Rtos API example

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00001 """
00002 mbed SDK
00003 Copyright (c) 2017 ARM Limited
00005 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009 http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00011 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 limitations under the License.
00016 """
00017 import sys
00018 from os.path import isfile, join
00019 import json
00021 import pytest
00023 from tools.memap import MemapParser
00024 from copy import deepcopy
00026 """
00027 Tests for test_api.py
00028 """
00030 @pytest.fixture
00031 def memap_parser ():
00032     """
00033     Called before each test case
00035     :return:
00036     """
00037     memap_parser = MemapParser()
00039     memap_parser.modules = {
00040         "mbed-os/targets/TARGET/TARGET_MCUS/api/pinmap.o": {
00041             ".text": 1,
00042             ".data": 2,
00043             ".bss": 3,
00044             ".heap": 0,
00045             ".stack": 0,
00046             ".interrupts_ram":0,
00047             ".init":0,
00048             ".ARM.extab":0,
00049             ".ARM.exidx":0,
00050             ".ARM.attributes":0,
00051             ".eh_frame":0,
00052             ".init_array":0,
00053             ".fini_array":0,
00054             ".jcr":0,
00055             ".stab":0,
00056             ".stabstr":0,
00057             ".ARM.exidx":0,
00058             ".ARM":0,
00059             ".interrupts":0,
00060             ".flash_config":0,
00061             "unknown":0,
00062             "OUTPUT":0,
00063         },
00064         "[lib]/libc.a/lib_a-printf.o": {
00065             ".text": 4,
00066             ".data": 5,
00067             ".bss": 6,
00068             ".heap": 0,
00069             ".stack": 0,
00070             ".interrupts_ram":0,
00071             ".init":0,
00072             ".ARM.extab":0,
00073             ".ARM.exidx":0,
00074             ".ARM.attributes":0,
00075             ".eh_frame":0,
00076             ".init_array":0,
00077             ".fini_array":0,
00078             ".jcr":0,
00079             ".stab":0,
00080             ".stabstr":0,
00081             ".ARM.exidx":0,
00082             ".ARM":0,
00083             ".interrupts":0,
00084             ".flash_config":0,
00085             "unknown":0,
00086             "OUTPUT":0,
00087         },
00088         "main.o": {
00089             ".text": 7,
00090             ".data": 8,
00091             ".bss": 0,
00092             ".heap": 0,
00093             ".stack": 0,
00094             ".interrupts_ram":0,
00095             ".init":0,
00096             ".ARM.extab":0,
00097             ".ARM.exidx":0,
00098             ".ARM.attributes":0,
00099             ".eh_frame":0,
00100             ".init_array":0,
00101             ".fini_array":0,
00102             ".jcr":0,
00103             ".stab":0,
00104             ".stabstr":0,
00105             ".ARM.exidx":0,
00106             ".ARM":0,
00107             ".interrupts":0,
00108             ".flash_config":0,
00109             "unknown":0,
00110             "OUTPUT":0,
00111         },
00112         "test.o": {
00113             ".text": 0,
00114             ".data": 0,
00115             ".bss": 0,
00116             ".heap": 0,
00117             ".stack": 0,
00118             ".interrupts_ram":0,
00119             ".init":0,
00120             ".ARM.extab":0,
00121             ".ARM.exidx":0,
00122             ".ARM.attributes":0,
00123             ".eh_frame":0,
00124             ".init_array":0,
00125             ".fini_array":0,
00126             ".jcr":0,
00127             ".stab":0,
00128             ".stabstr":0,
00129             ".ARM.exidx":0,
00130             ".ARM":0,
00131             ".interrupts":0,
00132             ".flash_config":0,
00133             "unknown":0,
00134             "OUTPUT":0,
00135         },
00136     }
00137     return memap_parser
00140 def generate_test_helper (memap_parser, format, depth, file_output=None):
00141     """
00142     Helper that tests that the member variables "modules" is
00143     unchanged after calling "generate_output"
00145     :param memap_parser: the parser object
00146     :param depth: how much detail to put in the report
00147     :param format:  the file type to output
00148     :param file_output: the file to output to
00149     """
00151     old_modules = deepcopy(memap_parser.modules)
00153     memap_parser.generate_output(format, depth, file_output=file_output)
00155     assert memap_parser.modules == old_modules,\
00156         "generate_output modified the 'modules' property"
00159 @pytest.mark.parametrize("depth", [1, 2, 20])
00160 def test_report_computed (memap_parser, depth):
00161     """
00162     Test that a report and summary are computed
00164     :param memap_parser: Mocked parser
00165     :param depth: the detail of the output
00166     """
00168     memap_parser.generate_output('table', depth)
00170     # Report is created after generating output
00171     assert memap_parser.mem_summary
00172     assert memap_parser.mem_report
00175 @pytest.mark.parametrize("depth", [1, 2, 20])
00176 def test_generate_output_table (memap_parser, depth):
00177     """
00178     Test that an output of type "table" can be generated correctly
00179     :param memap_parser: Mocked parser
00180     :param depth: the detail of the output
00181     """
00182     generate_test_helper(memap_parser, 'table', depth)
00185 @pytest.mark.parametrize("depth", [1, 2, 20])
00186 def test_generate_output_json (memap_parser, tmpdir, depth):
00187     """
00188     Test that an output of type "json" can be generated correctly
00189     :param memap_parser: Mocked parser
00190     :param tmpdir: a unique location to place an output file
00191     :param depth: the detail of the output
00192     """
00193     file_name = str(tmpdir.join('output.json').realpath())
00194     generate_test_helper(memap_parser, 'json', depth, file_name)
00195     assert isfile(file_name), "Failed to create json file"
00196     json.load(open(file_name))
00199 @pytest.mark.parametrize("depth", [1, 2, 20])
00200 def test_generate_output_csv_ci (memap_parser, tmpdir, depth):
00201     """
00202     Test ensures that an output of type "csv-ci" can be generated correctly
00204     :param memap_parser: Mocked parser
00205     :param tmpdir: a unique location to place an output file
00206     :param depth: the detail of the output
00207     """
00208     file_name = str(tmpdir.join('output.csv').realpath())
00209     generate_test_helper(memap_parser, 'csv-ci', depth, file_name)
00210     assert isfile(file_name), "Failed to create csv-ci file"