00030  * \brief  Network API
00031 */
00033 /** Network Interface Status */
00034 typedef enum arm_nwk_interface_status_type_e {
00035     ARM_NWK_BOOTSTRAP_READY = 0, /**< Interface configured Bootstrap is ready.*/
00036     ARM_NWK_RPL_INSTANCE_FLOODING_READY, /**< RPL instance has been flooded. */
00037     ARM_NWK_SET_DOWN_COMPLETE, /**< Interface DOWN command completed successfully. */
00038     ARM_NWK_NWK_SCAN_FAIL,  /**< Interface has not detected any valid network. */
00039     ARM_NWK_IP_ADDRESS_ALLOCATION_FAIL, /**< IP address allocation failure (ND, DHCPv4 or DHCPv6). */
00040     ARM_NWK_DUPLICATE_ADDRESS_DETECTED, /**< User-specific GP16 was not valid. */
00041     ARM_NWK_AUHTENTICATION_START_FAIL, /**< No valid authentication server detected behind the access point. */
00042     ARM_NWK_AUHTENTICATION_FAIL,    /**< Network authentication failed by handshake. */
00043     ARM_NWK_NWK_CONNECTION_DOWN, /**< No connection between access point and default router. */
00044     ARM_NWK_NWK_PARENT_POLL_FAIL, /**< Sleepy host poll failed 3 times. Interface is shut down. */
00045     ARM_NWK_PHY_CONNECTION_DOWN, /**< Interface PHY cable off or serial port interface not responding anymore. */
00046 } arm_nwk_interface_status_type_e;
00048 /** Event library type. */
00049 typedef enum arm_library_event_type_e {
00050     ARM_LIB_TASKLET_INIT_EVENT = 0, /**< Tasklet init occurs always when generating a tasklet. */
00051     ARM_LIB_NWK_INTERFACE_EVENT,    /**< Interface bootstrap or state update event. */
00052     ARM_LIB_SYSTEM_TIMER_EVENT, /*!*< System timer event. */
00053     APPLICATION_EVENT, /**< Application-specific event. */
00054 } arm_library_event_type_e;
00057 /*
00058  *  Socket event description:
00059  *
00060  *  8-bit variable where four MSB bits describes the event type and
00061  *  four LSB bits describes the socket that has received the event.
00062  *
00063  *      Type   Socket ID
00064  *      ----   ----
00065  *      xxxx   xxxx
00066  *
00067  */
00070 /** \name Socket type exceptions.
00071  * @{
00072  */
00073 /** Socket event mask. */
00074 #define SOCKET_EVENT_MASK                   0xF0
00075 /** Data received. */
00076 #define SOCKET_DATA                         (0 << 4)
00077 /** TCP connection ready. */
00078 #define SOCKET_CONNECT_DONE                 (1 << 4)
00079 /** TCP connection failure. */
00080 #define SOCKET_CONNECT_FAIL                 (2 << 4)
00081 /** TCP connection authentication failed. */
00082 #define SOCKET_CONNECT_AUTH_FAIL            (3 << 4)
00083 /** TCP incoming connection on listening socket */
00084 #define SOCKET_INCOMING_CONNECTION          (4 << 4)
00085 /** Socket data send failure. */
00086 #define SOCKET_TX_FAIL                      (5 << 4)
00087 /** TCP connection closed (received their FIN and ACK of our FIN). */
00088 #define SOCKET_CONNECT_CLOSED               (6 << 4)
00089 /** TCP connection reset */
00090 #define SOCKET_CONNECTION_RESET             (7 << 4)
00091 /** No route available to the destination. */
00092 #define SOCKET_NO_ROUTE                     (8 << 4)
00093 /** Socket TX done. */
00094 #define SOCKET_TX_DONE                      (9 << 4)
00095 /** Out of memory failure. */
00096 #define SOCKET_NO_RAM                       (10 << 4)
00097 /** TCP connection problem indication (RFC 1122 R1) */
00098 #define SOCKET_CONNECTION_PROBLEM           (11 << 4)
00100 #define SOCKET_BIND_DONE                    SOCKET_CONNECT_DONE      /**< Backward compatibility */
00101 #define SOCKET_BIND_FAIL                    SOCKET_CONNECT_FAIL      /**< Backward compatibility */
00102 #define SOCKET_BIND_AUTH_FAIL               SOCKET_CONNECT_AUTH_FAIL /**< Backward compatibility */
00103 /* @} */
00105 /** Network security levels. */
00106 typedef enum net_security_t {
00107     NW_NO_SECURITY = 0,                       /**< No Security. */
00108     NW_SECURITY_LEVEL_MIC32 = 1,              /**< 32-bit MIC verify, no encoding. */
00109     NW_SECURITY_LEVEL_MIC64 = 2,              /**< 64-bit MIC verify, no encoding. */
