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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2012-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00014 #ifndef MULTICAST_API_H_
00015 #define MULTICAST_API_H_
00016 /**
00017  * \file multicast_api.h
00018  * \brief Multicast Trickle Forwarding API.
00019  * \section multi-init Init API:
00020  * - multicast_set_parameters(), Set trickle parameters.
00021  * \section multi-cnf Configure API:
00022  * - multicast_add_address(), Add new address to a multicast group and control trickle forwarding.
00023  * - multicast_free_address(), Remove supported multicast address from list.
00024  *
00025  * \section ZigBeeIP Trickle Setups for Multicast Init
00026  *
00027  * | Parameter         | VALUE |
00028  * | :---------------: | :---: |
00029  * | imin              | 10    |
00030  * | imax              | 0     |
00031  * | k                 | 20    |
00032  * | timer_expirations | 3     |
00033  * | window_expiration | 75    |
00034  *
00035  */
00037 #include "ns_types.h"
00039 #ifdef __cplusplus
00040 extern "C" {
00041 #endif
00043 /**
00044  * \brief Set new parameters for trickle multicast.
00045  * \deprecated
00046  *
00047  * \param i_min Minimum trickle timer interval in 50ms resolution: Imin = i_min * 50ms.
00048  * \param i_doublings Maximum trickle timer interval expressed as number of doublings of the minimum interval.
00049  * \param k Redundancy constant.
00050  * \param timer_expirations Number of trickle timer expirations before terminating the trickle process.
00051  * \param window_expiration The time window for keeping the state after the end of trickle process in 50ms resolution.
00052  *        NOTE: If window_expiration value is set too small an infinite retransmission loop may occur when using the trickle multicast.
00053  */
00054 void multicast_set_parameters(uint8_t i_min, uint8_t i_doublings, uint8_t k, uint8_t timer_expirations, uint16_t window_expiration);
00057 /**
00058  * \brief Add new address to multicast group.
00059  *
00060  * \deprecated Use setsockopt(SOCKET_IPV6_JOIN_GROUP) to join a group. Use
00061  * multicast_mpl_subscribe_domain() to control MPL behaviour.
00062  *
00063  * \param address_ptr Pointer to a 16-byte array that includes the address to be added.
00064  * \param use_trickle 0 = no trickle multicast forwarding, all other values = trickle multicast forwarding will be used with this address.
00065  *
00066  * \return 0 General error.
00067  * \return 1 Address updated.
00068  * \return 2 Address added.
00069  * \return 255 Link local not allowed when using multicast.
00070 *
00071  */
00072 uint8_t multicast_add_address(const uint8_t *address_ptr, uint8_t use_trickle);
00076 /**
00077  * \brief Free address from multicast group.
00078  * \deprecated Use setsockopt(SOCKET_IPV6_LEAVE_GROUP)
00079  *
00080  * \param address_ptr Pointer to a 16-byte array that includes the address to be removed.
00081  *
00082  * \return 0 will be returned on successful execution, other values indicate an error on removing the address.
00083  */
00084 uint8_t multicast_free_address(const uint8_t *address_ptr);
00086 /**
00087  * \brief Treat all Realm-local Domains as one
00088  *
00089  * If enabled on an interface, then all Realm-local scope multicasts will
00090  * be treated as if belonging to the All-MPL-Forwarders domain, rather than
00091  * the domain indicated by their destination address. This is non-standard
00092  * behaviour, not covered by the real MPL specification, but required by the
00093  * Thread specification.
00094  *
00095  * All devices in a realm should have this setting set the same. With the
00096  * setting on, reactive forwarding and control messages will not work.
00097  *
00098  * With this setting on, Realm-scope domains other than All-MPL-Forwarders
00099  * cannot be joined.
00100  *
00101  * This must be set before bringing up an interface, and then not be modified.
00102  *
00103  * \param interface_id interface id
00104  * \param enable true to enable domain unification
00105  *
00106  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00107  */
00108 int_fast8_t multicast_mpl_treat_realm_domains_as_one(int8_t interface_id, bool enable);
00110 /**
00111  * \brief Set default MPL Domain parameters
00112  *
00113  * Modifies the default parameters for MPL Domains using the specified
00114  * interface.
00115  *
00116  * This must be set before subscribing to any MPL Domains with default
00117  * parameters on that interface.
00118  *
00119  * Initial defaults are as specified by RFC 7731.
