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00001 """
00002 mbed SDK
00003 Copyright (c) 2011-2013 ARM Limited
00005 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
00006 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
00007 You may obtain a copy of the License at
00009     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
00011 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
00012 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
00013 WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
00014 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
00015 limitations under the License.
00016 """
00018 from os import access, F_OK
00019 from sys import stdout
00020 from time import sleep
00021 from subprocess import call
00024 class HostTestPluginBase :
00025     """ Base class for all plug-ins used with host tests.
00026     """
00027     ###########################################################################
00028     # Interface:
00029     ###########################################################################
00031     ###########################################################################
00032     # Interface attributes defining plugin name, type etc.
00033     ###########################################################################
00034     name = "HostTestPluginBase" # Plugin name, can be plugin class name
00035     type = "BasePlugin"         # Plugin type: ResetMethod, Copymethod etc.
00036     capabilities = []           # Capabilities names: what plugin can achieve
00037                                 # (e.g. reset using some external command line tool)
00038     stable = False              # Determine if plugin is stable and can be used
00040     ###########################################################################
00041     # Interface methods
00042     ###########################################################################
00043     def setup(self, *args, **kwargs):
00044         """ Configure plugin, this function should be called before plugin execute() method is used.
00045         """
00046         return False
00048     def execute (self, capabilitity, *args, **kwargs):
00049         """ Executes capability by name.
00050             Each capability e.g. may directly just call some command line
00051             program or execute building pythonic function
00052         """
00053         return False
00055     ###########################################################################
00056     # Interface helper methods - overload only if you need to have custom behaviour
00057     ###########################################################################
00058     def print_plugin_error(self, text):
00059         """ Function prints error in console and exits always with False
00060         """
00061         print "Plugin error: %s::%s: %s"% (self.name, self.type , text)
00062         return False
00064     def print_plugin_info (self, text, NL=True):
00065         """ Function prints notification in console and exits always with True
00066         """
00067         if NL:
00068             print "Plugin info: %s::%s: %s"% (self.name, self.type , text)
00069         else:
00070             print "Plugin info: %s::%s: %s"% (self.name, self.type , text),
00071         return True
00073     def print_plugin_char (self, char):
00074         """ Function prints char on stdout
00075         """
00076         stdout.write(char)
00077         stdout.flush()
00078         return True
00080     def check_mount_point_ready (self, destination_disk, init_delay=0.2, loop_delay=0.25):
00081         """ Checks if destination_disk is ready and can be accessed by e.g. copy commands
00082             @init_delay - Initial delay time before first access check
00083             @loop_delay - pooling delay for access check
00084         """
00085         if not access(destination_disk, F_OK):
00086             self.print_plugin_info ("Waiting for mount point '%s' to be ready..."% destination_disk, NL=False)
00087             sleep(init_delay)
00088             while not access(destination_disk, F_OK):
00089                 sleep(loop_delay)
00090                 self.print_plugin_char ('.')
00092     def check_parameters (self, capabilitity, *args, **kwargs):
00093         """ This function should be ran each time we call execute()
00094             to check if none of the required parameters is missing.
00095         """
00096         missing_parameters = []
00097         for parameter in self.required_parameters:
00098             if parameter not in kwargs:
00099                 missing_parameters.append(parameter)
00100         if len(missing_parameters) > 0:
00101             self.print_plugin_error("execute parameter(s) '%s' missing!"% (', '.join(parameter)))
00102             return False
00103         return True
00105     def run_command (self, cmd, shell=True):
00106         """ Runs command from command line.
00107         """
00108         result = True
00109         ret = 0
00110         try:
00111             ret = call(cmd, shell=shell)
00112             if ret:
00113                 self.print_plugin_error("[ret=%d] Command: %s"% (int(ret), cmd))
00114                 return False
00115         except Exception as e:
00116             result = False
00117             self.print_plugin_error("[ret=%d] Command: %s"% (int(ret), cmd))
00118             self.print_plugin_error(str(e))
00119         return result