00110     NW_SECURITY_LEVEL_MIC128 = 3,             /**< 128-bit MIC verify, no encoding. */
00111     NW_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC = 4,                /**< AES encoding without MIC. */
00112     NW_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC_MIC32 = 5,          /**< 32-bit MIC verify with encoding. */
00113     NW_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC_MIC64 = 6,          /**< 64-bit MIC verify with encoding. */
00114     NW_SECURITY_LEVEL_ENC_MIC128 = 7          /**< 128-bit MIC verify with encoding. */
00115 } net_security_t;
00117 /** Ipv6 address type.*/
00118 typedef enum net_address_t {
00119     ADDR_IPV6_GP,             /**< Node default global address. */
00120     ADDR_IPV6_GP_SEC,         /**< Node secondary global address. */
00121     ADDR_IPV6_LL              /**< Node default link local address. */
00122 } net_address_t;
00124 /** MAC address type. */
00125 typedef enum net_mac_address_t {
00126     ADDR_MAC_SHORT16,             /**< Nodes 16-bit short address. */
00127     ADDR_MAC_LONG64,              /**< IP layer EUID64 based on MAC layer 64-bit long address after U/I -bit conversion.  */
00128 } net_mac_address_t;
00130 /** TLS cipher type */
00131 typedef enum {
00132     NET_TLS_PSK_CIPHER,         /**< Network authentication support, only PSK. */
00133     NET_TLS_ECC_CIPHER,         /**< Network authentication support, only ECC. */
00134     NET_TLS_PSK_AND_ECC_CIPHER, /**< Network authentication support, PSK & ECC. */
00135 } net_tls_cipher_e;
00137 /** PANA session type. */
00138 typedef enum {
00139     NET_PANA_SINGLE_SESSION,        /**< Client tracks only one PANA session data, default use case. */
00140     NET_PANA_MULTI_SESSION,         /**< Client supports many Start network coordinator session data */
00141 } net_pana_session_mode_e;
00143 /** 6LoWPAN network security & authentication modes. */
00144 typedef enum {
00145     NET_SEC_MODE_NO_LINK_SECURITY,      /**< Security disabled at link layer, DEFAULT. */
00146     NET_SEC_MODE_PSK_LINK_SECURITY,     /**< Link security by PSK key. */
00147     NET_SEC_MODE_PANA_LINK_SECURITY, /**< PANA network authentication defined link KEY. */
00148 } net_6lowpan_link_layer_sec_mode_e;
00151 /** Bootstrap modes */
00152 typedef enum {
00153     NET_6LOWPAN_BORDER_ROUTER,  /**< Root device for 6LoWPAN ND. */
00154     NET_6LOWPAN_ROUTER,         /**< Router device. */
00155     NET_6LOWPAN_HOST,           /**< Host device DEFAULT setting. */
00156     NET_6LOWPAN_SLEEPY_HOST,    /**< Sleepy host device. */
00157     NET_6LOWPAN_NETWORK_DRIVER, /**< 6LoWPAN radio host device, no bootstrap. */
00158     NET_6LOWPAN_SNIFFER         /**< Sniffer device, no bootstrap. */
00159 } net_6lowpan_mode_e;
00161 /**  6LoWPAN Extension modes. */
00162 typedef enum {
00163     NET_6LOWPAN_ND_WITHOUT_MLE,         /**< **UNSUPPORTED** */
00164     NET_6LOWPAN_ND_WITH_MLE,            /**< 6LoWPAN ND with MLE. */
00165     NET_6LOWPAN_THREAD,                 /**< 6LoWPAN Thread with MLE attached. */
00166     NET_6LOWPAN_ZIGBEE_IP               /**< **UNSUPPORTED** */
00167 } net_6lowpan_mode_extension_e;
00170 /** IPv6 bootstrap modes */
00171 typedef enum {
00172     NET_IPV6_BOOTSTRAP_STATIC,  /**< Application defines the IPv6 prefix. */
00173     NET_IPV6_BOOTSTRAP_AUTONOMOUS /**< Interface gets IPv6 address automatically from network using ICMP and DHCP. */
00174 } net_ipv6_mode_e;
00176 /** IPv6 accept RA behaviour */
00177 typedef enum {
00178     NET_IPV6_RA_ACCEPT_IF_AUTONOMOUS, /**<Accept Router Advertisements when using autonomous IPv6 address allocation. Ignore when using a static address. This is the default value for the setting. */
00179     NET_IPV6_RA_ACCEPT_ALWAYS         /**<Accept Router Advertisements always, even when using static IPv6 address allocation. */
00180 } net_ipv6_accept_ra_e;
00182 /** Network coordinator parameter list.
00183  * Structure is used to read network parameter for warm start.