00120  *
00121  * \param interface_id interface id
00122  * \param proactive_forwarding              true to forward Data Messages when first received (default true)
00123  * \param seed_set_entry_lifetime           minimum seed set lifetime (seconds, default 1800 = 30 minutes)
00124  * \param data_message_imin                 minimum Trickle timer for Data Messages (ms, default ~= 10 * expected link latency)
00125  * \param data_message_imax                 maximum Trickle timer for Data Messages (ms, default = Imin)
00126  * \param data_message_k                    Trickle redundancy constant for Data Messages (default = 1)
00127  * \param data_message_timer_expirations    controls termination of retransmissions (default = 3)
00128  * \param control_message_imin              minimum Trickle timer for Control Messages (ms, default ~= 10 * worst-case link latency)
00129  * \param control_message_imax              maximum Trickle timer for Control Messages (ms, default = 5 minutes)
00130  * \param control_message_k                 Trickle redundancy constant for Control Messages (default = 1)
00131  * \param control_message_timer_expirations controls termination of retransmissions (default = 10); 0 disables control messages
00132  *
00133  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00134  */
00135 int_fast8_t multicast_mpl_set_default_parameters(int8_t interface_id,
00136                                                  bool proactive_forwarding,
00137                                                  uint16_t seed_set_entry_lifetime,
00138                                                  uint32_t data_message_imin,
00139                                                  uint32_t data_message_imax,
00140                                                  uint8_t data_message_k,
00141                                                  uint8_t data_message_timer_expirations,
00142                                                  uint32_t control_message_imin,
00143                                                  uint32_t control_message_imax,
00144                                                  uint8_t control_message_k,
00145                                                  uint8_t control_message_timer_expirations);
00147 /** Control selection of MPL Seed Identifier for packets we originate */
00148 typedef enum {
00149     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_DEFAULT = -256,               /** Default selection (used to make a domain use the interface's default) */
00150     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_MAC_SHORT = -1,               /** Use short MAC address if available (eg IEEE 802.15.4 interface's macShortAddress (16-bit)), else full MAC */
00151     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_MAC = -2,                     /** Use MAC padded to 64-bit (eg IEEE 802.15.4 interface's macExtendedAddress, or 48-bit Ethernet MAC followed by 2 zero pad bytes) */
00152     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_IID_EUI64 = -3,               /** Use 64-bit IPv6 IID based on EUI-64 (eg 02:11:22:ff:fe:00:00:00 for an Ethernet interface with MAC 00:11:22:00:00:00) */
00153     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_IID_SLAAC = -4,               /** Use 64-bit IPv6 IID that would be used for SLAAC */
00154     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_IPV6_SRC_FOR_DOMAIN = 0,      /** Use IPv6 source address selection to choose 128-bit Seed ID based on MPL Domain Address as destination */
00155     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_16_BIT = 2,                   /** Use a manually-specified 16-bit ID */
00156     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_64_BIT = 8,                   /** Use a manually-specified 64-bit ID */
00157     MULTICAST_MPL_SEED_ID_128_BIT = 16,                 /** Use a manually-specified 128-bit ID */
00158 } multicast_mpl_seed_id_mode_e;
00160 /**
00161  * \brief Set default MPL Seed Identifier
00162  *
00163  * Sets the default MPL Seed Identifier used when acting as an MPL Seed.
00164  *
00165  * \param interface_id interface id
00166  * \param seed_id_mode Seed ID selection mode
00167  * \param seed_id For positive (constant) types, pointer to Seed ID data
00168  *
00169  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00170  */
00171 int_fast8_t multicast_mpl_set_default_seed_id(int8_t interface_id,
00172                                               multicast_mpl_seed_id_mode_e seed_id_mode,
00173                                               const void *seed_id);
00175 /**
00176  * \brief Subscribe to an MPL Domain (RFC 7731)
00177  *
00178  * This subscribes to an MPL Domain with default parameters on the
00179  * specified interface. (At present there is no support for subscribing to
00180  * the same Domain on multiple interfaces)
00181  *
00182  * If the ALL_MPL_FORWARDERS Domain ff03::fc has not already been subscribed
00183  * to, this will automatically also subscribe to it with default parameters.
00184  *
00185  * Once 1 or more MPL Domains have been subscribed to on an interface,
00186  * multicast transmissions sent to a group with scope greater than link-local
00187  * on that interface will be sent using MPL.
00188  *
00189  * If the destination corresponds to a subscribed MPL Domain, it will be sent
00190  * to that MPL Domain (and hence forwarded only by other subscribers to that
00191  * domain).
00192  *
00193  * If the destination does not correspond to a subscribed MPL Domain, it will
00194  * be tunnelled, with the outer IP packet sent to the ALL_MPL_FORWARDERS Domain.
00195  *
00196  * Typical behaviour for ZigBee IP and Thread networks would be achieved by
00197  * subscribing to ff03::1, and enabling realm auto-subscription - [this is
00198  * done automatically when calling multicast_add_address?]
