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tools::upload_results Namespace Reference

tools::upload_results Namespace Reference


def add_project_runs

Detailed Description

mbed SDK
Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Function Documentation

def tools::upload_results::add_project_runs (   args )
Notes on 'project_run_data' structure:
    'projectRuns' - Tree structure used to keep track of what projects have
        been logged in different report files. The tree is organized as follows:

        'projectRuns': {                - Root element of tree

            'hostOs': {                 - Host OS on which project was built/tested
                                            - ex. windows, linux, or mac

                'platform': {           - Platform for which project was built/tested
                                          (Corresponds to platform names in targets.py)
                                            - ex. K64F, LPC1768, NRF51822, etc.

                    'toolchain': {      - Toolchain with which project was built/tested
                                          (Corresponds to TOOLCHAIN_CLASSES names in toolchains/__init__.py)
                                            - ex. ARM, uARM, GCC_ARM, etc.

                        'project': {    - Project that was build/tested
                                          (Corresponds to test id in tests.py or library id in libraries.py)
                                            - For tests, ex. MBED_A1, MBED_11, DTCT_1 etc.
                                            - For libraries, ex. MBED, RTX, RTOS, etc.


    'platforms_set' - Set of all the platform names mentioned in the given report files

    'toolchains_set' - Set of all the toolchain names mentioned in the given report files

    'names_set' - Set of all the project names mentioned in the given report files

    'hostOses_set' - Set of all the host names given (only given by the command line arguments)

Definition at line 75 of file upload_results.py.