Rtos API example

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00001 /*
00002  * Copyright (c) 2016-2017 ARM Limited. All rights reserved.
00003  *
00004  * SPDX-License-Identifier: LicenseRef-PBL
00005  *
00006  * Licensed under the Permissive Binary License, Version 1.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007  * You may obtain a copy of the License at
00008  *
00009  * https://www.mbed.com/licenses/PBL-1.0
00010  *
00011  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
00012  *
00013  */
00015 /**
00016  * \file mac_api.h
00017  * \brief A API class to support different MACs from multiple vendors.
00018  * Vendor must implement a function which fills supported callback functions which Upper layer will use.
00019  */
00021 #ifndef MAC_API_H
00022 #define MAC_API_H
00024 #include <inttypes.h>
00025 #include "mlme.h"
00026 #include "mac_mcps.h"
00028 #ifdef __cplusplus
00029 extern "C" {
00030 #endif
00032 typedef struct mac_api_s mac_api_t;
00034 /**
00035  * Every MAC adapting to Upper layer must implement a function which creates mac_api_t pointer, e.g 'mac_api_t* create_mac_api();'
00036  * In the function external Mac needs to fill necessary function pointers so that Upper layer can use it.
00037  * For Nanostack to work, following (mlme/mcps) request functions are mandatory:
00038  *   - mcps-data
00039  *   - scan
00040  *   - start
00041  *   - poll
00042  *   - get
00043  *   - set
00044  *   - reset
00045  *   - (purge)
00046  * Also indication and confirm callbacks for above are needed plus
00047  *   - beacon notify
00048  *   - comm status
00049  *
00050  * \return mac_api_t Ownership of newly created object
00051  */
00053 /*!
00054  * \enum mlme_primitive
00055  * \brief Enum for MLME primitive types.
00056  */
00057 typedef enum {
00061     MLME_GET,
00062     MLME_GTS,
00063     MLME_ORPHAN,
00064     MLME_RESET,
00065     MLME_RX_ENABLE,
00066     MLME_SCAN,
00068     MLME_SET,
00069     MLME_START,
00070     MLME_SYNC,
00071     MLME_SYNC_LOSS,
00072     MLME_POLL
00073 } mlme_primitive;
00075 /**
00076  * \struct mac_description_storage_size_t
00077  * \brief Container for MAC storage sizes.
00078  */
00079 typedef struct mac_description_storage_size_s {
00080     uint8_t device_decription_table_size;   /**< MAC Device description list size */
00081     uint8_t key_description_table_size;     /**< MAC Key description list size */
00082     uint8_t key_lookup_size;                /**< Key description key lookup list size */
00083     uint8_t key_usage_size;                 /**< Key description key usage list size */
00084 } mac_description_storage_size_t;
00086 /*!
00087  * \enum mac_extended_address_type
00088  * \brief Enum for MAC extended address types.
00089  */
00090 typedef enum mac_extended_address_type {
00091     MAC_EXTENDED_READ_ONLY, /** EUID64 which is unique */
00092     MAC_EXTENDED_DYNAMIC /** Configured MAC 64-bit address to RAM and Radio */
00093 }mac_extended_address_type;
00094 //External MAC functions
00096 /**
00097  * @brief mlme_associate_response
00098  * @param api API to handle the request
00099  * @param data MLME-ASSOCIATE.response specific values
00100  */
00101 //typedef void mlme_associate_response(const mac_api_t* api, mlme_associate_resp_t *data);
00103 //typedef void mlme_orphan_response(const mac_api_t* api, mlme_orphan_resp_t *data);
00105 /**
00106  * @brief mlme_request
00107  * @param api API to handle the request
00108  * @param id The identifier of the MLME primitive
00109  * @param data Primitive specific data (\see mlme.h)
00110  */
00111 typedef void mlme_request(const mac_api_t* api, mlme_primitive id, const void *data);
00113 /**
00114  * @brief mcps_request MCPS_DATA request call
00115  * @param api API to handle the request
00116  * @param data MCPS-DATA.request specific values
00117  */
00118 typedef void mcps_data_request(const mac_api_t* api, const mcps_data_req_t *data);
00120 /**
00121  * @brief mcps_purge_request MCPS_PURGE request call
00122  * @param api API to handle the request
00123  * @param data MCPS-PURGE.request specific values
00124  */
00125 typedef void mcps_purge_request(const mac_api_t* api, const mcps_purge_t *data);
00127 //Upper layer specific callback functions (will also be set by Upper layer after mac_api_t has been created and given to it)
00129 /**
00130  * @brief mcps_data_confirm MCPS-DATA confirm is called as a response to MCPS-DATA request
00131  * @param api The API which handled the response
00132  * @param data MCPS-DATA.confirm specific values
00133  */
00134 typedef void mcps_data_confirm(const mac_api_t* api, const mcps_data_conf_t *data);
00136 /**
00137  * @brief mcps_data_indication MCPS-DATA indication is called when MAC layer has received data
00138  * @param api The API which handled the response
00139  * @param data MCPS-DATA.indication specific values
00140  */
00141 typedef void mcps_data_indication(const mac_api_t* api, const mcps_data_ind_t *data);
00143 /**