00184  */
00185 typedef struct link_layer_setups_s {
00186     uint16_t PANId;            /**< Network PAN-ID. */
00187     uint8_t LogicalChannel;    /**< Network logical channel. */
00188     net_mac_address_t addr_mode;   /**< Coordinator address mode. */
00189     uint8_t address[8];        /**< Coordinator address. */
00190     uint8_t sf;                /**< Network superframe setup. */
00191 } link_layer_setups_s;
00193 /** Network MAC address info. */
00194 typedef struct link_layer_address_s {
00195     uint16_t PANId;            /**< Network PAN-ID. */
00196     uint16_t mac_short;        /**< MAC short address, if <0xfffe then is valid. */
00197     uint8_t mac_long[8];       /**< MAC long address (EUI-48 for Ethernet; EUI-64 for IEEE 802.15.4). */
00198     uint8_t iid_eui64[8];      /**< IPv6 interface identifier based on EUI-64. */
00199 } link_layer_address_s;
00201 /** Network layer parent address info. */
00202 typedef struct network_layer_address_s {
00203     uint8_t border_router[16]; /**< ND Border Router Address. */
00204     uint8_t prefix[8];        /**< Long 64-bit network ID. */
00205 } network_layer_address_s;
00207 /** Different addressing modes for a network interface. */
00208 typedef enum {
00209     NET_6LOWPAN_GP64_ADDRESS,       /**< Interface registers only GP64 address. */
00210     NET_6LOWPAN_GP16_ADDRESS,       /**< Interface registers only GP16 address. */
00211     NET_6LOWPAN_MULTI_GP_ADDRESS,   /**< Interface registers GP16 & GP64 addresses. */
00212 } net_6lowpan_gp_address_mode_e;
00214 /** TLS PSK info */
00215 typedef struct net_tls_psk_info_s {
00216     uint32_t key_id;    /**< PSK Key ID can be 0x01-0xffff, storage size is intentionally 32 bits. */
00217     uint8_t key[16];    /**< 128-bit PSK Key. */
00218 } net_tls_psk_info_s;
00220 /** NETWORK PSK link key structure. */
00221 typedef struct {
00222     uint8_t key_id;             /**< Link layer PSK Key ID, can be 0x01-0xff. */
00223     uint8_t security_key[16];   /**< Link layer 128-bit PSK Key. */
00224 } net_link_layer_psk_security_info_s;
00226 /** Certificate chain structure. */
00227 typedef struct {
00228     uint8_t chain_length;           /**< Certificate chain length, indicates the chain length. */
00229     const uint8_t *cert_chain[4];   /**< Certificate chain pointer list. */
00230     uint16_t cert_len[4];           /**< Certificate length. */
00231     const uint8_t *key_chain[4];    /**< Certificate private key. */
00232 } arm_certificate_chain_entry_s;
00234 /** Structure for the network keys used by net_network_key_get */
00235 typedef struct ns_keys_t
00237 {
00238     uint8_t previous_active_network_key[16];    /**< The key that is currently active when a new key is generated and activated. */
00239     uint8_t previous_active_key_index;           /**< The index associated to the current_active_network_key. */
00240     uint8_t current_active_network_key[16];     /**< Last generated and activated key. */
00241     uint8_t current_active_key_index;           /**< The index associated to the current_active_network_key. */
00242 } ns_keys_t;
00244 /** 6LoWPAN border router information structure. */
00245 typedef struct {
00246     uint16_t mac_panid;             /**< Link layer PAN-ID, accepts only < 0xfffe.  */
00247     uint16_t mac_short_adr;         /**< Defines 802.15.4 short address. If the value is <0xfffe it indicates that GP16 is activated. */
00248     uint8_t beacon_protocol_id;     /**< ZigBeeIP uses always 2. */
00249     uint8_t network_id[16];         /**< Network ID 16-bytes, will be used at beacon payload. */
00250     uint8_t lowpan_nd_prefix[8];    /**< Define ND default prefix, ABRO, DODAG ID, GP address. */
00251     uint16_t ra_life_time;          /**< Define ND router lifetime in seconds, recommend value 180+. */
00252     uint32_t abro_version_num;      /**< ND ABRO version number (0 when starting a new ND setup). */
00253 } border_router_setup_s;
00255 /** Channel list */
00256 typedef struct channel_list_s
00257 {
00258     channel_page_e channel_page;    /**< Channel page */
00259     uint32_t channel_mask[8];       /**< Channel mask. Each bit defining one channel */
00260 } channel_list_s;
00262 /** 6LoWPAN radio interface setup. */
00263 typedef struct {
00264     uint16_t mac_panid;                 /**< Link layer PAN-ID, accepts only < 0xfffe. */
00265     uint16_t mac_short_adr;             /**< Defines 802.15.4 short address. If the value is <0xfffe it indicates that GP16 is activated. */
00266     uint8_t beacon_protocol_id;         /**< ZigBeeIP uses always 2. */
00267     uint8_t network_id[16];             /**< Network ID 16-bytes, will be used at beacon payload. */
00268     uint8_t beacon_payload_tlv_length; /**< Optional steering parameter length. */
00269     uint8_t *beacon_payload_tlv_ptr;  /**< Optional steering parameters. */
00270 } network_driver_setup_s;
00272 /**
00273   * Init 6LoWPAN library
00274   *
00275   * \return 0, Init OK.
00276   */
00277 extern int8_t net_init_core(void);
00279 /**
00280  * \brief Create network interface base to IDLE state.
00281  * \param api Generates interface with ethernet MAC.
00282  * \param interface_name_ptr String pointer to interface name. Need to end to '\0' character.
00283  *        Max length 32 characters including NULL at end. Note: the given name is not copied,
00284  *        so it must remain valid as long as the interface is.
00285  *
00286  * \return >=0 Interface ID (0-127). Application needs to save this information.
00287  * \return -1 api was NULL.
00288  * \return -2 Ethernet is not supported at this build.
00289  * \return -3 No memory for the interface.
00290  */
00291 extern int8_t arm_nwk_interface_ethernet_init(struct eth_mac_api_s *api, const char *interface_name_ptr);
00293 /**
00294  * \brief Create network interface base to IDLE state.
00295  * \param api Generates interface with 802.15.4 MAC.
00296  * \param interface_name_ptr String pointer to interface name. Need to end to '\0' character.
00297  *        Max length 32 characters including NULL at end. Note: the given name is not copied,
00298  *        so it must remain valid as long as the interface is.
00299  *
00300  * \return >=0 Interface ID (0-127). Application needs to save this information.
00301  * \return -1 api was NULL.
00302  * \return -3 No memory for the interface.
00303  */
00304 extern int8_t arm_nwk_interface_lowpan_init(struct mac_api_s *api, char *interface_name_ptr);
00306 /**
00307  * \brief Set IPv6 interface setup.
00308  *
00309  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00310  * \param bootstrap_mode Selected bootstrap mode:
00311  *      * NET_IPV6_BOOTSTRAP_STATIC, Application defines the IPv6 prefix.
00312  * \param ipv6_prefix_pointer Pointer to 64 bit IPv6 prefix. The data is copied, so it can be invalidated after function call.
