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00001 """
00002 mbed SDK
00003 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
00005 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00011 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 limitations under the License.
00016 """
00018 import os
00019 from host_test_plugins import HostTestPluginBase
00020 from time import sleep
00022 # Note: This plugin is not fully functional, needs improvements
00024 class HostTestPluginResetMethod_MPS2 (HostTestPluginBase):
00025     """ Plugin used to reset ARM_MPS2 platform
00026     Supports:
00027          reboot.txt   - startup from standby state, reboots when in run mode.
00028          shutdown.txt - shutdown from run mode.
00029          reset.txt    - reset FPGA during run mode.
00030     """
00031     def touch_file (self, file):
00032         """ Touch file and set timestamp to items
00033         """
00034         tfile = file+'.tmp'
00035         fhandle = open(tfile, 'a')
00036         try:
00037             fhandle.close()
00038         finally:
00039             os.rename(tfile, file)
00040             return True
00042     # Plugin interface
00043     name = 'HostTestPluginResetMethod_MPS2'
00044     type = 'ResetMethod'
00045     capabilities = ['mps2-reboot', 'mps2-reset']
00046     required_parameters = ['disk']
00048     def setup (self, *args, **kwargs):
00049         """ Prepare / configure plugin to work.
00050             This method can receive plugin specific parameters by kwargs and
00051             ignore other parameters which may affect other plugins.
00052         """
00053         return True
00055     def execute (self, capabilitity, *args, **kwargs):
00056         """ Executes capability by name.
00057             Each capability may directly just call some command line
00058             program or execute building pythonic function
00059         """
00060         return True
00061         result = False
00062         if self.check_parameters(capabilitity, *args, **kwargs) is True:
00063             disk = kwargs['disk']
00065             if capabilitity == 'mps2-reboot' and self.touch_file (disk + 'reboot.txt'):
00066                 sleep(20)
00067                 result = True
00069             elif capabilitity == 'mps2-reset' and self.touch_file (disk + 'reboot.txt'):
00070                 sleep(20)
00071                 result = True
00073         return result
00075 def load_plugin ():
00076     """ Returns plugin available in this module
00077     """
00078     return HostTestPluginResetMethod_MPS2()