00199  *
00200  * \param interface_id interface id
00201  * \param address MPL Domain Address (IPv6 multicast address)
00202  * \param seed_id_mode Seed ID selection mode
00203  * \param seed_id For positive (constant) types, pointer to Seed ID data
00204  *
00205  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00206  */
00207 int8_t multicast_mpl_domain_subscribe(int8_t interface_id,
00208                                       const uint8_t address[16],
00209                                       multicast_mpl_seed_id_mode_e seed_id_mode,
00210                                       const void *seed_id);
00212 /**
00213  * \brief Subscribe to an MPL Domain (RFC 7731)
00214  *
00215  * This subscribes to an MPL Domain with default parameters on the
00216  * specified interface.
00217  *
00218  * If the ALL_MPL_FORWARDERS Domain ff03::fc has not already been subscribed
00219  * to, this will automatically also subscribe to it with default parameters.
00220  *
00221  * See multicast_mpl_subscribe_domain and multicast_set_default_parameters
00222  * for more information on parameters.
00223  */
00224 int8_t multicast_mpl_domain_subscribe_with_parameters
00225                                      (int8_t interface_id,
00226                                       const uint8_t address[16],
00227                                       multicast_mpl_seed_id_mode_e seed_id_mode,
00228                                       const void *seed_id,
00229                                       bool proactive_forwarding,
00230                                       uint16_t seed_set_entry_lifetime,
00231                                       uint32_t data_message_imin,
00232                                       uint32_t data_message_imax,
00233                                       uint8_t data_message_k,
00234                                       uint8_t data_message_timer_expirations,
00235                                       uint32_t control_message_imin,
00236                                       uint32_t control_message_imax,
00237                                       uint8_t control_message_k,
00238                                       uint8_t control_message_timer_expirations);
00240 /**
00241  * \brief Unsubscribe from an MPL Domain
00242  *
00243  * This subscribes from a previously-subscribed MPL Domain
00244  *
00245  * \param interface_id interface id
00246  * \param address MPL Domain Address (IPv6 multicast address)
00247  *
00248  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00249  */
00250 int8_t multicast_mpl_domain_unsubscribe(int8_t interface_id,
00251                                         const uint8_t address[16]);
00253 /**
00254  * \brief Add multicast forwarding record to an interface
00255  *
00256  * This adds a group to the forwarding list on the specified interface.
00257  * Received multicast packets sent to the specified group will be forwarded onto
00258  * the specified interface from other interfaces, if IP forwarding is enabled on
00259  * both incoming and outgoing interfaces, subject to a Reverse Path Forwarding
00260  * check on the source address, and usual scope rules.
00261  *
00262  * If a finite lifetime is set, the record will be removed after that many seconds.
00263  *
00264  * If an entry for the specified group already exists, its lifetime will
00265  * increased if it is lower than the value passed.
00266  *
00267  * \param interface_id interface id
00268  * \param group IPv6 multicast group address
00269  * \param lifetime The time in seconds to maintain the forwarding entry - 0xFFFFFFFF means infinite
00270  *
00271  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00272  */
00273 int8_t multicast_fwd_add(int8_t interface_id, const uint8_t group[16], uint32_t lifetime);
00275 /**
00276  * \brief Remove multicast forwarding record from an interface
00277  *
00278  * Delete a a group from the forwarding list on the specified interface.
00279  *
00280  * \param interface_id interface id
00281  * \param group IPv6 multicast group address
00282  *
00283  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00284  */
00285 int8_t multicast_fwd_remove(int8_t interface_id, const uint8_t group[16]);
00287 /**
00288  * \brief Set full multicast forwarding
00289  *
00290  * If enabled, all multicast packets of specified scope or greater will be
00291  * forwarded onto the specified interface from other interfaces, if IP
00292  * forwarding is enabled on both incoming and outgoing interfaces, subject to a
00293  * Reverse Path Forwarding check on the source address.
00294  *
00295  * Setting this is equivalent to "multicast_fwd_add" being called for all
00296  * addresses with scope >= min_scope.
00297  *
00298  * This functionality is disabled by setting min_scope to 0x10 or greater (so
00299  * no packets can match).
00300  *
00301  * \param interface_id interface id
00302  * \param min_scope minimum IPv6 scope value for forwarding (see RFC 4291)
00303  *
00304  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00305  */
00306 int8_t multicast_fwd_full_for_scope(int8_t interface_id, uint_fast8_t min_scope);
00308 /**
00309  * \brief Set upstream interface for MLD proxying
00310  *
00311  * This sets the upstream interface for MLD proxying. If set, the stack will
00312  * report group membership on that interface according to the forwarding lists
00313  * of the other interfaces (ie it will send MLD reports or equivalent on that
00314  * upstream interface).
00315  *
00316  * \param interface_id interface id, or -1 to disable
00317  *
00318  * \return 0 for success, negative on failure
00319  */
00320 int8_t multicast_fwd_set_proxy_upstream(int8_t interface_id);
00322 #ifdef __cplusplus
00323 }
00324 #endif
00325 #endif /* MULTICAST_API_H_ */