00313  *
00314  * \return >=0 Bootstrap mode set OK.
00315  * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00316  */
00317 extern int8_t arm_nwk_interface_configure_ipv6_bootstrap_set(int8_t interface_id, net_ipv6_mode_e bootstrap_mode, const uint8_t *ipv6_prefix_pointer);
00319 /**
00320  * \brief Accept Router Advertisements setting.
00321  *
00322  * Accept Router Advertisements setting. Setting can be changed after an interface is created.
00323  * If setting is changed it must be done before the bootstrap is started.
00324  *
00325  * \param interface_id The network interface ID.
00326  * \param accept_ra Router Advertisements handling mode.
00327  * \return 0 Setting done.
00328  * \return <0 Failed (for example an invalid interface ID).
00329  */
00330 extern int8_t arm_nwk_interface_accept_ipv6_ra(int8_t interface_id, net_ipv6_accept_ra_e accept_ra);
00332 /**
00333  * \brief Set network interface bootstrap setup.
00334  *
00335  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00336  * \param bootstrap_mode Selected bootstrap mode:
00337  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_BORDER_ROUTER, Initialize border router basic setup.
00338  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_ROUTER, Enable normal 6LoWPAN ND and RPL to bootstrap.
00339  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_HOST, Enable normal 6LoWPAN ND only to bootstrap.
00340  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_SLEEPY_HOST, Enable normal 6LoWPAN ND only to bootstrap.
00341  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_NETWORK_DRIVER, 6LoWPAN radio host device no bootstrap.
00342  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_SNIFFER, 6LoWPAN sniffer device no bootstrap.
00343  *
00344  * \param net_6lowpan_mode_extension Define 6LoWPAN MLE and mode as ZigBeeIP or Thread.
00345  *
00346  * \return >=0 Bootstrap mode set OK.
00347  * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00348  * \return -2 Unsupported bootstrap type in this library.
00349  * \return -3 No memory for 6LoWPAN stack.
00350  * \return -4 Null pointer parameter.
00351  */
00352 extern int8_t arm_nwk_interface_configure_6lowpan_bootstrap_set(int8_t interface_id, net_6lowpan_mode_e bootstrap_mode, net_6lowpan_mode_extension_e net_6lowpan_mode_extension);
00354 /**
00355  * \brief Set network interface link layer parameters.
00356  *
00357  * \param interface_id Network interface ID
00358  * \param nwk_channel_list Defines network channel page and channel.
00359  * \param link_setup Link layer parameters for NET_6LOWPAN_NETWORK_DRIVER defines NetworkID, PAN-ID Short Address.
00360  *
00361  * \return >=0 Configuration set OK.
00362  * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00363  * \return -2 Interface is active, bootsrap mode not selected or is not NET_6LOWPAN_NETWORK_DRIVER or NET_6LOWPAN_SNIFFER.
00364  * \return -3 No memory for 6LoWPAN stack.
00365  * \return -4 Null pointer parameter.
00366  */
00367 extern int8_t arm_nwk_interface_network_driver_set(int8_t interface_id, const channel_list_s *nwk_channel_list, network_driver_setup_s *link_setup);
00369 /**
00370  * \brief Set configured network interface global address mode (border router bootstrap mode cannot set this).
00371  *
00372  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00373  * \param mode Define 6LoWPAN Global Address register mode:
00374  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_GP64_ADDRESS, Interface registers only GP64
00375  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_GP16_ADDRESS, Interface registers only GP16
00376  *      * NET_6LOWPAN_MULTI_GP_ADDRESS, Interface registers GP16 and GP64 addresses. GP16 is primary address and GP64 is secondary.
00377  *
00378  * \param short_address_base Short address base. If the application defines value 0-0xfffd, 6LoWPAN tries to register GP16 address
00379  * using that address. 0xfffe and 0xffff generate random 16-bit short address.
00380  *
00381  * \param define_new_short_address_at_DAD This parameter is only checked when mode is not NET_6LOWPAN_GP64_ADDRESS and
00382  * short_address_base is 0-0xfffd. Recommended value is 1. It enables automatic new address definition at
00383  * Duplicate Address Detection (DAD). Value 0 generates a DAD error for the interface bootstrap.
00384  * Border router device will not check that part.
00385  *
00386  * \return >=0 Bootstrap mode set OK.
00387  * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00388  * \return -2 Illegal for border router.
00389  * \return -3 No memory for 6LoWPAN stack.
00390  */
00391 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_gp_address_mode(int8_t interface_id, net_6lowpan_gp_address_mode_e mode, uint16_t short_address_base, uint8_t define_new_short_address_at_DAD);
00393 /**
00394  * \brief Set the channel list configuration to be used on the network interface.
00395  *
00396  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00397  * \param nwk_channel_list Channel list to be used.
00398  *
00399  * \return >=0 Channel configuration OK.
00400  * \return -1 Unknown network interface ID.
00401  * \return -2 Empty channel list, no channels enabled.
00402  * \return -4 If network interface is already active and cannot be re-configured.
00403  */
00404 extern int8_t arm_nwk_set_channel_list(int8_t interface_id, const channel_list_s *nwk_channel_list);
00406 /**
00407  * \brief Set the link scan time used on network interface.
00408  *
00409  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00410  * \param scan_time Value 0-14, scan duration/channel.
00411  *
00412  * \return >=0 Scan configuration OK.
00413  * \return -1 Unknown network interface ID.
00414  * \return -4 If network interface is already active and cannot be re-configured.
00415  * \return -5 Invalid scan time.