00144  * @brief mcps_purge_confirm MCPS-PURGE confirm is called as a response to MCPS-PURGE request
00145  * @param api The API which handled the request
00146  * @param data MCPS-PURGE.confirm specific values
00147  */
00148 typedef void mcps_purge_confirm( const mac_api_t* api, mcps_purge_conf_t *data );
00150 /**
00151  * @brief mlme_confirm One of the MLME primitive confirm callbacks
00152  * @param api API which handled the response
00153  * @param id The identifier of the MLME primitive
00154  * @param data Primitive specific data (\see mlme.h)
00155  */
00156 typedef void mlme_confirm(const mac_api_t* api, mlme_primitive id, const void *data);
00158 /**
00159  * @brief mlme_indication One of the
00160  * @param api API which handled the response
00161  * @param id The identifier of the MLME primitive
00162  * @param data Primitive specific data (\see mlme.h)
00163  */
00164 typedef void mlme_indication(const mac_api_t* api, mlme_primitive id, const void *data);
00166 /**
00167  * @brief Set extended address from MAC
00168  * @param api API to handle the request
00169  * @param mac64 pointer
00170  */
00171 typedef int8_t mac_ext_mac64_address_set(const mac_api_t* api, const uint8_t *mac64);
00173 /**
00174  * @brief Read extended address from MAC
00175  * @param api API to handle the request
00176  * @param mac64_buf Pointer where mac extended address can be written
00177  */
00178 typedef int8_t mac_ext_mac64_address_get(const mac_api_t* api, mac_extended_address_type type, uint8_t *mac64_buf);
00180 /**
00181  * @brief Read MAC security description storage sizes from MAC
00182  * @param api API to handle the request
00183  * @param buffer Pointer where supported sizes can be written
00184  */
00185 typedef int8_t mac_storage_decription_sizes_get(const mac_api_t* api, mac_description_storage_size_t *buffer);
00187 /**
00188  * @brief mac_api_initialize Initialises MAC layer into use, callbacks must be non-NULL.
00189  * @param api mac_api_t pointer, which is created by application.
00190  * @param data_conf_cb Upper layer function to handle MCPS confirmations
00191  * @param data_ind_cb Upper layer function to handle MCPS indications
00192  * @param mlme_conf_cb Upper layer function to handle MLME confirmations
00193  * @param mlme_ind_cb Upper layer function to handle MLME indications
00194  * @param parent_id Upper layer id, which is used in confirmation and indication callbacks
00195  * @return -1 if error, -2 if OOM, 0 otherwise
00196  */
00197 typedef int8_t mac_api_initialize(mac_api_t *api, mcps_data_confirm *data_conf_cb,
00198                                   mcps_data_indication *data_ind_cb, mcps_purge_confirm *purge_conf_cb, mlme_confirm *mlme_conf_cb,
00199                                   mlme_indication *mlme_ind_cb, int8_t parent_id);
00201 /**
00202  * \brief Struct mac_api_s defines functions for two-way communications between external MAC and Upper layer.
00203  * Application creates mac_api_t object by calling external MAC's creator function.
00204  * Then object is passed to Upper layer which then initializes it's own callback functions.
00205  * Then MAC is operated by Upper layer by calling MLME or MCPS primitive functions.
00206  */
00207 struct mac_api_s {
00208     mac_api_initialize          *mac_initialize;                /**< MAC initialize function to use */
00209     //External MAC callbacks
00210     mlme_request                *mlme_req;                      /**< MAC MLME request function to use */
00211     mcps_data_request           *mcps_data_req;                 /**< MAC MCPS data request function to use */
00212     mcps_purge_request          *mcps_purge_req;                /**< MAC MCPS purge request function to use */
00214     //Upper layer callbacksMLME_ASSOCIATE
00215     mcps_data_confirm           *data_conf_cb;                  /**< MAC MCPS data confirm callback function */
00216     mcps_data_indication        *data_ind_cb;                   /**< MAC MCPS data indication callback function */
00217     mcps_purge_confirm          *purge_conf_cb;                 /**< MAC MCPS purge confirm callback function */
00218     mlme_confirm                *mlme_conf_cb;                  /**< MAC MLME confirm callback function */
00219     mlme_indication             *mlme_ind_cb;                   /**< MAC MLME indication callback function */
00220     mac_ext_mac64_address_set   *mac64_set;                     /**< MAC extension function to set mac64 address */
00221     mac_ext_mac64_address_get   *mac64_get;                     /**< MAC extension function to get mac64 address */
00222     mac_storage_decription_sizes_get *mac_storage_sizes_get;    /**< Getter function to query data storage sizes from MAC */
00224     int8_t                      parent_id;                      /**< Upper layer id */
00225     uint16_t                    phyMTU;                         /**< Maximum Transmission Unit(MTU) used by MAC*/
00226 };
00228 #ifdef __cplusplus
00229 }
00230 #endif
00232 #endif // MAC_API_H