00416  */
00417 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_link_scan_parameter_set(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t scan_time);
00419 /**
00420  * \brief A function to set the PAN ID filter.
00421  *
00422  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00423  * \param pan_id_filter Enable filter for specific PAN ID. 0xffff disables the filter.
00424  *
00425  * \return 0 Filter set OK.
00426  * \return -1 Unknown Network interface ID.
00427  * \return -2 Interface is active.
00428  *
00429  */
00430 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_link_panid_filter_for_nwk_scan(int8_t interface_id, uint16_t pan_id_filter);
00432 /**
00433   * \brief Get current used channel.
00434   *
00435   * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00436   *
00437   * \return Active channel.
00438   * \return -1 = Radio is closed.
00439   */
00440 extern int16_t arm_net_get_current_channel(int8_t interface_id);
00442 /**
00443  * \brief A function to read the PAN ID filter.
00444  *
00445  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00446  *
00447  * \return 16-bit value indicating a PAN ID filter.
00448  */
00449 extern uint16_t arm_net_get_nwk_pan_id_filter(int8_t interface_id);
00451 /**
00452   * \brief Enable/Disable network ID filter.
00453   *
00454   * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00455   * \param nwk_id_filter A pointer to a new network ID filter, NULL disable filter.
00456   *
00457   * \return 0 On success.
00458   * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00459   * \return -2 Interface active.
00460   */
00461 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_link_nwk_id_filter_for_nwk_scan(int8_t interface_id, const uint8_t *nwk_id_filter);
00463 /**
00464   * \brief Enable/Disable network protocol ID filter.
00465   *
00466   * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00467   * \param protocol_ID A value that filters only supported network protocols (0= Zigbee1.x, 2= ZigBeeIP).
00468   *
00469   * \return 0 On success.
00470   * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00471   * \return -2 Interface active.
00472   */
00473 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_link_protocol_id_filter_for_nwk_scan(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t protocol_ID);
00475 /**
00476   * \brief Beacon join priority transmit callback.
00477   *
00478   * Callback defines join priority that is transmitted in beacon. Join priority is
00479   * 8 bit field in beacon that can be set e.g. based on RPL protocol rank data.
00480   *
00481   * \param interface_id The network interface ID.
00482   *
00483   * \return Join priority to be transmitted in beacon. 0 to 255.
00484   */
00485 typedef uint8_t beacon_join_priority_tx_cb(int8_t interface_id);
00487 /**
00488   * \brief Compare received beacon callback.
00489   *
00490   * Callback defines how preferred the node that has sent beacon is for connecting
00491   * to the network.
00492   *
00493   * \param interface_id The network interface ID.
00494   * \param join_priority Join priority that has been received in beacon. 0 to 255.
00495   * \param link_quality Link quality. 0 to 255. 255 is best quality.
00496   *
00497   * \return Connect to preference. 0 to 255. 255 is highest connect to preference.
00498   */
00499 typedef uint8_t beacon_compare_rx_cb(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t join_priority, uint8_t link_quality);
00501 /**
00502   * \brief Set callback for beacon join priority transmit
00503   *
00504   * Sets callback that defines join priority that is transmitted in beacon.
00505   * If callback is not set default functionality is used. On default functionality
00506   * join priority is combined from RPL DAGRank and RPL DODAG preference.
00507   *
00508   * \param interface_id The network interface ID.
00509   * \param beacon_join_priority_tx_cb_ptr Function pointer.
00510   *
00511   * \return 0 on success.
00512   * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00513   * \return -2 Other error.
00514   */
00515 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_beacon_join_priority_tx_callback_set(int8_t interface_id, beacon_join_priority_tx_cb *beacon_join_priority_tx_cb_ptr);
00517 /**
00518   * \brief Set callback for comparing received beacon
00519   *
00520   * Sets callback that defines how preferred the node that has sent beacon is for
00521   * connecting to the network. If callback is not set default functionality is used.
00522   * On default functionality connecting priority is defined based on join priority
00523   * received in beacon and link quality.
00524   *
00525   * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00526   * \param beacon_compare_rx_cb_ptr Function pointer.
00527   *
00528   * \return 0 on success.
00529   * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00530   * \return -2 Other error.
00531   */
00532 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_beacon_compare_rx_callback_set(int8_t interface_id, beacon_compare_rx_cb *beacon_compare_rx_cb_ptr);
00534 /**
00535   * \brief Initialize and configure the interface security mode.
00536   *
00537   * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00538   * \param mode Defines link layer security mode.
00539   *  NET_SEC_MODE_NO_LINK_SECURITY, No security.
00540   *  NET_SEC_MODE_PSK_LINK_SECURITY, Predefined PSK link layer key and ID.
00541   *  NET_SEC_MODE_PANA_LINK_SECURITY, PANA bootstrap network authentication.
00542   *
00543   * \param sec_level Defined security level is checked only when the mode is not NET_SEC_MODE_NO_LINK_SECURITY.
00544   * \param psk_key_info Pointer for PSK link layer keys. Checked only when the mode is NET_SEC_MODE_PSK_LINK_SECURITY.
00545   *
00546   * \return 0 on success.
00547   */
00549 extern int8_t arm_nwk_link_layer_security_mode(int8_t interface_id, net_6lowpan_link_layer_sec_mode_e mode, uint8_t sec_level, const net_link_layer_psk_security_info_s *psk_key_info);
00551 /**
00552   * \brief Initialize and configure interface PANA network client.
00553   *
00554   * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00555   * \param cipher_mode Defines TLS 1.2 Cipher mode PSK, ECC or both.
00556   * \param psk_key_id PSK KEY id for PSK Setup
00557   *
00558   * \return 0 on success.
00559   * \return -1 Unknown network ID or PANA is not supported at this library.
00560   * \return -2 Interface active.
00561   */
00562 extern int8_t arm_pana_client_library_init(int8_t interface_id, net_tls_cipher_e cipher_mode, uint32_t psk_key_id);
00564 /**
00565   * \brief Initialize and Configure interface PANA network server.
00566   *
00567   * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00568   * \param cipher_mode Defines TLS 1.2 Cipher mode PSK, ECC or both.
00569   * \param key_material A pointer to 128-bit key material or NULL when the PANA server generates the random key.
00570   * \param time_period_before_activate_key Guard period after a succesful key delivery phase before the key will be activated by server.
00571   *
00572   * \return 0 On success.
00573   * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00574   * \return -2 Interface active.
00575   */
00576 extern int8_t arm_pana_server_library_init(int8_t interface_id, net_tls_cipher_e cipher_mode, const uint8_t *key_material, uint32_t time_period_before_activate_key);
00578 /**
00579   * \brief Manually initiate a PANA client key pull. For test purposes only.
00580   *
00581   * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00582   *
00583   * \return 0 On success.
00584   * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00585   */
00586 extern int8_t arm_pana_client_key_pull(int8_t interface_id);
00588 /**
00589  * \brief Trigger network key update process
00590  *
00591  * This function delivers a new network key to all ZigBee routers that have registered a GP address to server.
00592  * The function call always trig new key-id. Key delivery is started in 300ms interval between nodes.
00593  * This function does not cause any traffic if the server does not have any router device sessions.
00594  *
00595  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00596  * \param network_key_material Pointer to new 128-bit key material, NULL generates a random key.
00597  *
00598  * \return 0 Key Update process OK.
00599  * \return -1 PANA server is not initialized yet.
00600  * \return -2 Old key update still active.
00601  * \return -3 Memory allocation fails.
00602  */
00603 extern int8_t arm_pana_server_key_update(int8_t interface_id, const uint8_t *network_key_material);
00605 /**
00606  * \brief Activate new key material before standard timeout.
00607  *
00608  * This function is only for testing.
00609  *
00610  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00611  *
00612  * \return 0 Key activate process OK.
00613  * \return -1 No Pending key update.
00614  * \return -2 PANA server is not initialized or PANA server API is disabled with this library.
00615  */
00616 extern int8_t arm_pana_activate_new_key(int8_t interface_id);
00618 /**
00619  * \brief Read PANA server security key material.
00620  *
00621  * previous_active_network_key Only valid when current_active_key_index is bigger than 1.
00622  *
00623  * \param interface_id Interface
00624  * \param key Pointer for key material information store.
00625  *
00626  * \return 0 Key read OK.
00627  * \return -1 PANA server key material not available.
00628  */
00629 extern int8_t arm_network_key_get(int8_t interface_id, ns_keys_t *key);
00631 /**
00632  * \brief Start network interface bootstrap.
00633  *
00634  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00635  *
00636  *
00637  * \return >=0 Bootstrap start OK.
00638  * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00639  * \return -2 Not configured.
00640  * \return -3 Active.
00641  */
00642 extern int8_t arm_nwk_interface_up(int8_t interface_id);
00644 /**
00645  * \brief Stop and set interface to idle.
00646  *
00647  * \param interface_id Network interface ID
00648  *
00649  * \return >=0 Process OK.
00650  * \return -1 Unknown network ID.
00651  * \return -3 Not Active.
00652  */
00653 extern int8_t arm_nwk_interface_down(int8_t interface_id);
00655 /**
00656  * \brief Define border router MAC and 6LoWPAN ND setup for selected interface.
00657  *
00658  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00659  * \param border_router_setup_ptr Pointer to MAC and 6LoWPAN ND setup.
00660  *
00661  * \return 0 on success, negative value on error case.
00662  */
00663 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_border_router_init(int8_t interface_id, const border_router_setup_s *border_router_setup_ptr);
00665 /**
00666  * \brief Add context at 6LoWPAN interface configure state.
00667  *
00668  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00669  * \param c_id_flags Bit 4 indicates compress support and bit 0-3 context ID.
00670  * \param context_len Context length in bits need to be 64-128.
00671  * \param ttl Context time to live, value in minutes.
00672  * \param context_ptr Pointer to full 128-bit memory area.
00673  *
00674  * \return 0 Context update OK.
00675  * \return -1 No memory for new context.
00676  * \return -2 Border router base not allocated.
00677  * \return -3 Given parameter fails (c_id_flags > 0x1f or contex_len < 64).
00678  * \
00679  */
00680 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_border_router_context_update(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t c_id_flags, uint8_t context_len, uint16_t ttl, const uint8_t *context_ptr);
00682 /**
00683  * \brief Update runtime configured context.
00684  *
00685  * This function can change the value of context compress state or time to live.
00686  * It triggers a new ABRO version number, indicating that ND parameters are updated.
00687  *
00688  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00689  * \param c_id Context ID stack checks first 4 bits, supported values 0-15.
00690  * \param compress_mode 0 = Compress disabled, otherwise compress enabled.
00691  * \param ttl Context time to live value in minutes.
00692  *
00693  * \return 0 Update OK.
00694  * \return -1 Update fail by router state.
00695  *
00696  */
00697 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_border_router_context_parameter_update(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t c_id, uint8_t compress_mode, uint16_t ttl);
00699 /**
00700  * \brief Delete allocated context by ID.
00701  *
00702  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00703  * \param c_id 4-bit Context ID to be deleted.
00704  *
00705  * \return 0 Context delete OK.
00706  * \return -1 Delete process fails.
00707  */
00708 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_border_router_context_remove_by_id(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t c_id);
00710 /**
00711  * \brief Update ND ABRO version number.
00712  *
00713  * \param interface_id Network interface ID
00714  *
00715  * \return 0 ABRO version update OK.
00716  * \return -1 ABRO update fails (Interface is not up yet or the border router base is not allocated).
00717  */
00718 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_border_router_configure_push(int8_t interface_id);
00720 /**
00721  * Set timeout for default prefix on cache.
00722  * Requires arm_nwk_6lowpan_border_router_configure_push() be called to settings be taken into use.
00723  * \param interface_id mesh interface.
00724  * \param time seconds
00725  * \return 0 on success, negative value on failure.
00726  */
00727 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_border_route_nd_default_prefix_timeout_set(int8_t interface_id, uint32_t time);
00729 /**
00730  * \brief A function to read network layer configurations.
00731  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00732  * \param network_params A pointer to the structure where the network layer configs are written.
00733  * \return 0 On success.
00734  * \return Negative value if interface is not known.
00735  */
00736 int8_t arm_nwk_param_read(int8_t interface_id, link_layer_setups_s *network_params);
00738 /**
00739  * \brief A function to read MAC PAN-ID, Short address and EUID64.
00740  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00741  * \param mac_params A pointer to the structure where the MAC addresses are written.
00742  * \return 0 On success.
00743  * \return Negative value if interface is not known.
00744  */
00745 int8_t arm_nwk_mac_address_read(int8_t interface_id, link_layer_address_s *mac_params);
00747 /**
00748  * \brief A function to read 6LoWPAN ND border router address and NWK prefix.
00749  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00750  * \param nd_addr_info Pointer to the structure where the address is written.
00751  * \return 0 On success.
00752  * \return Negative value if network interface is not known or if the interface
00753  *          is not in active or ready state.
00754  */
00755 int8_t arm_nwk_nd_address_read(int8_t interface_id, network_layer_address_s *nd_addr_info);
00757 /**
00758  * \brief A function to read the networking address information.
00759  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00760  * \param addr_id The address information type to be read.
00761  * \param address A pointer to a structure where the address information is written.
00762  * \return 0 On success, -1 on failure.
00763  */
00764 extern int8_t arm_net_address_get(int8_t interface_id, net_address_t addr_id, uint8_t *address);
00766 /**
00767  * \brief A function to read networking addresses one by one.
00768  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00769  * \param n A pointer that is incremented every call. Start looping with n=0.
00770  * \param address_buffer A pointer to buffer where address is copied.
00771  * \return 0 On success.
00772  * \return -1 No more addresses available.
00773  */
00774 extern int8_t arm_net_address_list_get_next(int8_t interface_id, int *n, uint8_t address_buffer[16]);
00776 /**
00777  * \brief A function to read network interface address count.
00778  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00779  * \param address_count A pointer to the structure where the address count is saved.
00780  *
00781  * \return 0 On success, -1 on errors.
00782  */
00783 extern int8_t arm_net_interface_address_list_size(int8_t interface_id, uint16_t *address_count);
00785 /**
00786  * \brief A function to set interface metric.
00787  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00788  * \param metric Used to rank otherwise-equivalent routes. Lower is preferred and default is 0. The metric value is added to metric provided by the arm_net_route_add() function.
00789  *
00790  * \return 0 On success, -1 on errors.
00791  */
00792 extern int8_t arm_net_interface_set_metric(int8_t interface_id, uint16_t metric);
00794 /**
00795  * \brief A function to read the interface metric value on an interface.
00796  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00797  * \param metric A pointer to the variable where the interface metric value is saved.
00798  *
00799  * \return 0 On success, -1 on errors.
00800  */
00801 extern int8_t arm_net_interface_get_metric(int8_t interface_id, uint16_t *metric);
00803 /**
00804  * \brief A function to read the network interface.
00805  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00806  * \param address_buf_size Buffer size in bytes, minimum 16 bytes.
00807  * \param address_buffer A pointer to a structure where the addresses are saved one by one.
00808  * \param writed_address_count A pointer to the structure where the number of addresses saved is written.
00809  *
00810  * \return 0 on success, -1 on errors.
00811  */
00812 extern int8_t arm_net_address_list_get(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t address_buf_size, uint8_t *address_buffer, int *writed_address_count);
00814 /**
00815  * \brief A function to add an address to an interface.
00816  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00817  * \param address The address to be added to the interface.
00818  * \param prefix_len The length of the address prefix.
00819  * \param valid_lifetime The time in seconds until the address becomes invalid and is removed from the interface. Value 0xffffffff represents infinity.
00820  * \param preferred_lifetime The time in seconds until the address becomes deprecated. Value 0xffffffff represents infinity. The preferred lifetime should not be longer than a valid lifetime.
00821  * \return 0 on success, -1 on errors.
00822  */
00823 extern int8_t arm_net_address_add_to_interface(int8_t interface_id, const uint8_t address[16], uint8_t prefix_len, uint32_t valid_lifetime, uint32_t preferred_lifetime);
00825 /**
00826  * \brief A function to remove an address from an interface.
00827  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00828  * \param address The address to be removed from the interface.
00829  *
00830  * \return 0 on success, -1 on errors.
00831  */
00832 extern int8_t arm_net_address_delete_from_interface(int8_t interface_id, const uint8_t address[16]);
00834 /**
00835  * \brief A function to add a route to the routing table.
00836  * \param prefix Destination prefix for the route to be added.
00837  * \param prefix_len The length of the prefix.
00838  * \param next_hop Link-local address of the next hop (e.g. router); if NULL the route is marked as on-link.
00839  * \param lifetime The time in seconds until the route is removed from the routing table. Value 0xffffffff means infinite.
00840  * \param metric Used to rank otherwise-equivalent routes. Lower is preferred. Normally 128.
00841  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00842  * \return 0 on success, -1 on add failure, -2 on invalid function parameters.
00843  */
00844 extern int8_t arm_net_route_add(const uint8_t *prefix, uint8_t prefix_len, const uint8_t *next_hop, uint32_t lifetime, uint8_t metric, int8_t interface_id);
00846 /**
00847  * \brief A function to remove a route from the routing table.
00848  * \param prefix The prefix to be removed.
00849  * \param prefix_len The length of the prefix.
00850  * \param next_hop Link-local address of the next hop.
00851  * \param interface_id Network interface ID.
00852  * \return 0 on success, -1 on delete failure, -2 on invalid function parameters.
00853  */
00854 extern int8_t arm_net_route_delete(const uint8_t *prefix, uint8_t prefix_len, const uint8_t *next_hop, int8_t interface_id);
00856 /** Border Router ND NVM update types. */
00857 /** ND context update, 20 bytes data behind pointer. */
00858 #define ND_PROXY_CONTEXT_NVM_UPDATE         0
00859 /** ND context update flags update. */
00861 /** ND context remove. */
00862 #define ND_PROXY_CONTEXT_NVM_REMOVE         2
00863 /** ND prefix update. */
00864 #define ND_PROXY_PREFIX_NVM_UPDATE          3
00865 /** ND ABRO version update. */
00868 /**
00869  * \brief Load context from NVM at ZigBeeIP interface configure state.
00870  *
00871  * \param interface_id Network Interface ID
00872  * \param contex_data A pointer to properly built 20 bytes update array.
00873  *
00874  * \return 0 Context reload OK.
00875  * \return <0 Load fail.
00876  */
00877 extern int8_t arm_nwk_6lowpan_border_router_nd_context_load(int8_t interface_id, uint8_t *contex_data);  //NVM
00879 /**
00880  * Set certificate chain for PANA
00881  * \param chain_info Certificate chain.
00882  * \return 0 on success, negative on failure.
00883  */
00884 extern int8_t arm_network_certificate_chain_set(const arm_certificate_chain_entry_s *chain_info);
00886 /**
00887  * \brief Add PSK key to TLS library.
00888  *
00889  * \param key_ptr A pointer to 16 bytes long key array.
00890  * \param key_id PSK key ID.
00891  *
00892  * \return 0 = success
00893  * \return -1 = failure
00894  */
00895 extern int8_t arm_tls_add_psk_key(const uint8_t *key_ptr, uint16_t key_id);
00897 /**
00898  * \brief Remove PSK key from TLS library.
00899  *
00900  * \param key_id PSK key ID.
00901  *
00902  * \return 0 = success
00903  * \return -1 = failure
00904  */
00905 extern int8_t arm_tls_remove_psk_key(uint16_t key_id);
00907 /**
00908  * \brief Check if PSK key ID exists.
00909  *
00910  * \param key_id PSK key ID
00911  *
00912  * \return 0 = success
00913  * \return -1 = failure
00914  */
00915 extern int8_t arm_tls_check_key(uint16_t key_id);
00917 /**
00918  * \brief Print routing table
00919  *
00920  * Prints the routing table to the command line
00921  */
00922 void arm_print_routing_table(void);
00924 /**
00925  * \brief Print routing table
00926  *
00927  * Outputs the routing table using the given printf style function
00928  *
00929  * \param print_fn pointer to a printf style output function
00930  */
00931 void arm_print_routing_table2(void (*print_fn)(const char *fmt, ...));
00933 /**
00934  * \brief Flush neighbor cache
00935  *
00936  * Flushes the neighbor cache
00937  */
00938 void arm_ncache_flush(void);
00940 /**
00941  * \brief Print neighbor cache
00942  *
00943  * Prints neighbor cache to the command line
00944  */
00945 void arm_print_neigh_cache(void);
00947 /**
00948  * \brief Print neighbor cache
00949  *
00950  * Outputs the neighbor cache using the given printf style function
00951  *
00952  * \param print_fn pointer to a printf style output function
00953  */
00954 void arm_print_neigh_cache2(void (*print_fn)(const char *fmt, ...));
00956 /**
00957  * \brief Print PCB list
00958  *
00959  * Prints Protocol Control Block list to the command line
00960  */
00961 void arm_print_protocols(void);
00963 /**
00964  * \brief Print PCB list
00965  *
00966  * Prints Protocol Control Block list using the given printf style function
00967  *
00968  * \param print_fn pointer to a printf style output function
00969  * \param sep column separator character
00970  */
00971 void arm_print_protocols2(void (*print_fn)(const char *fmt, ...), char sep);
00973 /**
00974   * \brief Get the library version information.
00975   *
00976   * \param *ptr Pointer to data location. Required size is 20 bytes.
00977   *
00978   *
00979   * The array containing the version information has the following structure.
00980   *
00981   *  | Platform type | Version | Build ID |
00982   *  | :-----------: | :----------------: |
00983   *  | 1 byte        |  1 byte | 4 bytes  |
00984   *
00985   */
00986 extern void net_get_version_information(uint8_t *ptr);
00987 #ifdef __cplusplus
00988 }
00989 #endif
00990 #endif /* NET_INTERFACE_H_ */